HomeMy Public PortalAboutCC MINS 04-23-2007LIVER'~il~RL CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING MINUTES APRIL 23, 2007 CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER -The meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Marshall Kamena at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, California. ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor Kamena, Vice-Mayor John Marchand, and Councilmembers Lorraine Dietrich, Marj Leider, and Tom Reitter. OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS -There were no speakers. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION City Council 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator - To meet with Jim Piper and Steve Harman, the City's negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, regarding negotiations with the Municipal Employee's Agency for Negotiation (MEAN). 2. Litigation/Conference with Legal Counsel §54956.9 (Existing litigation). To meet with the City Attorney regarding existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Discussion in open session would prejudice the position of the City in litigation. One case. County CUP C-8465 Vineyard Cemetery. REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER -The meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Mayor/Chairperson Marshall Kamena at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, California. 1.01 ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor/Chairperson Kamena, Vice-Mayor/Vice- Chairperson John Marchand, and Councilmembers/Agencymembers Lorraine Dietrich, Marj Leider, and Tom Reitter. 1.02 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1.03 REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION -City Attorney John Pomidor said there was no reportable action. APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/323 2. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Tom Sawyer, the Governor's Public Safety Liaison, presented a letter from Governor Schwarzenegger congratulating Livermore Police Chief Steve Krull on his successful term as President of the California Police Chiefs' Association. 2.01 Mayor Kamena presented a proclamation declaring April as Fair Housing Month, to Elinor Cullen, Coordinator, ECHO Housing. 2.02 Mayor Kamena presented a proclamation declaring May 12 through 20, 2007 as National Tourism Week to Amy Blaschka, President and CEO, Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. 2.03 Jennifer Lund, Tri-Valley Youth Planning Board member, thanked the City Council for its assistance with the Board and presented an update on the Tri-Valley Adolescent Health Initiative. 3. CITIZENS FORUM JoAnn Frisch, Tri-Valley Cares, Livermore, spoke in opposition to the opening of a bio- safety level three laboratory within the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Lab). She said this type of facility should not be co-located within a weapons research facility. She said the Lab is in a 50 mile radius of seven million people and is not an appropriate location to conduct experiments with some of the deadliest agents known. She said the Lab should not be allowed to operate a seismically active area. She said the Department of Energy should conduct a public hearing to inform the public of this plan and to allow -' the community to comment. Don King, Livermore, spoke about the recent salary increases for the City Manager and City Attorney. He said salary negotiations should be made in public and not in closed session. Beverly King, Tri-Valley Cares, Livermore, spoke in opposition to the opening of a bio- safety level three laboratory within the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She said the environmental assessment report is inadequate in analyzing potential terrorist threats and hazards at the facility. She said the Department of Energy should prepare an environmental impact statement to inform the community. Robert S. Allen, Livermore, said the Council should pay attention to improving the commute for Livermore citizens going into the Bay Area. He said a shuttle bus service should be provided between the Park n Ride near I-580 and the Dublin BART station. He said the Council should develop a program that includes using the median of I-580 to extend BART to Greenville Road. Robbie Teruya, Livermore, said the students at Rancho Las Positas Elementary School have been participating in the Governor's Challenge for Physical Fitness. She said the school is number one in the region with 100% participation from the student body. She -- said the school will get a new fitness center if it is the grand prize winner. CM/67/324 Minutes APRIL 23, 2007 John Stein, Livermore, said a telephone pollster recently called him regarding a potential November ballot measure to increase Livermore's hotel tax. He said if this measure passes, it would make Livermore's hotel tax 50% higher than all of the surrounding communities. He said this increase would make it more difficult to attract business people and tourists. He said in the long term it may reduce or cut off the ability to construct new revenue producing inns and hotels. He said the real question facing Livermore is whether taxes should be increased, and if so, how the money should be spent on the many needs currently in the City. Mayor Kamena said the Council does not direct any of the telephone polls. He said it would take a majority vote of the residents and not the Council to pass this measure. Bob Baltzer, Livermore, spoke regarding the throw-away landscape service advertisements that litter driveways. He asked if there was something City staff could do to stop this practice. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Kamena removed Item 4.02 from the Consent Calendar. ON THE MOTION OF CM DIETRICH, SECONDED BY VM MARCHAND, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED THE CONSENT CALENDAR EXCEPT ITEM 4.01, WHICH WAS CARRIED ON A 4-0-1 VOTE, CM DIETRICH -- ABSTAINING. ITEM 4.02 WAS REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA; RE-INTRODUCTION TO BE SCHEDULED. City Council/Redevelopment Agency 4.01 Approval of Minutes -April 9, 2007 City CounciURedevelopment Agency meeting. City Council 4.02 Second reading of an ordinance amending the Planning and Zoning Code, General Text Amendment 06-368 to establish a maximum height limit of 35 feet in the Commercial Service, Commercial Highway Service, and Professional Office Zoning Districts. (o4-os-ZOO7~ Removed from the agenda. Re-introduction to be scheduled. 4.03 Resolution 2007-076 authorizing execution of an agreement with Spiess Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $5,223,100 for construction of the Zone 1 Water System Improvements, Phase 2; reappropriating '$3,615,000 in unused Water Storage Funds and $300,000 in unused General Funds; and appropriating $1,000,000 from the proceeds of the 2007 Certificates of Participation Fund to Fiscal Year 2007-2008 for a total project cost of $6,315,000, Project No. 2002-38. APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/325 4.04 Resolution 2007-077 accepting for permanent maintenance and release of security for the Police Building Roof and Exterior Insulation and Finish System Repairs, Project No. 2006-41. 4.05 Resolution 2007-078 approving Final Tract Map 7764 and authorizing execution of a Subdivision Improvement Agreement (Tofino Row, LLC). Location: Southwest corner of North L Street and Chestnut Street. Redevelopment Agency None. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS City Council/Redevelopment Agency 5.01 Hearing to consider the formation of the Downtown Landscape Maintenance District, LL-859 pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. (04-09-2007) Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council adopt a resolution confirming the results of balloting for the formation of the Downtown Landscape Maintenance District, LL-859; approving the final Engineer's Report; ordering the formation of Assessment District LL-859; confirming the assessments and assessment diagrams; authorizing the City Manager to sign Residential Assessment Payment Deferral Agreements; and allocating funds from the General Fund. City Engineer Cheri Sheets presented the staff report. In response to questions by Mayor Kamena, Ms. Sheets said there were development agreements requiring the affirmative vote for the establishment of the landscape maintenance district. She said the total number of these votes was not the determining factor in approval for the formation of the District. Mayor Kamena opened the public hearing. John Stein, Livermore, said the predetermined. votes of the City, Redevelopment Agency, and development agreements totaled 47.4% of the vote. He said the remaining "yes" vote was 18.3% of the total vote and the vote against was 34%. He said without the predetermined vote the measure would have failed almost 2:1 based upon weighted votes. He urged the Council not to spend all the money on the five block area on First Street. He said it would be nice to distribute a small portion of the money over the balance of the area that is paying for it. He said sturdy shrubs should be selected instead of seasonal plants. He said the City should make every effort to make the maintenance simpler, easier and less expensive. Pete Clark, Livermore, said the City will be in violation of the Bill of Rights and the U. S. Constitution if it goes after homeowners to pay for the First Street landscaping. He said it is not right to go after someone who is unemployed to pay for the maintenance. He said -- he has been asked to put together a class action suit against Livermore. CM/67/326 Minutes APRIL 23, 2007 In response to questions by Mayor Kamena, Ms. Sheets said there is a residential deferral program to assist an unemployed property owner. She said most of the •- residential assessments are $25.00 per year. Ken Bradley, Livermore, said the City Clerk and staff did an excellent job. He said the tax is unfair. He said taxes have not been apportioned in accordance with Prop 218, and there are no special benefits to the existing owners. He said there has never been a rational explanation on how the boundaries of the district were established. He questioned how a 100 year old facility serving the entire community could suddenly become a special benefit for a small group of property owners. He said the City has given away millions of dollars to private parties and is now unable to complete its civic