HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:067 96-67 Dale o1' Adl,plh,. M~re.h 7; lq96 DIll`ECl'lNG TIlE ISSUANCE OF RAFFLE LICENSES TO CAR£ERE~ JUNTOR SOFI'BALL LEAGUE, ROTARY CLUB OF CARTERET AND ST. JOSEPH'S HOME SCHOOL ASSOCIATION WIIEREAS, application has been prope~ ly nmde to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cnrteret, New Jersey by Cart. eret Junior Sogtball L~ague, Rotary Club ~of Carteret and St. Joseph's Home School Association o£the Borough ofCmterel; aad WHEILEAS. it appears that the applicant (s) is/are qualified to be licensed and that the members designated to conduct RAFFLES and to assist are bona fide members of the applica.t (s); and WI1EREAS, the applicant (s) has/have signilied that the games will be played in accordance with llules 6, 7 aad 8 of Ibc Legalized Games of Cha.ce Commission's Regulations. NOW, TliEREIrORE, lie IT AND IT IS IIEll`EBY IH~SOLVED, by the Mayor Cou.cil oflhe Borough pf Callclcl, Ihal Ihe Mtmicipal Clerk is heleby authorized a.d directed lo execute the e.dolscmcut oflhe Mayor a.d Cou.cil by issuing, .upo. Inopcr preseatation ofapplicatioa and fees, a RAFF1.E LICENSE to Ihe applicalfl (s); BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that a cel lilied copy of this ll`esolutio, be se.t forthwith to the Legalized Games of Chance Co.trol Commission, P. O. Box 46000, Newalk, New Jelsey 07101. CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that lh~s Resolution is a hue copy of the original adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cmlerel, County of Middlesex. Stale of New Jersey, at the Council Meetl.g held on March 7, 1996 March _8~_1_99_6__ KATI ILEEN M. BARNEY Certified Muaicipal Clerk IIEC(HtI,' ()1r t'(.)UNCIL VOTE ~L~ARCZUK ~ ...... FEI~LD [~[ [~~~ y Club FAI~CE X __ ~ X - Indicate Vote AU - Ahse.I NV - Nol V.ti.g XOR - Intllcale5 Vole I0 Ove.ule Vtlo Adoptcd el a mecfi.g .r tl~e Municipal Cou.cil Hatch 7, 1996