HomeMy Public PortalAbout2001GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES October 10th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Lynn Swanson Dari McKim Roger Snodgrass -Gar -Ross' Mary Clemmer Marc Rhoades Dan Pillard Jeff Goodman Bob Giles Minutes: It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 12th meeting as written, with the addition of Bob Giles in attending. Staff Report: Dan Pillard reported the city was working on some grants for tree planting. Dan will call Eld Tree Farm to set up a meeting to discuss transplanting existing trees. Dan reported that the men's association was interested in purchasing trees and starting a donation drive for trees. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: Golf Course Operations — Dan reported members of the men's association had requested to eliminate the surcharge and add the extra charge to the green fee. Old Business: The committee reviewed the FY 00-01 financials, the version was un- audited. Dan will check on what other cities do with transfer fees and debt control. Submitted By:�o�zQ Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 12th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Roger Snodgrass Marc Rhoades Jeanne Campbell Carl Floss Dan Pillard Dari McKim Mary Clemmer Jeff Goodman Minutes: It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the August 9th meeting as written. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: The committee reviewed the recommendation of the Golf Operations Committee, drafted during the September 5th meeting. After discussion it was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to submit the recommendation as written to the City Council at the next meeting. Staff Report: Mary Clemmer reported that revenue was up $1,325.87 in August and $2,241.22 in September. Todd McKenna recommended that the staff reports be moved to the top of the agenda. Submitted By: [ u Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 8th, 2001 Attending: Max Williamson Larry Shake Bob Giles Todd McKenna Donna Glenn Robert Strope Jeanne Campbell Dan Pillard Carl Hoss Minutes: Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the July 11'h meeting as written, motion carried unanimously. Staff Reports: Dan Pillard reported that the cart path on #9 on the cedar course was paved. The crew is planning to sod the fairway as well. Public Request or Comments: None. New Business: Operations Committee Report. Robert Strope mentioned a few items from the city perspective. • Direct committee to consider reporting on the issues on the mission statement document, supported by numbers. • To recognize and identify the problems: • Cash flow vs paper • Infrastructure and improvements • Fair contracts • Depreciation • Debt service • What other establishments are doing • RFP to include paying off the bonds Robert mentioned that until you make your first dollar, depreciation does not matter. Once you make money the following will occur • Fund equipment purchases • Start funding depreciation Robert recognizes the depreciation schedule could be inaccurate and would like to recalculate. The new maintenance facility and practice facility will be considered. Robert mentioned that if $100K income came from the general fund then an equal deficit amount would be charged to other city budgets but is not ruled out as a last resort after analysis. Larry Shake mentioned that the committee should have a long and short term plan to present to council. Golf Course control issues, the committee discussed: • The city needs to validate the correct numbers • Put controls in place, does anyone know for sure what the numbers are? • Adding a starter, random sampling • Ask the auditor's what other controls are in place at other courses they work with. • Video • Comparing golfers with the tee sheet. No controls are currently in place by the city. It was moved, seconded and passed that the city develops a random sampling program. Submitted By, Todd McKenna,Chairman Date &et l Z 2021 GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES July 11th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Roger Snodgrass Jeannie Campbell Mary Clemmer Carl Hoss Dan Pillard Bob Giles Dari McKim Jeff Goodman Minutes: It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 13th meeting as written. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: Golf Operations Committee — Committee set the date for the public meeting for July 241h. The committee discussed the financial situation and solutions. Property values and tax revenue increases due to the golf course were discussed. City of Idaho Falls accepts a loss of $200,000 on their golf courses due to the desire to keep the added amenity to their community. For the public meeting the committee would like to explain budget cuts and depreciation. The committee decided to put out a fact sheet and an article for the newspaper. Further discussion disclosed the review of the golf course as an amenity, tax base revenue, the impact on the area and the attraction the golf course has on the area. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to prepare a handout for the public meeting. Old Business: The committee reviewed the Mac Soden letter in regards to the view of the irrigation system pump house. Various methods for concealing the building were discussed. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to provide the following: • Landscaping is preferred, possibly mounding with trees. • A shared cost of development. • Donated funds. Todd McKenna requested that the staff reports be placed at the beginning of the agenda for the next meeting. Staff Report: Dan Pillard — reported on the repairs to the clubhouse air conditioning unit. Mary Clemmer — Mary reported revenues were down $208, some due to the malfunctioning air conditioner. Carl Hoss — Carl reported that the preparation for the McCall Amateur is under way and is looking forward to providing another great tournament. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to move the golf fund budget into a special revenue fund until the Golf Operations Committee reaches a decision. The decisions to change fund structures are: • To stay in compliance with the auditor's report, recommending immediate cash funding from other funds to eliminate the deficit cash position. • To offset management transfer fees. • To not fund depreciation on a cash flow basis. Old Business: None Call For Additional Items: Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator for the City of McCall gave a report on the availability of certain grants. The grants she mentioned are: USGA has grants to promote caddies and golf and there are grants that provide funding for wildlife enhancement for wetland development. Staff Reports: Mary Clemmer — reported financials were up $211 over last year. Mary mentioned that the future golf course advisory committee meeting times should be set at 5:30 at the clubhouse. Submitted By, I az9,I m i- Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES June 13, 2001 Attending: Marc Rhoades Jeff Goodman Jeanne Campbell Carol Coyle Max Williamson Todd McKenna Dan Pillard Mary Clemmer Donna Glenn Carl Floss Minutes: Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the June 13th meeting as written, motion carried unanimously. Public Request or Comments: Charles Waters requested the committee to consider the following: • Replacement of cartpaths • Replacement of carpet in the clubhouse • Repairs in the clubhouse, such as holes in the walls, etc. Mr. Waters mentioned that the city should have the following items in the golf course maintenance budget. Dan Pillard mentioned that the items are part of an unfinanced requirement list at the city. He mentioned that the city has designated excess money for capital improvements and the golf fund has requested the following: • Cartpath replacement $100,000 • Equipment replacement $250,000 • Irrigation improvements $100,000 • Maintenance facility improvements $150,000 • Clubhouse repairs $ 50,000 • Drainage improvements $ 10,000 Dan mentioned that the current maintenance can only be supported by current revenues and capital improvement items can only be budgeted through the unfinanced requirements list, which is subject to city priorities. New Business: The operations committee report stated: A discussion on the City of Lewiston golf management contract. A meeting with the local accommodators determined a desire to book long-term advanced tee times (90 days) with an agreeable cancellation policy. Boise people are buying season passes to golf on the weekends in McCall. Review of FY 2001-02 budget: Dan Pillard presented a draft copy of the FY 2001-02 golf operations budget. The major changes were: an increase the management transfer fee from $38,521 to $90,600, an increase of $52,079. The city requested that $178,000 in depreciation expense be expensed in the golf fund FY 2001-02 cash flow budget. After discussion the committee would like to remove the management transfer fee and the marketing line item. The marketing amount can be added after the marketing plan is developed. Minutes Golf Course Advisory Committee Wednesday, May 9th 2001 Attending: Roger Snodgrass Jeff Goodman Carl Ross Marc Rhoades Max Williamson Todd McKenna Dan Pillard Mary Clemmer Donna Glenn Larry Shake Minutes: Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 11`h meeting as written, motion carried unanimously. New Business: A copy of the mission statement, proposed by the city was distributed to all committee members. Larry Shake gave a report on his visit to the City of Idaho Falls. He mentioned that in Idaho Falls the city council mandated that affordable golf be offered to citizens. The city does not expense depreciation and lost about $200,000. They depreciate equipment and allocate money towards capital improvements. Dave Christensen is the recreation director. Larry mentioned the City of Pocatello charges $.50/round for capital improvement. Larry will set up a meeting with representatives from the city of Lewiston to discuss their contract issues. Donna Glenn mentioned the Elkhorn resort allocates 3% towards capital improvement. Larry Shake Mentioned he would like to see the group formulate a list of questions to ask in addition to the mission statement. Dan Pillard mentioned that an organized process is needed to accomplish the goals of the operations committee. He divided this process into steps as follows: First — step 1 - formulate a business plan with the following items. • A marketing plan to find our niche in the marketplace • Study of fee structures and volumes • What the impact on the area is, image of the golf course • Comparisons — local, state and national • Formulate a list of