HomeMy Public PortalAbout2016 MINUTES LOCAL OPTION TAX COMMISSION Special Meeting May 4,2016 McCall City Hall, Legion Hall Call to Order and Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 5:38 p.m. LOT Commissioners present were Helen Eimers, Lisa Wood, Roger Snodgrass, Carolyn Trino, Dave Hanson,and Lisa Kundrick, Deputy City Clerk. Commissioners George McFedries and Jerame Petry were absent. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Eimers moved to approve the June 10, 2015 minutes. Commissioner Wood seconded the motion. In a voice vote all commissioners voted aye. Elect LOT Chair and Vice Chair Commissioner Wood offered to continue her role as Chair. Commissioner Trino offered to be Vice Chair. Commissioner Hanson moved to nominate Commissioner Wood as Chair and Commissioner Trino as Vice Chair. Commissioner Snodgrass seconded the motion. In a voice vote all commissioners voted aye. Meeting Calendar The group discussed the FY17 Budget Calendar and reviewed dates. The LOT Commission will present their findings at the June 17, 2016 Council meeting, so presentations and deliberations need to be completed by then. Commissioners looked at the week of June 6 and would like to plan on dates between June 6 and 8, depending on availability of facilities. Lisa Kundrick will look into scheduling a facility for both days and email the group with confirmation. The commissioners reviewed a list of all the requests received and noted a total of$614,790. The list has yet to be reviewed by the City Clerk and some noncomplying requests may be disqualified. The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. l Lis a Wood, LOTsion C /air LOT COMMISSION MINUTES May 4, 2016 Page 1 MINUTES McCall Local Option Tax Commission Regular Meeting McCall City Hall-- Legion Hall June 6,2016 Call to Order and Roll Call Approve the Minutes Presentation of Applications Adjournment CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL LOT Chair Lisa Wood called the meeting of the Local Option Tax Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. LOT Commissioners present were Helen Eimers, George McFedries, Dave Hanson, Roger Snodgrass, Carolyn Trino, and Lisa Wood all answered roll call. Commissioner Jerame Petry was absent. City staff member present were BessieJo Wagner, City Clerk and Shay Tyler, Deputy Clerk. City Clerk Wagner asked the Commission to remember the confines of the Ordinance during this process. COMMITTEE MINUTES Commissioner Snodgrass moved to approve the May 4, 2016 minutes. Commissioner Eimers seconded the motion. In a voice vote, all commissioners voted aye. PRESENTATION OF APPLICATIONS 17-02—MCCALL MUSIC SOCIETY—SummerFest 2017 $4,000: No one showed for presentation 17-03 —ALPINE PLAYHOUSE—Greenroom/Storage Area Improvements $5,500: Dana Parker presented. Commissioner Hanson asked if it was necessary to move this project to next year, giving the Alpine Playhouse time to do a cost estimate and a set of plans as it seemed they were not ready for this stage. Mr. Parker stated that an architect was needed and that the funds, if awarded would help go towards that expense. An estimate has not been put together as of yet but he would be happy to provide it but probably not by the June 8, 2016 meeting. Also discussed was the various ways the facility is used and how the revenue is divided. When asked about the $11,000 profit indicated on the financial report, Mr. Parker said it is in savings and will be used to book high end actors and performers throughout the coming year that often bring in higher attendance of the community. 17-04—MCPAWS—Animal Health Care $30,000: Rebecca Wallick, Executive Director, presented. The financials for the previous year showed a profit. Director Wallick stated that those profits carries the facility through the winter months as the first few months operate at a loss and has to rely on donations,etc. Commissioner Trino reiterated the request from Page 1 of 4 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 6, 2016 last year of a breakdown of payroll expenses. Commissioner Hanson asked about the thrift store profits. Director Wallick replied that so far this year the sales were down about 10%, and the store had higher snow removal expenses last season as well. Commissioner Hanson expressed concerned about the $6500 depreciation costs being included in the Profit and Loss Statement as typically those are not included as an expenditure for these purposes. Commissioner Trino asked how many animals were serviced last year and how many of those could be traced back to nonresidents. Director Wallick said 552 animals came through the facility in 2015 but tracking animals from nonresidents has not been tracked. 