HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:006 No. 96-6 l)aleofAdt)plion JANUARY 1 1996 IIESOI,IfI'ION 1196-6 API'OINTING AMUNICIPAI, AUI)ITOR I~'()R TIlE YEAR 1996 WIIEREAS, Ihere exists a need lb, a Regislcmd Municil>a[ Acc,.nmhull oflhe Slate of New Jersey; WIIEREAS, flmds are available Fm il ,u ,; and WIIEREAS, tile Local Public Conttacls I.aw (NJSA 40A:lI-I et seq.) ~equires that tile ~esolution authorizing the awmd of conh acls for "Ih ofessiomd Services" withoul competitive bkls must be publicly advertised; NOW, TIIEllEFORE, BE IT RESOLVEI) by tile Mayor and Council of tile Borough of Carteret -- as follows: I. O'Neill, West & Lang .... Registered iVhmicipal Accountants of the State of New Jersey are heieby al)pointed Nhmicipal Auditor fro' the Borough of Caaeret For the year 1996. 2. That they shall in addilion to I)l'epadng lite ammal amlit in accordance with the stamlory requirement assist in the p~eparalion of the 1996 Municilml Budgel; prepare such interim reports as may be required; attend all con£erences and meeting as requiled by rite Governing Body inchlding Forty (40) hours related budge! meelings and p~epare II~e 1995 Financial Stalement. 3. Said appoinmlent is awarded without competitive bklding as a Professional Service under the provisions of the Local Public Contracls Law because a Cm tiffed Public Accom'dant is a recognized in ofession licensed and regulated by Law. 4. FortheF, etfi)rnmnceoftheafi)~esaidse~vices, O'Neill, West & Lanq be paid ail annual Fee ors 5. A notice of this aclion shall be imblishcd in The.l Iomc News and Tribune as ~equi~ed by law on Januaiy?, 1996. Adopted thi~q 1st day of January, 1996 and certified as a true copy of the orkginal on oanuary 2, 1996. ~THLEEN ~:--B~; I/ECORI)()FCOUNCILVOTEMunicipa1 Clerk .~EA~O~RCZUK --~ d ' t' I II*~ -t-~ [ / '+- ~ Ixq t I II°'~t~ t Adopted al a meeting of thc Municipal Council JANUARY 1, ._ 1__~_9_6__- ~c - --/ //,/ ~-.--~ 4-' Affidavit of Publication 7¥ Printer's Fee · 14 40 State of New Jersey } ss. Personally appeared PAT HENEGHAN ~" i~~ O~ T~ H~m~ ~ ~ Trib~, a newspaper printed in Free~old, N~ a~in NEPTUNE, I~ said Coun~ and S~ate, ~o being dul~ swor~, depose~ and saJ~ t~at t~e adverlisemenl ol ~ic~ l~e annexed is a lrue cop~, ~as been p~blls~e~ In ~e said newspaper ~ JON~I limes, once In eac~ Issue, as 110~1~ I~tAIh~tC~ JtAN H0[?,~!', A.D., 1996 NO}ARY PUBLIC OF N~'/; JLR~F?' MY COMMISS~ON EXP~RFS ~FB 14 ~' Sworn and subscribed befo me this ~~.. ~,, ~~ 6th 0ay of January, A.D., 1996 Notary Public of New Jerse~ ~ROUGH OF CARTERET NJ SA. 40A:11 5([)(a) This Munic~al Clerk