questions to make comparisons. • Study all expenses from contracts to maintenance all items within. • Debt restructuring • Depreciation — study restructuring and what other cities do • Govt structure — enterprise fund vs general fund or a combination or what city government can do to help • Education individuals about the golf business, specifics of the industry • Look for grant availability • Develop a cost/benefit report or analysis. Second — step 2 — • Gather information • List solutions/scenarios • Choose the best solution • Formulate a report and present to council Third - step 3 — • Current golf department employees give their perspective on the situation • Current contractors give their perspective on the operation • City representative to give perspective on the operation Todd McKenna mentioned that in order to achieve these goals, the operations committee may have to meet more often. Old Business: Todd McKenna, Dan Pillard and Max Williamson met with Patty Crandall and her attorney Stev=tpjilliThrillo is meeting took place on 5/2/01, ideas were exchanged, options discussed and no proposal was decided at that time. After a lengthy discussion the committee decided the snack shack should remain in its current location. The primary reasons were: • If we move it, it will suit the needs of Ms Crandall but will block the view from her neighbor's house, to the left. • If we move the snack shack across the path, the building and amenities will be too much in play behind the 7th hole. • If we move it to a different location, the frequency or amount of hits from golfers will be reduced, making it economically unviable. • It was in the present location first. Motion was moved and seconded, passed ifeuely-to not move the snack shack from its current location. After discussing alternatives, it was moved and seconded, passed -unanimously to develop the shelter structure behind # 5 tee. Staff Reports: Carl Hoss — Carl submitted a proposal for a clan tournament from Don Trawicki. Dan mentioned the golf course will open on May 18th and he completed a wetlands tour with Bill McMurry, the SMR representative. Submitted By, uA.c. 13 Zool Todd McKenna, Chairman Date GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES April 11th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Roger Snodgrass Dari McKim Larry Shake Carl Hoss Dan Pillard Donna Glenn Max Williamson Minutes: It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 14th meeting as written. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: Dan Pillard introduced Donna Glenn and Larry Shake as the operations committee representatives that will be appointed by the city council on April 29th. The committee reviewed proposed golf course shelter plans and discussed the following options: Improving the existing restrooms and adding a shelter to them. Locating the shelter behind #5 tee as originally planned. Locating the shelter in the snack shack location. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to contact Dale Nagy for his thoughts on placing the shelter that he will be donating to the city in the following locations: - 1st Choice, in the snack shack area. - 2"d Choice, adding on to and upgrading bathrooms. - 3td Choice, free standing shelter by 5 tee. The committee discussed guidelines for operations committee goals. - A mission statement is needed. A check into the bond and golf course agreement issues. Legal options - sell, contract, city operate, discuss restrictions such as bond issues, SMR Agreement, depreciation. Larry Shake commented that he will be going on a trip to Idaho Falls to gather some of their golf information to be shared at the next meeting. Staff Report: No Reports Submitted By: I o-r mc 11)--- Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES March 14th, 2001 Attending: Marc Rhoades Jeff Goodman Dari McKim Max Williamson Todd McKenna Dan Pillard Carl Hoss Mary Clemmer Minutes: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the February 14th meeting, carried unanimously. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: Robert Strope, City Manager clarified some misconceptions on the golf fund. He stated that the city council has directed him to establish revenue controls and to submit some options to make the golf operation profitable. He mentioned that the city would assign two additional committee members to study the operation and help in delivering recommendations. Robert mentioned that the city will find a way to make the golf course profitable and the golf course advisory committee would serve as the operations committee with two additional city council appointees. Old Business: Dan Pillard gave a report on the meeting with Spring Mountain Ranch. He mentioned that improved cooperation with the homeowner's association was needed and will work with Bill McMurry to complete a punch list of requested maintenance items. Dan and Carl Hoss submitted a comprehensive wetland modification plan, designed to make the cedar course more playable. The SMR Homeowner's Association was concerned with radical changes to the golf course. Dan Pillard mentioned that the changes would improve the golf course, make it more profitable and enhance the natural environment. He agreed with the association to tour the areas of change, supply photographs of the areas to be changed and previous work done. Additional Items: Max