HomeMy Public PortalAbout20211012 - Historical Commission - Meeting Minutes1 Hopkinton Historical Commission Meeting Minutes October 12, 2021 7:00 PM Remote Meeting Members in attendance: Mike Roughan, Stacy Spies, Eric Sonnett, John Pavlov, Nanda Barker-Hook, Kevin McCaffrey, Nancy Stevenson Members absent: James Haskins, Beth Watson 1. Community Preservation Committee Funds: a. Approved Aiken’s Bridge proposal for CPC from Mike. Looked at architectural drawings of proposed railing. Passed unanimously. CPC will have to agree to point current funds towards the proposal. Existing funds. (This is not a new CPC proposal going to ATM). Mike made motion. Eric seconded. b. Stacy is proposing new survey grant. Get 50% from MA Historical Commission. Get 50% from CPC. Similar to last year, $12,500 each. Stacy says maybe a couple thousand more. Mike made a motion: HHC will seek funds from CPC and MA Hist Commission to use for expansion of the historical surveys that we’ve done prior. This will be Phase II on locations to be determined later. Eric seconded. (Stacy, there is no urgency to nail those down). Approved unanimously. c. Update from Kelly Grill on progress of HCA renovations with CPC funds. All windows and doors are in. Siding is finished. Replaced a little bit of soffit but otherwise door molding didn’t need new construction. The project is getting very close. They estimate that they will have classes in the building by Jan 1, 2022. They are putting in new heating system which is taking some time, and they’re connecting to town sewer and gas. The other big thing is the handicap ramp. They will need more CPC funds. Currently $250K - $300K over budget. All is structural. They are getting final electrical bid in next couple of weeks. They found a ledger in the wall with names of all families in Hopkinton dated 1891, it appears to be their milk bill. Also found William Terry’s hymnal in the wall. Kelly will talk to Nancy about those. John asked if they had to update sprinkler system. Kelly: No, not needed due to size of building. Will add emergency egress signage. Eric: CPC is meeting on 10/21. Make sure to get in new proposal. Mike: Looks like good progress. Once you have a specific application we will be happy to review it. 2. 148 Lumber Street. Eric has not had a chance to talk to them. Now that it’s fall we’ll get to it. Next step is to get Mike and Eric connected with them. 3. Harrison Bograd is an Eagle Scout, has submitted a proposal for signage. Six signs for cellar holes. He’s given Mike the coordinates. Mike asked him to give him a plan with a write up. CPC will not be available until July 2022 – too late for his project. Eric: CPC funds can’t be used for signage. Mike: CPC has allowed funds for signs in the past. Either way, it doesn’t matter in this case because the timing is off. So, Mike suggests going to Norman to ask for $10K - $15K for signage. Nancy: Can he raise funds instead of going to CPC? Stacy: Part of the Eagle Scout is finding and asking for available funds. John: Wouldn’t the Scouts have approved his proposal? It’s not our place to judge the project. Mike: This is an opportunity to promote more archeological finds in the town. I have no problems funding his signs. The Commission would have to approve the signs to install. He would submit signs for approval and funding. Eric: I 2 motion to secure up to $10K to support this Eagle Scout Project. Nanda: Will the signs be visible on a trail or will they be in the middle of the woods? Mike: This is all in anticipation of his plans and property owner approvals. We’re preemptively approving this pending his plans. Vote: Passed unanimously. 4. Approve minutes: John: 28 Ash is not on tonight’s agenda… Can we talk about it? It’s in the minutes and we are currently talking about the minutes, so yes we can talk about it. Mike: Once August 2, 2022 hits we will not be able to approve/review any plans at that point. Mike believes they had planned to construct a replacement farmhouse. Eric: Why don’t you reach out to the owners and tell them they’re on the agenda next month and ask them to bring in their plans. Mike agreed. Voted on minutes from May 4, 2021. Eric motioned we approve as written. John seconded. Approved unanimously. September meeting minutes (attended by Eric, Nancy, Mike, John, Stacy). Eric motioned to approved as written. Stacy seconded. Approved unanimously. 5. Administrative items: Stacy indicated that Beth is going to have a challenge to make meetings on Tuesdays at 7 pm. She wants to be an alternate. Kevin McCaffrey can become a voting member. Mike will go to Elaine Lazarus and find out what the protocol is for shifting members. Eric: I think you need Select Board to approve it. Mike: Kevin you might have to attend the SB meeting. Mike: As for the next HHC meeting, should we do in person or virtual? Eric: In person at least some of the time. Eric: Upper Charles has done hybrid. They use basement of town hall. Stacy can help with hybrid. Mike agreed, we’ll do hybrid if it works out. 6. John has coordinated payments on previous CPC funds. 7. John motioned to adjourn. Mike seconded. Passed unanimously.