HomeMy Public PortalAboutWFPL Minutes 5-13-19 with linksWatertown Free Public Library Meeting of the Trustees Monday, May 13, 2019 Raya Stern Trustees Room, WFPL Present: Trustees Michael Hanlon, Timothy Tracy, Leanne Hammonds, Penelope Peoples; WFPL Director Leone Cole, Assistant Director Caitlin Browne. Enclosures: May 13th Meeting Agenda; April Board Meeting Minutes; Library Budget Report; HATCH Budget Report; Memo regarding FY20 Burke Fund allocations; 2019 WFPL Director's Review Compilation prepared by Board Secretary; Letter from MA Board of Library Commissioners re: State Aid to Public Libraries Award for WFPL; WFPL Quarterly Report. Call to order: Mr. Tracy called the meeting to order at 5:07 pm. Watertown Cable Access Television was on hand to record the meeting. Secretary's Report: Minutes of the April 2, 2019 Board of Trustees meeting were approved. Public Forum: No members of the public present. Financial Report: FY19 Budget Update: Ms. Hammonds asked if any funds would need to be moved to Building Maintenance before the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Cole replied that building renovation funds could be moved, if necessary. Mr. Tracy commented that the Board would likely move in June to allow for Director and Board treasurer to shift any funds as needed. Mr. Hanlon asked if goals for Electric and Gas would be met. Ms. Cole replied that they would and any surplus will fall to bottom line which the Town will then use for the ESCO project. Ms. Hammonds reminded trustees to submit committee expenses by the end of the fiscal year. HATCH: Ms. Browne reported that HATCH is in good shape through the fiscal year end and that HATCH submitted an application a Watertown Community Foundation grant --the grants are usually made in May or June. Mr. Hanlon asked how many volunteers we have at HATCH and Ms. Browne reported that at last count there were 41 and that HATCH hosts 36-38 events each month (more details in Quarterly Report). Mr. Tracy asked if HATCH has sufficient space, Ms. Browne replied that there is enough space for what HATCH now offers, but they cannot expand programming in the existing space. Ms. Peoples asked if there is any word on HATCH getting space at former Police Station. Ms. Cole reports there is no decision yet but that she will raise the subject at the Town budget meeting. Ms. Hammonds asked if HATCH hosted an event in conjunction with the Cambridge Science Festival. Ms. Browne reported they held an Open House that was attended by about 90 people. Ms. Peoples raised a motion to accept the Financial Report. Mr. Hanlon seconded and the Board unanimously voted to accept the report. Chair's Report: Mr. Tracy reported that papers can now be pulled to run for election or re- election to the Board of Trustees and other elected positions. Director's Report: Burke Fund: Ms. Cole referred the Board to her FY20 Burke Fund allocation memo dated April 30, 2019. Mr. Hanlon asked how many passes the $5,000 alloted for museum passes would cover. Ms. Cole reported that the $5,000 is used to cover the cost of extra Watertown resident -only passes for the most popular museums. Ms. Hammonds asked if the Library would add any additional passes this year and Ms. Cole replied that they were not planning on it. Mr. Tracy asked if there are any patron requests for additional passes, Ms. Cole responded that there are not and that she thinks we have all the passes that are available already. Ms. Peoples asked if the Burke will sets forth percentages for allocating funds and Ms. Cole replied yes --for example, ten percent must be spent on teen materials and another ten percent is split between adult and children's materials. Ms. Cole confirmed programming funds are divided up at our discretion between adult, teen and children's programs. Ms. Hammonds moved to accept the Burke Fund allocations as provided in the Director's memo. Mr. Hanlon seconded. The board unanimously voted to approve the allocations. Update on Door Project: Ms. Cole will attend the May 14th Town Council meeting to answer any questions regarding replacement of library doors (funding for which is an item on the meeting agenda). Mr. Tracy asked about the jump in cost. Ms. Cole explained that when we initially asked for replacement of doors in the capital plan it was to be a simple replacement of the same type of sliding doors. The plan has evolved and the numbers in the capital plan never changed. Mr. Hanlon asked when installation of new doors could begin. Ms. Cole replied that if the Council votes yes it will go to the Purchasing Agent and then she'll get an idea of the scheduling and let the Board know. Mr. Tracy noted, and Ms. Cole confirmed, that this project is not tied to the fiscal year because it is part of the capital budget, so work could conceivably start in June if things move along quickly. Ms. Cole noted that the automatic door installation/patio project is on schedule. Ms. Browne confirmed that the patio work is finished and the wiring for the automatic door is being done this week and installation of the door is scheduled for Monday, May 20, 2019. Personnel Updates: Ms. Cole reports that the new technology hire will start on May 28th. Reference librarian Kerrianne McQuown recently resigned. She is moving on to become head of a branch of the Cambridge Public Library. Ms. Browne will conduct interviews for her replacement this week. Parking Plan: The Town is conducting a study of parking in the Square. Ms. Cole asked if we should request some free short-term parking for library patrons. Discussion ensued. It was decided that Ms. Cole should request that the Town consider adding free 30 -minute spots for library patrons. Mr. Hanlon asked about installing signage reminding people to drive slowly in the lot. Ms. Cole said she would include this in her request to the Town. Old Business: Director Evaluation: Mr. Tracy had a question about how the average scores were compiled. There was a short discussion but since Mr. Pritchard was not present the issue was tabled until next meeting. Ms. Cole distributed a written response to the Director Evaluation. New Business: Ms. Cole and Mr. Tracy will address the Town Councilors at tonight's budget meeting. The Town Council will vote on the budget on June 4, 2019 at 6:00pm. Requests for Information: None. Next meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 7:00pm. Ms. Hammonds made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Hanlon seconded. The board voted unanimously to adjourn. ###