HomeMy Public PortalAboutWMSC Minutes 2008-05-15 Date Approved:1 208 TOW-4t OF ORLEAS TOWN CLARK S OFFNICT '08 JUL -8 Pn 2: 40 For Official Use Only WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE Minutes of May 15,2008 A meeting of the Wastewater Management Steering Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Skaket Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Members Present: Augusta McKusick(Board of Health); Sims McGrath(Planning Board);Ann Hodgkinson(Board of Water Commissioners); Judith Bruce(Conservation Commission); John Hinckley(Board of Selectmen);Rick Sigal(Finance Committee);George Meservey(Planning Director). Also Present: Michael Giggey,Heather Merriman (Wright-Pierce);and members of the Citizen's Advisory Committee. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:April 17,2008 MOTION: On a motion by Ann Hodgkinson, seconded by Sims McGrath,the Board voted to approve the minutes of April 17, 2008. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 1,2008 MOTION: On a motion by Judith Bruce, seconded by Sims McGrath,the Board voted to approve the minutes of May 1,2008 as amended. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Board of Selectmen-John Hinckley informed the committee that Gussie McKusick was re-appointed as Chairman of the Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative. Conservation Commission—No report for Conservation Commission. Pleasant Bay Alliance-Judith Bruce reported on a Lite symposium regarding the new Chatham break and inlet on June 26, 2008 from 7:00 -9:00 p.m.which will include information on the hydrogeologic studies. Wastewater Management Steering Committee Minutes—May 15, 2008 Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION WITH WRIGHT-]PIERCE Michael Giggey(Wright-Pierce)updated the committee on the progress on finalizing the Phase 5 draft report and reminded the committee that there are upcoming public hearings. Giggey has refined some of the collection system costs. Giggey noted that the total increase is$10-$15 million for each of three plans. Giggey stated that the re use costs have been adjusted because of the increased monitoring requirements. Giggey reported that the Phase 5 report has a section on regionalization and a new section on next steps. Giggey stated that Wright-Pierce is still working on the envirorunental impacts and noted that the archeological resources are known to exist at the Tri-Town site, and a report has been obtained. Giggey reported that recovery of other archeological resources may be needed if Plan 1 or Plan 2 is chosen. The Massachusetts Estuaries Project process will include Massachusetts Historical; so these issues will need to be addressed. Giggey referred to an addition to the report on in-fill development within the several areas. There was a brief description of the Tri-town DMA issues and limitations was added to the"Ease of Implementation"section. The DPW facility potential at the compost shed has been more fully detailed. Anticipated delivery of the Phase 5 report will be in the afternoon of May 16,2008. The committee reviewed copies of the slides to be used for the upcoming public hearings and made suggestions for revisions. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Respectfiilly submitted, �, Karen C. Sharpless Recording Secretary Wastewater Management Steering Committee Minutes—May 15, 2008 Page 2 of 2