HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2002-10-18-LRA_Sp®g'~i LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:15 a.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper and Treasure Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE REGULAR ITEM Item #1: PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN Executive Director Gonzales -Stated the Budget Process started in early April when staff presented athree-year projection of all funds based upon current expenditure level. The April numbers showed annual expenditures at a higher level than the annual revenues in the General Fund. This results in the reliance on the General Fund reserves to sustain on- going operations. To reserve this trend, the Department Directors scrutinized their departmental operation and ascertained areas to streamline without critically impacting services as well as to continue to meet our obligations. Base on those meetings the following corrective actions were formulated, which embody the proposed budget. • Decrease operational cost. • Reorganization of Departments for greater efficiency. • Enhancement of ongoing revenues. • One Time Potential Revenue Sources. • Scheduling of payback of general fund liabilities. Executive Director Gonzales -Also stated that if the proposed budget is adopted, the City can reduce the spending above revenues sources and will assure a healthy financial environmental for the City. Finance Director Earnest -Explained that she is here to provide the Members with a Summary Budget of the Departments, Lynwood Redevelopment Agency and the Lynwood Information Inc. Also demonstrated to the Members the Proposed Budget Charts. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated that this Summary Plan gives the Members and Staff an adjustment now of the expenditures of the City's revenues. Member Richards -Questioned the sales tax revenue of the Walgreen Drug Store projection. ~~~ Community Development Director Morales -Explained to the Members that the revenue is about 250.00 dollars square foot, we are looking at about 1,400.00 dollars annually. Member Richards -Questioned on the Agency Counsels salary believes it is outrageous to have to pay double the amount for two Agency Counsels when we have never had the need for two Agency Counsels. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated we have those long going cases still pending, a number of lawsuits that we are now still dealing with and those certainly have to be taken into consideration. Member Richards -Stated that even if we took a look at the pending cases the amount of projection increases in legal fees far exceeds the amount of in declaims that we have. Chairman Reyes -Stated he disagrees with Member Richards there are still a lot of cases pending and they need to be taken care of, would like to continue with the Proposed Budget presentations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Community Development Director Morales -Introduced his departments Proposed Budget Plan explained the changes in positions, titles, and expenditure increases, salary increases and also decreases. Chairman Reyes -Stated he has no problem with the department's changes. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained to the Members the department's changes from the chart. Member Richards -Stated he would like to try to make all the positions in the ~~ department available to the staff, and would also like for every Department Head to talk to [heir department staff on the changes that would be made in regards to their position. Chairman Reyes -Stated he believes this discussion is very risky without the Members having approved the changes, but we have not approved the changes how would they be able to go to the employees and tell them that their position will be reclassified or that their position is going to be deleted you are putting the management on line. Member Richards -Stated he would just like for the Department Heads to consult the changes with their staff. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained to the Members that the adoption of the Budget does not implement creation of the positions for which we do not yet have a description those descriptions will be done and brought to the Members like we have in the past the numbers that are in the budget reflect a period of time for that implementation to take place for the discussion that are being described during the implementation period to be conducted with the employees to be conducted with the bargaining unit and monetarily that time has been built into this document. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to approve the Community Development Proposed Budget. Member Richards -Stated he has a substitute motion that the personnel from Human J Resources bring back the concerning issues of reclassification of titles and positions and to hear from them first. Member Byrd, second the substitute motion. ®g~ SUBSTITUTE ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS NOES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Motion failed. r- ORIGINAL AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ROLL CALL: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS NONE NONE Motion passed. Member Richards -Questioned if you have a budget that has twenty positions funded it would probably be two to three months before you fill in the positions so we have half a year positions with eight vacancies why would you adopt a budget for eight vacant positions are we just adding it to the budget why don't we just reduce the budget to reflect the actual amount that has been saved for this half year period. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained thatthe budget has been built upon five months and would transpired with the old expenditures and old budget and the new one would come after the implementation period but at the moment there is no patting of the' budget. CITY CLERKS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Secretary Hooper -Introduced her departments Proposed Budget explained the changes in increasing a part time to a full time position, salary increase and expenditures decrease. ~ It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to approve the City Clerks Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE TREASURERS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Treasurer Pygatt -Introduced her departments Proposed Budget she requested to have the Members provide her with a full time Deputy City Treasurer. Finance Director Earnest - Stated that at the last meeting it was discuss that Finance would share a person with the City Treasurer, we did budget for a half count clerk to be shared at a fifry percent with the City Treasurer her increase in salary reflects the part time employee to be Active Deputy City Treasurer. Member Byrd -Stated that he agrees with providing the City Treasurer with a full time Deputy City Treasurer it would help solve some of the Treasurers issues. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated that he also has no problem with providing the City Treasurer with a Deputy City Treasurer, because he does not agree with the Chairman and Executive Director always having to sign checks, it would help solve this issue. ®~~ Member Rodriguez -Stated he would agree with providing a Deputy City Treasurer as long as it is an in house employee working within City Hall, and it should be were she can be located, what she can account to, and what her duties are, and what she is doing even if she is under the City Treasurer. Treasurer Pygatt -Questioned if this Deputy City Treasurer would be a full time employee based upon the salary of $35,939.20 yearly under the supervision of the City Treasurer. [t was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice President Pedroza and carried to approve a Deputy City Treasurer for the City Treasurer with the conditions that it is an in house employee working within City Hall. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN ABSENT: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NONE NONE NONE Treasurer Pygatt -Stated that she wanted to make it clear to the Members that the Treasurer should have the privilege of choosing the Deputy City Treasurer. Member Richards -Stated to the City Treasurer that as long as it states it in the Code then there would be no problem. ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 12:00 p.m. -''[. ~4~ Arturo Reyes, Chai an y~, ,~~Z~ d5 - ~ Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary