HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes_CCMeeting_10162007CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 16, 2007 AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE IONA COMMUNITY CENTER PRESENT: Mayor Brad Andersen, Council members Scott Long, Clip Holverson, Dennis McArthur, Treasurer Ron Nelson, City Clerk Betty McKinlay, Work Supervisor Zech Prouse. Council member Steve Elliott asked to be excused. VISITORS: Terry McNamara, Jerry Hansen, Adrian Beazer, Dan Gubler, Mike, Angie, and Barbara Schreier, Ted Henricks, Dan Hunting, Kurt Hibbert, Linda McArthur. Mayor Andersen welcomed everyone and the pledge was led by Ron Nelson. The Minutes were reviewed and Council member Scott Long motioned to approve the Minutes and Council member Clip Holverson seconded. All were in favor. Treasurer discussed the expense report. Council member Scott Long motioned to ratify payment of the bills and Council member Clip Holverson seconded. All were in favor. The Financial Report was discussed. P/Z Chairman Jerry Hansen gave his report. Jerry discussed the property that Lynn Rockwood wants to annex into the City. Lynn wants to annex approximately 8.73 acres of real property, but leave it zoned agricultural. The P/Z would like to see another entrance into the property instead of off Iona Road. Lynn has some potential buyers. Attorney Dale Storer said we do not want to annex anything into the City without it being zoned. As long as it is designated as agricultural for zoning then Lynn can do that. Lynn was not in attendance tonight and Jerry will talk to Lynn about requesting a public hearing with the Council. Jerry also said that Kurt Hibbert discussed with the P/Z outlined areas that would impact our area and gave suggestions. The development upon Foothill Road would bring a lot of traffic into Iona and Kurt discussed possible ways to divert the traffic. Dan Gubler said that the Comprehensive plan is nothing set in stone. It can be adjusted as the City grows and changes. The Mayor discussed the water at the school and church. The Mayor had talked to Roger Hill and Roger would like to talk to Progressive Irrigation to see if something could be worked out to water the school grounds. If the church and school can only use the ditch once a week then they will not be able to water. A flat rate would need to be decided on or meters. The Mayor asked the Council to be thinking about a rate to charge. Council member Clip Holverson suggested looking at business rates also. Mayor Andersen welcomed Ted Hendricks from the Development Company. The Mayor discussed some thoughts that he had about the engineering selection. He said there were three people for one engineering firm and three for another. The Mayor felt the Council needed to be unified in their decision on selecting the engineering firm. He proposed to the Council to postpone the engineering selection until after the City Election. The new City Council can then decide upon the engineering firm since they will be the ones working with them. The Mayor said that Council member Scott Long is not running for re-election and we don't know if Council member Clip Holverson will be re-elected to the Council. The Mayor hates to see something selected that the new council might not support or want. Council member Scott Long disagrees. Scott said he was elected to do a job and this process has been on going for a long time. We entered into this rating program according to the premieres laid down by the Development Company and under Mayor Andersen's direction and it was fair and he entered into his scoring without any advise from any firm and made it based on the presentation only and did not contact anyone before or after except for the cities. He contacted Chubbuck and he looked at the project in Mountain Home. So Scott said he is comfortable moving forward. Scott does not think we can presume to know or not to know who is going to get elected and what their views will be, but Scott said he was elected to do a job and he is ready to go forward with that job. Council member Clip Holverson said he echoed what Council member Scott Long said. Clip said he was elected for four years. His four years are not up yet and he feels he should serve until the end and will serve until the end. He said he would like to serve another four years if the people will elect him to do that. Clip said we set out how we were going to elect the engineering firm. The score sheets were given to the Council. Clip said he read through the material that was given and listened to presentations and he voted to the best of his knowledge. Clip said what happened after that vote was absolutely ridiculous, in that we had a council member and the Mayor who said "You didn't take my advice." Clip said no where on the form did it say to take the Mayor's advice. The form said in his best judgment to vote the way he should, and that is what he did. Clip feels the Mayor wanted a certain engineer to win and it did not win and he is trying to throw the vote out. Clip does not think that is right. Clip feels if we do what the Mayor is suggesting, one or more of these engineers will have some legal grounds to come back on the City. The guidelines were set and he feels we need to go forward. Terry McNamara made comments about the meeting not being posted and an agenda posted. The Mayor talked to our Attorney Dale Storer and Dale said no decisions can be made because last weeks open meeting rules were not followed. Mayor Andersen said he has never done one of the RFP's before and he got a lot of stuff after the fact on how he could have done this selection. After it was already put in the paper then he found out that he could have waited on the new City Council because they are the ones that will be dealing with it. There are some different things he was not aware of. The first night they got the proposals and gave them out to everyone to review, which was Sept. 11`h then we got back two weeks later for the interviews and it was requested by Scott and agreed upon by the Council to have Zech and others go look at the tanks, review the reference and come back together last week and discuss. The Mayor said he has no invested interest in these engineers. The reason he likes Schiess is because they worked with us for two years, they are local and have experience. They have the only water engineer. The Mayor said that last week the Council was only expressing their feelings on who they liked and the reasons for discussion was part of the process. The Mayor said when the Council decided to go out and come back that was still part of the process of looking at the engineering firms and if they needed to adjust their score or have input of things they had done, that was why they had Zech go look. The meeting last week was part of the process that they did on the interview. Ted Hendricks asked what meeting did not get posted. Mayor said his understanding was last weeks meeting to discuss the firms. There was no vote. The Council turned in their tally sheets. It was a special meeting and it was not posted 24 hours before meeting. Dan Gubler said if they don't follow the Open Meeting Law the Council opens themselves up to litigation by the State. Ted Hendricks said we did follow the process and no decision was made. The process was accurate and okay. Ted said at this point the Council needs to make their decision. He said the Council can reject all the proposals if they would like. The main meetings and main selection process and the formal process we followed are fine. Tonight if the Council has a discussion and makes their final decision it is still filling that same process. Jerry Hansen made some comments and Council member Clip Holverson made comments. Ted Hendricks discussed the way the process is set up. He said you evaluate the firms based exactly on what you ask them to respond to. Ted said that each one of these firms is highly qualified and have worked in south east Idaho for a long time. The Mayor voiced his concerns. He said unless you have worked with the firm, experience means a lot and you have dealt with somebody and you have worked with them you know how they are. The thing that worries him about going with Keller is what happened with CH2M Hill. They have a satellite office here in Idaho Falls and their main office is in Boise. He worries that we might be second fiddle to them, because they have big projects with Ammon and Rigby and he worries that we might not get the attention that we might need. Ted said they do have an office in Idaho Falls and Pocatello and they have worked here for a long time. All firms have offices here. The Mayor said that we had three people for one firm and three for another. He said if we are not unified in the selection then we will have a hard time selling it to the public. Dan Hunting says if they select a firm and that firm does not do what the Council wants then they can throw them out and negotiate with another. Ted said all the Council has done is selected a firm based on what you asked them to do. The Council tallied all their points and the firm with the highest points is the selected firm. Council member Dennis McArthur said that there were two people who expressed concerns about the firms; Zech and the Mayor. He does not understand the difficulty of it. He does not know why we are not going with what or listening to Zech or the Mayor. He thinks we need to step back and wait. He has faith in Zech and the Mayor. We need to look at the two people who know. Dennis expressed his feelings as to what is best for the City. He wondered if it would be Zech's job to negotiate or who? Ted said that all 00, the Council and Zech should be involved with the scope of work. Dan Hunting said that whoever the firm is to work close with them that we do not compromise our standards. Council member Clip Holverson said that Zech went down to Pocatello and checked out the work the firm did that is very similar to ours. They did a good job. That reinforced Clip's vote. Adrian Beazer said we do have a water board that should work on this. Zech did represent the water board. Ted Hendricks said the process we went through was valid. Ted said the Council and Mayor have to go off the sheets and what we asked for. The firms are all good and will do a good job. Council member Clip Holverson motioned to go forward with the selection of Keller Associates based on the total points. Council member Scott Long seconded the motion. Council member Dennis McArthur and the Mayor opposed. Mayor Andersen did not have a vote. The Mayor said he was on the selection committee, but this is a Council vote and he can not vote. The Council has the final say, so the motion carries. Ted Hendricks said it would be nice if they could get "married" a little closer on it. He cautioned the Council that if they did not go into this united then we will have a very difficult time with the bond election. He said if the Council cannot negotiate a contract with them and are not happy with Keller then move to Schiess. We have only selected them and are not bound by law. The Council and Mayor needs to feel good about it. Ted also mentioned that the water rates for the school and church was part of his scope of work for the study and they have not done that yet. He asked the Council to postpone their decision on the rates until Ted's company can gather some data on it. Ted feels he can get it done within 30 to 45 days. Jerry Hansen and Adrian Beazer made comments. Barbara Schreier wanted to know who Ted Hendricks represented and Ted told her he was from East Central Idaho Planning which is called the Development Company, and his company helps small cities and works with the State. He has helped our community with several projects, including the water study. Kurt Hibbert discussed the up date on the Comprehensive Plan. He left four copies of the draft. He would like the Council to look at it before next Wednesday. His intent is to have the Council's input on the goals and policies. We have to advertise and have an open house for the public to come in and talk. A new transportation map will be developed. Zech Prouse, the Public Work's Supervisor, gave his report. He said there is one more water line to replace up by the grain mill. The roof on the Stanger Memorial building needs to be sealed and Zech is getting bids for it. He said the sprinklers are shut off at the