17-05 —MANCHESTER ICE & EVENT CENTER—Chiller System Overhaul $28,000: John Barth and Diana Sabala presented. Mr. Barth gave an overview of what the Chiller System consist of and how it functions. It is becoming vital to replace important components to keep it functioning at an optimal level. It would be completed in two phases;Phase One deals with the rebuild and Phase Two with all the needed parts. However, Phase One impacts the Phase Two insofar that when the mechanic starts on the rebuild,the parts lined out in Phase Two may need to be used in Phase One, after which the rest of the items that need replaced in Phase Two could be scattered over the rest of the year. So technically,both Phases need to be approved together. Mr Barth also shared how he is not paid from Manchester Ice & Event Center but a volunteer. He spent considerable time researching and traveling to other ice rinks around the country to understand how ice rinks worked. The one thing became evident was that ice rinks don't make much of profit, if at all. Mr Barth feels that because the Center brings in a lot of traffic through its events,he would like to see some help to offset the expenditures with keeping the ice at the high quality is has become known for. Ms Sabala was next to speak. She educated the Commission on how the Sabala foundation operates and how much money is in the foundation. In the beginning, an endowment fund was set up for starting costs. Money can be pulled from it but it would have to be put back as the interest is what is used for operations. Ms. Sabala reiterated that the foundation does have a budget for the ice rink, and that she and her family did not take any money for the work they contributed towards creating the Event Center. 17-06—MCCALL ARTS AND HUMANITIES COUNCIL—Cabin Fever Program$2,510: Tracey Kindall,Executive Director,presented. Approximately 20-25%of people who attend are from out of town. The Commissioners asked that in the future, to please provide the previous year's financials as well as year to date. 17-07—TREASURE VALLEY TRANSIT—Bus Routes $50,000: 17-08—TREASURE VALLEY TRANSIT—Bus Replacement $10,000: 17-09—TREASURE VALLEY TRANSIT—Transit Center Remodeling$14,400: Terri Lindenberg present for all three requests. She gave a brief background to involvement with the LOT election and how Treasure Valley Transit(TVT)is a part of many of the other events that occur in McCall. Currently, the State of Idaho doesn't provide funding for transit and so TVT has to rely on other funding sources. Medicaid has been one of the bigger funding sources but due to the Health & Welfare hiring a new broker to handle their funds, the rate given to transit providers had gone down. TVT is fighting the decision but it may have no effect. In addition with the price of fuel costs going up, Ms. Lindenberg is concerned that some the services provided currently may have to be dropped. TVT provides service not only to those staying at the hotels but to employees and people sightseeing. Much of the funding received is based on match. There is a concern that if the Transit Center is not completed soon, those funds could Page 2 of 4 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 6, 2016 be lost. The Commissioners asked which project had priority. Ms. Lindenberg stated that 17-07 for $50,000 is the top priority with 17-08 and 17-09 following prospectively in that order. 17-10—MCCALL AREA SNOWMOBILE CLUB—Trail Grooming$30,000: Mark Sabin presented. Businesses contribute through the Adopt A Trail program and with the purchase of a $32 sticker fee, of which 85% goes to one of areas designated by the purchaser. Mr. Sabin agreed with the Commission and the City Council that the sticker price should be higher. He explained the opposition is at the Legislative level and at the Department of Parks and Recreation. He and others have tried on numerous occasions to have the price increased but to no avail. Also,there is approximately 17% of those who use the trails who do not pay the sticker fee,and enforcement is very difficult. Huge number of snowmobilers come up to McCall during the winter from the Treasure Valley and out of state because the trails are known for being well groomed. That equates a lot of money for the community. Another couple of concerns expressed by Mr. Sabin was that Valley County decided this last winter not to service three of the parking lots so there was a unexpected high expense of snow removal, and needing to look forward into the future of paying someone to groom the trails as currently it is volunteers (namely only a couple of people)who are getting to the point of where they may not be able to do so anymore. 17-11 —PAYETTE LAKES SKI CLUB—Grooming Operations $10,000: 17-12—PAYETTE LAKES SKI CLUB—Snowmobile Replacement for Bear Basin $8,000: Colby Nielsen presented the same information that was submitted and the Commission had no questions. 17-13 —MCCALL SENIOR CENTER—Wood Shed$3,000: No one showed for presentation. 