HomeMy Public PortalAbout06/06/00 CCM97 MEDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 2000 The City Council of Medina, Minnesota met in regular session on June 6, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Chambers. Mayor John Ferris presided. Members present: Ferris, Hamilton, Johnson, Smith, and Zietlow. Members absent: None. Also present: Police Chief Ed Belland, Attorney Ron Batty, Public Works Director Jim Dillman, City Engineer Tom Kellogg, Planning & Zoning Administrator Loren Kohnen, and Administrator - Clerk -Treasurer Paul Robinson. 1. Additions to the Agenda A. Update on planning and zoning activities. B. Update for the nursery on Holy Name Drive. C. Approval for administrative permit for an event at Lake Independence. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Minutes of April 18, 2000 Moved by Phil Zietlow, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve the minutes of April 18, 2000 as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Approval of the Minutes from May 16, 2000 There were three changes, one on page 3, fifth paragraph, remove "that' in the fifth sentence. On page 4 fifth paragraph, remove "is" and add "but' instead of "and", and second from the bottom, remove "in" and add "this" in front of particular. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting as amended. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Approval of the Consent Agenda A. Resolution 00-20 Granting a Variance to Victoria Aberg and Roland S. Aberg - 3175 County Road 24. B. Resolution 00-21 Granting Final Approval to the Plat of Whispering Pines. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Comments from Residents in Attendance on Items Not on the Agenda Julius Dorweiler raised some concerns about the Holiday Station. He said they have been turning their lights on at night and he thought they were not supposed to be doing that. He said he was quite frustrated and would like to be notified about when lights are going to be turned off and on. Phil Zietlow said that the City is working with a consultant and that they have had to turn them on and off to test different lighting options. Carolyn Smith suggested that staff notify Mr. Dorweiler when they know the lights will be turned on. That was noted. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 98 Ed Belland described the situation that happened and said he talked to Joe Francis about it. Belland said he would notify Julius Dorweiler if the lights needed to be turned on at some other time in the future. 6. Park Commission Comments There were none. 7. Planning Commission Comments Loren Kohnen said their regular meeting was scheduled for next week. He said the PUD #1 Concept Plan was originally scheduled to be on that agenda, but has been moved to a special meeting on June 28tn 8. Willow Drive Improvement Jim Dillman said he had the second meeting this year with r.ci.+ents of Willow Drive about paving that road. He said a number of issues were resolved. Now it is up to the City Council to decide if they want to proceed with this project. Carolyn Smith said at the meeting many residents felt that county trucks were still using the road. She thought that the City should send a letter to Vern Genzlinger clarifying the understanding that the City has with the county. Carolyn Smith said she thought trucks were supposed to use Prairie Drive and not come down Hamel to Willow. Jim Dillman said that they are working on the extension of Prairie Drive. He said the County plans to do their portion of that road next year. He said they have yet to resolve some issues concerning the middle section of the road that goes over Harold Laurent's property. Carolyn Smith said she thought staff was going to check the conditional use permit for DMJ to make sure that they were not restricted on the use of Willow as well. Phil Zietlow said checks done by the police department found that there was not as much traffic on the road as originally thought. Ed Belland said they monitored the traffic from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. They did find some problems with people rolling through the stop sign. Since then he has heard that most of the traffic occurs a little earlier from 3:30 to 4:30. Phil Zietlow said that most people have mentioned that most of the truck traffic is from DMJ. Jim Dillman said that it is possible that there may be a little county truck traffic currently, because they are overlaying County Road 6 and at the end of the day they may temporarily be using Willow to get back to the shop. There was some discussion about the amount of County trucks using Hamel Road. Phil Zietlow said that truck traffic on Hamel Road is okay since it is a county road but not on Willow. Jim Lane asked what form the agreement was in with the county for the restriction of traffic on that road. