HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2002-11-05-LRA (2)_ ~ '~®'3 LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 5, 2002 The Lynwood Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, ] 1330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:10 p.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. ~^+~ Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. .Also present were Executive.Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper, and City Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Reyes requested that Lynwood Redevelopment Agency Public Oral Communications be joined with City Council Public Oral Communications. ITEM #I: MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Richards and carried to continue the following minutes. Regular Meeting, October 1, 200? Special Meeting, October 7, 2002 Special Meeting, October 9, 2002 ITEM #2: WARRANT REGISTER [t was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez to adopt Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. LRA 2002.038 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMAND AND WARRANTS THEREFORE" ROLL CALL: .OYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, AND REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE ,~, PUBLIC HEARING ITEM #3: ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR F.Y. 2002-03 Chairman Reyes requested that Lynwood Redevelopment Agency be discussed jointly with City Council Item #9 and Lynwood Information Incorporated Item #4. o°~ ~~ ]t was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to open Public Hearing. Adolph Lopez, ] 1431 Palm Street -Opposed and spoke against Item #9. Stated that he believes is wrong to eliminate the employees, as they are the ones that get the job done It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice President Pedroza and carried to close Public Hearing. Member Richards requested that staff answer his questions regarding the Staff Report on Paee 2 caption "Staffing Changes". Read paragraph of "Staffing Changes" of the Staff Report and asked if it was staffs intention to corporate by reference, additional staff report contained in another section of the agenda as part of the Budget hearing process. Executive Director Gonzales responded that the Resolution at the end of the staff report has within a section that takes it into account. Member Richards asked if it was staff s intention to in corporate Item #15 as part of the Budget hearing. Executive Director Gonzales stated it could be in corporate because of Section ~ of the Resolution. Member Richards read Section 5 of the Resolution (That all positions scheduled in the adopted budget for deletion, transfer, or abolishment remain in place unless and until a separate City Council resolution instructing the City Manager to proceed with the implementation is approved). Chairman Reyes asked if the City would be spending more or less money that what the City takes in. Member Richards asked if the Budget was balanced as presented. Asked if Council carries these actions of adding, deleting, creating and demoting positions would the budget be balanced? Also asked if the document is a valid document. Chairman Reyes stated that the Agency is aware of what they are adopting since a long series of budget workshops and discussions have been held. Stated that the City's financial instability is due to the previous Agency's administration. Member Richards stated that Chairman Reyes comments are not true and would like to deal with budget issues and principle laws, which the public has a right to hear. For the record -Member Richards stated that he would Like his questions answered regarding the budget. Stated that the Agency has no right to adopt the budget without answering his questions, as he has asked several questions and the Executive Director has not answered them, that the Chairman has interfered with his right to asked questions, and the employees and the public have a right to hear a response. Also stated that he would like his comments recorded in event that anyone decide to take action and they would have solid basis. Chairman Reyes stated that he is tired of Member Richards remarks because he is setting the City up for lawsuits, which is the City he took an oath to serve. Member Richards stated that the Chairman has already set up the City for lawsuits by violating the employee's rights. Also stated that all Members took an oath to serve the Constitution. [t was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to conduct a Public Hearing on the FY 2002-03 Proposed Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budget, and adopt the Resolution approving the Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budget for FY 2002-03. After Roll Call, Member Richards expressed that the employees have a right to have a 4/~`~ vote tonight and stated that the votes are invalid because it presupposes the passage of other ordinances that have not yet been in place. RESOLUTION NO. 2002.039 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING THE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ti -~05 ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBERS PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, AND REYES NOES: MEMBERS BYRD AND RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE REGULAR ITEMS Item #4: TREASURER'S QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT The purpose of this item is to have the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency review the Treasurer's Quarterly Investment Report as required by recently enacted State Statues. It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to receive and file the Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ending June 30, 2002. ITEM #5: STATUS REPORT ON POWER CENTER SITE Executive Director Gonzales asked Louis Morales, Director of Community Development, to provide the Agency with a status update of this development of the Power Center. Louis Morales, Director of Community Development, explained that the Power