Stanger building and will be pressurized on Main Street and in the City parks this week. Barbara Schreier said the lights on the path in the park are not working. Zech will check them out and call Wheeler Electric. City Clerk, Betty McKinlay gave her report. The City Elections are November 6th at the Community Center from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The votes will be canvassed on November 13th at 6:30. There was a discussion about Council meeting. The Council had decided to change Council meeting to November 13th instead of November 20th because of Thanksgiving during that week. Our City Attorney, Dale Storer, said we need to keep Council meeting on the third Tuesday as to what the Code book says, if we have a full Council. So, the Mayor asked if everyone could be here on the third Tuesday, November 20th. The Council said they could. The Mayor will be gone on vacation, November 13th and has asked President Scott Long to conduct the meeting. The Council will meet on November 13th to canvass the votes only. Betty gave each of the Council members, the Mayor and staff a pocket calendar that she had picked up at ICCTFOA Institute in Boise last month. Betty gave the Council and Mayor a sheet explaining what a Consent Agenda is. Everything that we pass on regular bases can be put on the Consent Agenda. Mayor Andersen asked Betty to try it next month. Mayor Andersen gave his report. He talked to our Attorney about water meters whether we can do it on new homes or do it for the whole City. He discussed the insurance with ICRMP. The City has the old blue pick up and the dump truck that we would like to sell. Council member Scott Long said that Property Management in Idaho Falls could probably help with it. Scott will check into it. Police Chief, SanDee Knowles, asked to be excused. She had a couple of items she left with the Mayor to discuss about citizens that are still in violation. SanDee wants to know if she should continue to pursue it. Their time is up on cleaning up their yard. Council member Dennis McArthur said we need to follow the Code Book. Barbara Higley is requesting a Non Commercial Kennel License. Police Chief SanDee Knowles recommends the non-commercial kennel license be granted to them, and all the neighbors have signed the petition. More information needs to be gathered and will be discussed next month. Council member Scott Long reported that his family went over to the park that was named after his father and had a little picnic and took some pictures. He wanted to publicly thank everybody who had anything to do with that park. Scott, his mother and family are very pleased. He suggested to the Mayor, as part of acknowledging people who put in the work and maybe rolling it into some kind of a little ceremony. He suggested using Arbor Day around the first part of May and maybe plant a tree in the park in conjunction with recognizing Arbor Day and dedicating that park and acknowledging the people who did the real work. He commented on the meeting that was held for the scoring of the selection of the water engineer. He is willing to go forward with whoever is selected and even if there is some personal stuff and issues he is willing to let by-gones-be by-gones and hope that all of the meetings will be professional and will be a little more professional then they have been. Council member Clip Holverson asked if Zech had checked into the Post Office and installing a shut off valve for the water. Police Chief SanDee Knowles and Work rigN Supervisor Zech Prouse were complimented on the work they have done in collecting the delinquent water accounts. The list is way down. Council member Dennis McArthur discussed the newsletter that was delivered. The citizens enjoy it. Dan Gubler discussed a committee to represent the City on the fire protection. Dan said if he had his choice, he would choose Scott Long because of his work with the fire department. He would attend a meeting once or twice a month. Council member Clip Holverson said that looking at the Code Book the application for a non-commercial kennel license is incomplete. It needs to state the location of the