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 99 Carolyn Smith suggested that the City write a letter to Vern Genzlinger referencing the PUD and some of the issues that they have had. Robert Etem, 2705 Willow Drive, said the meeting the other night was very informative and they learned a lot. He wanted to quickly read some of his observations. He said he was not opposed to the roadway being paved. However, he wanted to address a number of common concerns. He said there were concerns about the amount of traffic, the noise of the traffic, and a number of other safety issues. He said most people did not want to destroy the beautiful environment that they were trying to preserve in Medina. Since the citizens are basically self funding these roadways, they would like to have the roadways constructed in ways that make them more pastoral, and picturesque to fit in rural setting. He thought that an innovative design would include more of a parkway appeal, not just ramrod in a straight roadway but blend in with nature. That the roadway be tree lined. Include controls on the weight of the vehicles and the speed of the vehicles on the roadway. He said that the City should work with area businesses and other governmental agencies to divert traffic off of the residential roadways. He said there are also problems with asphalt trucks as well as county vehicles. Lastly, he thought that the City and the County should come up with an agreed truck route that would use CR 101, 116 or 19 for inter -county commercial traffic. Carolyn Smith said that she and Jim Dillman talked about setting up a task force or some group to look at the overall controls in the City. This could entail establishing a truck route or finding some other way of steering commercial traffic flow through the City in a way that does not disrupt residential roads. John Ferris said none of the roads in the rural residential area have curb and gutter. They have always been simple rural roads, with pavement, asphalt, and gravel shoulders. Cindy Piper said she understands that the speed limits are controlled at the state level. She emplored the Council to place a 30 mph speed limit on this road and work with whatever governmental agency needed to make this possible. She said she is also a horse person and concerned about the safety, especially around the curves. Jim Johnson said Jim Dillman had mentioned that there was a possibility of putting weight limits on the road and requiring permits for people who are over that weight limit. John Ferris said that they would need to spend some time on an overall policy. Conrad Miller, 2475 Holy Name Drive, said that he believed that stop signs worked very well, that they have used stop signs for a long time to slow down traffic and that installing a number of stop signs may be an answer. Burt Gardner, 2495 Willow, said that he supports the road. He talked to Jim Dillman about ways that they could create a roadway that did not invite speeding. Barbara Nelson, 3072 Willow, said if somebody knew the commissioner of transportation that may be a way to influence the state into allowing this road to be posted at 30 mph. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 100 Ron Batty explained the process for applying for an exception to the speed policy. He said it was fairly cumbersome, and he has been told, that it is not easy to get an exception to the statute. Ed Belland said there have been a number of cases where cities have petitioned for a decreased speed limit and have actually been required to increase the speed limit. Greg Schmidt, 3082 Willow, said that speed and large truck traffic are the two major issues on Willow Drive. He said that once paved, maybe the City could install rumble strips along the road every 500 feet to make people aware of the residential setting of the road. He supported the road, however, he would like the speed to be decreased and the weight restriction to be in place. He thought that Dr. Etem's suggestions were correct. John Ferris said that it seemed, conceptually, that people are okay with the road. That they would like a 30 mph speed limit and weight restrictions to be placed on the road. There was some discussion about putting asphalt on the portion that is gravel today to control the dust, and waiting to pave the entire road until some of the speed and weight issues are resolved. There was some discussion about the problems with dust. There were requests for immediate dust control until this project is completed. Ron Batty said from this point forward the Council would need to order an improvement hearing as well as an assessment hearing. The earliest that could happen would be the first meeting in July. He asked if the Council was thinking about combining the assessment and improvement hearing into one meeting. Ron Batty mentioned some of the changes in statute which required additional information to be included as a part of the assessment and improvement hearing. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve Resolution 00-22 setting an improvement and assessment hearing for Willow Drive Project for July 5, 2000. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Holy Name Lake Sewer Feasibility Study Tom Kellogg gave an overview of the project. He said the City Council requested a feasibility study for installing gravity sewer after receiving a petition from property owners around Holy Name Lake. He said the City has an agreement with the City of Plymouth to provide the sewer capacity for these properties. He said they looked at two different options, one was to provide a straight gravity sewer option and the other was to use a pressurized system with grinder pumps. He said the pressurized system would cost less than the gravity sewer option. He said both options would convey the wastewater from the Holy Name Lake area to an existing manhole on County Road 24 by Holy Name Church. He described the sewer options. He said the cost of the gravity sewer option would be around $22,105 per unit and the pressurized sewer option would cost around $16,842 per unit. He said in addition to both of those assessments, there would be a connection charge (SAC) to the Metropolitan Council and an area charge to the City of Plymouth. These would cost around $1,860. In addition to that each homeowner would need to provide a connection to their house from the main sewer line. This could add an additional $2,000 to $5,000 per household to the total assessment cost. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 101 There was additional discussion about the details of the two different options. Pat Raskob asked why the Sweens were not included in the area to be sewered. Bob Raskob asked why they were going to place the sewer pipe in the back yards of the homes along the lake instead of along the roadway. Tom Kellogg said that placing the pipe in or along the road would make this project much more expensive, potentially as much as 50% more. He said the roadway was higher than the homes and if the pipe was placed there they would have to excavate down quite a bit further which would add a significant amount of cost to the project. There was some discussion about the area charges that would have to be paid to Plymouth which amounted to around $810. Jim Dillman said a typical area charge in Medina was around $4,500. Jim Johnson asked who would own the infrastructure once it was completed. Jim Dillman said that the City of Medina would. Jim Johnson asked why we would be paying area charges to the City of Plymouth. Jim Dillman said that was for the infrastructure that would be used for the wastewater as it flowed through Plymouth's system. There was some debate about where the sewer pipe should be located and whether or not it would be more feasible to place it in the front of the homes versus the back of the homes. There was some discussion about the grinder pump option for $16,842. Tom Kellogg said that the $16,842 did include a $4,500 allowance for a grinder pump. He said that the company that makes these said that they can last up to 20 to 30 years. He said they would need a bushing replacement during that time but that there are no significant maintenance costs involved in maintaining these pumps. The pumps would, however, be the homeowner's responsibility to maintain. After some additional discussion it was decided that a copy of the feasibility report would be sent to the affected property owners and discussed at the next Council meeting. 10. Evergreen Road Jim Dillman said that they recently spoke with the developers of the Elwell property about Evergreen Road. He said they were willing to pay $700 a lot for 45 lots or $31,500 for their portion of the Evergreen Road assessment. However, they cannot obligate themselves because they do not own the property at this point, but would be willing to pay for it when the time comes. There was some additional discussion about the roadway. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 102 Jim Dillman said he was planning on including, in the design of the roadway, a small 10-foot wide island that would provide some traffic calming and a break in the road. He showed an diagram of this design. Carolyn Smith thought that was a wonderful idea. The consensus of the Council was to go forward with that road design. There was some additional discussion about how the City could proceed with the assessment on the Elwell property since it was owned by the county. The decision was that Jim Dillman would call the county and talk to them about signing a petition and waiver agreement for the assessment. If they are not willing to sign the agreement, then the City may need to move forward with an assessment hearing. 11. Meadowwoods Trail Jim Dillman said he would like the Council to order an improvement and assessment hearing for the first meeting in July. Phil Zietlow said that this would be the first road that people were charged a second time around. Jim Dillman said that Oak Circle and Highcrest were also charged the second time around. He said the assessment policy was discussed at a previous Council meeting where the Council decided to assesses 50% of the project cost versus 100%. Phil Zietlow said this would be setting a precedent, especially since he believed that this was basically maintenance on the road. Jim Dillman said this was actually a complete overlay of the road and because of that he believed that a 50% assessment would be fair. There was some discussion about whether or not the residents of Meadowwoods Trail were notified about this project. Jim Dillman said that he had not specifically talked to or notified the homeowners this year. There was some discussion about inviting them ahead of an assessment hearing. In the end it was decided that the homeowners would be sent a letter explaining the project and the City's assessment policy and at the same time notifying them of the improvement and assessment hearing. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by John Hamilton, to approve Resolution 00-23 setting an improvement and assessment hearing for July 5, 2000. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve Resolution 00-24 ordering a feasibility study for Meadowwoods Trail for approval at the next Council meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 103 12. Comments for a Public Hearing on Hennepin County's Transportation Plan Jim Dillman said there were two issues that would be of importance to the City of Medina. One was the proposed turn back of County Road 101 to the City, the other was a big blue arrow that signified the previously discussed extension of County Road 116. Carolyn Smith said we should probably send a letter asking them to take the arrow off and stating that the City does not want County Road 101. There was some discussion by the City Council. The consensus was to send a letter to the county telling them that the City of Medina would like that arrow to be taken off and that the City does not want County Road 101 to be turned back to the City. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve a letter regarding those two issues. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Request from Steve Tallen to Appeal a Judges Ruling Steve Tallen said a judge decided to stay the imposition of a sentence for a domestic assault offense after two years of probation. The problem is that a second offense within five years is a gross misdemeanor. This would not be enforced if the first offense wiped from the record. There was a great deal of discussion about the technicality of this issue. Overall, Tallen said he believed this type of decision was not in the judge's discretion. He said in the county, 50% of the prosecutors believe it is and 50% of the prosecutors believe it is not. He read a letter from the judge that said she would be interested in having this point brought to a higher court for a decision. He said the judge thought this would add some clarity to the issue and end the debate about whether it is or is not within the judge's discretion. There was some discussion about the cost of appealing this motion. It would cost around $2,000 for Tallen's time and possible $2,000 for the defendants legal fees. After some additional discussion, the Council decided to approve Tallen going ahead with an appeal in this case. Moved by Phil Zietlow, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to authorize the appeal of this case. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Violation of the Liquor License Ed Belland said on May 18, the county conducted liquor sales compliance checks in the City of Medina. He said when they went into the Holiday station on CR 101 & TH 55 an 18-year-old was sold 3.2 beer. There was some discussion about the details of the sale. Ron Batty said the City usually waits for an adjudication or determination of guilt before proceeding with a hearing. In this case, since it involves a juvenile, we are not sure when we will get the information, or if we will ever get the information. Batty said that in cases where there has been an egregious violation the City has revoked a license. However, revocation of the license cannot take place until there is a hearing. Tonight there was not proper notice of a hearing so a hearing cannot take place. However, the City could impose a fine. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 104 There was some discussion about previous fines. Carolyn Smith mentioned that this owner was fined not too long along ago for a violation at their liquor store, North American Liquors, next to the Holiday Station. She was concerned that there was another violation with the same owner. Robinson said that on the previous violation the City fined the owner $2,000 but stayed $1,500 of the fine if there were no same or similar violations within a year. Don, the general manager of the store, said that he, not Joe Francis, actually runs the store. He said they have very strict tobacco and alcohol regulations. If customers look like they are under 27 they should be carded. He said in this case the subject did card the person, however, the person said that they had left their driver's license in the car, and she believed the person, made a mistake, and sold him beer. He said she is a very good person, she is an outstanding student, and person, the kind of person we like to have working in our store. She just made a mistake in this instance. John Hamilton asked what the store's policy was if a purchaser has no ID. Don said that if there is not I.D., then there should be no sale. The juvenile accused in this case said that she made a mistake. She said she was very sorry. She thought that the person looked older. She realized that she should not have done this. She will never do it again. Carolyn Smith said that she thought it was very important that the accused came and said that she was sorry. However, she was still concerned that there was a violation with the same owner. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by John Hamilton, to fine the Holiday Station $2,000 with $500 payable immediately and $1,500 stayed if there were no same or similar violations within a year. Motion passed unanimously. After the motion, Joe Francis asked if the Council would be willing to drop the fine if he pulled his liquor license and not sell any beer at the Holiday store. That was acceptable from the Council. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to rescind the previous motion. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to accept the withdrawal of the 3.5 liquor license for the Holiday Station. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Request from the Rolling Green Country Club to Modify the Comprehensive Plan Loren Kohnen said the Rolling Green Country Club and Bruce Hendry were requesting that the portion of the Rolling Green Country Club that was guided for public/semi-public in the new comprehensive plan be changed back to multi -family residential as currently zoned. Kohnen said that Mr. Hendry's representative, JoEllen Hurr, was in attendance this evening. He said that staff reviewed this request and did not see any problems with reguiding it multi -family Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 105 residential. He said, however, that during the comprehensive plan meetings and public hearings many Cherry Hill residents were lead to believe that the zoning for this property would be public/semi-public. He said that the Cherry Hill residents would probably need to be notified of this change before the Council went forward and changed the comprehensive plan. Loren Kohnen showed an overhead of the property in question. There was a great deal of discussion about this particular situation. JoEllen Hurr said Mr. Hendry bailed out the country club in the mid 80's. As a part of this bail out he was given an option to develop portions of the property, and purchase the property back for one dollar. John Hamilton asked why the country club had not mentioned this previously when asked. Paul Robinson said the City had sent notices to the country club and called and notified them as well. There was also some discussion about when this was zoned MR. Most felt that it was zoned some time in the mid 80's. Robinson said that in the 1992 comprehensive plan, the guide plan did not show this property as being guided for multi -family residential development. He said it could be that at that time the Comprehensive Plan was adopted it was not required to be consistent with the zoning ordinance and therefore did not matter. Ron Batty said in 1995 or 1996 the state statute changed, declaring the Comprehensive Plan's precedence over the zoning. Before that the zoning map took precedence over the comprehensive plan. JoEllen Hurr said that she was concerned because the value of Mr. Hendry's property has changed drastically from multi -family residential to the public/semi public. She said public/semi- public was probably the lowest possible land use. She was concerned that the City has dramatically devalued Mr. Hendry's land. There was some discussion about whether or not the Council was interested in reguiding this property back to multi -family residential. There was a great deal of concern about how this would impact the residents of Cherry Hill. Phil Zietlow said that multi -family residential would not be appropriate on that property. Maybe some type of other zoning that was less dense. Carolyn Smith thought that townhomes would be appropriate on that type of property and would be probably in the $200,000 to $300,000 range. There were some Cherry Hill residents in attendance. They were concerned about the rezoning to multi -family residential. They wanted it left as a golf course. They had been lead to believe that it would remain as a golf course. They were concerned that the Council would even consider changing it to multi -family residential. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 106 John Hamilton said that he was concerned if the zoning was changed without proper notification or without the owners knowing about the option. Paul Robinson explained that this was an option between Bruce Hendry and the golf course, that the golf course was listed as the taxpayer of record. Jim Johnson said that if this was a mistake it may be fair to consider some type of residential option on this property. However multi -family residential seems to be too dense of an option. Council Members said this is the first time they heard of Bruce Hendry having an option on the golf course property. They had never been aware that there was an option available to someone other than the golf course. Ron Batty said there were a number of facts that were not necessarily clear right now. Such as whether it was an oversight that the 1992 Comp Plan did not show this as multi -family residential, yet the zoning map continued to show it as multi -family residential. He said the issue before the Council was whether or not they wanted this item to be included as a part of the changes to the comprehensive plan to be discussed at an upcoming public hearing. A poll of the Council showed that a majority of the Council members did not want to have this item placed on the list for a public hearing. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Jim Johnson, to place this item as a potential zoning change on the list for changes to the comprehensive plan. Those in favor: Carolyn Smith. Those opposed: All others. Motion failed. 16. Lighting Ordinance Development Pat Hunt said that she sent a memo to the City Council regarding a lighting ordinance. She said she was looking for some direction on some major issues to get started on developing this ordinance. The first issue was whether or not the Council wanted guidelines or requirements. She said guidelines would be suggestions for the types of lighting, like downcast, but they wouldn't necessarily be strict requirements. The consensus of the Council was that they wanted to look at strict requirements. The next item was whether they wanted the ordinance to regulate, only the commercial/industrial area, or also roads, residential properties, etc. The consensus was that they wanted it to be on all of those items. The next item was lighting trespass. They wanted the light trespass issues to be included. The next item was illumination levels. Pat Hunt described the illumination levels as listed in the guidelines for lighting engineers. She said that most of Medina was in the E1 and E2, which were intrinsically dark area or areas of low ambient light. She said a large portion of Medina is very rural which would require regulations that were aimed more towards rural standards than towards highly urbanized ones. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 107 The consensus of the Council was yes to go forward with that type of regulation. The next issue was uniformity, whether or not they wanted to have uniform regulations, uniform types of lighting throughout the entire area. There was some discussion on this. Paul Robinson said in the Urban Commercial 1 (UC1) area, or Business Park, there had been some discussion about setting a theme within that area. He said some uniformity may work in this zoning district. The next issue, light sources. Pat Hunt described the many types of light sources possible. Overall there was no consensus on picking any particular type of lighting source. Carolyn Smith said she was interested in promoting energy efficient and less obtrusive lighting. She would prefer lighting that would fit those requirements. The next item was lighting equipment. There was some discussion about how signs were lit and what part of the sign could be lit. Basically, the Council was interested in all different types lighting equipment, such as glare shields, visors, and pole heights. They wanted to look at different types of regulations there. The next item, lighted signs. There was quite a bit of discussion about signs and what constituted a sign. There was concern about the red barrels, for example, on the Valvoline station or the fascia lighting at Holiday Station and if that should be considered part of a sign or should that be considered a light and how would they control it. The next item was lighting controls, i.e. curfews. Pat Hunt said that the state energy code did require some type of photocell so that lights would not be on during the day. In conjunction with that it may also appropriate to have time clocks. There was some discussion about motion activated sensors. Pat Hunt said there are some issues and problems with motion activated sensors with metal haloyed or incandescent lights. However they do have some new lights that have two different levels, so that there is a brighter level when the motion sensor is tripped. Overall the consensus of the Council was to look at incorporating time clocks and photocells into the ordinance. Consistency of design style theme. This is similar to the uniformity issue. The next issue was the City review process. The Council wanted to include some type of process for review of lighting plans. Pat Hunt said that she would bring a report back to the Council for discussion on July 18, but she would have a report ready for the Council to review by July 5. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 108 17. Planning Commission Issue — Added to the Agenda Loren Kohnen said that he and Jim Dillman would be attending a meeting set up by the Metropolitan Council on the Elm Creek Interceptor. He said they wanted to bring together all of the Cities that will be using this interceptor to come up with an overall plan. Loren Kohnen said he would also be attending a meeting at Wayzata School District concerning their desire to build a new elementary school. Jim Johnson and other Council members requested that Kohnen mention that Medina was not necessarily interested in having an elementary school in the City. 18. Gregor Nursery John Hamilton and Phil Zietlow said a meeting was scheduled for Monday at 3:30 p.m. 19. Pay the Bills Moved by John Hamilton, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve the bills, order check numbers 21050-21119 for $215,623.08 and payroll check numbers 16589-16603 for $16,579.32 May 22, 2000 and 16604-16623 for $17, 923.56 for June 5, 2000. Motion passed unanimously. 