HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:031bio. 96-31 D,a¢ o1' Ad.plio,, Febr,,mry 1,_ 1996 DIRECTING I IlL ISSIIANCL OF RAFFLE LICENSES TO O3IIIFI~S SOtOOL P.T.A. WlIEREAS, application has beeu p~ope~ ly made to tile Mayor a.d Council of the Borough of Cattelet, New Jersey by Cohmuhus School P.T.fi`. of the Borough of Carlelel; and WIIEREAS, it appears that tile applicaat (s) is/are qualified to be liceused and that the members designated to conduct RAFFLES aud to assist me bolla fide members o£the applicant (s); and WIIEREAS, the applicaut (s) has/have sig.ilied that tile games will be played in accordauce with Rules 6, 7 aad 8 of the Legalized Games of Chance Colnmissiou's Regulations. NOW, TIIEREFORE, liE IT AND IT IS IIEREIIY IIESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council o£fim Bmough 9f Ca~tmet, that the Municipal Clerk is hereby authmlzed a.d directed to execute the endorsement of the Mayor and Council by issui.g, upon proper presentation o£applicatiou and fees, a P. AFFLE LICENSE to the applicaut (s); BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that a ce~tilied copy of this l'.esolution be se.t fol thwith to tile Legalized Games of Chance Con, ol Couanission, P. O. Box 46000, Ne'walk, New Jersey 07101. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this Resolution is a true copy o£the original adopted by the Mayor aud Council of the Borough of Cartelet, County of Middlesex. Stale of New Jersey, at the Council Meeting hekl oil Fel:,omry 1, 1~ I)ATED: February__2_,_ 1_996 KATI ILEEN M. BARNEY Celfified Municipal Clelk I[ICCOI(IJ' {.)lr C()UNCIL VO'I'I'3 BIA~ARCZUK ~ ..... FEID~L~q [ FAI~CE X O' BR IEN X - I.dlcale Vole Alt - Abse. I NV - Hot Votl.g XOR - Indk.tc~ Vole Io Ove.ule Velo Adopted n! n mecfi.g or file Municipal Cmlncil Febr,,arv 1. 1996 / ' ' CLERK