HomeMy Public PortalAboutM1998-01-06-LRA LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. JANUARY 6. 1998 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Session in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Rea presiding. Member Byrd, Reyes, Richards, Sanchez and Rea answered the roll call. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Thever, Secretary _ Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. ,~~ ., _'~ Secretary Hooper announced the Agenda had been duly posted in accordance with The Brown Act. Uu1 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS James Green requested clearer descriptions on specific warrants, and discussed concerns c~a. with proposed facade improvements. ~ ~ ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Chairman Rea introduced the first item, Minutes of the previous meeting, Regular Meeting, December 16, 1997. Member Richards questioned the Regular Meeting, although set at 6:00, and the regular meeting of the Agency time is 7:30 p.m. Also discussed his opinion on the ~~' inappropriateness of that meeting. Referenced Section 54954 of The Brown Act, and N~ questioned the status of direction to the City Council Attorney to bring back a resolution, setting the time and place of the meetings. City Attorney Leal stated there is nothing in the by-laws of the Redevelopment Agency rFar,. _ requiring a resolution, and the tithe and place may be changed by minute order, which tzFn'rrmrQt 'j ~ could be done at tonight's meeting. " I Member Richards questioned whether or not this action could be taken at a Special ~~~• Meeting, which he is considering this meeting, because it is not at the regular time. ~' ~' Chairman Rea stated the Agenda for tonight's meeting had been duly posted in 131. accordance with The Brown Act, and minute order had been made by himself, as ~~ Chairman to change the time of the meeting. aaIIt City Council Attorney Leal stated compliance with The Brown Act had been met, and ~- proper notification had been made to Members of the Agency. ~Y Member Richards stated the residents should have proper notification as well. Chairman Rea stated it is at the pleasure of the Agency to set the time and place of the meeting. hfember Richards stated the Brown Act speaks to the Agency as well as the Council, and ~~• after careful review of the tapes of the Agency Meeting of December 3, 1997, there was 7~ no mention of a time change, nor was it reflected in the minutes of that meeting. -t ' City Council Attorney Leal stated this meeting had been properly noticed, and if Member ~'• -! - ~ Richards so desires, additional notification could be published in a local newspaper. ~~ A4ember Richards stated every resident has a right to know of a change made by the Agency . Member Reyes stated the Chairman had directed the Executive Director and the Secretary IBS. to bring the item back before the Agency if any additional requirements were necessary to rrr~nrrrrFG prevent illegalities involved. oo~ ~ Member Richards repeated concerns that the method that was used to change the time of TmE the meeting was inappropriate. City Council Attorney Leal stated a resolution is not necessary. ~~ Member Richards agreed that a minute motion would be acceptable during a regular AzPIIt meeting, however consider tonight's meeting a Special Meeting, because proper IQ3I'gT(71TIQ9 notification was never given. It was then moved by Member Richards, seconded by Member Byrd to conduct tonight's meeting, then bring these matters, along with all matters considered at the meeting of December 16, 1997 back during a Special Meeting for ratification. It was then moved by Member Reyes to approve the minutes of December 16, 1997. Member Richards repeated his motion to bring the items back for ratification. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS NOES: MEMBER REYES, SANCHEZ, REA ABSENT: NONE It was moved.by Member Reyes, seconded by Member Sanchez to approve the minutes of December 16, 1997. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER REYES, SANCHEZ, REA NOES: MEMBER BYRD ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: MEMBER RICHARDS Chairman Rea introduced the next item, Warrant Run. It was moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Member Reyes to adopt: 1~s.98-1 LRA RESOLUTION NO. 98-1 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE ~"~ ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, 1'~ ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFOR" with the exception of warrant /f5121, to be brought back with additional back-up. