HomeMy Public PortalAboutWMSC Minutes 2008-01-31 TOWN.OF ORL &111 TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 08 MAR 27 P !; 35 For Official Use Only WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE Minutes of January 31, 2008 A meeting of the Wastewater Management Steering Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Skaket Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Members Present: Augusta McKusick(Board of Health); Sims McGrath(Planning Board);Ann Hodgkinson(Board of Water Commissioners); Judith Bruce(Conservation Commission);George Meservey,(Planning Director). Also Present: Citizen's Advisory Committee members: John Hodgkinson. Audience Members: Robert Donath;Marty Rich. Absent: John Hinckley(Board of Selectmen). APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 10, 2008 MOTION: On a motion by Ann Hodgkinson, seconded by Sims McGrath,the Board voted to approve the minutes of January 10,2007. VOTE: 4-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. LAND IN SOUTH ORLEANS Marty Rich shared information with the committee regarding a parcel of land that may be of interest to the Wastewater Management Steering Committee in their planning. Marty showed the committee a group of parcels totaling 34 acres that are available off Route 39 behind Ruddy Duck Road. The committee asked George Meservey to inquire an opinion from Town Counsel as to what the process would be to acquire property in an adjacent municipality. McKusick tanked Rich for the information. NITROGEN REGULATIONS Bob Donath(speaking as a citizen)reported that the Board of Health has proposed Nitrogen Regulations which have raised some concerns,as expressed at the Board of Selectmen meeting on January 30, 2008. Bruce questioned McKusick(as Board of Health representative to the Wastewater Management Steering Committee)about the impact of the proposed regulations on additions to existing homes. The committee discussed how the regulations would work. i SEWERING The committee discussed comments that members have heard concerning the option of sewering the whole town. Wastewater Management Steering Committee Minutes—January 31, 2008 Page 1 of 3 1 TRI TOWN PLUME Bruce' ig eAed tu the" "iewater Management Steering Committee should address resident concerns regarding the Tri-Town Plume and its expected impact upon Cape Cod Bay. Hodgkinson stated that misinformation is being passed around town. CHECKERBOARDING LEGISLATION McGrath reported on the Checkerboarding Legislation, for which he gave testimony at the State House in Boston, and noted that the Bill (S.2452)has moved out of the committee. MASSACHUSETTS ESTUARIES PROJECT McKusick reported that two letters were sent to Dr.Brian Howes at the University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth concerning delays in the Massachusetts Estuaries Project reports. WRIGHT-PIERCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT The committee discussed an amendment to the Wright-Pierce contract for the loading tests and groundwater modeling. MOTION: On a motion by Ann Hodgkinson, seconded by Judith Bruce,the Board voted to approve the Wright-Pierce contract amendments for Phase 6. VOTE: 4-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN TIME LINE The committee discussed a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan timeline dated January 28, 2008. McKusick suggested scheduling Saturday morning workshops throughout the summer, one for each of the six areas of town and several meetings for the whole town. Bruce suggested holding hearings to help citizens reach conclusions about which is the best plan. Hodgkinson pointed out the need to demonstrate the pros and cons to the voters and questioned whether the information could be made available prior to the town meeting, along with dates of all the workshops. The committee discussed times of the week that would be best in order to gain the most response from residents and there was a general consensus that Saturday morning would be a reasonable time for most sessions. McGrath pointed out the need to be repetitive at each of the meetings in order to make it understandable for first time attendees. Hodgkinson requested that committee members do their homework by adding to the timeline and breaking down the town for regional workshops. CONSENSUS: There was a consensus of the committee to revisit the timeline on a monthly basis The committee discussed timing of when a recommendation is made by the Wastewater Management Steering Committee on the best alternative. McKusick suggested a FAQ section be shown on the Wastewater Management Steering Committee portion of the town website. Wastewater Management Steering Committee Minutes—January 31, 2008 Page 2 of 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The committee discussed the Capital Improvement Plan and directed Meservey to work with Wright- Pierce and report back on a"not to exceed"cost for the facility design. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, C'. V 1 -�- Karen C. Sharpless Recording Secretary Wastewater Management Steering Committee Minutes—January 31, 2008 Page 3 of 3