HomeMy Public PortalAboutPayette Lakes Progressive Club PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB HIGHLIGHTS October 24, 1930 The call for a meeting to form a club for the purpose of promoting the social and intellectual welfare of its members, and the community in general, was answered by the attendance of a group of ten ladies at the Hotel Lakeview on the evening of October 24. Mrs. E.J.Peabody was elected temporary chairman and Mrs. Cook as secretary. Motion passed that the meetings of the Club be held on Thursday afternoons,, alternating with the meetings of the Ladies Aid and that the time of meetings be 3 o'clock. Suggestions were made that at the next meeting each member bring a new member and also submit a name for the Club. Motion was passed that the Secretary obtain by -laws and program of the Century Club of Nampa as an aid for the new club. Af di ion of various civic improvements needed in McCall the ter a scuss meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Yriberry Nov. 6. The following ladies were present: Mesdames Peabody, Brown, Kyser, Farrel, Yriberry, Blake, Fulton, Johnson, Carr, Cook and Miss McCheyne. (signed) Helga M. Cook Sec. ProTem At the next meeting the name Payette Lakes Progressive Club was chosen, meetings changed to Thursday evenings at 8 and dues set at $1 Officers elected were: Pres. - Mrs. Yriberry U. P. - Mrs. Grace Hoff Sec. - Mrs. Dorsey Treas.- Mrs. Cook Committees for Entertainment, Program and Civic Projects were appointed in Dec. and immediately began action by planning a unristmas program wi.th a community Christmas tree and treats for the children. 1931 - Library Board invited to join club. Constitution and By -Laws adopted. Pledge written. Meetings changed to 2nd Tuesday of each month. Group asked to sponsor gym. $ 50 donated - later incorporated. Chairs for hall purchased at $1.50 each. Clean -Up Week late April. Mrs. Brown in charge. Prize for prettiest yard and one making most improvement. Sunday May 24 - Cemetery Clean -up with basket dinner after. Projects suggested: Sewer, water supply, beaches, sidewalks, park, trash cans. Beautification and care of approaches to new Lardo bridge asked by Highway Dept. Boise Payette Lumber Co. contacted for help. Needy helped during Christmas season instead of tree and treats. 1.932 - Dues reduced to 50o. Later suggested paying 500 in Jan., 50¢ in July. Counail asked for reduced °summer water rates. Clean -up week again set with club paying for trash removal. Parliamentary procedure studied. U.S.Constitution study made. • Red Cross Drive helped. Christmas tree and 155 stockings filled. Baskets for needy distributed. 1933 - 8 window shades for Village hall purchased. Roll call answered with ideas for important projects for 1933 -- Beach, sidewalks, library, community hall grounds, getting whole town interested in club. Dues moratorium passed for the year. Yearbooks made for first time. Trillium, club flower. Motto: ` "No Task Too Great for those who are Willing." Card party for Library held. Village asked to. include Library in budget.. Summer meetings discontinued Federation discussed. Christmas tree sponsored. 1934 - Pay for Librarian begun. Virginia Kasper hired and CWA worker 1 day a week. Voting dues set at 500. Bird House contest. Tea and wafers served at judging for 100. $3 cleared. Street improvements asked. PTA formed by club committee to keep in touch with school and help with repairs and improvements. °Clean-Up week set and pet eyesores noted to 'be given to council. Martha- +Darkwood appointed Librarian September, 1934. Poppy seeds scattered on highway approaches. x'1935 - Village gave $100 to Library fund. Meetings changed to afternoons. • School children asked to make bird houses for contest. Civic Committee Ch. Mrs. Brown reported they had been successful in se- curing cooperation of village council in getting water rates re- duced, having a clean -up week set asiC3, having old laundry torn down and placing signboard at Lardo Bridge to inform travelers they are entering McCall and that the speed limit is 35 mph. Mrs. Brown also suggested that the club provide rubbish containers to be so labeled and placed in public places for refuse. Mrs. Freeman moved the club provide the containers and tell their own as well as other children to use them for rubbish. Mrs. Darkwood seconded. Passed. Mrs. Brown reported her committee had interviewed Brown's Tie & Lumber Co. and induced them to clean up the dock. Books secured from traveling Library. Letter to Village Council thanking them for cooperatin in the splendid clean -up after the Fourth. Prizes given for best decorated indoor and outdoor trees at Christmas. 280 bags of candy for children. 1936 - Ideas for year: prompt attention at meetings; stress I project for year. Low attendance entertain high attendance at end of year. Committee reports, .dune 1936 - Civic - tried to get 2 or 3 water holes filled, unsuccessful to date. Library - treasury empty. Entertainment - no plans but would attend to benefit for Library. Garden - tulips leading flower in gardens. • Cemetery - excellent progress. CCC making road through. 