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER REYES, SANCHEZ, REA NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS REGULAR ITEMS Chairman Rea introduced the next item, Review of [he Development Concept for a Proposal to Develop Multi-Family Apartment Units on Agency Property Located at 12416 Long Beach Blvd. - It was moved by Member Reyes, seconded by Member Sanchez to approve staffs recommendation on a concept proposal submitted by Resource Management Affiliates Group to develop multi-family apartment units on Agency and private property located at 12408 through 12416 Long Beach Boulevard. ~~pgdli Member Richards indicated this matter should be heard at a regular scheduled meeting, ld~ which has not been properly called, and wants to make sure this is included in the record. t~a~tl'. Also questioned the nature of the direction to staff concerning working with this organization in developing a specific proposal for the Agency to be involved with. He -'..~:! 2 • Uu3 believes staff was directed to work with RMA as a consultant to put together a project that is workable for this location. Questioned the result of those deliberations, and whether or not there is an acceptable proposal from both the City and the Agency and the Developer Reg E. Adamson and Donna Adams have met with Agency Members and discussed their rn~rs. desire and proposal for a concept to develop amulti-family project, and at this time are MffTf-~IIIY requesting appropriate consideration to follow through on the proposal. ~~ Member Richards questioned staffs recommendation: Chairman Rea moved, seconded by Member Reyes to direct the A enc and staff to 0 g Y g forward with the concept and bring back a proposal for amulti-family development. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER REYES, SANCHEZ, REA NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS Agency Counsel Thever directed the City clerk to amend the previous minutes to reflect that they are for a Special Meeting. Chairman Rea introduced the next item, Review of a Concept to Develop an Entertainment Center at 3840 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. It was moved by Member Reyes, seconded by Member Sanchez: THAT AFTER CONSIDERATION, THE AGENCY FIND THAT THE REQUEST IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF REDEVELOPMENT AREA i "A" AND THAT STAFF NOT PROCESS THE DISCRETIONARY -PERMITS THROUGH THE PLANNING COMMISSION UNTIL SUCH TIME AS SUCH INCONSISTENCIES CAN BE RESOLVED BY THE.PROPONENT". ' Member Richards stated he felt this item needs to be heard during closed session, because RIa-piss. there may be some legal implications surrounding this particular issue, during a properly TFCS~T, convened meeting. IN~I~tI~s Chairman Rea stated if there is pending litigation then the site will be discussed in closed ~• T. TIYN session at that time. Member Richards questioned what if any implications exist with regard to Council's xIa->ntss. estrlier sanctioning to develop the site for one that would satisfy all the legal standards for > t-mu. an array of activities consistent with those of Bateman Hall. Executive Director Gonzales stated these issues were considered, staff for the Agency is ctta~ur~, Pi&A 'A' stating the proposal is inconsistent with the plan for Area "A". Ivlember Richards questioned previous direction to staff to come up with a proposal that ~~ for a concept that is suitable for the site. 4~ -~_: ~ '~, Executive Director Gonzales stated discussions between staff and the business owner ~~• I ! resulted in no proposal acceptable by the Agency. ~~ Member Richards directed staff to continue to work with the business owner for a joint ~~• 31F~EF proposal. Member Reyes stated if no proposal was made, then this is the right time to review the ezisting concept. 3 ~o~ ss~. Member Byrd stated the Council had directed staff to work with the owner to put together L a proposal that would work for both parties. Executive Director Gonzales stated considerable efforts were made by staff for a ~~~ ~,~ productive use, however the business owner did not maintain a good faith effort, and continued to hold events that were not consistent with Bateman Hall uses. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER REYES, SANCHEZ, REA NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS i AGENCY ORALS ~ Member Richards repeated his request to bring back the items from this Agenda, along 1~I~ Pgrs with items from the meeting of December 16h for consideration at a properly noticed '~ meeting. s~va~. Member Sanchez stated concerns with the Agency wasting time on unimportant issues, ~' and feels if an individual is disobeying a direct order, or challenging the authority, then ~ the authority must work together to correct the situation Member Reyes stated sufficient time had been given to the business owner to bring the business into compliance with his conditional use permit, and the owner chose to be negligent, and ignore staffs recommendation. Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Reyes, seconded by Chairman Rea and carried to adjourn at 6:57 p.m. ,~ .~ 2.~ CH AN ARMANDO REA SECRETARY ANDREA L. H OPER 4