Center is located at the northwest quadrant of the I-710 and the I-105 Freeways. The project site is located on the cast side of Wright Road and bounded by Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard on the north. The proposed projecl site is approximately 35 acres. Majestic Realty is still working to secure tenants for [his site. Majestic Realty is working with Lowe's Home Improvement and has submitted a site plan. The Agency has received many development interest for this site, because of the recent identification of I-10~ exit to the site, previously the site was egress and ingress by the freeway. Also explained that they have received interest from Magic Johnson and Canyon- Johnsoi~/Southland. Mc Morales stated that the Agency would work with the Developers, and bring back a recommendation for Developer selection at the next meeting. Also stated that this site would bring major revenue to the Agency as well as both sales tax and tax increment. Chairman Reyes asked if there would be any name brand stores included this project. Mr. Morales responded that Canyon-Johnson/Southland has developed many centers in the area and hopes to bring uses established in their other centers i.e. Fitness Center, T.G.I. Fridays, and possible entertainment. Vice Chairman Pedroza asked if Majestic Realty had any tenants interest in this project. Mr. Morales responded that several tenants have been contacted but they have rejected the site. The Agency believes that if Lowe's shows interest in the site those other tenants would also be interested. Member Rodriguez inquired as to what is the potential sales tax benefited from this Project. Mr. Morales explained the Power Center square footage and stated that it would be 1 '/z million of gross sales. Member Richards asked Mr. Morales to describe egress and ingress solutions. Mr. Morales explained that currently the site is serviced by the southbound of the 710 Freeway goes directly out to Martin Luther King Blvd. into the site. From the ] 0~ Freeway -East on traffic to merge off the transition lane going east bound of 105 Freeway, there is a transition lane goes into southbound traffic on the 710 Freeway. Stated that the idea is to merge off that area and then merge into Josephine Street and go to Wright. This would not impact any houses or buildings, and would utilize existing 105 Freeway right away. Member Richards requested that staff provide a map that in the future it describes the offset. Mr. Morales continued to explain possible freeway off-ramps that would be used. Member Richards questioned the status of the previous discussion with Caltrans concerning an on-ramp at Atlantic Avenue and I-10~ Freeway. Stated this site had o~ great potential for an on-ramp and off-ramp then at the Power Center site. Joe Wang, Director of Environmental Services responded that there's no discussion with Caltrans at this point. Member Richards stated that during the previous discussion of the freeway with Caltrans they rebuff for on-ramp and off-ramp at Atlantic Avenue, which is a major thoroughfare. Mr. Wang stated that it had to do with budgetary issues. Member Richards stated that it had to do with other arguments, notjust budgetary issues. Executive Director Gonzales explained that Atlantic off-ramp is known as a post service ramp where access is gain on both ramps and directions, which would be acquired as a cleverly designed. Member Richards stated that they actually engaged some designers to make comparison with the 91 Freeway so that a cloverly off-ramp would not be obtained. He continued to comment that it is important to get a realistic Assessment concerning egress and ingress, and cost associated with that. Stated that he did some preliminary research on off-ramps and bridges, and the cost is extremely high as $30.000,000 or 40,000,000. Stated that he is not aware that there been some discussion with the Lynwood Unified School District regarding building a high school at Ham Park. Mr. Morales stated that these were the preliminary discussions. Member Richards continued to discuss this matter further. After discussion, It was moved by Member Richards, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to receive and file this report. INFORMATION ITEM NONE Chairman Reyes requested that L.R.A. Closed Session Items be discussed jointly with City Council Closed Session. It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried. CLOSED SESSION Agency Counsel Montgomery stated, with respect Co every item of business to be discussed in joint Closed Session Pursuant to Section 54956.8: Item #6: CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: City owned property on Ester (between State Street and Bellinger) Agency negotiator: Agency, Agency staff, Legal Counsel Negotiating parties: City, Agency and Raul Varela Under Negotiation: Price and terms Item #7: CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: 11398 Bullis Road Agency negotiator: Agency, Agency staff, Legal Counsel Negotiating parties: City, Agency and the State of California ~ (National Guard) Under Negotiation: Price and terms Secretary Hooper announced that General Elections were in progress and requested that the audience keep it quiet for the voters. Also announced that there was a Deafness Interpreter for Mr. Gibbens and requested that the Agency speak louder for the Interpreter. It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to recess to Closed Session at 9:40 p.m. ~0"~ Members reconvened at 11 :45 p.m. .Agency Counsel Montgomery stated Members met on the aforementioned matters and stated on: Item #6: CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: City owned property on Ester (between State Street and I3ellinger) Item not taken up. Item #7: CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CONFERENCE R'ITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: 11398 Bullis Road Item not taken up. ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn at the meeting at ]2:00 a.m. ~~ ~~ Arturo Reyes. Chai nan .Andrea L. Hooper, Secretan~ >-