HomeMy Public PortalAbout06-08-2004PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES — JUNE 8, 2004 PRESENT: BILL LOE, MARILYN FORTIN, ELIZABETH WEIR, LENNY LEVER, RON JOHNSON AND MARY VEWRBICK. ALSO PRESENT CITY ADMINISTRATOR CHAD ADAMS, CITY PLANNER JOSH DOTY AND PLANNING AND ZONING ASSISTANT SANDIE LARSON ABSENT: DICK PICARD 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Elizabeth Weir called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. 3. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR Since vice -chair Dick Picard was absent, it was decided that this would be done at the July meeting. 4. DISCUSSION OF UPTOWN HAMEL PUBLIC DESIGN STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT GUIDELINES Josh Doty said that at the last planning commission meeting it was decided to bring back the discussion of the removal of design standards from the Uptown Hamel ordinance and put it in a separate ordinance. He said the design standards will be adopted by resolution. Josh then put up an overhead of the proposed changes. Lenny Leuer mentioned that at the committee meetings it had been suggested that under street lights the sentence referring to electrical outlets be moved to the end of the paragraph. It was so noted to change that. Mary Verbick asked if street signs referred to the city street signs and the answer was yes. Marilyn Fortin asked if the street sign poles would be wood. Elizabeth Weir questioned the longevity of wood vs. metal posts. M. Fortin said there are wood posts on Hunter Drive and it is very attractive. L. Leuer said the street signs and posts were to be compatible, so if one is changed, so will the other have to be. The consensus was not to change either one. J. Doty said that recycled plastic was added into street furniture. L. Leuer asked about the reference to B4-18 curbing and if this was a mountable curb. J. Doty said he was not sure but would look into it. Planning Commission Minutes June 18, 2004 1 L. Leuer said his preference would be a gentle slope curb, but there are some restrictions to this type of curb if there is a lot of water in the area. J. Doty said that removing the `Old town'; `small town" theme was also recommended. E. Weir said that `traditional' is used and wondered if it was possible to incorporate `traditional' into the sign portion of the ordinance. J. Doty mentioned the calculation for signage at the Hamel Bank building and how building signage is figured. E. Weir wanted to know if, with the new measurements of the bank building, the signage was still oversized and Josh said yes. J. Doty said in the urban commercial zoning the restriction is 8% of building frontage and he proposes 10% for Uptown Hamel. The sign ordinance calls for 15%. MOVED BY LENNY LEUER AND SECONDED BY MARY VERBICK TO RECOMMEND THIS MOVES FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO REMOVE DESIGN STANDARDS FROM THE UPTOWN HAMEL ORDINANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDED CHANGES: 1. Recommend a gentle sloping curb with B4-18 curbing being better defined. 2. Incorporate `traditional' into the sign portion of the ordinance. MOTION PASSED. 5. DISCUSSION OF DEFINITION OF BUILDING HEIGHT — PUBLIC HEARING Josh Doty put up an overhead with a sketch and explained the proposed change in how to measure the height of a building. He said this definition is less restrictive than in our current ordinance. Josh said that the proposed measurement would be made from the `average' of the grades. There was discussion of the difference between `average' and `mean'. Mary Verbick asked why we would use average vs. mean. J. Doty said it is a fairer way to measure. Josh said if a measurement was ever questioned, a building would have to be measured all the way around to get the average of the grade. Bill Loe said the ordinance should be more specific on how to measure. J. Doty said in checking, some cities use `average' and some use `mean', but he is not sure how they measure. M. Verbick said wouldn't it be wise to say at what points the measurements are to be made. Elizabeth Weir asked what the fire chief has said about the proposed ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes June 18, 2004 2 J. Doty said he has reviewed it and verbally has said it is fine. Lenny Leuer said `average' means different things to different professions. J. Doty said it is the difference between two extremes. L. Leuer suggested perimeter weighted average grade. J. Doty asked how many points would be measured. L. Leuer said a CAD drawing can measure all the way around. MOVED BY LENNY LEUER AND SECONDED BY RON JOHNSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE DEFINITION OF BUILDING HEIGHT UNDER SECTION 825.07, SUBD. 12 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS: 1. Add under definition: - - mansard roof, a point on the roof directly above the highest point of a shed roof, ---- 2. Also add under definition - - -measured from the perimeter weighted average - - - L. Leuer wanted to reinforce that the fire chief knew what we are doing. J. Doty said that he was present at the last city council meeting and his main concern was that the buildings are sprinkled in Uptown Hamel The planning commission also recommended that any building over 2 stories in height or over 3,000 square foot footprint be sprinkled. MOTION PASSED. 6. MINUTES OF APRIL 13, 2004 Page 3, 3rd paragraph — delete 1st reference to western Elsinore Circle Page 4, 1st paragraph — change their to they Page 4, last paragraph — reword to read: - pond that was there was it ever sized to take care of this development Page 7, lOtn paragraph — change the to that Page 9, last 2 paragraphs — change I to he; change last comment to read: - next comprehensive plan amendment. MOVED BY MARILYN FORTIN AND SECONDED BY MARY VERBICK TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. MOTION PASSED. 7. MINUTES OF MAY 11, 2004 Page 5 — 9th paragraph — add - - outside storage does not bother him. Page 6 — 12t paragraph — change it to the plan Planning Commission Minutes June 18, 2004 3 13th paragraph — change to read: - - standpoint of the City's comprehensive plan and necessarily the fine pints of the TIF plan. He said the Urban Redevelopment commercial area would qualify and meet the standards of the comprehensive plan. Page 7, 6th paragraph — change Phil's comments to read - - and wording regarding the TIF and how it wasn't consistent with our zoning. Phil said Target, the TIF plan as a redevelopment district, keeps the City's options - - - -box. The City may decide that a mixed use develophment may be better suited for that site. Page 8 — 7t paragraph — change 2nd second sentence to read: Each is looked at uniquely and with any kind of list legal issues come in. MOVED BY MARY VERBICK AND SECONDED BY BILL LOE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. MOTION PASSED. 8. PLANNER'S REPORT Josh Doty said that at the July meeting there is one variance application and two public hearings; one on changing the number of planning commissioners from 9 to 7 and one on a zoning ordinance amendment putting a cap on concept plans to 2 for an application. Josh said we are still waiting for information for the Keller property. Elizabeth Weir asked how long we can keep extending the 60 day rule. J. Doty said as long as the applicant agrees. He said currently we are good until September 9th. Josh said that there is a potential for an extremely long meeting in August. There could possibly be 10 applications with them all being major developments. He said he recommended having 2 meetings if all the applications come in. The planning commissioners agreed on a 2nd meeting if needed. It will be definite by the July meeting if it is needed. Mary Verbick wanted to know if anyone knew if Shorty was feeling better. Josh said better, yes. He said he has a clear understanding of where the committee was coming from. MOVED BY MARY VERBICK AND SECONDED BY BILL LOE TO AJOURN. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Planning and Zoning Assistant Date Planning Commission Minutes June 18, 2004 4