responsibilities for this area. He said the City Council should reject this tax. Carl Serkland, Livermore, said the results of the election were a foregone conclusion. He said it was a show election, and 47.2% of the total votes cast were controlled by the City in advance. He said Livermore Village I LLC, had 113,000 votes, which swayed the entire outcome. He said he questioned the ethics and legality of the election and said it violates the spirit of Prop 13. Franciska Dimont, Livermore, said she voted against the formation of the landscape maintenance district because. it is not fair to the homeowners. She said there are houses in her neighborhood that are exempt for the assessment but are physically closer to the downtown. She said this election was unfair because it was based on property values. Christopher George, Livermore, said the landscape maintenance district is an unfair thing, and the entire process was very upsetting. Jim Schmidt, Livermore, said tax and equity is a way of life in California. He said the downtown has to be maintained, and the people paying the tax are getting something for their money. He said the value of maintaining the downtown is worth a lot of money to the businesses and homeowners. There were no more speakers, and the hearing was closed. Community Development Director Marc Roberts said there is an economic hardship clause to defer or waive the assessment if someone is unable to pay due to a unique circumstance. IT WAS MOVED BY CM LEIDER, SECONDED BY CM REITTER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. Mayor Kamena said it his belief that houses included in the downtown landscape maintenance district will recoup more than the annual $25.00 assessment at the time of sale. He said the City has always had adequate funds to maintain this district. He said he supported the process and the outcome of the vote. CM Dietrich said she would not be supporting the motion. APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/327 THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 4-1 VOTE, CM DIETRICH VOTING NO, AND THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2007-079 confirming the voting results for the Downtown Landscape Maintenance District, LL-859, approving the final engineer's report and the formation of _, Assessment District LL-859, confirming the LL-859 assessments and assessment diagrams, allocating funds from the General Fund to fund implementation strategies for LL-859, and authorizing the City Manager to sign Residential Property Assessment Deferral Agreements on behalf of the City of Livermore. City Council 5.02 Hearing to consider the 2007-2008 Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program. Recommendation: The Human Services Commission recommended the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing submittal of the 2007 Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Community Services Specialist Frances Reisner presented the staff report. In response to questions by VM Marchand, Ms. Reisner said the funding for the American Dream Down Payment Assistance program decreased this past year. She said the $32,000 noted in the report is the City's allocation for 2007, and the $360,000 is from previous years. She said the~$375,000 is comprised of in-lieu housing funds. She said the Healthy Helpings Program is bi-lingual. Mayor Kamena opened the public hearing. Don Meeker, Livermore, said Livermore has a long history and tradition of helping those in need. He said he supports the allocation. There were no more speakers, and the hearing was closed. ON THE MOTION OF CM DIETRICH, SECONDED BY CM REITTER, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2007-080 approving the submittal of an Action Plan to the County of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Community Development Block Grant Program. 5.03 Hearing to consider a request to amend Planned Unit Development 152 (as amended by Planned Unit Development Amendment 04-001) to allow for the construction of an additional single-story residential plan within Phases 3A and 3B (Private Reserve) of Signature Properties development of Subarea 2 of the South Livermore Valley Specific Plan. Location: West of Charlotte Way and south of Stockton Loop Applicant: Signature Properties On-site and off-site public improvements: None CM/67/328 Minutes APRIL 23, 2007 Site Area: 44.91± acres Zoning: Planned Development -South Livermore Valley Specific Plan (PD-SLVSP) and Planned Unit Development (PUD) 152 as amended by Planned Unit Development -- Amendment (PUDA) 04-001 General Plan: Agriculture/Viticulture (AGVT), South Livermore Valley Specific Plan Subarea 2 Conditional Urban Overlay District (SV-2) Historic Status: None CEQA: An Environmental Impact Report for the South Livermore Valley Specific Plan was previously certified (State Clearinghouse Number 96052025) Application Number: Planned Unit Development Amendment 07-001 Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommended the City Council adopt a resolution approving Planned Unit Development Amendment 07-001. Associate Planner Catherine Hagebusch presented the staff report. In response to questions by.CM Dietrich, Ms. Hagebusch said some two storied units are being replaced