HomeMy Public PortalAboutSite Plan Review Minutes 2013-10-02 SITE PLAN]REVIEW COMMITTEE OCTOBER 2L 2013 -Minutm A meeting of the Site Plan Review Committee was called tn order a1l0:0Oa. u. io8kakot Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Departments Present: George Meoervey; Bob Canning ;Robert Feb (Fire);Brian Harrison(Building);John JanneD(Cooaervation);Todd Bnnzick ;Tom Daley(DPW). INFORMAL REVIEW: Wilkinson Ecological Design (c/o Seth Wilkinson) -28 Lots Hollow Road David Txnttle(Ryder 8s Wilcox) described the Site Plan prepared ibrScthWilkivaonabop/iog existing conditions, drainage, and the location ofa proposed septic system designed by Jason Ellis. Iy1flo explained plans for irrigation for the plants and leach areas with catchbasins to collect stormwater runoff. Ixttie noted that alarge area ofthe property iobx the Industrial District and a smaller portion iaiuthe General Business District. Txnttle described the type and proposed locations for business signs oothe property.T,/tt}e stated that thick vegetation will be cut back tu improve site distance and vehicle safety from the road� �a���m�dadT�o���u��"m|i���l�imaG��\����no O,aodf�h ' and the umomettinu period has expired. All exterior lighting must conform ho the Orleans Lighting bylaw(shielded and pointed and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown ou the plan. I/vtt/e stated that there ia adequate access for emergency vehicles. Seth Wilkinson stated that only interior changes are proposed for the building with no exterior changes. Wilkinson described the two divisions of the company: 1)Implementation and 2)Design and Permitting. Wilkinson described a proposed photovoltaic system to be located on the roof. Wilkinson gave asummary of the number of anticipated employees, customers and equipment inteodcdfbrdhcpcoyerh/. WiUcbz000 described a proposed plant storage area and a new septic system to be installed. Wilkinson stated no changes are proposed for the area currently being leased to Agway. Wilkinson noted that anbzioutonvrcl] is proposed. �/�m���d���l��o,|i��A�Du��to�e0de�m[i�' bylaw- (shielded and pointed downward)and manufacturer tear sheets will he provided for town review and shown oo the plan ua required hvtonnohvlu`vu. WilkbnoouatutmdaJlegui entbd]onndur26,00Olhmond will be stored under the canopy. Wilkinson stated that oo vehicles will bc serviced or washed ou-abe. Comments: Fire: Applicant has indicated no fertilizers are proposed tohu stored on-site as most plants are native. No fuel im proposed 1ohe stored on-site. Building: Contractors yard im allowed use in this district. All eigouge must have permits. 25-year storm drainage must be contained on-site and drainage calculations must be prepared bvu Professional Engineer and provided to the town and shown oo the Formal Site P1uo y\nnlicmm�bamat��dtk�roobooldb�oon�oofTtton� lout � 'r, p vvato/ingu. Water; The water meter must always be accessible. Health: The property i from the Nutrient Management Regulations. Ayermit must be obtained for the irrigation well. An engineer must confirm that septic system design conforms to the proposed use. Applicant has stated there will bouo retail sales mn-mbe. Herbicides and Pesticides will be handled aarequired. Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—October 2, 2013 Page I of 3 Conservation: There are no Conservation Department comments. Highway: Stormwater issues must be addressed. Planning: Stormwater runoff must be contained. MOTION: On a motion by Robert Canning, seconded by Brian Harrison,the Committee voted to approve the Informal Site Plan for Wilkinson Ecological Design to be located at 28 Lots Hollow Road pending receipt of a revised plan subject to the following: 1. Exterior lights must comply with the Orleans Lighting Bylaw. 2. Drainage calculations must be provided. 3. Flow direction for storm water must be provided. 4. Utilities must be shown on the site plan. VOTE: 7-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: AUGUST 21 2013 MOTION: On a motion by Robert Canning, seconded by Todd Bunzick,the Committee voted to approve the minutes of August 21,2013. VOTE: 6-0-1 The motion passed by a majority. (Robert Canning abstained) ADJOURNMENT MOTION: On a motion by Brian Harrison, seconded by Robert Canning,the Committee voted to adjourn the Site Plan Review Committee meeting. VOTE: 7-0-0 The motion passed unanimously i The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Karen C. Sharpless Recording Secretary i I Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—October 2, 2013 Page 2 of 3 LIST OF HANDOUTS FOR OCTOBER 2,2013: 1. Wilkinson Ecological Design (c%Seth Wilkinson) A. Site Plan Review Committee Application B. Letter from Seth Wilkinson entitled "Proposed Use 28 Lots Hollow Road, Orleans", dated September 25, 2013. C. Site Traffic Description and Vehicle Description D. Septic System Upgrade Plan prepared for Lots Hollow Realty Trust Construction&Investment Corp., dated July 30, 2013 E. Sign pictures for Wilkinson Ecological Design F. Site Plan prepared for Wilkinson Ecological Design, dated September 25, 2013. 2. Site Plan Review Committee Minutes for Approval. A. August 21, 2013 Site an Review Committee Minutes—October 2, 2013 Page 3 of 3