HomeMy Public PortalAboutORD-CC-2013-06ORDINANCE NO.2013-06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF MOAB CLASSIFIED HOURLY PAY RATE SCHEDULE AND EXEMPT AND ELECTED OFFICIALS SALARY WHEREAS, the Moab City Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual allows that pay ranges may be adjusted periodically to accommodate increases in the cost of living; and WHEREAS, the Moab City Personnel, Policies and Procedures Manual calls for using standard state and national measures to determine cost of living adjustments; and WHEREAS, the Utah Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the Cost of Living Increase for the State of Utah from 2011-2012 was greater than l ° o; and WHEREAS, the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year Budget Shows a 1 ° ° Cost of Living Increase for all employees covered by the Pay Rate Schedule; and WHEREAS, the proposed "City of Moab Classified Hourly Pay Rate Schedule" is attached to this resolution as Attachment A, respectively; and WHEREAS, Moab Municipal Code Section 2.44.010 states that all salaries of the elective and appointive officers of the City and the other employees of the City shall be fixed by motion or resolution of the City Council as in accordance with existing law. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF MOAB RESOLVE TO ADOPT The City of Moab Classified Hourly Pay Rate Schedule (Attachment A) and Exempt and Elected Official Salaries (Attachment B) as referred herein effective July 1, 2013. DATED this 25th day of June 2013. David L. Sakrison Mayor ATTEST: Rachel E. Stenta City Recorder Ordinance #2013-06 June 25, 2013 ETOZ `SZ aunt Alamugapul spuwa 90-ETOZ# aDueuipJ0 ZZ'84 18'94 WS4 ET'44 b674 8514 LE04 TZ'6E LO'8E 96'9E 88'SE £8'bE MEE •b8'ZE 881E 46'0E 90'0E 91'6Z ZE IZ 64'LZ OL'9Z E6'SZ 95 Lb'L4 OT'94 SL'bb EVEb 6I'Z4 56'00 LL'6£ 65'8E 901£ BE'9E ZE'SE OE'4E 6Z'EE €ZE'ZE 6E'TE WOE 85'6Z TLBZ 681Z LO'LZ 8Z'9Z ES'SZ 55 TL'9Z 46'SZ LI'5Z £b'4Z ZCEZ £D'£Z LE'ZZ ZLIZ 80'TZ 94'OZ L8'6T 6Z'6T 4C8i 18T'8I S91T ET'LT 49'91 9I'91 89'ST 4Z'ST 6EVI 4E•4T 4S O£'9Z 4S'SZ LEE 90'4Z SE'EZ L9'ZZ ZO'ZZ LE'TZ SCOZ ST'OZ 95'6T 66'8T £4'8T i061T BELT L8'91 LE'9I MST S4'ST 66'41 S5'bi ET'bT ES 6L'4T SE'4T S6'ET ES'ET 4T'ET 9L'ZT 6E'ZI EO•ZT 69'I1 £ETT 001I 89'0I 8E'Oi }LO'OT LL'6 84"6 ZZ'6 56'8 89'8 EV8 6T'S 561 ZS 9S'4T 4T'4T EL'ET TETT Z6'ZI STU BITE WIT 801T ST'TI Z8'OT OS'OT TZ'OT 1Z6'6 b9'6 4E"6 L0'6 18'8 4S'8 0E8 90'8 VS1 iS Vr6S 98'S5 ZZ'4S 097S TT'IS Z9'6b 9T'84 9L'90 ab'S4 60'017 6L74 SS'TV 4E'04 IBT'6E 50'8E Z6'9E EB"5E 6L'4E 8L'EE 18'ZE SB'TE I6'OE S3 8817S 6Z'ES £CTS EZ'05 9L'80 4E'L4 L6'54 T9'40 £E'E4 90'Z4 £8'00 ST6E 05'8E I9E'LE 6Z'9E EZ'SE IZ'b£ TZ'EE 5Z•ZE 8Z'TE 6E'OE 05'6Z 43 £4'Z5 6B'OS T4'64 S614 S5'9b OZ'S4 68'E4 T970 LE'IV 8T'04 00'6E 981E SC9E I69'SE b9'4E 59'££ 997E ELIE 8L'OE 06'6Z E0'6Z 8T'8Z E3 TO'05 V5'817 ET'L4 9L'S4 Z9'SL MEV 88'14 L9'00 8b'6£ EE'BE OZ'LE ET'9E 80'SE I40'4E 50'EE ZT•ZE LT'IE L2'OE 8E'6Z £S'8Z 691Z 88'9Z Z3 9LLb LE'94 TO'S4 OL'£4 Zb'Zb OZ'Tb 00'04 Z8'8E OCLE 09'9E 05'SE 64.4E [VIE IIS'ZE 951E 99.0E SC6Z 68'8Z 90'8Z Era Z4'9Z S9'SZ • 13 SS'S4 4Z'44 S674 OL'Ib 60'00 OE'6E LT'SE 4O'LE 96'SE Z6'4E 06'EE Z6'ZE S6'IE IEO'TE ET'O£ SZ'6Z 8E'8Z L5'LZ SL'9Z 86'SZ TZ'SZ 60'bZ OZ OS'E4 4Z'Z4 0014 T8'6E TS'LE 8E'SE SE'SE ECK EE'E£ SE'ZE ZV'TE 64'OE I19'6Z 9L'8Z Z61Z TI'LZ TE'9Z VS'SZ OEbZ LO'4Z LE'EZ 61 0S'Ib OE'O4 ET•6£ _99'8E 86'LE 58'9E 6L'SE 4L'4E 4L'EE SCZE 08'TE LZ'T4 L6'6Z OT'6Z ILZ'8Z 4b'LZ E9'9Z L8'SZ 0T'SZ LE'bZ 99"EZ 86'ZZ OE'ZZ 8I I9'6E 90'8E 4E'L£ LZ'9E IZ'SE UTE 6T'EE EZ'ZE 9Z'TE 9E'0£ 64'6Z ETU T81Z L6'9Z 6T'9Z E4'SZ 89'4Z 96'EZ 9Z'EZ _ 65'ZZ E6'1Z LZ'IZ LT Z8'LE ZL9E 99-SE T9'4E I9'EE Z9'ZE L91£ SLOE 9866Z 86'8Z bi'8Z ZE'LZ ES'9Z 1EL'SZ 00'SZ _SZ'4Z 9S'EZ 88'ZZ TZ'ZZ L5'TZ 68'0Z 6Z'OZ 9T 00'9E 66'VE [FEE 66'ZE EO'ZE 60'TE (WOE ZE'6Z 5b'8Z 491Z T8'9Z 40'9Z BZ'SZ 'SSW 48'EZ VI'EZ L4'ZZ WIZ LT'TZ SS'OZ 86'6T 6E'61 ST T4'4E T4'EE 44'ZE 64'TE LS'0E OL'6Z £8'82 00'8Z 9T'LZ 9E'9Z 09'SZ 98'4Z 4T'4Z Ib4'EZ SL'ZZ 906ZZ WIZ ?WU WO? 