by single story units. Mayor Kamena opened the public hearing. Joe Zawidski, Signature Properties, applicant, said he was available to answer any questions. CM Leider said she was really happy to see another single story unit. She said she likes the floor plan too. She said this lowers the density on some of the lots. In response to questions by the Council, Mr. Zawidski said the change of the mix will lower the floor area ratio for the entire project. He said the density remains the same but improves the coverage ratio. CM Dietrich said the floor area ratio includes the second story flooring too. She said the single story units probably have a larger footprint than the two storied units. There were no more speakers, and the hearing was closed. VM Marchand said he really liked the details of the project. ON THE MOTION OF VM MARCHAND, SECONDED BY CM LEIDER, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2007-081 approving Planned .Unit Development Amendment 07-001 amending Planned Unit Development 152. 5.04 Hearing to consider issuance of revenue bonds, in an amount not to exceed ,~ $85,000,000, by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) for the ValleyCare Health System. APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/329 Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council adopt a resolution approving issuance of the revenue bonds. Mayor Kamena opened the public hearing. There were no speakers, and the hearing was closed. IT WAS MOVED BY MAYOR KAMENA, SECONDED BY CM DIETRICH TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. VM Marchand said he would like the emergency room at the hospital to be re-opened. CM Reitter said this is an obligation of the hospital and has nothing to do City funds. In response to questions by Council, Finance Director Monica Potter said the City is merely a conduit, and the public hearing is a legal requirement of the tax law. James Hamill, Program Manager, California Statement Communities Development Authority, said there is no liability to the City. THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, AND THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: Resolution 2007-082 approving the issuance of Revenue Bonds by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority to benefit the ValleyCare Health System. Redevelopment Agency None. 6. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION City Council 6.01 Discussion and direction regarding City Council appointments to Intergovernmental Agencies. No action taken. 6.02 Discussion and direction regarding the Dougherty Valley Settlement Agreement and. Altamont Landfill Open Space Funds Committee status report (nnic os-o~o~. Recommendation: This report was for information only. No action was required. Senior Planner Steve Stewart presented the staff report. In response to questions by CM Reitter, Mr. Stewart said the .dividing line is west of Doolan Road; Doolan Canyon is located in the eastern priority area. Community Development Director Marc Roberts said the dividing line follows the Dublin sphere of influence line. Mr. Stewart said the settlement agreement is dated 1999, and it has taken CM/67/330 Minutes APRIL 23, 2007 eight years to get to this level. He said the permitting slowed down in 2006, with the most recent payment for 363 units. He said the average has been 850 units for the previous three years. He said the funding is dependent upon market conditions. He said the funding started at $1,000 per unit and has been increased annually according to the CPI. Mayor Kamena invited public comments. Bob Baltzer, Livermore, thanked staff for their work and urged continuance in monitoring the status. 6.03 Discussion and direction regarding artsALIVE!, Livermore's Cultural Arts Master Plan. Recommendation: The Commission for the Arts recommended the City Council provide direction. Economic Development Director Kevin Roberts presented the staff report. Redevelopment/Economic Development Coordinator Chris Davidson, presented an overview of the Cultural Arts Master Plan. In response to questions by CM Dietrich, Community Development Director Marc Roberts said an amending ordinance will be introduced to allow the funds to be used for capital improvements and programming. He said the Commission for the Arts has proposed in the Cultural Arts Master Plan an assessment of '/2% on the estimated construction value of private development. This fee would be on all private development, with the exception of single family houses less than a subdivision, and it would not be on home improvements such as swimming pools or window replacements. Commercial projects would be required to pay the '/2% for tenant improvements, but there are exceptions for improvements such as HVAC replacement or upgrades. He said this exemption would be allowed because there would not be an additional impact on the arts program in the community. Mr. Roberts said developers would have the option of paying the fee or putting art into the project. He said art can be a free standing sculpture, mural, or even decorative paving. He said if the developer chooses to pay the fee, 10% of the funds paid would be used to administer the program. He said it is being proposed that the new