HomeMy Public PortalAbout06/20/00 CCM113 MEDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 2000 The City Council of Medina, Minnesota met in regular session on June 20, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Chambers. Mayor John Ferris presided. Members present: Ferris, Hamilton, Johnson, Smith, and Zietlow. Members absent: None. Also present: Police Chief Ed Belland, Attorney Ron Batty, Public Works Director Jim Dillman, City Engineer Tom Kellogg, Planning & Zoning Administrator Loren Kohnen, and Administrator - Clerk -Treasurer Paul Robinson. 1. Additions to the Agenda A. Update on meetings recently that were attended by Loren Kohnen. B. Pioneer/Sarah Creek Update. C. Consumer Confidence report for the water system. D. Update on Gregor Nursery Meeting. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by John Hamilton, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Approval of the Minutes from the June 6, 2000 Regular Council Meeting Paul Robinson said there was one addition on page 5. Add "Pat Raskob asked why the Sweens were not included in the area to be sewered". Another correction was that the meeting adjourned at 12:35 a.m. not p.m. same was true with the ending time for the executive session. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve the minutes of June 6, 2000 as amended. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Comments from Residents in Attendance on Items Not on the Agenda There were none. 4. Park Commission Comments There were none. 5. Planning Commission Comments Loren Kohnen said the Commission will hold a special meeting on the 28`h regarding the concept plan for PUD #1 (Former Elwell Farm). 6. Holy Name Sanitary Sewer Discussion Tom Kellogg gave an overview of the two options for the sanitary sewer service in the area. He explained the difference between the gravity system option and the pressure system option. The estimated cost of the gravity system was $22,100 per unit and the pressure system was $16,842 per unit. Tom said that the pressure system assessment included a $4,500 allowance for a grinder pump that would be installed and maintained by the homeowner. He said in addition to the assessments, both options include some additional common costs. These include: the cost of the installation of a sewer service from the stub in the sewer main to the service in the house(est. $2,000-$5,000); the removal of the old septic system(est. $500 - $1,500); an area sewer charge collected by the City of Plymouth( $810); and the sewer availability charge collected by the Metropolitan Council ($1,100). Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 114 David Sween, 2112 Holy Name Drive, asked why their home was omitted from this project. Jim Dillman said that it was inadvertently left out and that it should be included. Loren Kohnen said it is possible that the home owned by Holy Name Church may not be included in this project since it may become a part of the cemetery. Tom Kellogg said that there was one additional cost on the gravity option which was a quarterly fee paid to the City for the waste disposal. He said a minimum quarterly charge was $34, but the actual fee will depend on the home and could be as much as $80 to $100 a quarter. Randy Hughes of 2160 Holy Name Drive said he recently had a new system installed and wondered if he would be required to hook up if his system was still working. Loren Kohnen said his system was installed around 15 years ago and would probably be considered failing. Tom Kellogg said that some cities can allow for a later hookup or a hookup within a certain period of time and defer the assessment cost. There was some discussion about failing systems. Loren Kohnen said that according to the PCA rules 85% - 90% of the systems on the lake are failing. Roger Meyer, Lakeview Drive, said that he owned lots 11 and 12 on the lake and there is only one home on those two lots. He wondered why he would be assessed for two connections. There was some discussion. There was no resolution about whether or not he would be assessed for one or two units. If he were to combine his lots, it was conceivable that he would only be charged for one connection. However, he would not be able to subdivide those lots in the future. There was some discussion about the grinder pumps and how long they would last before there would be required maintenance. Tom Kellogg said one additional cost he forgot to mention earlier was the annual electric cost, $30 per year, to run the grinder pump. He said manufacturers are telling them that the earliest these pumps need to be maintained is around seven years. There was some discussion about the type of construction involved for the two different options. Tom Kellogg said the pressure system would be done using a boring technique where they push rods into the ground and actually pull the pipe back through the hole made by the rods. There would be a lot less disruptions of the yards with that option. He said with the gravity system, they would need to dig a larger trench through the backyards. He said the estimated cost of both options includes restoration of the area that would be disturbed. There was some discussion about whether or not the lot next to the cemetery would be included in the assessment since that may be included as a part of the cemetery at some point. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 115 Loren Kohnen was going to contact the church and ask them what they were going to do with that parcel. Dan Bennis said the value of the lots in this area has gone up considerably. He said if someone were to purchase a lot and needed a mortgage they would have a difficult time without guaranteeing the septic system. He said most would require a new system; costing anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000. He was in favor of moving forward with this sewer project. John Hamilton suggested polling those present. Lot 1 was not present, however, most believed that Chuck was in favor. Lot 5 was not present, Lot 11 and 12 were together, Lot 16 was not present. All those present were in favor of the project. John Ferris said that one of the advantages of a gravity system is you never have to worry about it. He said he went through this in Plymouth and believed it was well worth it. There was a question about the term of the assessment. Paul Robinson said they have been from 10 to 30 years. There was a question about what the term would be on this one. It was decided that it would probably be 10 years. There was some discussion about the interest rate. Paul Robinson said between 8 & 9%, similar to what a home improvement loan would be. There was some discussion about deferring assessments for those who did not want to hook up immediately. No decision was made on this issue. Ron Batty outlined the options that were before the Council. One, all properties hook up to the sewer line, two, not all hookup and the cost increase for those who do hook up, or third, defer the assessments for those who do not hook up. There was some discussion about the nature of deferring the assessment. It was estimated that the interest on the assessment would be about $3,000 per year if it were deferred. Jim Ditter asked where the sewer stub would be left on his property since his property was on both sides of the road. Tom Kellogg said that the stub would go underneath Holy Name Drive to the east. From there it would be brought to his home. Tom Kellogg said in order to get this project done this year we would need to get the bids out as soon as possible. This mean that approval of the plans and specifications needs to occur as soon as possible. In order for that to be done, it is necessary to know what option the Council would like to use. Each lot was polled for their preference. There were several that had no preference about grinder pump versus gravity option or pressure option versus gravity. The overall consensus was to opt for the gravity sewer option. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 116 There was some discussion about the monthly payment for the project. It was estimated to be between $200 and $300 per month. Ron Batty said that they would need to accept the feasibility study and approve it. Moved by John Hamilton, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve Resolution 00-25, approving the feasibility study, ordering the plans and specifications, and setting an improvement and assessment hearing for July 18, 2000 for the Holy Name Sewer Project. Motion passed unanimously. Tom Kellogg said in order to get started with the plans and specifications, they would need to do soil borings. That means they would need to enter people's properties. Ron Batty said that they would eventually need temporary construction easements signed. The consensus of the residents was that they would grant easements and access to their properties. Ron Batty said he would work on those easements. Tom Kellogg said the easements needed would consists of a 50-foot wide construction easement and a 20-foot wide permanent easement. 7. Assessment Policy Jim Dillman said that he met with Phil Zietlow about different road projects in the City. One was the Meadowwoods project. He said he believed the City should look at picking up 100% of the cost for projects where they are overlaying an existing road that was previously assessed. He said the overlay should be considered general maintenance and included in the annual budget. Phil Zietlow said that he thought it was fair. Jim Dillman said this would probably keep the roads in better shape. Carolyn Smith said that she was okay with the way it was stated in the memo. Once the road is paid for initially that an overlay be considered a part of the maintenance and City cost. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to modify the assessment policy to include overlays as a part of the maintenance and that assessments only occur when a road is either being constructed for the first time or reconstructed completely. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Cancel Assessment & Improvement Hearings for Meadowwoods Trail Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve Resolution 00-26, rescinding the feasibility study, and assessment and improvement hearings for Meadowwoods Trail for July 5, 2000. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Stop Sign Request Jim Dillman said he and Ed Belland recommended the City Council place a stop sign at Foxberry Farms Road and Shorewood Trail. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by John Hamilton, to approve the stop sign request. Motion passed unanimously. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 117 10. Consumer Confidence Report Jim Dillman said annually the City needed to fulfill a statutory requirement and submit a Consumer Confidence Report to all the City residents. One had been handed out at the beginning of the meeting. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve the Consumer Confidence Report. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Request for Rezoning from Urban Commercial to Suburban Residential on Townline Road and the Preliminary Plat for Park Bridge Acres from David & Marjorie Kearin and Richard and Shane Rudd Loren Kohnen said the Kearin's and the Rudd's were requesting to rezone their property and a preliminary plat for their property located in the southeast corner of Townline Road and Highway 12, south of the railroad tracks. The property is currently zoned urban commercial. He said that Townline Road south of Highway 12 at the railroad bridge will soon be closed and only include a 10 foot walking path to Highway 12. Signal lights will be installed at this intersection when Townline Road is closed. Because of this commercial zoning on the Kearin/Rudd property is probably not appropriate. Therefore, suburban residential zoning is being requested which has a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet. All properties south of this proposed rezoning are zoned residential. Staff recommends that the Kearin and Rudd properties be rezoned from urban commercial to suburban residential. This is also consistent with the comprehensive plan that the City has approved and is awaiting Metropolitan Council approval. He said that the Kearin's and Rudd's are proposing a preliminary plat consisting of 24 lots ranging in size from 30,000 to 32,671 square feet. He said 18 of the lots are on the Kearin's property and six are on the Rudd's property. He said all lots meet the requirements of the suburban residential zoning. He said that the plat includes two roads, one Juniper Curve at the north and one called Spruce Way at the south of the plat. He said that Spruce Way would have a small portion of it in Orono and a small cul de sac on the east end in Orono. Spruce Way will include four parcels not part of this plat, these four parcels currently use a railroad crossing shown at the very east of the plat and are located in Orono. He said this crossing would be closed with the improvements made to the intersection at County Road 29 and Highway 12. He said see the information attached from the applicants and the City engineer. Kohnen said that the Planning Commission recommended approval with 15 conditions. Kohnen showed an overhead of the proposed plat. He said that Staff was pushing this project because they wanted to get MnDOT funding for the road and this cannot occur without a plat showing where the road exists. There was some discussion about who would maintain the road. Jim Dillman said that Orono would probably plow the road, however, they have no written agreement, but they will work something out between the two cities. There was some discussion about the NURP ponds on the property. Loren Kohnen said that because Staff was pushing this proposal in order to get the road constructed, the Kearin's and Rudd's were requesting a three-year extension for the plat instead of the customary six months. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 118 Jim Johnson asked about condition number 15, the existing business, the heating and air conditioning business. Loren Kohnen said that Mr. Kearin has a business within the proposed project area and would like to continue his business until this property is developed. Phil Zietlow asked if that would make this building non -conforming. Ron Batty said that it is currently a legal use in the Urban Commercial district operating under a Conditional Use Permit. However, when the zoning is changed, it will become a non- conforming use. Before they moved forward with the rezoning, Ron Batty said that any rezoning or plat would need to be contingent upon the approval of the Comprehensive Plan by the Metropolitan Council. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to direct the City Attorney to draft a resolution approving the rezoning from Urban Commercial to Suburban Residential for this property, contingent upon approval of the Comprehensive Plan of the Metropolitan Council. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to direct the City Attorney to draft a resolution, approving the preliminary plat for the Rudd property amending condition #15 to clarify the status of the commercial use. Motion passed unanimously contingent upon Comprehensive Plan approval and including a 3-year extension for final plat approval. 12. Preliminary Plat for Frizzel and Enqe Loren Kohnen said that Mr. Frizzel and Mr. Enge would like to replat a common lot line. He said a survey was attached and information from the applicants was attached as well as the Planning Commission memo and minutes. He said the Planning Commission recommended approval of the replat with two conditions. That the drainage and utility easements be vacated along the existing lot line and that the five foot drainage and utility easements be relocated on each side of the new lot line. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to direct the City Attorney to draft a resolution approving the preliminary plat with the two conditions from the Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to set a public hearing for July 18, 2000 to vacate the easements. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Comprehensive Plan Update Paul Robinson said he and Loren Kohnen recently met with Phyllis Hanson, our new representative from the Metropolitan Council. Robinson said the Metropolitan Council has a goal/policy of three units per acre for any undeveloped residential property. He said they have only allowed the City of Minnetrista's plan to be approved with fewer units. However, their plan was adopted with a different set of Metropolitan Council representatives. The staff at the Metropolitan Council would like not to Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 119 have to change this policy and said they would be able to move our plan through rather quickly if we were to come very close to the three units per acre. Robinson said that there were a couple of options in the City to increase the density and meet the three units per acre if the Council so desired. One was to reguide the golf course which the City had chosen not to do at the previous meeting, and another was an area of property, around nine acres, north