HomeMy Public PortalAbout1956-11-19 Meeting203 NOVHEDER 19, 1956 The Council of Dal Harbour Village net Monday, November. 19, at 5:00 *lock F. M. 1956 There ;were present: Messrs, Aroenan, Collins and Landis Absent: Messrs, neatly and Frown Also present were ?I. H. tebh, Manager; "lacy .det.t.erer, Vill- age Clerk; and Thc-nas Anderson, V 11a^e Attorney. Tr the absence pf !tapo r i.., _, r 'Fa t.t'.} , t .sir = art: Lia . Or ..ne ,,en pit. the ;;.F. ting. n mct:on of Yr. Landis, seconded b: r. Collins the J.nnt.e- . of the previous nectia,,s cf (Yetober ]'; 1956 n� d c. rt i F r 29, 195 were. approved as snbmit.ted. r, eb, asked 'r. ! r•oc'-man ` f he wool ' consider . he f em he rta i n: ne to the c..onairuct.i_on oh the :idewat, Cr l : n ,>TttcT, .ar ireet 'dc., n- as r irnlhy 'hilmmn ,n ?'r. ,rep 'tant.on, atforneg, rc - e ,(;tt he said thst accordine to the Council's instructions hies hs.1 e en re':ri_yed en t:e. per'r and he tLonght. the Council chcyld t`eAr the of jections of hancca'r dcupre before the aido were opened, Yr. Utanton ir. ;l.it?arin explained that their cornnrat.;on objected to the imcrovementc `.xi aade on an a:seshment. basis as thee wo„1ct net.henefit farbour :".nnar•e and thought if the} were la -:de they would come rut -enc.-al reventc. ';eb , tion opened the ids as follows: a,r.• and "utter aree?t gideninEj L.C. tiorris,inc. i',R. Farr son 1.,730.52 l2,0)45.0n - 2,1h5.00 "',71 .00 1T,)i?!i.00 1 otv; nn Concrete ilacinG Co, 2,f?811,L9 l 7,75TJ. 00 Alter discussion it was moved by Mr. Collins, seconded by 'nr. Ler:dts n.nd unan- imously voted th_.t the sidewalk bids he tabled until later and i?gat. T., C, orria, .lac, tiven the centract• to proceed TNOth the urb a::r :utter nmIJ Street :a.dcnin; work, work to be r.n.i.d out of t;urpl us n)TIOo. `the Council considered hies from Anerichn •�_7 !'o., fthyldard :fil '70.1 e "'exas Co., ".ulf Oil. Corp 131C, the :Ancl,:ir 'iefi.,lr-g Co, for the r_urci:ase of ecsol;ne for Village equipment and the placing of a 1,Or.0 Twlion t-nk rnd eucn at, the. '.'il.laree i all. nr, tjebe slid that ,.i_L the. cen Thnies `mod proted a delivery orice of 22.9 cents a trallon and the only variation r;:rs in the lsn th of s.-.l.es contract they desired. After discussion on motion of 7r, Landis, seconded by 11.. Collins, Hr. 'vebb was auttori.zed to nceotdate a contract with wta chcver firm he thous:ht. best, and rnanimcuarly voted, F?r. 'ceth read a l.c:t.ter from Atwill -nd Company stating that to sell the re na9.n:ine :: 15,0(0 of '' .t,or Revenue Cert:i i.` oc+es they woul0 have to ho sold thrrtrh their Compars at S3`; of par, hr. tnderson said in his opinion this was loan' :270 thereupon the 'avor and Clerk were authcrized to execute the agree - Anderson told the '%ouncil that Le could find no legal basis for otorh,inc the developer: of a ra;i,,°ivision in -brt Let.herdal.e from racing the name "la' I art eu r n for their ..n n,l. t,ha. snid Le would like to 'nave stir Liquor License Urdinance :mended to conform with the f fta to Laws. CI-Jens:eon on •iko Lion of Ur. Go1.1ins, nc condc:ct by f-tr. Lary:lc, :rdinanct. 10. r:i2 :ma 11r, to lic Gc Lac -it was asked .e;L f the:. iiaci studied thc ccipi es of the uniform fLclanded t 11k ry said 1F d thy.- o adopt. I t for Fai. naritrur. The reupon on MC C1). rFOFT. Janis, seconded ifol iins, the Traffic i.iiiacte wr, s nriop4t 1.079 H .1 if-Y.110 and unaiii no:S- i': VC1c0. 