HomeMy Public PortalAbout06/26/74 Special CCMThe council of the City of Medina metat a Public hearing meeting on June 26, 1974 to 1. Discuss the Comprehensive Sewer plan for the City of Medina and 2. Discuss the extension of the present water and sewer facilities along Hamel Road.. Wayne Neddermeyer, Mayor in Chair Donna Roehl, Clerk All Council members present 43 Mayor Neddermeyer called the meeting to order at,8:15 P.M. and explained the purpose of Hearing. He then asked Willis Gilliard of McCombs -Knutson to explain the Comp. Sewer Plan. Mr. Gilliard explained that all municipalities in the Met. area must submit plans detailing their long range sewage disposal plans. The Medina plan is a result of Planning and Zoning Commission plus MCCombs Knutson and the original Mills Plan. Community Development: E. and W. 1/3 of City more densly populated. Central area has larger lots. .Areas which need sewer: Holy .Name Lake, Hamel Dist., Industrial Area W. of Hamel, Independence Beach, Medina Morningside. Soils: Report of Henn. Co. Soil Survey used in plan. Central 1/3 has better soils suitable for large lot size. Western 1/3 has poor soil not suited for development without some sewer. Schedule: Holy Name Area --possibly connect with Plymouth by 1980, need service Hamel 2 Area--W. of present sewer, needed by 1985 Outlying area --needed by 1990 Medina Morningside and Independence Beach --needed in immediate future, could connect with Maple Plain Proposed Vo.Tech School --needs sewer when built Volumes: Hamel Area discharges an average of 1i Mil. Gal, per day, N.E. to Miss. River Watershed Hamel 2 Area--3/10 mil. gal. per day, same interceptor Estimates on the following: Western--613,000 gal, per day Holy Name Lake 412,000 gal. per day Med. Morningside 208,000 gal. per day Vb. Tech. School 102,000 gal. per day Ind. Beach-- 366,000 gal. per day Park Reserve Dist.--150,000 gal per day, serves 10,000 people Loretto--444,000 gal. per day, will expect to drain through Medina This is a reduction in flows from Bill Mills report 1/3 of City will not have service by 2020 The following discussion was held: Dr, and Ms. Kent Olson asked about Ind. Beach Area Mr. Gilliard explained that the Orono -Medina interceptor will link to Wayzata -Orono interceptor which will be constructed shortly Independence Beach interceptor could be constructed no earlier that 3 years R. Franklin asked about the possibility of pumping into Maple Plain Mr. McCombs said the Met. Council could be asked for an outlet through Maple Plain and Ind. Beach could have service by next year. W. Neddermeyer asked what is proposed for the Hamel Area McCombs said that the Hamel Area would be pumped to Plymouth until 1985 and then would use the Elm Creek Interceptor which is budgeted for 1976 W. Neddermeyer asked if there is a direct charge to City McCombs: Charge is based on use 44 R. Franklin: Does it cost more if it goes through interceptor? McCombs: Regions all have same charges, Region 5--2--2000 all have different rates A. Theis asked about the possibility of Medina Morningside service by 1978 McCombs stated bidding would be needed by 1976 Howard Weller asked about Ind. Beach by 1977 McCombs: Should consider soon as it is badly needed B. Franklin asked if council should dispose of plan now W. Neddermeyer: Yes, if there is no opposition B. Franklin stated tha Planning Commission asks that April 1974 Soil Survey be part of plan, also Independence Hieghts and Golf Course are not on Map No. 1 McCombs: will revise maps Robert Franklin moved 1a4 we olose hearing on Comp. Sewer Plan Seconded by Arthur Theis Motion carried unanimously Motion by Robert Franklin to approve plan and include soils map as prepared by Soil Survey of Henn. Co. and map and plan be changed to reflect that Medina Golf be part of Morris Baker Co. Park and that Independence Heights subdivision be excluded from Park Reserve, Seconded by Donald DesLauriers Motion carried unanimously Following resolution was submitted to approve the Plan RESOLUTION NO. ?4-13 , APPROVING 'TEE COMPRHP:NSIVE SANITARY SEWER PLAN FOR TRF; CITY OF MEDINA WHEREAS the Medina city engineers, McCombs -Knutson Associates, Inc., have prepared a document entitled "Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan for Medina, Minnesota, May, 1974," at the direction of the Medina City Council; and WHEREAS said plan has been studied and reviewed by the City Council, by the Medina Planning Commission and by the Planning and re,oning Committee of the Planning Comm- ission; and WHEREAS the City Council has held a hearing to receive views of the public on the plan, has caused announcement of the hearing to be placed in two local newspapers, and has made copies of the plan available for perusal by the public; and WHEREAS the Planning and Rezoning Committee conducted mail surveys and held public meetings to determine the need, desire and demand for sanitary sewer service in various parts of the city; and WHEREAS the plan prepared by mcCombs-Knutson, as reviewed and amended, appears at this time to best meet the demand for sanitary sewer service in the City of Medina; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Medina City Council does hereby approve the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan dated May, 1974, as amended, with the stipulation that such approval does not constitute agreement by the Council to any zoning map, zoning ordinance proposal or park boundary map contained therein uhless acted upon separately; and BE IT PuRTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby request approval of the Metropolitan Sewer Board to construct and put into use during the 1975 construction season the Independence Beach sewer system and to connect it to the Maple Plain sewage disposal plant; and BE IT P'uttTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby request that the Metropolitan Sewer Board construct an interceptor line to receive sewage from the Medina -Morningside area as soon as is humanly possible, preferable during the 1975 construction season, and give approval to the City to construct service in that area at the same time; and BE IT ?WITHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution and of the comprehensive plan as approved be sent to the Metropolitan Sewer Board and the Metropolitan Council. Approved by the edinCity Council thisa G day of Donna Roehl, Clerk Motion by Robert Franklin to adopt Resolution 74-13 Seconded by Thomas Stevens Motion carried unanimously 19741 dermeyer, Mayon ,/ Public Hearing regarding Extension of Sewer and Water Facilities on Hamel Road: 8:55 Mr. McCombs explained the following alternatives: Water Ext. down the center of street or along the edge of street. Sewer Cost: Alt. I $27,000 Assessments: 111.13 Front Ft. Alt. II 34,000 11.58 Alt. III 21,700 9.92 Portion of cost is paid from water revenues in that it benefits the Ron Theis inquired as to which plan would be eventually used are assessed. Mr. McCombs stated that the average width is arrived at, not and that City council will be guided by wishes of the people Donald DesLauriers asked what restoration is figured as part Mr. McCombs: Driveway restoration, sodding Rygartial 1038 8.72 whole system and how corner lots including driveways of the expense involved Mr. Johnson ( Medicine Lake Bus Co.) stated he was in favor of hooking up to water and preferred using the ditch for construction Robert Franklin stated that it appeared that we want Alt. II if cut-off is feasable Thomas Stevens suggested that the engineer check the site and report back to July meet. Motion by Thomas Stevens that the public hearing be closed Seconded by Donald DesLauriers Motion carried unanimously Hearing adjourned at 10:15 P.M. After short recess several items were discussed: Arthur Theis will contact Mr. Doherty regarding drainage ditch problem and cost involved. Robert Franklin had several suggestions for more efficiency at meetings, including having the Zoning Administrator present plans of items that have gone through Planning Comm. and a request for a list of building permits issued each month. Donald DesLauriers explained library refinishing plans and possible cost of from $6000.00 to 7500.00. ATTEST c%0 r7t4U ie64-1 Y Donna Roehl, Clerk Wayne Neddermeyer, Mayor