HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:013No. 96-13 Date of Adoption JANUARY 1, 1996 I~ES()I,IJTION #96.-13 PROVIDING FOR A TEMPOI~,ARY BUI)GET FOR 'HIE YEAR 1996 PIJRSUANTTO N.J.S. 40A:4-19 WlIEREAS, the Revised Slatutes of New Jeisey 40A:4-19 provides lbr the adoption oftemporaly appropriations lbr the period between the begimfing o[' the Budget Year and the date of the adoption of the LocaI Budget for the Year 1996 fbr the pm-poses and amounts required; NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS IIEREIIY RESOI,VED by the Mayor and Council the Borough of Cat te~ et, flint the Following tempol;u y appropriations be made in the amounts and lb~ the purposes herein set fi)~th lbr the pm tod between Janua~ y I st, 1996 and the adoption of the Local Budget for tile Borough of'Ca[lei'et, Middlesex County and State of New Jersey fi)f' tl~e Fiscal Year of 1996: A/C# CURRENT FUND 1996 Administrative & Executive 101.101 Salaries & Wages $60,500.00 101.299 Other Expenses - AdverOsemenls 3,750.00 101.299 Off,er Expenses 5, 100.00 Eleclions 102.101 Salmies&Wages ~. 1,275 00 102.299 Othe~ Expenses 2,750.00 103.299 Anmml Amlit 7,000.00 Assessmenl of Taxes 104.101 Salaries & Wages 22,500.00 104299 Other Expenses 6,500.00 Cnllection of Taxes 105.101 Salaries & Wages 64,250.00 105.299 Other Expenses 8,500.00 Tax Sale Costs 106299 Othe~ Expenses 375.00 Liquidation of Tax Tille I,iens anti Foreclosed Properly 107.299 Olhe~ Expenses 1,50000 l,egal Services & Costs 108 101 Sahuies & Wages 7,500.00 108299 Othe~ Expeeses 42,500.00 Municipal Ih-oseculor 10 101 Sala~ les & Wages 2,500.00 Engineering Sevvices & Costs 101 Salaries & Wages 27,250.00 299 ()lhe~ Expenses 8,750.00 Public Building & Grounds 12. 101 8almies & Wages I2,500.00 12.299 Other Expenses I 0,000.00 Muuicilml Land Use I,aw 13.101 Salmies & Wages 1,312.50 ()the~ Expenses 625.00 NO. 96-13 PAGE 2 A/C # C_.U_ P,~I~,~E .N_~I; _E _U_~ L) 1996 Zoning Board of Adjustment 114.101 Salades & Wages $ 2,562.50 114 299 Other Expenses 50000 Purchasing 115. t01 Salmies & Wages 13,500.00 I 15.299 Other ~xpenses 16.299 Insurance & Surety Bond Premillllls 466,250 00 17.299 Medical-Surgical Insurance 368,25000 Telephone 18.299 Other Expenses 22,250.00 Public Safely: Fire 119.101 Salades & Wages 255,500.00 119299 Other Expenses 27,00000 120.99 Fire Ilydrant Se~ vices 54,250 00 Uniform Fire Safely Act 121 101 8ahuies & Wages I I, 121 299 Other Expenses 4,37500 Police 122 101 Salades & Wages 861,750.00 122.108 School C~ossing Grands 57,500 00 122.299 Othm Expenses 55,250.00 Crime Prevention Bureau 123.299 Other Expenses 375.00 Narcotics Office 124.299 Othm Expenses 1,000.00 125.299 First Aid Organization 6,250.00 State Unitkn'm Conslruclion Code Subcode Officials - Buihling Inspeclor 126 101 Salades & Wages 47,50000 126.299 Other Expenses 3,000.00 Demolition o1' Buihlings 127299 Other Expenses 2,500.00 Emergency Mm gemettServ'ces 128 299 Other Expenses 1,250.00 Slreels & Roads Road Repairs & Mainlcnai~ce 129.101 Salades & Wages 120,75000 129299 Other Expenses I 1,000.00 130.299 Strcet Lighling 54,75000 Municipal Garage 131.101 Salaries & Wages 51,500.00 131299 Othm Expenses 15,37500 NO. 96- 1S PAGE_ A/C