public art fee would cover those costs with 80% of the remaining 90% balance being used for capital improvements like art and gallery space. He said the balance of 20% would be used for programming to cover marketing that would help. strengthen the various arts groups of the community. He said the'/z% would increase to 1 % in 2009. In response to questions by Mayor Kamena, Mr. Roberts said the amended ordinance would allow a little bit more flexibility in the use of the funds. He said if the Master Plan is approved, the fee would begin July 2007. VM Marchand said he is concerned that even after the '/2% fee increases to 1 % in 2009, it will not be sufficient enough. He said funding will dwindle at build-out. He said maybe a city-wide arts assessment should be explored. APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/331 In response to questions by CM Reitter, Mr. Roberts said it is possible for the fee to be satisfied by providing public art as part of the project or paying an in-lieu fee of an equal amount. He said privately owned art is privately maintained. He said the City is not allowed to make changes to public art; the owner of the public art must petition the Commission for the Arts when a change is to be made. CM Reitter said the Core Arts and Cultural District should be expanded to include the property north of Railroad Avenue between South Livermore Avenue and K Street. She said it would be appropriate because that area is already zoned for art related activities. Mayor Kamena invited public comment. Jim Schmidt, Livermore, President, Commission for the Arts, said volunteerism is alive and well in Livermore. He said part of the Plan is to strengthen volunteerism from the community. He said the Council is a good financial supporter, .but the rest of the community is not. He said he hoped the Council approved the recommendations made in the Master Plan. Don Meeker, Livermore, said there was a great deal of credibility with the members selected for the Commission for the Arts. He said there is more to the Master Plan than just public art. He said it is a community-based plan. Neal Cavanaugh, Livermore, Board President, Livermore Heritage Guild, said the Guild supports the proposed Cultural Arts Master Plan. He said designating downtown Livermore as a cultural arts zone will have significant impact on the vibrancy of the City. He said this will benefit Livermore for years to come. He said there is a culture in town, and the history of Livermore is a significant part of that culture. He said he is happy that '°" the Carnegie Building will be a substantial anchor in the cultural arts zone. He urged support of the Cultural Arts Master Plan. Charles Hartwig, member, Livermore Cultural Arts Council, said the proposed plan is much broader than funding. He said the Master Plan provides an outline for everyone to proceed forward. He said there is a strong emphasis on private contributions in the Master Plan. He said he appreciates that non-profits have been included a number of ways in the Master Plan. He said there is an immediate focus on the downtown area, and that is the right place to start. Jean King, Livermore, said she is a member of several organizations that have been included in the Master Plan. She said involving the entire community is a great way to enrich all of the organizations. Bob Baltzer, Livermore, said as a member of the broader community, he wanted to express his support of the Master Plan. Walter Davies, Commission for the Arts, said the purpose of the Master Plan is to enhance the quality of life issues in Livermore and the Tri-Valley area. He said it is flexible enough to adjust for changing conditions, while at the same time have enough substance to accomplish the goals of the City and its leaders. He said it will provide the _. CM/67/332 Minutes APRIL 23, 2007 basic foundation for many years of planning and policy decisions. He read a letter of support from Linda Ryan. ^-~ Lisa Tromovitch, President, Shakespeare's Associates, said the Cultural Arts Master Plan is a celebration of all of the work that has been done by so many. She said there has been a collaborative spirit in the community, and it has been a very positive experience. CM Dietrich said a major impetus of this process was past Councilmember Mark Beeman. She said he made very significant contributions to the formation of the Commission for the Arts. VM Marchand said another genesis for this program started at the Art Works Studio. He said the arts incubator at the Bothwell Center has grown into a marvelous collaborative effort with music, visual arts and performing arts. He said everybody is coming together in a magnificent synergy at the Bothwell, and it is now going to explode across the entire City and create a marvelous cultural arts district. CM Reitter said it is interesting to see how many things were going on before the City had a Cultural Arts Master Plan. He said this is a great step forward, and he likes the broad base definition of art and culture. CM Leider thanked the committees for a job well done. Mayor Kamena expressed his thanks and appreciation for all of the commission's hard work. ON THE MOTION OF VM MARCHAND, SECONDED BY CM DIETRICH, AND CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTED THE MASTER PLAN AND DIRECTED STAFF TO PRESENT THE COUNCIL WITH DOCUMENTS FOR PLAN APPROVAL AND FEE APPROVAL. 