20. Executive Session Moved by John Ferris, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to close the meeting and go into executive session at 11:45 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by John Hamilton, to reconvene the regular session at 12:34 a.m. Motion passed unanimously. 25. Adjournment Moved by John Hamilton, seconded by Jim Johnson, to adjourn the meeting at 12:35 a.m. Motion passed unanimously. John B. erris, Mayor Paul Ro: nson, Administrator -Clerk -Treasurer Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 109 ORDER CHECKS - JUNE 6, 2000 21050 ORCHARD TRUST $1,105.00 21051 P.E.R.A. $3,319.54 21052 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL SVC $47.73 21053 ANDERSON, EARL F. $3,410.31 21054 ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL $295.77 21055 AWWA $49.75 21056 BEA'S GREENHOUSE $16.75 21057 BROCK WHITE $4,047.00 21058 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS $813.47 21059 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD $20.00 21060 CASE CREDIT CORPORATION $137.69 21061 CLASSIC CLEANING $443.04 21062 DELTA DENTAL $778.85 21063 DES LAURIERS & SONS $7,770.00 21064 E-Z-RECYCLING $2,552.22 21065 FIRSTAR BANK $436.76 21066 FORTIS BENEFITS $246.76 21067 GARY'S DIESEL SERVICE $489.06 21068 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL $67.20 21069 GRAFIX SHOPPE $265.19 21070 HAMEL ATHLETIC CLUB $15,000.00 21071 HAMEL FIRE DEPT. $36,998.00 21072 HAMMEL, GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON $659.67 21073 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP $2,720.61 21074 HENNEPIN CO.TREAS.,ACCTG.SVCS. $345.00 21075 IMPREST FUND $500.14 21076 INT'L CITY/CO. MGMT. ASSN. $426.00 21077 LAKE BUSINESS SUPPLY $149.42 21078 LARSON, SANDRA $8.72 21079 LAW ENFORC. TACTICAL TRNG. ASN $375.00 21080 LONG LAKE, CITY OF $1,555.72 21081 LORETTO FIRE DEPT. $19,982.50 21082 MAPLE PLAIN FIRE DEPT $1,400.00 21083 MEDICA $226.20 21084 MEDICA CHOICE $6,296.55 21085 METRO WEST INSPECTION $70,487.95 21086 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WASTEWTR $4,356.00 21087 MIDLAND NURSERY $3,896.00 21088 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION $1,287.52 21089 MINNEGASCO $55.00 21090 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPP. PYT.CTR. $630.00 21091 MINNESOTA DEPT. OF HEALTH $676.00 21092 NORTH EMS EDUCATION $40.00 21093 NORTHERN STATES POWER $3,052.71 21094 OIL AIR PRODUCTS $46.42 Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 110 ORDER CHECKS — JUNE 6, 2000(Cont'd) 21095 PATCHIN MESSNER APPRAISALS $3,500.00 21096 PRIEM, JON $378.12 21097 PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. OF AM $125.75 21098 RANDY'S SANITATION $2,360.91 21099 ROBINSON, PAUL $286.26 21100 SAFETY TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC $601.47 21101 SCHMIDT CURB CO. $858.00 21102 STATE OF MINN.,CPV PROGRAM $350.00 21103 STREICHER'S $39.30 21104 SUPERIOR FORD $44.00 21105 THIBAULT ASSOCIATES $1,525.24 21106 TIGHT ROPE $4,500.00 - `'-'"`Tb 21107 TRI STATE PUMP $320.37 21108 TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN $805.12 21109 TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC $75.00 21110 U.S. FILTER/WATERPRO $41.38 21111 U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS $473.66 21112 VALVOLINE FLEET SERVICES $125.29 21113-14 VERIZON WIRELESS $224.28 21115 VICTORY CORPS $65.90 21116 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT $37.86 21117 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE $72.00 21118 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC $1,259.50 21119 XEROX CORPORATION $70.45 $215,623.08 PAYROLL CHECKS — JUNE 5,2000 16604 HAMILTON, JOHN A. $138.52 16605 SMITH, CAROLYN A. $138.52 16606 FERRIS, JOHN B $207.79 16607 ZIETLOW, PHILIP K. $138.52 16608 JOHNSON, JAMES R. $138.52 16609 ROBINSON, PAUL A. $1,103.30 16610 SCHERER, STEVEN T. $1,106.68 16611 MCGILL, CHRISTOPHER R. $1,234.57 16612 ROUILLARD, MICHAEL J $1,373.37 16613 KROEGER, SCOTT W. $1,371.95 16614 DILLMAN, JAMES D. $1,544.26 16615 DRESSEL, ROBERT P. $976.83 16616 BELLAND, EDGAR J. $1,880.62 16617 VIEAU, CECILIA M. $933.03 Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 111 PAYROLL CHECKS - JUNE 5,2000(Cont'd) 16618 SULANDER, LAURA L. $1,024.02 16619 LARSON, SANDRA L. $867.43 16620 BOECKER, KEVIN D. $290.87 16621 PRIEM, JON D. $1,170.99 16622 CHRISTENSON, JEREMY L. $978.62 16623 NYSTROM, JAMES $1,305.15 $17, 923.56 PAYROLL CHECKS - MAY 22,2000 16589 ROBINSON, PAUL A. $1,103.30 16590 SCHERER, STEVEN T. $1,068.47 16591 MCGILL, CHRISTOPHER R. $1,251.69 16592 ROUILLARD, MICHAEL J $729.35 16593 KROEGER, SCOTT W. $1,167.77 16594 DILLMAN, JAMES D $1,544.26 16595 DRESSEL, ROBERT P $949.26 16596 BELLAND, EDGAR J. $1,880.62 16597 VIEAU, CECILIA M. $933.03 16598 SULANDER, LAURA L. $1,024.02 16599 LARSON, SANDRA L. $957.03 16600 BOECKER, KEVIN D. $389.58 16601 PRIEM, JON D $1,294.14 16602 CHRISTENSON, JEREMY L. $1,064.26 16603 NYSTROM, JAMES $1,222.54 $16, 579.32 Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000 112 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY) Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000