non commercial kennel and the number of dogs kept and the breed of dogs kept. The application needs to be updated. Council member Clip Holverson motioned to adjourn. Council member Dennis McArthur seconded. Adjourned at 8:25 p.m. �cft WQX' Betty Mc City Clerk ay CITY OF IONA ** B U D G E T R E P O R T** 111101109-30--07 PAGE 3 **** GENERAL FUND **** ESTIMATED FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE REVENUE ** R E C E I P T E D* MTD YTD UNRECEIPTED PERCENT BALANCE RECEIPTED 001 305.000 STATE HIGHWAY USERS 47,000.00 .00 49,560.43 2,560.43- 001 310.000 STATE REVENUE SHARING 42,000.00 .00 46,335.95 4,335.95- 001 315.000 STATE LIQUOR TAX 16,000.00 5,582.00 32,657.00 16,657.00- 001 320.000 BEER & DOG LICENSES 100.00 .00 328.00 228.00- 001 325.000 COURT REVENUE 1,000.00 11.25- 1,387.09 387.09- 001 330.000 INTEREST 4,000.00 631.89 6,155.41 2,155.41- 001 335.000 CABLE TV FRANCHISE 3,400.00 .00 3,510.44 110.44- 001 340.000 NATURAL GAS FRANCHISE 7,000.00 .00 12,113.23 5,113.23- 001 345.000 UTAH POWER FRANCHISE 10,500.00 .00 11,794.22 1,294.22- 001 355.000 BUILDING RENT 5,000.00 150.00 4,550.00 450.00 001 357.000 BUILDING DONATIONS .00 .00 .00 001 358.000 GRANTS 10,000.00 .00 16,288.00 6,288.00- 001 360.000 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 128,000.00 693.26 145,946.65 17,946.65- 001 390.000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 5,000.00 3,065.00 32,834.94 27,834.94- 001 395.000 RESERVES 10,000.00 .00 .00 10,000.00 105.45 110.32 204.11 328.00 138.71 153.89 103.25 173.05 112.33 91.00 162.88 114.02 656.70 **TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 289,000.00 10,110.90 363,461.36 74,461.36- 125.77 **** GENERAL FUND **** ESTIMATED • ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE EXPENSE ** E X P E N D E D** MTD UNEXPENDED PERCENT YTD BALANCE EXPENDED 001 410.000 PAYROLL 60,000.00 7,574.00 64,575.00 4,575.00- 001 420.000 RETIREMENT 7,000.00 660.49 7,860.92 860.92- 001 422.000 HEALTH INSURANCE 10,000.00 1,332.00 22,983.90 12,983.90- 001 424.000 PAYROLL TAXES 8,500.00 578.12 7,346.73 1,153.27 001 440.000 ELECTRICITY - NATURAL GAS 22,000.00 583.25 18,142.38 3,657.62 001 445.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,000.00 263.81 6,538.69 461.31 001 446.000 TRAVEL 3,500.00 278.40 4,685.03 1,185.03- 001 447.000 ADVERTISING 700.00 251.13 714.32 14.32- 001 450.000 INSURANCE LIABILITY 6,800.00 .00 6,802.00 2.00- 001 455.000 LEGAL & AUDIT FEES 9,000.00 500.00 9,387.50 387.50- 001 460.000 POLICE SUPPLIES 37,500.00 6,828.75 30,825.79 6,674.21 001 465.000 VEHICLE RENT 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 001 470.000 MAINTENANCE 52,725.00 7,697.20 48,125.29 4,599.71 001 472.000 BUILDING EXPENSE .00 .00 .00 001 475.000 CIVIL DEFENSE 500.00 .00 .00 500.00 001 480.000 LIBRARY 5,000.00 .00 582.15 4,417.85 001 490.000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 47,000.00 4,217.59 23,732.18 23,267.82 001 495.000 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 6,775.00 1,561.75 12,905.22 6,130.22- 107.63 112.30 229.84 86.43 82.47 93.41 133.86 102.05 100.03 104.31 82.20 91.26 11.64 50.49 190.48 **TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 289,000.00 32,326.49 265,207.10 23,792.90 91.77 **NET EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY(-) 22,215.59- 98,254.26 98,254.26- CITY OF IONA ** B U D G E T R E P O R T* .0%09-30-07 PAGE 4 **** WATER FUND **** ESTIMATED * * R E C E I P T E D * * UNRECEIPTED PERCENT FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE REVENUE MTD YTD BALANCE RECEIPTED 002 305.000 COLLECTIONS 140,000.00 10,494.15 132,785.80 7,214.20 002 310.000 HOOK UP FEES 36,000.00 3,600.00 44,410.00 8,410.00- 002 315.000 INTEREST 3,500.00 329.84 4,604.29 1,104.29- 002 350.000 TANK REPLACEMENT FUND 40,000.00 .00 .00 40,000.00 002 395.000 RESERVES 40,000.00 .00 .00 40,000.00 94.85 123.36 131.55 **TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUE 259,500.00 14,423.99 181,800.09 77,699.91 70.06 **** WATER FUND **** ESTIMATED FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE EXPENSE ** E X P E N D E D** MTD UNEXPENDED PERCENT YTD BALANCE EXPENDED 002 410.000 SALARIES & BENEFITS 26,000.00 .00 29,000.00 3,000.00- 111.54 002 440.000 ELECTRICITY 30,000.00 3,264.04 24,346.58 5,653.42 61.16 002 445.000 OFFICE, SUPPLIES, LEGAL 7,000.00 1,055.61 7,697.05 697.05- 109.96 002 450.000 ENGINEERING COSTS 5,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 .00 100.00 002 460.000 VEHICLE EXPENSE .00 .00 .00 002 465.000 VEHICLE RENT 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 002 470.000 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 30,000.00 4,219.48 29,905.63 94.37 99.69 480.000 BOND PAYMENT 28,107.00 .00 28,107.00 .00 100.00 ,,,,G 482.000 BOND INTEREST 3,261.00 .00 3,261.14 .14- 100.00 002 485.000 TANK REPLACEMENT FUND 50,000.00 .00 .00 50,000.00 002 490.000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 75,132.00 14,294.17 63,839.85 11,292.15 84.97 **TOTAL WATER FUND EXPENSE 259,500.00 25,333.30 191,157.25 68,342.75 73.66 **NET EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY(-) 10,909.31- 9,357.16- 9,357.16 CITY OF IONA * *BUDGET (101009-30-07 R E P O R T** PAGE 5 **** EQUIP REPLACEMENT ESTIMATED * *RECEIPTED* UNRECEIPTED PERCENT FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE REVENUE MTD YTD BALANCE RECEIPTED 003 305.000 EQUIP RENT --WATER 003 310.000 EQUIP RENT --GENERAL 003 395.000 EQUIP RESERVES --WATER 003 396.000 EQUIP RESERVES --GENERAL **TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT REVENUE 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 28,571.00 .00 .00 28,571.00 30,071.00 .00 .00 30,071.00 68,642.00 .00 .00 68,642.00 **** EQUIP REPLACEMENT **** ESTIMATED FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE EXPENSE * *EXPENDED** MTD YTD UNEXPENDED PERCENT BALANCE EXPENDED 003 410.000 EQUIP REPLACEMENT --WATER 003 415.000 EQUIP REPLACEMENT --GENERAL 003 490.000 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE **TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT EXPENSE 5,000.00 _00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 58,642.00 .00 .00 58,642.00 68,642.00 .00 .00 68,642.00 **NET EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY(-) .00 .00 .00 CITY OF IONA ** B U D G E T R E P O R T** 09-30-07 PAGE 6 **** RECREATION FUND **** ESTIMATED * * R E C E I P T E D * * UNRECEIPTED PERCENT FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE REVENUE MTD YTD BALANCE RECEIPTED 004 305.000 BASEBALL FEES 004 310.000 SHELTER RENTAL 004 320.000 WESTERN BOYS FEES 004 395.000 RESERVES 5,500.00 .00 10,817.00 5,317.00- 600.00 20.00 580.00 20.00 .00 .00 .00 650.00 .00 .00 650.00 196.67 96.67 **TOTAL RECREATION FUND REVENUE 6,750.00 20.00 11,397.00 4,647.00- 168.84 **** RECREATION FUND **** ESTIMATED FUND ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT TITLE EXPENSE * *EXPENDED** MTD UNEXPENDED PERCENT YTD BALANCE EXPENDED 004 410.000 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 .00 238.50 761.50 004 415.000 RECREATION LABOR 2,500.00 .00 1,550.50 949.50 004 420.000 BASEBALL SUPPLIES 3,000.00 .00 4,841.78 1,841.78- 004 470.000 RECREATION MAINTENANCE 250.00 .00 .00 250.00 23.85 62.02 161.39 **TOTAL RECREATION FUND EXPENSE 6,750.00 .00 6,630.78 119.22 98.23 **NET EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY(-) 20.00 4,766.22 4,766.22- f Monthly Expense Report 9/30/2007 Amount Date Description ROCKY MTN POWER $ 3,818.01 ROBYN KEYES $ 1,250.00 FRED & WAYNES $ 12.95 BMC WEST $ 13.92 COLUMBIA PAINT $ 16.34 AMERICAN CONST $ 24.75 ZIP PRINT $ 33.00 ROSE SHOP $ 52.65 LONG PEAL ALRM $ 87.00 ALLTEL $ 112.16 PSI $ 112.20 OSWALD SERVICE $ 120.61 • CAL STORES $ 133.19 SR SANITATION $ 240.00 POST REGISTER $ 251.13 IDAHO TRAVERTINE $ 316.60 MONUMENT HOLDEN KIDWELL $ 500.00 DONNA PRUETT $ 16.00 CANDY -DISTRICT MEETING DIG LINE $ 23.76 BLUE CROSS $ 27.10 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO $ 29.28 LANDON EXCAVATING $ 1,899.08 REEDS DAIRY $ 128.75 IONA DAYS 6-12 EZ MART $ 233.68 R & R ELECTRIC $ 346.83 UNDERGROUND WIRES BONN CO PUBLIC WORKS $ 2,158.04 SIGNS CHRISTINE JOHNSON $ 128.00 SUBSTITUTE -BETTY BETTY MCKINLAY $ 278.40 TRAVEL REGENCE BLUE SHIELD $ 1,304.90 BOB MCBRIDE $ 1,305.00 BONNEVILLE COUNTY $ 2,451.22 _ALLEY WORK RECREATION IDAHO $ 4,217.59 _ BONN CO SHERIFF $ 6,973.65 DIANA NELSON $ 60.00 CLEANING POST MASTER $ 82.00 FALLS PLUMBING $ 752.66 POLLARD WATER $ 385.83 FERGUSON ENT $ 1,330.99 AMERICAN PUMP $ 628.25 CH2MHILL $ 2,726.41 _ AIC $ 10.00 MANUAL WACKERLI AUTO $ 36.54 ENERGY LABS $ 40.00 TATES EXCAVATION $ 1,700.00 CavtIbtEft&IA1_ DEV SPEC $ 2,500.00 ,(,WYl .ADia, 4111,46n6.2 a,v z otJ AT&T $ 158.05 MICRO SERV $ 72.90 BUSINESS RADIO LIC $ 110.00 WELL Q WEST $ 289.26 DIRECTIVE DATA $ 385.00 ANNUAL COMPUTER SERVICE SCOTT MACHINERY IR% $ 9,000.00 EQUIPMENT LEASE 06-Nov-07 All Agency ID/Name: IONAPD Dispatch Group: * ALL * Event Number of Events by Type From: 10/01/2007 00:00:00 To: 11/01/2007 00:00:00 IONA POLICE DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 2 #Events: HANGUP 911 HANG-UP CALL 2 ABNDVEH Abandoned Vehicle 3 ALARM ALARM FIRE 1 ANIMAL ANIMAL TROUBLES 7 ASSIST ASSIST OTHER 1 CIVSERV CIVIL PAPER SERVICE 2 WARRANT CRIMINAL WARRANT SERVICE 2 VANDAL DAMAGE/VANDALISM/MISCHIEF NOT IN PROGRESS 1 DISTURB DISTURBANCE IN PROGRESS 1 DOMESTIC DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE IN PROGRESS 2 FOLLOWUP FOLLOWUP 13 JUVENILE JUVENILE MISC PROBLEMS 2 OFF_MSG MESSAGE FOR OFFICER 1 INFO MISCELLANEOUS 1 23 Overdose/Ingestion/Poisoning 1 PUBSERV PUBLIC SERVICE 7 SUSPIC SUSPIC/WANTED CIRCUMSTANCE 2 THEFT THEFT NOT IN PROGRESS 1 06 Nov-07 Number of Events by Type From: 10/01/2007 00:00:00 To: 11 /01 /2007 00:00:00 Page 2 of 2 All 10-50 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT HIT & RUN 1 10-50 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE 1 TS TRAFFIC STOP 44 TRAFFIC TRAFFIC COMPLAINT 3 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN/MISCELLANEOUS NOT AN EMERGENCY 2 WIREDOWN WIRE DOWN NO SMOKE, FIRE, OR ARCING 1 WIREDOWN WIRE DOWN SMOKE, FIRE, OR ARCING 1 Total IONAPD 103 b) r(11 tP1 —7/1/11-4-9-e) o-41A-0,0'1 \ 7.111R141 lb- • -v±v-Qvk ire4'a-1 \ �pQQ- CLQ -4-yt — 1 1? 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V.1 r • jkj -Pcf\ 'VV\i\r4% ?-• -D1.-; 9 it ( ai-6( (DE Vx-vro 0 o Q- • la —6 Of Q g OA 0 140 RVAPATfe , IgathrtW.,, (W,S Code Enforcement Log City of Iona 10/10/07 Ae�e Name C- A_ Violation Notice Expiration date Asher, Linda 07-0006 529/07 Baldwin, Ken 06-0111 11/7/06 10/11/07 5/30/08 Biggs, Justin 07-0003 527/07 8/2/07 10/30/07 Cheney, Nathan 06-0153 7/16/07 Clapp, Hal 06-0119 11/11/06 10/04/07 12/31/07 Clark, Stuart 07-0156 8/3/07 Getsinger, Boyd 06-0109 11f1/06 1W11/07 10/11/08 Guthrie, Darren 07-0158 820/07 Hansen, Allen 06-0130 1226/06 Hatch, Alban 06-0112 11/11/06 5/21/07 7/15/07 Extended: 11/8/07 Higley, Barbara. 06-0142 12/30/06 Hobbs, Roy 06-0139 12/30/06 Hope, Neal 06-0102 11 /7/06 1221 /06 6/3 /07 Extended: 9/15/07 Cited: Vpl d 7 Hurzeler, Cindy 06-0137 12/30/06 8/7/07 10/30/07 Jones, Cody 07-0155 8/3/07 Larsen, Curtis 06-0152 7/16/07 Lawrence, Perry 06-0145 122/07 Longmore, Ken 07-0007 529/07 Marks, Annie 07-0157 820/07 Name Case # McKinney, Phyllis 06-0106 Extended: 5/30/07 McNamara, Terry 06-0134 Patin°, Andy 06-0117 Extended: 8/1/07 Perez, Leona Pymm, John Ryan, Steve Ryan, Wes Schreier, Mike Extended: 8/30/07 Seneff, Eric Snook, Lisa 06-0141 06-0136 07-0151 07-0004 06-0143 07-0160 07-0159 Soliday, James 06- e ! 0 / Extended: 7/3 4 0 7 Stanger, Frank 07-0125 Stanger, Kirk 06-0107 Exten&d: 7/30/07 Stanger, Oleta Steele, bale Stroud, Brett Tabor, Teresa 06-0135 06-0129 06-0144 07-0005 Walker, Ryan 06-0128 Warburton, Cella 06-0110 Extended: 7/30/07 A_ Violation Notice Expiration date 11/11/06 12/26/06 12/29/06 11/11/06 12/29/06 12/30/06 12/26/06 7/16/07 5/29/07 12/30/06 4/10/07 10/04/07 10/04/07 r /o'7/ar 11/11/06 12/26/06 4/30/07 7/30/07 6/30/07 i;ti tiao 6136l 57 Forwarded to Prosecutor: 770 6/o 7 11/7/06 5/21/07 5/9/07 12/13/06 1/22/07 5/29/07 12/26/06 11/7/06 8/7/07 8/1/07 5/21/07 5/9/07 7/1/07 10/30/07 10✓30V07 7/30/07 6/30/07 Name Case # Advised Violation Notice Expiration date Winder, William 06-0115 11/11/06 4/11/07 6/30/07 Extended: 11/15/07 Woolf, James 06-0100 11 /7i06 12/21 /06 11 /20/07 NOTICE CITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 16TH, 2007 AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE CITY BUILDING