Williamson will draft a letter to the Star News, indicating support and confidence in the existing management of the golf course. This was the consensus of the committee. Season pass refund ordinance: The committee reviewed the ordinance, submitted changes and Dan Pillard will bring the ordinance to city council to be adopted. Staff Reports: Mary Clemmer reported that the arms on all of the clubhouse chairs were repaired. She mentioned that a television is needed for the clubhouse. She mentioned that the clubhouse annually receives little revenue until the third week in May. Dan Pillard and Carl Hoss: Report under old business. Submitted By: o Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Februaryl4th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Roger Snodgrass Dari McKim Marc Rhoades Carl Hoss Dan Pillard Jeff Goodman Max Williamson Mary Clemmer Minutes: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 10th meeting as written, with the addition of moved seconded, passed unanimously to approve the Suzi Nelson season pass refund request. Public Requests or Comments: There were several negative comments, concerning the golf fund financials, published in the local newspaper and on the radio. It was mentioned that the committee submits a response to the comments. Dan Pillard said he would prepare an accurate response. It was requested that a public hearing be held to review golf operations. New Business: After discussion, it was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to have the Golf Course Advisory Committee serve as the Golf Operations Committee requested by the city. After review, the committee agreed that the golf shop personnel were doing an excellent job and the internal controls were excellent. Old Business: The committee reviewed the season pass refund ordinance. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to review the ordinance at the March meeting and to submit any changes. Committee reviewed the proposed green fee increase and agreed that the numbers were correct. Dan Pillard gave a presentation on the proposed wetland modifications to the cedar golf course and proposed practice area. Staff Report: Dan Pillard — Reported that he would attend the SMR Homeowners Association Meeting on February 27th, to propose future course changes as well as long term maintenance and operation objectives. He also reported that much of the golf course equipment was fully depreciated and needed replacement. He mentioned that the depreciation schedule needed to be looked at and revised. He mentioned the city was considering placing a starter to increase control measures. The committee recommended that other methods of control be implemented instead of a starter. Dan said he would get some options. Mary Clemmer — Reported concerns that the newspaper gave a negative image of the contractors that was misleading to the public. Dan Pillard mentioned that he would look into this problem and find an appropriate response. Carl Hoss — Carl mentioned that the golf shop has excellent control measures and the past audits gave their operation an excellent rating. Submitted By: fad /114" Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES January 10th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Roger Snodgrass Dari McKim Marc Rhoades Carl Hoss Dan Pillard Jeff Goodman Max Williamson Minutes: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the December 12th meeting as written. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: Committee moved and seconded to approve the season pass refund, requested by Suzi Nelson, less three green fees as indicated in the refund policy. Committee discussed the 2001 rates. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to raise the 2001 rates. See attachment. Old Business: The committee reviewed the In Idaho Agreement and made several changes for a new proposal. See attachment. It was moved and seconded to adopt the new proposal. The committee reviewed the SMR Agreement. Staff Report: Dan Pillard — Reported that he would attend the SMR Homeowners Association Meeting to propose future course changes as well as long term maintenance and operation objectives. Mary Clemmer — Reported year end clubhouse receipts. Carl Hoss — No report. Submitted Bye Todd McKenna, Chairman GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES January 10th, 2001 Attending: Todd McKenna Roger Snodgrass Dari McKim Marc Rhoades Carl Hoss Dan Pillard Jeff Goodman Max Williamson Minutes: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the December 12th meeting as written. Public Requests or Comments: None New Business: Committee moved and seconded to approve the season pass refund, requested by Suzi Nelson, less three green fees as indicated in the refund policy. Committee discussed the 2001 rates. It was moved and seconded, passed unanimously to raise the 2001 rates. See attachment. Old Business. The committee reviewed the In Idaho Agreement and made several changes for a new proposal. See attachment. It was moved and seconded to adopt the new proposal. The committee reviewed the SMR Agreement. Staff Report: Dan Pillard — Reported that he would attend the SMR Homeowners Association Meeting to propose future course changes as well as long term maintenance and operation objectives. Mary Clemmer — Reported year end clubhouse receipts. Carl Hoss — No report.