HomeMy Public PortalAbout20150528 - Historical Commission - Meeting MinutesMay 28, 2015 HHC Minutes HOPKINTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 7:30 P.M. May 28, 2015 Attending: Claire Wright, Mike Roughan, Dianna Doucette, Shannon Reilly, Nancy Stevenson, Ron Yankee, Jamie Hellen Also attending: Bob Torchia-Project Mgr for 11 West Elm, Bruce Wheeler-Maspenock LLC Principal and rep for the Developer, A.J. Pittorino-Site Coordinator SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes for Public Hearing, April 2, 2015 submitted for approval. Claire motioned to accept minutes as written. Shannon seconded. Unanimous approval. Minutes for April 2, 2015 meeting submitted for approval. Mike motioned to accept minutes as written. Dianna seconded. Unanimous approval. TREASURER'S REPORT: Treasurer's report submitted for approval. No changes from last month. Ron motioned to accept treasurer's report as written. Mike seconded. Unanimous approval. DEMO ON 11 WEST ELM HHC was informed by Chuck Kadlick in the building dept that a structure over 75 years old at 11 West Elm was demolished without a permit. Bob Torchia- I spoke with Chuck. Chuck says in findings that the two buildings are to be demolished. After filling out paperwork, he found out he was supposed to get permission. Mike- It is the pervue of HHC to decide if there is to be ramifications for tearing down a structure that is 75 years old or older without the permission of the HHC. Property owner can be subject to a fine or the possibility of a construction delay for up to 2 years. Bob-When Bob first met with Chuck, Chuck told him that because they didn't get a permit, the fees would be doubled. Didn't know it was over 75. The boat house was scheduled to be saved. The summer camp was taken down. Site plan presented to HHC. Razed two houses. Bob said they were open to the weather. Mike-If we deem that we might want to preserve them, we could give him a financial punishment or a delay on building for two years. If we deem it would not be saved, we could let this go. We need to make sure that this building was not something that we would have possibly considered of historical value enough to the community to have saved it. A.J. Pittorino- I razed them. If you go down to the other camp that is there, this one was worse than that one. Bob- We were wrong in moving forward. I thought the comprehensive permit covered this. Mike-We have contacted the other boards to make sure they give this information to anyone who might do something like this in the future. This has happened before and we have to make it stop. AJ-I don't have photos, but the neighbor is Selectman, John Mosier. Could he speak to this? Shannon-How long has it been empty? (Since 2004.) Are there any better photos in assessor so office? Bob-No running water. Nancy-looks like it was added on to. Mike- it would be in your best interest to demonstrate to us that this was not historically significant. Bob-this was a Planning Board decision with the previous owner. Bob mistook that he had permission through the "Comprehensive Permit" that he got from Planning Board, which referenced the buildings that they had no problem being torn down. Mike-please confirm it was not in usable condition and not a structure that would be worth saving through any documentation, photos, info from John Mosier and or the previous owner. (At this point, Mr. Torchia, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Pittorino left the meeting.) Claire-did previous owners misrepresent what buildings were on the property when planning board went for a site walk? Jamie- It would be wise to get John Mosier's opinion on this building. Mike-If we levy a fine and it gets turned down in appeal, this would give us a good justification to go to town meeting and change wording to make bylaw more precise and clear. Mike-I think we need a legitimate survey of all structures over 75 years old. These should be automatically subject to demo delay review, and point out specific structures that we would want held for a 1 year delay. Claire- this bylaw says $350/day until building is put back the way it is supposed to be. Clearly, it can't be put back, so, in that case, what is the recourse? Jamie- These guys didn't have to go before planning board. This was all approved with previous owner. When someone asked for building depts services and you are not ready, billed double. Claire- If there was never an applicant, can there be an application? Wording should say property owner or agent. Shannon-If we were to fine them, it would be because they are clearly experienced enough to have known better. Mike-We could say we will fine them, and if it gets overturned, we can then fine them with time delay. Jamie-We should make sure that any fines go to our fund. It should not go into General Fund. Nancy- What is the punishment for demolishing any structure in town without a permit? Jamie-These guys didn't get any demo permit, so they had to pay twice the amount for their permitting. That was the punishment. Claire-Maybe we should base our fine on what they would have to pay if they had gone through the full demo delay process. Figure out how many days totally it would have cost X amount per day that we decide within the $350./day limit. FINES Jamie Hellen-Suggested that when we have a situation where the HHC fines someone for non compliance of a bylaw, we put the money into the Historical Trust fund that we have established. Historical Trust filled through penalties. Two different types of applicants- 'newbie' who has a limited amount of experience an hasn't faced every bylaw. Second type- someone who has enough experience to know that you have to get permission. Modify wording in bylaw to allow money to go into fund. Make fines modest, yet enough to make our point. 201 HAYDEN ROWE (Bill Perkins would like to raze the structure currently on the property and put in its place, the 3-family house behind the library that will be torn down if not moved.) The concept of that part of Hayden Rowe being a single family area might not allow the 3 family moved to 201 Hayden Rowe. Bill would knock down house that is already there. Mike-We want to incentivize people to save an historic house. We need zoning relief to save houses in these circumstances. GUARD RAIL AT STONE BRIDGE John Westerling is going to talk with man who is doing guardrail to see if can be cut at walk entrance. Mike- suggested someone in Preservation Boston who is a stone expert, maybe have her look at it. We have $4500 left to do this. MCFARLAND SANGER HOUSE Mike- invited John Bredeaux from Keefe Tech to look at the house and he brought the whole school to see it. They could do elect, plumb, and heating. Deerfield estates needs a meeting room. Maybe we put a deed restriction on it and give it to them. A man from Deerfield Estates sent the Selectmen a letter complaining that it is an eyesore. Jamie then spoke with him and got him interested in considering it for a meeting room for Deerfield Estates. Windows possibly done by North Bennett School. Someone can come out in June to look at it. We will use the money we have for whichever group (Keefe Tech or North Bennet School) decides to take on the project first. TOLL HOUSE Jamie- Norman got letter from The Director of Preservation Massachusetts. This letter is very critical of choice to tear down the Toll House. Shannon-It is presumptuous to react like this without investigating. Mike-The Mezitts want to get rid of it. We have done a lot of due diligence to save it. Unless there are circumstances that we don't know about we need to stay the course. CPA will try to give you guidance but not get involved with town council, boards, local battles. Jamie- What is the best recourse of response? The letter from PM was addressed to Norman. "The best use for CPC funds". This choice we have come up with is innovative, making lemonade out of lemons. Send letter asking how they can help us. MIKE- We need to tell them, "You want us to do a preservation plan, show us how." Jamie- how will this be a precedent? Mike- suggests we ask Jamie to discuss with Norman to write to president of PM, asking him to come to our meeting. Claire- options for this building: 1) keep as residence 2) Full plan for restoration, use and maintenance (RUM). Mike motioned to authorize Jamie to have Norman to ask the president of PM to come to a meeting, and to a site visit and discuss it with us, define the dangerous precedent (what info proves this), provide assistance for the town's preservation long term plan (ADA, liability, vandalism). A building needs a reason to be. Not supposed to use maintenance for CPC. Ron seconded. Unanimous approval. Nancy motioned to adjourn. Mike seconded. Unanimous approval. 9:30 PM