of the Dorweiler property and east of County Road 101, that he (Paul Robinson) had accidentally taken out of the multi -family residential guiding. There was some discussion by the Council Members. Moved by Phil Zietlow, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to have Multi Family Residential zoning for the parcel east of 101 considered at a Planning Commission Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Motion passed unanimously The next item was the commercial property. There was some discussion at the last Council meeting about rezoning or reguiding 40 acres of commercial property owned by Wallace Cates, east of Willow Drive and north of Chippewa Road. There was some discussion about including additional property. Jim Dillman said that Mr. Cates would not mind having an additional 20 acres in the commercial zone. There was some discussion that at one time the entire 80 acres had been guided for commercial development. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to have the Planning Commission consider adding 80 acres, from Chippewa to the border of the City east of Willow into the Urban Commercial 1 area to be considered at a Planning Commission Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Motion passed unanimously The next item was the 2020 - 2040 MUSA area. Robinson said that in the past there had been some discussion about reducing the size of the 2040 area to match the 2020 area. There was some discussion. John Hamilton was opposed. He thought that the 2040 area should remain for future generations. Future Councils could reduce this. Jim Johnson spoke in favor of this. He thought that this would help to minimize the amount of sewer coming into Medina and help control and slow growth in the future. It was decided to remove the rural residential area west of County Road 116 up to Willow Drive and north of 55 from the area to be provided with sewer between 2020 and 2040. In addition the property where the Hennepin County public works building was located and a small portion of the rural residential property east of the PUD #2, and west of Brockton and south of the Hamel Legion Park were included. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to add this issue for consideration at a Planning Commission Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Motion passed. John Hamilton opposed. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 120 Paul Robinson said there was one small urban residential lot south of the Cherry Hill development. He said he wanted to bring this to the Council's attention since it may be better to have this property guided urban commercial. He said that urban commercial zoning would actually provide a larger buffer area between the residential property and the commercial property. He said that currently a 75 foot setback is required between districts which would take up more than half of the northern property. Currently under urban residential there is only a 10 foot side yard setback. This means a home could be 10 feet off the property line versus a business which would have to be located 75 feet off the property line. Moved by Carolyn Smith, seconded by John Hamilton, to add this item to a Planning Commission Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Motion passed unanimously. Paul Robinson said there were a number of other smaller items dealing with the public/semi public guiding. He said there were parcels that should not be in the public/semi public guiding that had been up to now. There was a great deal of discussion. In the end it was decided to allow Staff to come up with the best resolution for this issue and to propose it to the Planning Commission for the public hearing. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith to have the Planning Commission hold a public hearing at their next Planning Commission meeting on the Comprehensive Plan and then to bring this item back to the City Council by July 18. Motion passed unanimously. Loren Kohnen said he and Jim Dillman recently went to a Metropolitan Council meeting regarding the Elm Creek Interceptor. He said that there was a great deal of discussion about the development in this area up to 2040 and beyond. He said that a number of cities, Osseo, Maple Grove, Hassan, Rogers, Corcoran, Plymouth, Medina, were involved in this study. He said it was going to be dealing with the ultimate sewer capacity of the area. Another meeting he attended was regarding Wayzata schools. They are looking for a site in Maple Grove, Plymouth or Medina for an elementary school. He said they are leaning towards Maple Grove since all the schools are currently located in Plymouth. They may even do a school where they work jointly with the Osseo School District. Loren Kohnen said he told the school district that Medina would not necessarily be interested in housing an elementary school within the City. Loren Kohnen said that he also attended a meeting with the developers of the Elwell property. They are getting ready for the public hearing on the 28t". He said Bill Thibault is going to be pulling a memo together summarizing all of the different concerns of each of the departments. 14. Planning Consultant Contract Amendment Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve the amendment to the planning consultant contract. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Gregor Nursery Phil Zietlow said that he, John, and Loren met with Gregor, that they are looking at some options for reducing items, he is selling, not produced at his location. Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 121 There was some discussion on this issue. He said that they are going to be meeting with Mr. Gregor in the near future to work on this issue further. 