HomeMy Public PortalAbout13- 09/17/19 - SEPECIAL SESSION 1,STL L City of Greencastle > " -°COD- L nda R. Dunb•r City Hall y; Clerk Treasurer One North Locust Street, P.O. Box 607 ''-',P-109-441, o.. Greencastle, Indiana 46135 • '` `' 765.653.9211 Idunbar c(D.cityofgreencastle.com Greencastle Common Council Special Session Minutes September 17, 2019 6:30 P.M.I Greencastle Cit, Hall I. Call to Order; Roll Call Mayor William Dory called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM; upon rol by Clerk- Treasurer Lynda Dunbar the following were present: Adam Cohen, .tacie Langdon, Steve Fields, Mark Hammer, G ry Lemon and Dave Murr.y. Tyler Wade was absent. II. Special Request- A. Noise Ordinance Wavier Request- Greencastle Elks Lodge- Motion by Adam Cohen to approve the noise ordinance request as presentee, second by Mark Hammer, 6-0, motion carried. III. Public Hearing- 2020 Budget Hearing- No input from public — Motion by Gary Lemon to close the public hearing, secon by Mark Hammer, 6-0 motion carried. IV. New Business A. Ordinance 2019-8 (First Reading) An Ordinance for Appro„riations and Tax Rates. - Motion by Dave Murray to approve Ordinanc- 2019-8 on first reading, and after the county finalizes its negotiation with •i peration Life the city will review salaries further, second by Steve Field-, 6-0, motion carried. B. Ordinance 2019-6 (First Reading) An Ordinance Establishi g the Size of the Departments of the City G vernment of the City of Greencastle, Indiana, Fixing Sala ies for the Employees of Such Departments and Fixing the Sala ies of Certain Other App.inted Officials for the Year 2020. - Moti n by Mark Hammer to app ove Ordinance 2019-6 (First Reading) as presented and to revisit t e salaries for future budget, second by Stacie Langdon, motion carried 6-4. ) C. Ordinance 2019-7- (First ReadingAn Ordinance Fixing th, Salaries of the Elected Officers of the Cit of Greencastle for the Y:ar 2020.- Motion by Stacie Langdon to accep the salaries in Ordinance '019-7 (First Reading) as presented, seco d by Mark Hammer, 6-0, otion carried. • Work continues on the DePaucampus, we are coordinat ng schedules with DePauw to get he new sewer line installed. • Announced city streets that will be repaved effective September 11. • Continuing work on the YMCA roject. • Indianapolis Road completion date is expected to be at the end of October. B. Clerk-Treasurer's Report- Clerk-Treasurer updated the council o the following items: • A public hearing and special s ssion will be on the Budget. The Special Council Session will be held on September 17, 20 9 at 5:30 pm. All budget information is at City Hall, and is available •r review. It is also available at www.bud etnotices.in. ov or call (88:) 739- 9826. C. Councilors' Report- Adam Cohen ann unced that on September 27, 2019 the DePauw Pride Festival will be down own. He would like to see : check box added to the Street Closure form st ting whether security will •e provided or not for informational purposes. Staci Langdon announced that he Greenlight Art Festival will be held at P tnam County Comprehens ve Services on Friday, September 13, 201 from 5pm-9pm, and on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 10am-4pm. ark Hammer mentioned that citizens may call City Hall or email from the Cit s website link to report a s reet light outage. Dave Murray said he would lik the City to have the YMC A Contract ready by November 1, 2019. VII. Approval of Minutes A. Regular Session- August 8, 2019 B. Executive Session- August 15, 2019 C. Special Session- August 27, 2019 D. Special Session- September 5, 201 Motion by Steve Fields to approve t e all the minutes listed above (August 8, August 15, August 27, and Septe ber 5, 2019 minutes) as a resented, second by Gary Lemon, 6-0, motio carried. VIII. Approval of City Claims A. Motion by Mark Hammer to approve claims as presented, seco d by Dave Murray, 6-0, motion carried. Stacie angdon abstained becaus- of Putnam County Comprehensive Services cia m. IX. Old Business-None X. New Business A. Ordinance 2019-4- An Ordinance mending Section 8-22 o the Greencastle City Code Regarding th Schedule of No Parking Zones. (First Reading)-Motion by Dave Murray to approve Ordinance 20 9-4 as presented, second by Mark Hammer, -0 motion carried. B. Ordinance 2019-5- General Obligation Bond Ordinance. (Fi st Reading)-This item was removed from agenda. C. Halloween Date and Time- Motion y Stacie Langdon to approve Halloween on October 31, 2019 with do ntown trick or treat from 4-6 pm and neighborhood trick or treating from 6-8 m, second by Mark Hammer, 6-0 motion carried. Xl. Adjournment Motion by Gary Lemon to dismiss at 8:•5 PM, second by Mark Hammer, 6-0, motion carried. Willia A. Dory Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Lyn•a R. Dunbar, Clerk Treasurer