17-16—IDAHO HOCKEY FOUNDATION—Junior Steelhead Expenses $10,000: Robert Lyons presented. The request for funds is to offset travel expenses for transporting the team from Boise. Most of the hockey players live outside of the McCall area and they are required to travel here for each game. In addition, the bus company that is currently used has been bought out by another company and the worry is that the costs will go up from this merger. Mr. Lyons wanted to bring to the Commissioners attention that the owner has put forth $600K-$700K out of pocket to support the team. These hockey games bring in many new people to the area from around the USA and Europe.Also,hockey is a stepping stone for college scholarships for many of the players. There are approximately 5-8 players in Division 3 that receive full scholarships. 17-17—MCCALL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—2017 Winter Carnival Fireworks$10,000: 17-18—MCCALL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—2017 Fourth of July Fireworks $10,000: 17-19—MCCALL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—Idaho Travel Council Grant Match $25,000: McKenzie Christensen presented for all three requests.Of the three,the grant match(17-19)is top priority. The amount of funds needed could go down(or up) as it is dependent on what the State of Idaho awards. This will allow the Chamber continuance in streamlining the marketing programs. The digital campaign has increased its web traffic 75% and sends people to a lodging page. The goal is to promote midweek and extended weekend visitations to counter balance the influx of visitors on weekends and certain holidays/events. Currently 75% of the membership is McCall business but reaching out to surrounding communities since they will benefit as well. Page 3 of 4 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 6,2016 17-20—MCCALL NORDIC SKI CLUB—McCall Re-Mastered Event Promotion $6,000: Kurt Wolf presented. The sponsorship award event is ready to move up to include elite skiers and to do so will require a cash purse. It is also the goal to pay for raffle prizes from local businesses rather than depending on donations. The attendees have grown to around 100 attendees, seeing skiers from Bend, Spokane,Utah, and Sun Valley. If the attendees reach 200+, a director will have to be hired as burnout is a high probability from Mr. Wolf who works full time and volunteers to be the current director. 17-25—MCCALL WINTER SPORTS—Alpine Intermountain Division Qualifying Race $2,750: Katie Morgan and Matt Sylvester presented. 150 local children participate but when hosting a race, upwards to 200 out of town attend. Mr. Sylvester reported the growth to 1500% for the race which is tremendous. That said, it pointed out that the average amount spent by these athletes is approximately $200/day per child not including what the families who are coming with their children are also spending. 17 26 MCCALL WINTER SPORTS Nordic Intermountain Division Qualifying Race $4,250: Katie Morgan stated that they were not awarded this race so funding is no longer needed. 17-27—MCCALL WINTER SPORTS—Big Mountain Freeride Competition$2,450: Mark Beaver presented. The competition has become the 2nd largest event,and freeride competitions have shown a growth of 15% in the industry. ADJOUNMENT As there no further groups to present, Commissioner Hanson moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Snodgrass seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m. Lisa Wood, LO Co Sion hair Page 4 of 4 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 6,2016 li MINUTES McCall Local Option Tax Commission Regular Meeting McCall City Hall--Legion Hall June 8, 2016 Call to Order and Roll Call Approve the Minutes Presentation of Applications Deliberations Set Priority& Contingencies Adjournment CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL LOT Clink Lisa Wood called the meeting of the Local Option Tax Commission to order at 6:06 p.m. LOT Commissioners present were Helen Eimers, George McFedries, Dave Hanson, Roger Snodgrass, Carolyn Trino, and Lisa Wood. Commissioner Jerame Petry was absent. City staff member present were BessieJo Wagner, City Clerk and Shay Tyler, Deputy Clerk. City Clerk Wagnei asked the Commission to remember the confines of the Ordinance during this process. COMMITTEE MINUTES City Clerk Wagner caught an error on the May 4, 2016 minutes. Commissioner Doug McFedries should have read as George McFedries. Correction so noted and corrected. Commissioner Snodgrass moved to approve the June 6, 2016 minutes. Commissioner Hanson seconded the motion. In a voice vote, all commissioners voted aye. PRESENTATION OF APPLICATIONS Parks Director Dennis Coyle presented in place of City Manager Nate Coyle who had to be at another meeting. City Manager Coyle had submitted the list of City's LOT requests to the Council,who supported with one change. The Council wanted to see added a staff person for the historical preservation project for the Library. Director Coyle shared how City Manager Coyle, City Treasurer Stokes, and City Clerk Wagner worked together to identify and select the most important city projects. There were several criterion that directed the selection but first priority