HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:098 N.. 96-98 I).le ul' ^dl,l~lio,, ..~r~-'il 2,_1__996 i)II*,EC'I'ING TIlE ISSUANCE OF I~.AFFLE LICENSES TO ST. DI!I~I'RIUS OKRA~ ORTHOIIOX CA~ WltEREAS, apl)lication has been I)ml>et ly made to tile Mayor and Council ofthe Borough of Cmtelet, New Jelsey by SI:. 1)e~etrius tlkrainian Orthodox Catlmdral of the Borough o£Calte{el; and WIIEREAS, it appears that tile applicant (s) is/are qualified to be licensed and that tile members designated to conduct P, AFFLES and to assist are bona fide members of the applicant (s); and WIIEREAS, tile applicant (s) has/have signified that tile games will be played in accordance wilh Rules 6, 7 ami 8 of the Legalized Gaines of Chance Commission's Regulations. NOW, TIIEI/EIrOI~,E, lie IT AND IT IS IIEREII¥ IIESOLVED, by II,e Mayo{' Cooncil of Ihe Bo{ ough 9f Cm lei el, Ihat the Mu,icipal Clerk is hereby authmlzed a,d directed to execule tile emlmseme,t of the Mayor ami Cou,cil by issuing, .upon proper presentation o['applicallon and fees, a RAFFLE LICENSE to the applicant (s); BE IT FURTIIEI/IIESOI,VEI) dmt a ce{tiffed copy o£flfis Resolution be sent foahwith to tile Legalized Games r~£Chance Conlrol Commission, P. O. Box 46000, Newark, New Jersey 07101. CERTIFICATION l hereby certify flint th~s Resolution is a true copy o£the original adopted by tile Mayor aad Council of the Borough of Carteret, County orMiddlesex, Stale of New Jersey, at the Council Meeting held on l~il 2, 1~6 I)ATED:~_.~ l~ KATIILEEN M. BARNEY Ce~ tiffed Municipal Cle~ k I~,lr~C{,)l~.l) t)lr C/)UNCIL VOTE X - I.dlcalc Vt~te All - Al}sc., NV - Nol V~ti.g XOR - I.clicalcs Vule lu Overrule Veto ' ~ Advplcd :~1 a mccii.g o[ {he Muuicil.ai Cm,.cjl  ~1 2, 1~6