HomeMy Public PortalAboutGolf Commission -- 2007-04-10 MinutesBREWSTER GOLF COMMISSION April 10, 2007 The following are the minutes of the Brewster Golf Commission meeting held on April 10, 2007. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM. Commissioners present: Joseph Shaw, Vice Chairman George Flemming Joan Menna Josephine O'Connell K. Ovian Lloyd Shand Staff present: Mark O'Brien, Director of Operations Steve Mann, Superintendent Others present: Jim Ehrhart, Selectmen Liaison Bill Glass, President Men's Assn Jean Bassett, President 18 Hole Assn Jackie Dufresne, Pres. Women's 9 Hole Assn Cindy Bingham, VP 18 Hole Assn Pat Eggers, Secretary The minutes from the February 13, 2007 meeting were reviewed. A motion made by G. Flemming, seconded by K. Ovian, to approve the minutes was passed unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE • A thank you note was received from the Housing Assistance Corporation of Cape Cod for the recent donation of a foursome and for supporting their closest to the pin fundraiser. Gosnold of Cape Cod wrote to ask for a donation of a foursome. A motion made by L. Shand, seconded by K. Ovian to approve the request passed unanimously. 2 BREWSTER GOLF COMMISSION April 10, 2007 • The following requests for donations were denied: o Interfaith Council for the Homeless o Chip in for Cancer Golf Classic, Canton, MA o AIDS Action Committee, Boston o Portuguese-American Police Association o New England Bassett Hound Rescue Association • YMCA of Cape Cod requested a donation of a foursome for their silent auction. A motion made by L. Shand, seconded by K. Ovian to approve the request passed. • WGAM (Women's Golf Assoc. of Ma.) wrote to request dates for their 2-day LaBonte tournament in late Sept. /early Oct. in 2008. Member clubs are required to host a major tournament for WGAM once every 5 years. Mark recommends offering them a Tues/Wed in early October, and asked if the Women's Association would consider giving up their block time that day. It is expected that the women will be asked to volunteer to assist WGAM in running the event. There would be no impact to Men's Wed. play. A motion made by G. Flemming, seconded by J. Menna to approve the request .passed. • J. Shaw distributed a letter from Brent Warner thanking Captains for the support for his professional golf career in 2006. He highlighted the success he had last year, and asked to renew his relationship with Captains for 2007. A motion made by L. Shand, seconded by G. Flemming to approve the request passed. Joanne Liberles and Bill Johnson sent a letter requesting consideration for the couple's Non-Resident membership since they are domestic partners. J. Shaw read a statement from S. Ellsworth sharing his view on the request and need to clarify the definition of "couple" for next year to include domestic partnerships. A motion made by G. Flemming, seconded by L. Shand to approve this specific request for 2007, with the intent to clarify the language in the application for next year. The motion passed, with one abstention. DIRECTOR'S REPORT • M. O'Brien reported that in addition to the four 90 year old members announced last meeting, August Leon has now been added to that group. 2 3 BREWSTER GOLF COMMISSION April 10, 2007 • Advanced reservations through March are consistent with last year: 2006 2007 Hotel Bookings 2151 2306 Prepaid 1901 1012 Internet 854 1647 Total 4906 4965 • Membership through March is also consistent with last year: 2005 2006 2007 Total Members Paid 844 849 861 Non-Residents 140 122 127 • Financials through March had been previously distributed to all. Green fee revenue is ahead of projections. Net return to the town will be substantially greater due to the town refinancing bonds. The net result is major in this fiscal year, with a $130K savings that will push the overall return to the town well over $400K. • Chris Dupill is leaving his position for an opportunity in another industry at the end of May. Mark distributed a proposed staff reorganization plan. The plan does not add head count, but changes apart-time Senior Clerk to full time impacting-benefits. Mark explained the rationale behind the change and will meet with the Personnel Board on April 3 to discuss the changes. J. Ehrhart complimented Mark on the great job he did rewriting the job descriptions to support the changes. A motion made by K. Ovian, seconded by G. Flemming to support the proposed change passed. The Men's Association has requested a new toumament called Brewster vs. the World. The format would be resident members vs. non-resident members, limited to the first 64 players to sign up (32 of each). The proposed toumament would be held on Thursday, May 31 with tee times between 12-1 pm, so would have minimal impact on play. The Association is looking to this tournament as a recruiting tool to help get more non-resident members involved in the Association. A motion made by K. Ovian, seconded by L. Shand to approve the request passed. • Mark noted that there were some delays getting the HVAC bid specs done, but the bid has been advertised, and bides are due back May 10. The project is still on schedule for installation in late June/July. 3 4 BREWSTER GOLF COMMISSION April 10, 2007 • The DPW will be repainting the lines in the parking lot during May. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT • S. Mann reported that the course is in good shape, but the grass is very slow to come back due to the cold and dryness. The irrigation system has some problems that will cause some delays in getting it fully operational. The line between the jockey pump and the pump house must be replaced with a new steel pipe since it keeps breaking. The backflow preventer needs to be replaced again for the 3~d time in a year. The manufacturer is coming to replace it personally with free parts to see if the problem can be .solved. Aerification begins in 2 weeks, with staff returning on schedule to support the work. All greenside bunkers have been re-edged. Work will continue edging fairway bunkers as time permits. Steve noted that there is a lot of dead grass around #10 Port and #8 Port due to the sudden temperature change in late February. The grass in these areas will have to be replaced. NEW BUSINESS C. Bingham asked for support in having volunteers from all three Associations to institute an "Adopt a Hole" program to help improve the maintenance of the course in divot repair and ball marks on an ongoing basis during the year. Work would be done early mornings or late afternoons so as to not impact play. The program will start after aerification is completed. Cindy will work with the Associations and S. Mann to coordinate the program and make sure the appropriate materials are available to support the volunteers. VICE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT • J. Shaw reported that Brewster in Bloom still needs volunteers for their closest to the pin fund raiser on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. • The New England Pro Tour is now the North American Pro Tour and has met with Ellen Ehrhart to discuss the LCOC Pro-Am. There are 50 pros signed up so far for the tour, with the plan to have 90 pros for 10 events #his year. Since there was no other business, the next meeting was planned for May 8 at 1 PM. A motion made by K. Ovian, seconded by L. Shand to adjourn the meeting passed, and the meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM. £ ~~ Ot $ ~ sydy L0. Respectfully submitted, Pat Eggers, Secretary `~' [+~p u 4