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Yearly salary range for the following exempt positions only: City Manager —Grade E5 $64,540 — $123,693 Police Chief — Grade E3 $58,840 — $109,474 Public Works Dir. — Grade 18 $46,562 — $86,652 Recorder — Grade 17 $44,412 — $82,706 Treasurer —Grade 14 $38,628 — $71,848 Section 2. Yearly salary rates for the following elected official positions: Mayor $12,000 Councilmembers $ 6,000 In addition to yearly salaries, elected officials also receive the following yearly compensation in health and dental care coverage: Coverage type Medical Premium Dental Premium Health Savings Account Contribution/Match Family $15,052 $1,332 $2,000/$1,500 Two-party Spouse $10,646 $644 $2,000/$1,500 Two-party Child $10,186 $975 $2,000/$1,500 Single $4,850 $322 $1,000/$750 Information about all Moab City financial transactions can be found at: htto://www.utah.gov/transparencv Ordinance #2013-06 —Attachment B CITY OF MOAB ORDINANCE #2013-08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF MOAB CLAS- SIFIED HOURLY PAY RATE SCHEDULE AND EXEMPT AND ELECTED OFFICIALS SALARY Ordinance #2013-06 was adopted at a Regular City Council Meeting held on June 25, 2013 at the Moab City Council Chambers, 217 East Center Street Moab, Utah 84532. A complete copy of Ordinance #2013-06 is available online at www.moabcity.org or at the City of Moab Recorder's Office at 217 East Center Street Moab, Utah 84532. /s! Rachel E. Stenta City Recorder/Assistant City Manager Published in The Times -Inde- pendent, Moab, Utah July 4, 2013. Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Grand, ) Zane W. Taylor, being first duly sworn accord- ing to law, deposes and says: That he is the pubisher of The Times -independent, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published every Thursday at Moab, Grand County, State of Utah, and a designated agent of the Utah Press Association; that the notice attached hereto and which is a copy of a City of Moab Ordinance #2013-06 which is made a part of this Affidavit of Publication, was published in said newspaper for a period of 1 consecu- tive issues, the first publication date having been made July 4, 2013 ; and the last on ; and the said notice was published in each and every copy of said newspaper during the period and time of publica- tion, and that it was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof, and that said notice was published on Utahlegals.com on the same day as the first newspaper publication and the notice remained on Utah legals.com throughout the period and time of print pub- lication. Pu Pu lisher Subscribed and sworn before me this Notary Public Residing in Moab, Utah My Commission Ex ires SADIE WARNER Nctr:•ry PubUr Stole of Utah -°j N.} Commission Expires on N verriber 7, 2013 Comm. Number. 581356 CITY OF MOAB PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED ORDINANCE #2013-06 The City of Moab will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at approximately 7:15 p.m. In the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices at 217 East Center Street, Moab, Utah. The purpose of this hearing is to solicit public input on Pro- posed Ordinance #2013-0e —An Ordinance Amending the City of Moab Classified Hourly Pay Rate Schedule and Exempt and Effected officials Salary. In compliance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act, individu- als needing special accommoda- tions during this meeting should notify the Recorder's Office at 217 East Center Street, Moab, Utah 84532; or phone (435) 259-5121 at least three (3) working days prior to the meeting. Isl Rachel E. Stenta City Recorder/Assistant City Manager Pubiished in The Times -Inde- pendent, Moab, Utah May 30 and June 6, 2013. Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Grand, } } SS. Zane W. Taylor, being first duly sworn accord- ing to law, deposes and says: That he is the pubisher of The Times -Independent, a weeldy newspaper of general circulation, published every Thursday at Moab, Grand County, State of Utah, and a designated agent of the Utah Press Association; that the notice attached hereto and which is a copy of a City of Moab Ordinance #2013-06 which is made a part of this Affidavit of Publication, was published in said newspaper for a period of 2 consecu- tive issues, the first publication date having been made May 30, 2013 ; and the last on June 6, 2013 ; and the said notice was published in each and every copy of said newspaper during the period and time of publica- tion, and that it was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof, and that said notice was published on Utahlegals.com on the same day as the first newspaper publication and the notice remained on Utah- legals.com throughout the period and time of print pub- lication. Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me this Notary Public Residing in Moab, Utah My Commission Expires 1;; 1 0 t, � LA On: t 7: 15� .156