HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2002-11-17-LRA®~~ LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 ~.. The Lynwood Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper, and City Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) T -{ Doug Haley, Director of Design C.C. Enterprises -Item #4 (Chuck E. Cheese) Informed the Members that his company owns 50 locations in Southern California, which all promote family values. Stated that he is available for questions. Chairman Reyes asked if the building structure would be the same as Plaza Mexico. Mr. Haley explained that this is a pro-type building and is willing to add additional elements to the fapade to match Plaza Mexico. Vice Chairman Pedroza commented that Chuck E. Cheese will be well liked by the community and welcomes the project to the City. Mr. Haley informed the Members, that after he obtains the proper permits they would open late Spring or early Summer of 2003. Member Rodriguez commented that he is glad to see Chuck E. Cheese coming to City of Lynwood. Member Richards commented that he is happy that Chuck E. Cheese is coming to Lynwood and believes that Plaza Mexico is a good location for this project. Member Byrd supports this project. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS j- ,~ Mayor Reyes requested that Lynwood Redevelopment Agency Public Oral Communications be joined with City Council Public Oral Communications. ITEM #1 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to approve the following minutes. • Regular Meeting, August 20, 2002 ITEM #2 WARRANT REGISTER It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to adopt Resolution. ®~~ RESOLUTION NO. LRA 2002.031 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMAND AND WARRANTS THEREFORE" ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, AND REYES NOES: NONE ~~- ABSTAIN: NONE ' ABSENT: NONE ~,~/_ REGULAR ITEMS ITEM #3: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT REVIEW OF A REVISED PROPOSED FREESTANDING PYLON SIGN IN THE PLAZA MEXICO SHOPPING CENTER AT 3100 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY Vice Chairman Pedroza questioned Mr. Louis Morales, Interim Director of Community Development as to what type of sign this would be. Mr. Morales explained that in February 2002, the Agency had originally approved the sign as On-Premise Site, which would serve to advertise the cun•ent businesses on the located site. This item is brought back to the Agency to review the proposed changes that were made since February 2002. Chairman Reyes inquired if this sign would be used exclusively to advertise the businesses at Plaza Mexico, as well as other businesses in Lynwood. Mr. Morales responded that various vendors would be able to advertise their business or products on , this sign. I' `~!- Mr. Morales reported that the original sign had three (3) sepazate displays. The revised sign would have two (2) displays facing the traffic. Also the revised is three feet (3') taller from 133'-0" to 135'-9" and six feet (6') wider, from 44'-50'. Vice Chairman Pedroza inquired if the name of the City could be added to the sign. Mr. Morales responded that this was one of the suggestions but it doesn't provide enough space to include the City's name. Vice Chairman Pedroza instructed Mr. Morales to discuss this issue with the representative of Plaza Mexico. It was moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to approve the revised development concept. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, AND REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ITEM #4: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT REVIEW OF A PROPOSED CHUCK Y E. CHEESE PIZZA RESTAURANT IN THE PLAZA MEXICO SHOPPING CENTER AT 3100 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY ~~~,,,lll It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Byrd to approve the development concept. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, AND REYES ®g® NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE ITEM #5: DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR 11126-11132 WRIGHT ROAD It was moved Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to approve the development concept. ~~ Member Richazds asked to discuss this item, and inquired if the other businesses involved in this concept were aware of the desire to acquire these sites. Louis Morales, Interim Director of Community Development responded that the other businesses aze not aware of this concept. Explained the Agency's procedures of how the affected property owners would be notified, after the concept is approved. Member Richazds stated that the concept is for the City to acquire these sites instead of the company acquiring these sites themselves. Stated that he doesn't opposed the expansion but it is premature to talk about approval before the Agency knows what this Project entails and what benefits would bring to the City. Mr. Morales explained that this would be an option they could discuss with the developer during the-process. It was moved by Member Richazds to continue this item until further information is provided. Motion died due to lack of a Second. Vice Chairman Pedroza inquired about the financial assistance this company may require. Mr. Morales stated that at this time, there is no financial assistance involved, until a cost is determined for the pazcels. Chairman Reyes stated that he would like to acquire these properties on a separate development concept. Vice Chairman Pedroza suggested this item be continued until information is provided. After further discussion, Vice Chairman Pedroza amended the original motion: To set down with staff, go over these sites and figure a plan, then processed the concept, seconded by Member Byrd. Member Rodriguez agreed with the amended motion -Pass by general consent. Member Richazds is concerned with the Edison site and would like an update of this issue. Mr. Morales informed the Agency, that Edison is partially cooperating and they aze experiencing some delays regazding the purchasing/sale agreement. Member Richazds requested an update of Edison's credit owed to the City. Deputy City Attorney Sylva explained that there are very complex issues since the property has a bond issue. o'. ~~ ~r Vice Chairman Pedroza stated that the last report he received from staff was that Edison Legal Counsel would contact City staff regazding this matter. Aiso requested to get a ~ copy of the funds that Edison owes the city. PUBLIC HEARING NONE ®~~ INFORMATION ITEM NONE CLOSED SESSION NONE ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice ~~ Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn at the meeting at 7:30 p.m. _-- i -esc~-- Arturo Reyes, Chai an Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary ~~. ~~~ ~(