was life safety issues, and second were items effected by State and Federal mandates such as the Disability Act. For example, the city has to show progress towards bringing the city into compliance with the Federal mandates or severe penalties can ensue. Director Coyle explained that the Council's request to view the list prior to going to the LOT Committee was to be kept abreast of what is being submitted and open an opportunity to work with the City Manager on what is priority. The Council wants to express that the direction and opinion of the LOT Committee is desired Commissioner Hanson acknowledged that the LOT Commission is advisory. He also wanted to see from the City a budget submitted similar to what the rest of the applicants are required to submit. Director Coyle acknowledged that request and felt that it was reasonable. I Page 1 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2,016 it 17-13 —MCCALL SENIOR CENTER—Wood Shed$3,000: George Poole presented. There is an issue with the firewood storage area during the winter, especially if it's a high snow year as it makes accessibility difficult. The goal is to have a storage area where the wood is kept dry with easy access. It is still being investigated on which would be more cost efficient, custom built or premade. There is a problem in finding a premade that will meet the needs properly. The Commissioners asked about the revenue the Senior Center brings in. Mr. Poole stated that the Winter Carnival brings in about$2000.All regular meals are free with a donation box for those who want to pay. The typical dinner brings in approximately 25-30 people, more depending on the meal. 17-22—CITY MCCALL PUBLIC LIBRARY—Expansion Fundraising Campaign$8,300: Director Meg Lojek presented. Commissioner Hanson asked how large the fund raising campaign will need to be. Director Lojek explained that the current stage of the process is that a design firm has been selected, and hopefully with the Council's approval, the library can move forward with hiring the design firm with the FY16 LOT funds. If the Council approves, the design portion will begin in July. Once that has been completed,there should be a clearer picture of what will be needed. Director Lojek projects that will be fall before those numbers are available. The firm selected has many years of experience building libraries,and she feels confident in their"abilities to design a library right for McCall. Commissioner Wood asked about a completion date. Director Lojek stated that she would like to see it completed in the next two years. She did not think a bond would be necessary because of the different funding options available to the library. • 17-23 —CITY MCCALL PUBLIC LIBRARY—Intern for Historical Records Scanning $1,500: Director Lojek briefly touched on the need for someone to scan in records. No discussion ensued. 17-24—CITY MCCALL PUBLIC LIBRARY—Furniture for Idaho Room$1,850: There was no discussion. 17-28 —CITY CLERK—Tourism Local Option Tax Administration$13,000: 17-29—CITY MULTIPLE DEPARTMENTS—McCall Event Cost Recovery $31,150: City Clerk BessieJo Wagner touched briefly on why the Tourism LOT Administration amount was lower. As there is now a full time LOT clerk handling allot the collection process, less is needed for other staff on LOT related activities.No other discussion ensued. 17-30—CITY AIRPORT—Repair of Failed Storm Drain$30,000: Airport Manager Jay Scherer presented. He described an incident from last winter where a storm drain failed causing an airplane to crash. Most paving is paid through other avenues such as landing fees but funding is needed for a quick patch job on this particular area for safety reasons. The Commissioners raised the question of do all planes pay the landing fee. The answer is no. Only large planes and jets are required because of the amount of weight coming down on the runway. Smaller planes are lighter and thus are not required to pay a landing fee. 17-31 —CITY PARKS AND RECREATION—Brown Park Playground Improvements $60,000: Parks Director Coyle explained that Brown Park does not meet the current American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliancy guidelines with the playground equipment. Currently the equipment is made from pressure treated wood which leaches arsenic into the soil and can give nasty slivers. It has a wood chip Page 2 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2016 floor which is very difficult for anyone with impaired physical abilities. The budget for replacement is $120,000 and the application is for half the costs. 17-32 CITY GOLF COURSE—Patch and Seal Cart Paths $50,000: Golf Course Superintendent Eric McCormick presented the necessity of fixing the cart paths due to winter damage from snow equipment. The Commission asked if keeping the paths open during the winter will be continuing every year. Superintendent McCormick stated that it will be due to the direct request of the City Council. Commissioner Trino inquired to the installing of pay boxes to encourage users to contribute to the path upkeep and Superintendent McCormick replied with it has been discussed. Commissioner Snodgrass stated that the cart fees are a possible revenue source to help cover the costs of repairing the paths. 