7\h% err.] al liquor ice c se. Las ued to nary: to ion I:nown as the A offi eon; .s s the oript nal fire the new Rppli Cal:10r! nod to 11-1t1 Council tH t. Lr Tisch ficitelz, Inc. coot lid be ocricana lintel, Inc. , rLth licnst cn shnued. • for the ecembor met; tinc. Tisch cid a site d i f the trnnnferred to a f1CW Cflrq- he sane s tocklek ors and niss sked c have them acibo read a let Ler from. the state noad fiepartment, reparding• t,he landscapinc and use cf the arc n. under the haulover irjge. The Council felt thiLt negotiations by letter would not he satisfac tory anti sugtie stoic? that rir, finder:ion and r. lebt. go to Tad lahn see and talk Li th ran i ibiir Joni 3, ;Lair -tan cif the State- lc conrd, and get a defini te answer on thc tine 0 this space. fr. eh nu.sf: -es Lc.cl the Zurwe 1.1e-;Thi.t Laker a-rev-bre' a 7. °unit ion site telt for uric in ft is matter, whi ch was approved Ifs the' Council. f'ir. Freeman sugvestect Lhc.t ittra.• o ctn pool outl.el. ci n he tabled 7 enittia was nrc. cont1. :11-,;,•-tci L10 sonered eni for 'per- f the fell Finns at 1.cc ti ons in if : eor se -Lb ter;; - JaLrioral., ea View, ; eanhoe nni [KE Tiote 3.s TlcTier tz Cerricration /Aerie:inn said t ;talon Tie Tete s Tnzi. 7..a.Ta•e o. - meri.c• a a tor ft, ie a W, ,'",nhoc •Ind KozaLl.i.tor Ll i1.n c Ll.i. L;',11) - Colon,•.ide o Lel arhor Tar' :Lab o. - ;am :if Ice C•r; no L.i 0a of Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Landis, ( uaar Iiio vo fort all the is•-•-• Lions were tpLirotrod. 'cession tail Lhe ." LUC S : t:•.Y.XE.'ilf t; (II', n to ye •si.'?(.; crr nt :IC71 -rie • -1 -Ls tni-Tled Tr. !GU's sa d Lit "te nLns1,r le ti ice 1-nd -ado s. re nor i; rat in- st.a Lien in thc 1.11. Li ireand said :Fr" rac t, Li th thc Villa r 12n. fif0 atli to co:LA:at this l'rub]the Amer -it. 1. tie t, that the ilnc cien3b• funvile tl,c anietves for a nuch louer •tire au(' haw:cruit.y ncalt,in nit Link ;;to Liie ten Lltin. aebb read letters Cmi :T. ; ch ob.:iceHO to a id naturo train c az-Troy:1i is; the 1.1 Liape Plano:: n j oar'. Tire -Teas and ' rs. ticycr that the i.nntnllat any ordinance and the counirfl t id not t hi in :.he nehboritood.. Ltlair 'alto as and lrc. tt Tooted -it, the irioDanald rc. d rrce f r I lr. . eta Lan inn t•ucted c TLC '.0"1, 2, on f' the train tainck ll o t violate nl: ; 1c rain won ld or' cn:nc; rico t FTD.;; t.hen no7ed IJV Mr. ::01ii11.3? St 'mncvded 0:.r Mr. Landi srcc, ti n ho nacos nod 'intil :C..b P. : a lovenber 23rct. 7.72,TITIR, 19, 1 c)56 t) The recessed meeting of November 19th was reopened at 9:30 A. Yr. Saturday, December 1st. Bro.m. All the members of the Council wore present; with the exception of Also present were 1. r+ebic, i'ti1a- c: ?'ana:er and iYa , eti,erer, -_.dward Jones annerred ae sore the ';onncil in re Terence to an amnia? ens -bed ncx t.o hi o care Lhici: _rl.s i ntc tL e s : tbac;, .fter a_.� c.cuccion V r ,ccal c'diri Ueec houlilike tc she Lhc awninE fore tuc; made an, decision and would sect iLlr ll,m It i,, home after 'u:e )e:if:r-. -adjourned. r`o Council then r._c::ns dead:; cbc: a ii2awalz Ter 9rth :street and for:^rn 'arc,')t lX. catty up on t.te bet l.s. ie sr i_d L at ilr, Stanley . iitnnn .and counsel dad appe iced Via, Lic ueet'r, and objected to the contenrnittel 'rnrove:r:e:rts. fire Council had then rua'xi:tined the con-trn.ction of Lhe (herb ,rd. utter and street i ha .. ho he taken '_roar our furil. 7 dad ,ec:iclnd to t rle the ni i,ewalk ,i ; .�:i I�C T' the ]"eo!)3sr;il il1e": tiah. =f v_'r. ,17.�C�7;- 3'..iir . „ was raced - - Is. .roes an and cEchrded by ' _r•. Collins to ho ahead and ,•on.^, r ruc, the rra i and ',i11 the adjoin_ n, pronnrt owners a Y subject, '-nrlerson's annroi l or if not rc nit h.c 'uo s, the t,r.. :;rone,'L-�. or.vcrs to 1 , `,t, ceul:l k,c ± f.cn i'rorl ..oral. ��� �_ Crmr'.