HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:010 1996 96-10 Dale o[ Adopfion~ANUARY , -- ~IIESOLUTION tt96-10 API'OINTING I¥1ESIBIA/S TO TIIIg IIOARI) Iq)l/TIlE DISAIII,ED FOR TIlE YEAI~- 1996 WIIEI~,EAS, the Mayor and Council of ll~e 13o~ougb of CaHet'et bas cleated a Boa~d f~.>r tile Disabled Io consist ofone membe~ to be alq~oimed by the MayoL one member of the Council to be appoiuted by thc Council and live citizens of Ibe municipality to be al~pointed by the Council wilb staggered terms: NOW, TIIISREFORE, Illi', IT AND ri' IS llEItEllY RESOLVED, by the Council of the I~o~ougb of Ca,tenet that the followiag apptfintme]~ls be and me he, eby ,fiade to the Bored For the Disabled tile year 1996: Member Ann Gloff t2/31/2000 lie IT FUI1.TIIIi3R lIES()bVli31?, that tiffs ~esolutiou shall take effect immediately. Adopted this 1st day of January, 1996 and certified as a true copy of the original on January 2, 1996. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk II.l~,(;OIl. l) OF COUNCIL VfOTI,3 Adopted itl a meeting of thc Municipal Cetu~cil JANUARY 1, 1996 Affidavit of PubliSh Printer's Fee $ A~4~. State of New oersey I ss. i MONMOUTH COUNTY ' Personal[y appeared PAT HENEGHAN of The Home News & Tribune, a newspaper printed NEPTUNE, in said County and State, who bein~ duly sworn, ~p~h, anO saith that the advertisement of which the annexeQ is a true copy, has been publ~Q'i~ the said newspaper 1 {ONE) times, once in each issue, as follows 4/06/96, ~-~ C ~ , 6th day of April, A.D., 1996 Notary Public of New J~f~ey ~ROUGH OF CARTERET ~.~oo.oo w~ ...... , ,~ 5672