17-33 - CITY GOLF COURSE—Fairway Mower Replacement(2x) $38,000: Superintendent McCormick presented that two mowers need replaced. No questions were asked by the Commissioners. 17-34 I CITY GOLF COURSE—Rough Mower Replacement$30,000: Nothing was presented and no questions were asked. 17-35—CITY PARKS AND RECREATION—Rotary Park Pavement Replacement $10,000: Parks Director Coyle explained that Rotary Park is 2/3 to being ADA compliant. The goal is to finish it this year. The pathway is roughed in and the decision whether to pave or uses pavers still needs to be made. Looking at possibly paving the parking lot as well. The project is $75,000. Commissioner Hanson suggested that the Rotary Park Club should be approached for donations. 17-36=CITY COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT—Art for Lardo Bridge $10,000: City Planner Delta James presented. For the first time in history, the State of Idaho is allowing art to be added to bridges. Lardo Bridge was engineered with this in mind. The Endowment of the Arts will give money but it has a matching fund requirement and is time sensitive. This kind of funding does not come up oftep which is why funding is being requested. Commissioner Trino asked who will decide the art. City Planner James explained that multiple designs are collected and submitted to a volunteer board after which it is put up for public vote. The choices are limited by what is submitted. 17-37—CITY PARKS AND RECREATION—Brush Chipper Purchase $38,500: Golf Superintendent Eric McCormick shared the reasons why a chipper is now being used the last couple of years due to the Council's directive. In the beginning a small chipper was used but was not adequate to do the work needed so a large chipper is rented from Ikola at a cost of$2000 for a half day. The goal is to purchase the equipment rather than renting as in the long run as in the long run, it would be more cost effective. The life expectancy is 20 years. Only trained personnel would be allowed to use it and no seasonal staff 17-38!CITY COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT—Pathway Wayfinding Implementation$10,000: Community Development Director Michelle Groenevelt gave a history of the pathway issues.The number one issue that stands out is inadequate or no directive signage. With effort to have people use alternative routes to get around town and off the main roads (safety issues), it has become apparent that there needs to be abetter wayfinding system. The top two sections in need are Ponderosa and Lake Street areas. It Page 3 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2016 would also reduce sign clutter. Director Groenevelt presented a sign prototype that she is looking at. Finding sources of funding has not been successful. Commissioner Wood made the suggestion that the signs indicate whether the path is for horses,bikers,or pedestrians. Commissioner Hanson wanted to know how many signs were needed. Director Groenevelt estimated 20 or so. The replacement would be done in, phases. DELIBERATION Commissioner Snodgrass moved to have the Commission go into deliberations to decide funding and to set the budget at $400,710. Commissioner Hanson seconded the motion. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. Motion to fully fund all priority City yellow highlighted projects (17-23 McCall Public Library for an intern for historical records scanning, 17-30 McCall Airport for the repair of the failed storm drain, 17-31 McCall Parks and Recreation for Brown Park playground improvements, 17-32 McCall Golf Course to patch and seal the cart path, 17-33 McCall Golf Course for two fairway mower replacements) was made by Commissioner Hanson. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-02 Motion was made to not fund McCall Music Society for Summerfest 2017 by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-03 Motion was made to not fund Alpine Playhouse for greenroom/storage area improvements by Commissioner McFedries. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-04 Motion was made to not fund McPaws for animal health care by Commissioner Hanson. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, four Commissioners voted aye and two were opposed. The motion went back on the table for more discussion.A motion was made to partially fund McPaws$15,000 by Commissioner Eimers. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried.Justification for the partial funding was based on the fact that the auction and thrift store provide them with a healthy income, and there is a profit every year. 17-05 Motion was made to partially fund Manchester Ice & Event Center $20,000 for the chiller system overhaul by Commissioner Hanson.No second was given so it went back on the table for more discussion. An amended motion to fund$15,000 by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote; all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. A second motion to put $7000 in contingency was made by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-06 Motion was made to fully fund McCall Arts and Humanities Council for the Cabin Fever program by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Eimers. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-07 Motion was made to fully fund Treasure Valley Transit for bus routes by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Eimers. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. Page 4 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2016 17-08 Motion was made to put $10,000 in contingency for bus replacement by Commissioner Wood. Seconded by Commissioner Eimers. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-09 Motion was made to not fund Treasure Valley Transit for the transit center remodeling by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Hanson. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-10 Motion was made to partially fund McCall Area Snowmobile Club $25,000 trail grooming by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Hanson. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. • 17-11 Motion was made to partially fund Payette Lakes Ski Club $8,000 for grooming operations by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, five Commissioners voted aye and one opposed.The motion was opened again for discussion.An amended motion was made to fully fund Payette Lakes Ski Club $10,000 by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Eimers. In a voice vI b te, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-12 Motion was made to put$4,000 in contingency for Payette Lakes Ski Club snowmobile replacement for Bear Basin by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner McFedries. In a voice vote, five Commissioners voted aye and one opposed. The motion carried by two thirds vote. 17-13 Motion was made to fully fund McCall Senior Center for a wood shed by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Hanson.In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-16 Motion was made to partially fund the Idaho Hockey Foundation for Junior Steelheads $8,000 for travel expenses by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-17 Motion was made to partially fund McCall Area Chamber of Commerce $8,000 and to put $2,000 into contingency for 2017 Winter Carnival fireworks by Commissioner Eimers. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-18 Motion was made to partially fund McCall Area Chamber of Commerce $8,000 and to put $2,000 into contingency for 2017 Fourth of July fireworks by Commissioner Eimers. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-19 Motion was made to fully fund McCall Area Chamber of Commerce for the Idaho Travel Council grant match by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Hanson. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-20 Motion was made to partially find McCall Nordic Ski Club $3,000 for the McCall Re-Mastered event program by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. Page 5 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2016 17-22 Motion was made to put $4,000 into contingency for McCall Public Library for the expansion fundraising campaign by Commissioner Hanson. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-24 Motion was made to not fund McCall Public Library for furniture for the Idaho Room by Commissioner Wood. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-25 Motion was made to fully fund McCall Winter Sports Club for Alpine Intermountain Division Qualifying Race by Commissioner Hanson. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-26 No motion was made as the applicant, McCall Winter Sports Club, had withdrew their application for Nordic Intermountain Division Qualifying Race. 17-27 Motion was made to partially fund McCall Winter Sports Club $1,800 for Big Mountain Freeride Competition by Commissioner Wood. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-28 and 17-29 Motion was made to fully fund McCall City Clerk tourism LOT administration and Multiple City Departments event cost recovery by Commissioner Hanson. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-34 Motion was made to not fund McCall Golf Course for rough mower replacement by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-35 Motion was made to put $5,000 into contingency for McCall City Parks and Recreation for the Rotary Park pavement replacement by Commissioner Hanson. Seconded by Commissioner Wood. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-36 Motion was made to put $5,000 into contingency for McCall Community Development for art on Lardo Bridge by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. (In a later motion, an additional $3,000 was added for a total of$8,000.) 