l! CUP, RENT FUND 1996 Sanilalion: Slreet Cleaning 132.101 Salmies & Wages $ 20,00000 132.299 Othe~ L;xpenses 875.00 Sewage Treatmenl Plan~ 133.101 Salm les & Wages 56,250.00 133.299 Other Expenses 54,000.00 llealth & Welfiu'e: Board of ilealih 134.101 Salai ies& Wages 35,500.00 134 299 ()the~ Expenses 18,75000 Air I'ollulion 135.101 Salmies & Wages 1,250.00 135299 ()the~ Expenses 243.75 SeIMce of Visiling Nurse 136.299 Oihm Expenses 1,000 00 Dog Regulalions 137.299 Other Expenses 3,800.00 Adminisiraiion of Pul)lie Assistance 138 101 Salmies & Wages 21,750.00 138 299 Other Expenses 3,000.00 138 290 NomSlate Aid 875.00 Snow Removal 139 101 Salaries & Wages 5,000.00 139.299 Other Expenses 3,750.00 Recreation & Education: l'arks & Playgrounds 140.101 Salm ies& Wages 93,250.00 140.299 Olher Expenses 11,250.00 Recreation 14 I. I 01 Salaries & Wages 18,000.00 141299 ()lhe~ Expenses 13,750 00 Celebration of Public Evcms: Anniversary or IIoliday [42 299 ()the~ Expenses I ~,250.00 Senior Ci6zen Transporlalhm 143 101 Salmies & Wages 19,75000 143 299 Othe~ Expenses 1,62500 Community I)evelopme~]t: 144 101 Salaries & Wages 9,500.00 144.299 Other Expenses 1,625 00 Parking Log A~lendant 145. 101 Salaries & Wages 1,50000 O~ce of gl~e ilandicapl~ed 146. [01 SaIafies & Wages 1,25000 146.299 Othe~ Expenses 750.00 NO. 96-13 PAGE. 4 A/C # CURRENT FUND 1996 llandicapped It, ec:'eation 147 101 Salaries&Wages $ 1,75000 Other Expenses 1,375.00 Senior Community Center 148.299 Olher Expenses $ 75000 149299 Garbage & Trash 281,250.00 Ohl American Ac1 - IVhmicilml 50 101 Salaries & Wages 1,50000 50299 Other Expenses 1,00000 151.299 Contingent 2,500 00 TOTAl, OPEI~,ATIONS WITIIlN "CAi'S" $3,515.918.75 Statulory Exl~endilures: 155.299 Public Employees P, elirement Sysle ~ $ 7,75000 156.299 Social Secmity System 74,250.00 157.299 Cons. Police & Fiieman's Pension 7,125.00 158.299 Police & Fit e Retirement 81,50000 159.299 Unemployment Compensation 7,50000 TOTAL GENERAl, AI'PI/OPilIATION WlTIIIN "CAPS" $3,694,043.75 ()pit, RATIONS EXCIAII)EI) IrROM "CAPS" Mnnicipnl Courl 161 101 Salaries & Wages 47,25000 16 l 299 Other Expenses 19,283.00 162 Maintenance of Free Public Library 101,18041 163.299 M.C. II.A. Sewage Treatment Conll'n£i 308,750.00 Service of Visiting Nurse 164. 101 Salades & Wages 6,000.00 164299 Other Expenses 39875 Urban Enlerln'ise Zone 170.101 Salades & Wages 8,321 00 170.299 Other Exl)enses ,1,359 25 Old Americnu Act - County Share 173.101 Salmies & Wages 3,00000 173.299 Oihel Expenses 000 173 290 Other Expenses - Municipal Share 0 00 Municipal Allinnce 180.299 Other Expenses =5 ~ 2_.3_ 8_ _7 _5 NO. 96-13 PAGE. 5 TOTAI, GENERAl, A I'PII. OPI*,IATIONS = 196 299 BOND PRINCIPAl, ~ $ 1,045,000U0 197 299 INTEREST OF BONDS I, 121,941.50 TOTAL I)EBI SLRVI(,I~ AI~I~IIOI~RIATI()NS $ 2,166,94150 Adopted this 1st day of January, 1996 and certified as a true copy of the original on January 2, 1996. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC blunicipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE BIALOWARCZUK ~i~ t~ ---~ FEINGOLD -- X - lndicale Vote AB Absent NV Not Voting XOR Indicalcs Vole to Overrule Veto Adopled all a meeting of thc Municipal Council JANUARY 1, 1996