HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:136 96-136 D.te el Adl,l,llol, [~ly 16~ 19_96 DIRECTING TilE ISSUANCE OF P. AI.'IrLE LICENSES TO ST. ANIIt0NY'S HOLY NAME SOCIETY AND WlIEREAS, applicatiou has been properly made to the Mayor aud Council o£the Borough of Carteret, New Jersey by St.. Anthony's Holy Na.~ Society and St. Joseph Church of the Borough ofCatteret; aad WlIEP. EAS, it appears that lhe apl~licant (s) is/are qualified to be licensed aud that tile members desiguated to conduct RAFIrLES and to assist are bona fide members of the applicant (s); aud WlIEREAS, the applicant (s) has/have signified that the games will be played in accordance with Rules 6, 7 ami 8 of the Legalized Games of Chance Commissiou's Kegulalions. NOW, TIIEREFOI1. E, liE IT AND IT IS IIEREIIY RESOLVED, by tile Mayor and Council of the Borough 9I' Cai lei'et, Ihal the Municipal Clel k is hereby authorized aad directed to execute tile endorsemeal ol'lhe Mayor and Council by issui.g,.upon proper p~esealatJon of application and Fees, a I'.AFFLE LICENSE to Ihe applicant (s); BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED dmt a certified copy oFthJs P. esolutlou be sent fmthwith to the Legalized Games of Chance Conhol Commission, P. O. Box 46000, Newmk, New Jersey 07101. CERTIFICATION I hereby celtit'y 0mt th~s Resolution is a t.'ue copy of the original adopted by tile Mayor and Council of the Borough of CaHelet, Couuty of Middlesex. State of New Jersey, at the Council Meetiug held on ~y 1~; 1~6 DATED: ~y 17; l~ KA'HtLEE~ M. BARNEY Certified Municipal Cle~k SUSAN E. JACKLIN Assistant Municipal Clerk IHSCORI) DF COUNCIl. VOTE FAZE~S X X - Indlca~e Vo~e AB - Absenl NV - Nol Voting XOR - Imlicales Vole Io Overrule Veto Adopted al a meeling ut Ihe Municipal Council _ Hay 16, 1996