17-37 Motion was made to partially fund McCall Park/Golf Course$19,250 for a brush chipper purchase by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. A vote was not called as more discussion ensued. A motion to not fund was made by Commissioner Wood. Seconded by Commissioner Trino. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. 17-38 Motion was made to put$5,000 into contingency for McCall Community Development for pathway wayfinding implementation by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Hanson. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. (In a later motion, an additional $3,000 was added for a total of$8,000.) Page 6 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes • June 8, 2016 There was $6,000 left to use in the Contingency budget. A motion was made to divide the amount in half and give 17-36 and 17-38 each an additional $3,000 in contingency by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner Hanson.In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. • • SET PRIORITY LIST AND CONTENGENCIES Commissioner Hanson left the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The motion to set the contingency budget was made by Commissioner Trino. Seconded by Commissioner Eimers J In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. Priorities were set as such: Project Amount Amount Contingency Priority i Requestor Project recommended Number requested for findg'. amount 1 17-28 City-City Clerk - Tourism Local Option Tax Administration $13,000 $13,000 2 X17-29 City-Multiple Departments McCall event cost recovery _ _ $31,150 $31,150 _ 3 17,30 City _, Repaiioffaiedstomi.drain $30,000 $30,000 4 17-31 City-Parks and Recreation Brown Park playground improvements $60,000 $60,000 5 17-32 City-Golf Course _ - Patch and seal cart paths _ _ $50,000 $50,000 6 17-33 City-Golf Course Fairway mower replacement(r2) $38,000 $38,000 7 1723 City-McCallPublcLbrary Intern for historical records scarming $1,500 _ $1,500 8 17-07 Treasure Valley Transit Bus routes $50,000 $50,000 9 17-19 McCall Area Chamber of Commerce Idaho Travel Council(ITC)grant match $25,000 $25,000 10 17-10 McCall Area Snowmobile Club Trail oo gr ming $30,000 _ $25,000 11 17-11 Payette fakes Ski Club Grooming operations _ $10,000 $10,000 ' 12 17-18 McCall Area Chamber of Commerce 2017 Fourth of Julyfreworks , $10,000 $8,000 _ 13 X1.7-17 McCallAreaCham_berofCbm erce 2017 WinterCamival&eworks _ $10,000 _ $8,000 14 17-05 Manchester Ice&Eveht`Center , Chiller systemnverhaul $28,000 $15,000 15 17-16 Idaho Hockey Foundation Junior Steelheadsexpenses $10,000 $8,000 16 17-06 McCall Arts and Humanities Council Cabin Fever program $2,510 $2,510 17 17-25 McCall Winter Sports Club ' Alpine Interimuntam Division Qualiing Race $2,750 $2,750 • 18 17-27 McCall Winter Sports , Big Mountain Freeride Competition $2,450 $1,800 19 17 713 McCall Sen or Center Wood shed $3,000 $3,000 20 17-04 McPa*s Animal health care $30,000 $15,000 21 , 17-20 McCall Nordic.Ski Club Re-Mastered event promotion_McCallRe-Ma _ $6,000 $_3,000 _ Cl 17-08 Treasure Valley Transit Bus replacement $10,000 $10,000 C2 17-05 Manchester Ice&Event Center Chiller system overhaul - $28,000 $7,000 C3. 17-35 City-Parks and Recreation Rotary Park pavement replacement $10,000 _ _ $5,000 C4 1 MC Area Chatrof Fourth _, 17- 8 calneCommerce 2017ourofJulyfaeworks $10,000 $2,000 C5 17-17 McCall Area Chamber ofCommerce 2017 Winter Carnival fireworks $10,000 $2,000 C6 17-36 City-Community Development _ Art for Lardo Bridge... , $10,000 _ $8,000 C7 17-22 City-McCall Public Library Expansion fundraising campaign $8,300 $4,000 C8 17-38 City-Community Development Pathwaywayfmding implementation $10,000 $8,000 C9 17-12 Payette Lakes Ski Club Snowmobile replacement for Bear Basin $8,000 $4,000 I I I I I - i $50,000 Total of All Requests $547,660 $400,710 Budget I • Page 7 of 8 • LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2016 Projects Not Recommended for Funding 17-02 McCall Music Society SummerFest 2017 $4,000 17-03 Alpine Playhouse Greenroom/storage area improvements $5,500 17-09 Treasure Valley Transit Transit.Center remodeling $14,400 17-26 McCall Winter Sports Club Nordic Intermountain Division Qualifying Race _ $4,250 17=34 City- Golf Course Rough mower replacement $30,000 ' 17-37 City- Parks/Golf Course Brush Chipper purchase $38,500 17-24. City- McCall Public Library Furniture for Idaho Room $1,850 r$98,500 Motion to set the Priority List was made by Commissioner Wood. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. In a voice vote, all Commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. ADJOUNMENT Without further business, Commissioner Wood moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Snodgrass seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. iiA/af _ a Lisa Wood,ood, L• 4'ssion C air Attest • SAS. Shay Tyl: , •epfCity Clerk Page 8 of 8 LOT COMMISSION Minutes June 8, 2016