16. Approval to Begin a Hiring List for an Additional Officer Ed Belland said that Scott Kroeger was being backgrounded by the Plymouth Police Department and it is very likely that he will be moving on soon. Belland asked for approval to begin an eligibility list for a new officer. He said that way the 4 to 6 month hiring process can be cut down by a month or two. Moved by Phil Zietlow, seconded by Jim Johnson, to authorize the police chief to move forward with establishing an eligibility list for an additional officer. Motion passed unanimously. 17. Liquor Licensing There was some discussion about whether or not the liquor licenses are covering costs. In the end it was decided that no adjustment was needed this year. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Carolyn Smith, to approve the liquor licenses. Motion passed unanimously. 18. Update on the Pioneer/Sarah Creek Watershed Rule Adoption Phil Zietlow said he had a meeting between himself, Tom Kellogg, Rich Brasch, Don Johnston, and Lenny Leuer. They pulled together and had a nice discussion and are now drafting some recommendations and changes to the rule to bring back to the City Council for approval to then pass on to the watershed district. 19. Cabin Social Jim Dillman said that the cabin social went very well. He said that next year he wanted to know during the budget if we should add some additional funds for the City to spend for this, that the City could spend $2,000 to $3,000 to pay for the event. 20. Pay the Bills Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to approve the bills, order check numbers 21120-21188 for S 126, 941.68, and payroll check numbers 16624-16638 for $16,154.25. Motion passed unanimously. 21. Adjournment Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Phil Zietlow, to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. n B. Ferris, Mayor 41401111111. Paul o.inson, City Clerk -Treasurer Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 122 (THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY) Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 123 21120 21121 21122 21123 21124 21125 21126 21127 21128 21129 21130 21131 21132 21133 21134 21135 21136 21137 21138 21139 21140 21141 21142 21143 21144 21145 21146 21147 21148 21149 21150 21151 21152 21153 21154 21155 21156 21157 21158 21159 21160 21161 21162 21163 ORDER CHECKS - JUNE 20, 2000 ORCHARD TRUST CO 06/05/00 PAYROLL $1,105.00 P.E.R.A. 06/05/00 PAYROLL $3,308.15 A.T.& T $36.14 AMERICAN EXPRESS $411.78 AMERICAN SUPPLY GROUP $64.85 r,/4-'+�`^"' ANDERSON, EARL F. $8,367.16- 6` ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. $146.34 BILLADEAU, GENE $200.00 BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK $5,419.44 BROCK WHITE $11,757.60- BUDGET PRINTING $402.75 CULLIGAN $69.49 CUSTOM WELDING $1,788.45 CY'S UNIFORMS $47.95 ELM CREEK WATERSHED $2,795.89 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, INC. $708.00 ERICKSON, ROLF ENT., INC. $3,274.55 FORTIN HARDWARE $93.61 GENUINE PARTS $165.82 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD $68.20 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL $209.60 HAMEL BUILDING CENTER $9.15 HAMILTON, JOHN $200.00 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP $70.00 HENN COOP. SEED EXCHANGE $26.57 HENNEPIN COUNTY CENTRAL SVCS. $16.20 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF $317.16 HOLIDAY $13.82 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO., INC. $599.09 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM $155.38 KENNEDY & GRAVEN $9,161.96 LAWSON, SANDRA $6.77 LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES $495.00 LAWN DETAILERS $1,520.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. $83.91 MCFOA $70.00 MEDICA $226.20 METRO WEST INSPECTION $30,616.45 METRO.COUNCIL ENVIRO. SERVICES $7,868.00 ' METROCALL $82.05 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION $5,103.48 MIDWEST AUTOMOTIVE $460.78 MINN COMM $30.69 MINNESOTA DEPT. OF HEALTH $23.00 Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 124 ORDER CHECKS — JUNE 20, 2000 (CONT'D) 21164 MOBIL $89.80 21165 MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF WAYZ.BAY $296.88 21166 NEXTEL WEST CORP $551.25 21167 NORTHERN STATES POWER $1,071.24 21168 ORCHARD TRUST C0.06/19/00 PAYROLL $1,105.00 21169 PIONEER-SARAH CREEK $1,027.94 21170 REYNOLDS WELDING $23.11 21171 ROCHESTER MIDLAND $345.06 21172 SAFETY TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC $375.87 21173 SALVERDA, DONALD & ASSOC. $368.67 21174 SKYWAY PUBLICATIONS, INC. $250.63 21175 STATE OF MINNESOTA $400.00 21176 STREICHER'S $135.62 21177 SUPERIOR FORD $321.75 21178 TALLEN & BAERTSCHI $3,308.34 "- 21179 TIGHT ROPE $15,000.00 21180 TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN $178.93 21181 U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS $110.76 21182 USPS 500.00 21183 VERIZON WIRELESS $16.14 21184 VIEAU, CEC $50.21 21185 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER $68.43 21186 WEST METRO LUMBER $458.54 21187 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC $72.69 21188 P.E.R.A. 06/19/00 PAYROLL $3,218.39 Total Checks $126,941.68 PAYROLL CHECKS — JUNE 19, 2000 16624 ROBINSON, PAUL A $1,103.30 16625 SCHERER, STEVEN T $1,030.26 16626 MCGILL, CHRISTOPHER R. $1,234.57 16627 ROUILLARD, MICHAEL J $645.24 16628 KROEGER, SCOTT W. $1,235.83 16629 DILLMAN, JAMES D. $1,544.26 16630 DRESSEL, ROBERT P $940.06 16631 BELLAND, EDGAR J. $1,880.62 16632 VIEAU, CECILIA M. $933.03 16633 SULANDER, LAURA L. $1,024.02 16634 LARSON, SANDRA L. $992.88 16635 BOECKER, KEVIN D. $341.92 16636 PRIEM, JON D $1,170.99 16637 CHRISTENSON, JEREMY L. $978.62 16638 NYSTROM, JAMES $1,098.65 $16,154.25 Medina City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000