HomeMy Public PortalAboutArchives Committee -- 2008-08-04 MinutesMINUTES BREWSTER ARCHIVES MEETING AUGUST 4, 2008 The meeting was called to order at 10:15 in Brewster Ladies Library, Mitzi Unger, Suzanne Teuteberg, Teresa Lamperti, Sally Gunning, and Ellen Davies present. The minutes of July 7, 2008 were accepted. Old Business: A contract has been drawn up between the town and First Parish Church regazding storage of the church's azchives in the town vault. Ellen Davies inserted language that would allow BAC the right to digitize any of the church material. Suzanne Teuteberg will submit the Farrar bill to the town treasurer for payment. It was determined that this would be a good system to use in future -- for the committee to look over bills for projects generated by the committee before submission for payment. As The White Lady renovation project was still in the investigative stage it had not get been brought to the attention of the library boazd, but now that it has been raised in the last meeting's minutes, Suzanne will bring it up at the August meeting. The BAC gift account has been set up. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Brewster and any bills would be paid by the town treasurer. Ellen Davies volunteered and was unanimously elected BAC treasurer. MMRS: Publicity: Suzanne Teuteberg reports she has reserved the library graphics station for Weds., at which time she will pull together ideas collected today into material for flyers (100) and mini-posters (20), and press release. The flyers will be available as soon as confirmation of donor names is in. The library publicity resources have been offered as an aid in disseminating information on the event: • The flyers will be available in email format for each member to send to any personal or institutional email lists connected to Brewster. • The flyers will be emailed to the CLAMS library system. • A video supplied by U. Mass. Boston will be aired on local access TV. • Newspapers, NPR, and the other local radio stations will receive press releases. • Flyers and mini-posters will be posted around town in the usual venues used by the library publicity team -town hall, senior center, library, stores, nursing homes, etc. Fundraising: Mitzi Unger reports: • Cape Cod Five has been promised $250 for the application fee. • The Cultural Council looks likely for another $250. • BankNorth is still pending for $250. Teresa Lamperti is going to try to get printing of the local history brochure, BAC hand- out, flyers, and mini-posters donated -- if she can't she will report back on prices. Refreshments: Ellen Davies has secured coffee from Dunkin Donuts, but reports that it's too early to get much attention from others on the subject. She will be working on lunch for volunteers and staff, and juice and cookies for attendees in the coming weeks, providing credits for food donations with tent signs at the food table. (Pump pots for the juice to be provided by Teresa Lamperti.) Community History: Teresa Lamperti is working on foam-backed maps for the booth, to display on easel boards provided by the library, the expense possibly covered outside the committee. Findings aids, local history brochure, and other info regarding historical resources will be available at the booth, and old photos might also be on display. Ellen St. Sure will be asked if in her capacity as Town Archivist she would like to help man the booth to answer historical questions. Pat Busch and another volunteer from the Historical Society will also be present. Volunteers: UMB requests 11-12 volunteers in toto. 13-14 have been secured, which would include 2-3 students, BAC committee members, and volunteer staff members from the library and historical society. Volunteers will receive their training the morning of the event. Ellen Davies is going to try to recruit a volunteer photographer and possibly someone to take videos. Misc. Mitzi Unger is going to contact Cleon Turner and invite him to attend the event. Sally will invite Fred Dunford. Others are asked to consider targeted invitations to key people. There was no new business. Since there is much still pending re MMRS it was voted to hold an extra meeting on this subject August 18, 2008 at l OAM at the library. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55. Respectfully submitted, `-~ ~~~ ~- ~ ~~ ~ ~~1kJ "~' Sally Gunning, Secretary