6.04 Discussion and direction regarding pending State or Federal legislation. a. Telecommunications Issues Assistant City Manager Jim Piper said AT&T has now obtained its statewide franchise. He said the City is scheduled to have a meeting with AT&T to discuss the possible application of this franchise in Livermore. Mayor Kamena said the City of Laverne has requested support for AB 1244, which will allow jurisdictions to determine the limited use of golf carts on residential streets. CM Dietrich said a representative of AT&T attended the last East Bay Division meeting of the League of California Cities. She said the representative was trying very hard to make amends and said AT&T was going to work hard on locating the telecommunications boxes close to other equipment in the area. APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/333 Redevelopment Agency None. 7. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS AND MATTERS INITIATED BY CITY MANAGER, CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND COUNCIL MEMBERS _ 7.01 City Manager's report regarding previously requested Matters Initiated. None. 7.02 Council Committee Reports and Matters Initiated by City Manager, City Attorney, Staff and Councilmembers. Nation Cities Weekly - CM Dietrich said the most recent Nation Cities Weekly magazine had an article about the National League of Cities and the United Way hosting an earned income and asset summit. She noted that Livermore already has such a program in place through ACAP and the downtown housing center. She said Livermore is doing yet another good job on providing assistance to the community. Associated Bay Area Governments (ABAG) - CM Leider said she attended last week's ABAG meeting in San Francisco. The presentation was a panel discussion about the vision for the Bay Area. The mayors of San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose were on the panel; also the Mayor of Petaluma who did before and after slides of their redevelopment area, which was very impressive. Their movie theater was done by Dave Corkill. CM Leider said she feels Livermore is way ahead on everything. Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) - CM Leider said she attended the LAVTA meeting today. LAVTA is going to try out a segmented bus on~ heavier routes, free for six months from AC Transit. LAVTA expressed an interest in land use planning; they would like to have a say in how TODs are developed since they are expected to provide transit services. They thought Livermore's Brisa Development was well done. Linking Water and Land Use in the Bay Area Workshop - VM Marchand said he attended this workshop today. He said .the Ahwanee Water Principles mentioned Livermore throughout and said that Livermore uses best management practices. Zone 7 - VM Marchand said he worked on the Stream Management Master Plan through Zone 7. He would like Zone 7 to do a presentation for the Council since Livermore is a stakeholder. Signature Properties Advertisement - CM Reitter said he was pleased to hear a radio advertisement for a Signature Properties project describe the project as "minutes from downtown Livermore." City Hall Solar Panels - CM Reitter requested information regarding the efficiency of the panels. CM/67/334 Minutes APRIL 23, 2007 Traffic Signals - CM Reitter asked if the City has changed its policy about using LEDs for traffic signals; he was told that old incandescent lights that stop functioning are not being replaced with LEDs. Graffiti - CM Reitter said the sign that directs traffic to Fourth Street/Murrieta contains graffiti. Vice Mayor -Mayor Kamena noted that April has been a very busy month and thanked VM Marchand for sharing duties with him. Eagle Scout Court of Honor - VM Marchand reported that both he and Mayor Kamena attended the Eagle Scout Court of Honor event this weekend. Livermore Art Association - VM Marchand said the City purchased three works of art from the Association - a water color, a carved gourd and a photograph. TV 30 Fund Raiser -Mayor Kamena stated a fund raiser will be held on Wednesday at Tommy T's. East Bay Division Bocce Ball -Mayor Kamena noted that the First Annual East Bay Division of the League of California Cities Bocce Ball event will be held on June 27, 2007 at Campo di Bocce. He noted that CM Dietrich is a member of the host committee. CM Dietrich said she hopes the City will put a team or two together. 8. ADJOURNMENT -the meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. to a Special City Council meeting with the City of Pleasanton City Council for a closed session regarding Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department negotiations on April 30, 2007 at 6:30 p.m., Civic Center Library Board Room, 1188 S. Livermore Avenue, Livermore, and to a regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency on May 14, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue, Livermore. APPROVED: ~~ / ~~+'"~~~`'-"' MARSHALL H. KAMENA, MAYOR ,. ATTEST: ALICE CA~VERT, CITY CLERK PREPARED BY: /~~~~~v SUSAN GIBBS, ASSISTANT CITY CLERK APRIL 23, 2007 Minutes CM/67/335