� i,r motion was carried ::r, no :man, i 1. Collins rlad : r, cyati, - bin yp^., hf Landic, no. lir. i eatt'> said .rc ;:o.'La li%:e to clisc,.ss L. c y t at:; of ti.e oc1. and roof outlet drei:rrs from the hotels alonr- the beach. H5 sail. '._ wandered LI an ordinance should be drawn ::akin the hotels keen them io;:n to a. certa5) lc:vel. l v. ..cot% so; nested that as the crr:in ::ut1etic a1 .'ear on the plan they be cr - oll.e:i whom tie -clans arc • proved. de said t-re only 'cutlet at; presort, i;rat la cdt Ji 'J, l- 55E. ,...e ',-)lonade and he ra lit nri to i astel and remind him of lM . T remjse to 1.0 er l 1' :: i , 1: d rr P.r. -cob tola the Council that is c full LilCant, c. t of t.rc ;i.11rge l :1L lot 'led riot tren char '; tc the .iL n ..1.1 on;l'ac ):urt rnd than, volt: 1'_, 5he Council to lc.un 5,000.00 of the lot cost in tl:c horne account to co: 17, ..., to , ;oede:a 10_ the Vi11r•'e :,'Carl. On notion o: hro=.n r. , .. n 1') `?^C:J..�I^tt ]� r. !_'•mil; rl :: _ _ .- .ray abnroved isle C"CT`c.l[:1- t,rres to l,e ,nrro':red at a. 1 'ter meet' be. .r. vablinth to the members sa_rr eo)endltures ha ,.iculcd tr make from the trlus tr .r.t t;a been bunt t:r, and the „r, -coil hec`c-.? to teLe 'i'S up ri: .tcc _. I'. l r. ..ebh told -He Council that the Community i atien.n1 tan re -'.0 ions • ,hether ie7 could dandle our »r, ter ,) artment, account, as t..ro-c irt lot :a... a „r, -c�r,n, ,.t. asked the Council to un-)ro.c a rr .hinds -o t• ta. ' irct tahlonal -?elk if necessary,which was ap-_roved. incernhce inn the• new loll , r_ was disc 'heed and F. .;ebb said he would like to carr, o:ah- n'rtiat co° -ra;-e as t was a ;)repro.)f '.;r,ilriin•', one Council need. be ^' I. . .,.;, �.,. •., c;" h Tr, • •^.k}r>m irr. ..ebb said hr: had real:ests _rot: , , �: - _ r come tyro oi trance sirn at their dr:ivewa-s to stop the ern: de 5 te tri:hv :s._ lrivewa,,*s. liter discussion it was move d by Mr. Collins, secenr.,,l - �, " ;;;, _ ;natter: be; tc .,.- I c, dclttin tr r:" :,r unc" n tor 1" 0+,..-41:-.., the :n:y; , 11f Ler, t. :.:: " of .1 ": " it " i, 1." " 4 t, ; oreinnrce. The " ; ccryl.ef: ft "',olftip.s mid " tortil yeti nt" 7C5; 1.. Hroeir,n.n, no. :chti tc1c1 1;1 c: Counc/1 ; " T11,..e den. had, " :-:.-- rissicr t0 pnore thotr cif, nail -.I cnci fn.'9111. Ci t.1( C " :1.'7(01 71,nti C2( coin. ic " jcr (9(-1(..: t gc(111(1 1((c )1 (- nitTyr fre jetrci I -air:: ert. tc.:. . tue kruac'l s irdcrance that ; ' -(3 1, t r ;add 'our! cis 1 ' r" ..; trP1bm1 LI : I i -C"c. 'I..' lotS "(1 n : ; tt slnc( rk: 4cc cur.TT:1c te(4 i FV caul, r_ot Lint Jr Ifn. ((in r '..imes in t ,  r. cb! read " ' -2 f " " " : TjOt.' fr; . LO:- aohir: ca mat:Ger. -tural, to oc:-:e cony)] nis t,,l rent n letter wan Itear4 -.C. J. Eli ctn. s " t. T,:ran " el re to ntart, a :ionn,e tlr lot On 1 ',roe:: :rte.e and t :e et 1.umly r loft tCCC."C In" sr r.: I"( TT.� nr. ::eat,,L, said t' at the: 1Cttr T(',tat ( ,t(abi 7316 (.:01712 asece ;or arddn" snlo t nel hit.; erel lr. .attr tayertle .:catt S.:or:Len Itas ;ore:: clear to rcetre.ftt the rossil:;"titc of our hot, teilry the 4 at. :CD. srcyested that wo &cc� r. nuti rcrhe..p1 hart e r re- nnitlej (r.:CiEj t' at the :1" -" try;:.- it, woleic be /acre cource:111:- 711:. the Connor" ; " Hz: clan on the ?end : sc holr. cr 1:;" nrces -ein 1," 4.-ntntict otlen renter socendr" d ' F. " ',oil; , of1:;.; " t,:i: " tens natrcured. 2sttest: - Clerk DEcEnBLa 15, 1956 :Mayor The Council of Bal Harbour Villa::: rat Saturday, December 15, 1956 at 9:30 A. M., at the Village Hall. There were present.: ensnrs. iseathy, "drawn, Collins- and Lnncids thsent: l'r. : roemayi Also present, l'Ore :1. r.-' , ' ranarer; Sar: cttercr, trillnr" ri: Clerk; and ThoriaL4 ;.-aderron, ps ri,* DaCT:if . , lr.. 1Y5:11