1, -City Council asked club to consider project for McCall recreational park. 1936 - Mill tax at disposal of council to be shared by Library and Cemetery. Librarian received 50o a week or $2 a month from fines for pa -V. Members urged to give to Librarian fund. Boxes to be placed in stores. • 1937 - 39 members Suggested club concentrate on original purpose in projects=. Worldwide news stressed in programs. Committee named to cooperate with other organizations in setting up.: kitchen facilities in Town Hall. Members invited to October meeting of New Meadows Women's Club. Reception for new teachers and new minister held in fall. Library Tee held in newly remodeled Lakeview Hotel Lobby. Motion to sponsor Girl Scouts made in November. 1938 - Air Mail Week observed. Ch. of Library Committee suggested we agitate the bringing back of books. Many missing; motion made to charge transients $T deposit. Program, September, Debate: "Resolved, that the Pioneer women enjoyed life more than the Modern women." (Affirmative voted winner.) Red Cross membership purchased, $5. Incumbent officers re- elected for 1939. 1939 - Cancer talk by Mrs. Numbers, Mrs. Fairbrother spoke on the subject of a public nuisance on Main Street. After a general discussion, a motion was made, seconded, carried that the Progressive Club tender a request to the Village Council that NO house of prostitution be allowed to operate within the Village limits. 250 deposit on books set. Curtains for City Hall purchased. Teacher recepti -r • Mrs. Bross made 304 sacks for candy. 20 baskets given to needy. 1940 - 59 Members. Librarian paid 961 per afternoon. Garden prizes enlarged. $5 membership in Women's Field Army to be used for Cancer Control. Girl Scouts gave Cake Walk at June covered luncheon. Clean -up day at Cemetery and Clean -up week. Lyceum program at school sponsored. 1941x- Scrapbook suggested. Historian appointed to work with Secretary. Garden committee replaced dead plants at City Hall.. Petunia suggested as community flower. lA� bookbook committee appointed } o priRt as mane makin roject.� „ y� Cem`eie r V is r ct c �omm Ytee formed. Red Cross donation made. Library shelves supplied and librarian asked for circulation reports. Lardo extension club invited to use Library. Christmas tree sponsored. 1942 - Book -of- the -Month Club joined for Library. Library Tea. Present given to Mrs. Numbers for 5 years as Club President. Dance at Lake Fork for Red Cross. Clean -up Week. Flower Fund turned over to Library. Annual September picnic. Series F Bonds purchased with Cemetery Fund. Christmas stockings filled. 1943 - Yearbooks home made to conserve. City Council gave $90.75 to Library Fund. Round table discussion of gardening and canning • Voted to continue sponsoring Girl Scouts. Dues paid. Posts for Cemetery bought. Committee appointed to assist Auxiliary with Honor Roll of Servicemen. 1944 - Waste paper bundled and sent to Boise. Refugee clothing gathered. Clean -Up Week set and committee to meet with Council on health hazards. Publicity on civic pride and public spirit. Beach clean -up included in drive. Cookies furnished for rest camp. Post war planning favored by Club. People's Book Club joined. Christmas treats. 1945 - Publicity on Club aims and projects, V -E Day celebrated by silent prayer and singing "God Bless America." Daffodil Tea for Cancer Control. Ch 'aperones for Youth Center. 1946 - Living Memorial Park discussed. Yearbook dispensed with for this year only. Librarians salary increased to $2 per day. Clean -Up Week. Flower show-with wildflowers featured. Cemetery platted. 1947 - Worked with Chamber of Commerce on parks and beaches. Street -signs painted. Cemetery district formation started. Cemetery clean -up and marking of graves, Village Board agreed to 2 mill levy for Library. May 12 -17 Clean -Up Week. Garbage cans for Lardo Bridge beach furnished. Civic committee suggested numbering houses. 1948 - 64 members. Librarian turned down new stove to buy books. Cookbook orinted�, Mrs. H. off spoke on history of Club. S Garden tour and flower show held. Rock Bicycle rack donated by Glen Lundgren. • New dump ground sought. Information for Posters for Library Tea made by school he was appointed historian. on Lake Shore Lodge grounds Iiscussed -. Dewey Davis Park completed. tourists and visitors sought. children. 1949 - 71 members. Club by -laws updated. New school house urged. Traffic light at RR urged.. 4 new trash barrels provided. Girl Scout Day Camp to be held. Silver Tea with flower show. El -ctric hlanka,t raffled for Library - profit ;152.00, Letter to Chet Stephens for keeping City clean. 1950 - Road on east side of lake to North Beach proposed. Filing cabinet for Library purchased. Clean -Up Week. June luncheon honored Girl Scout leaders. Blinker lights downtown and no dumping signs requested. Slower traffic in school 2nne urged. Donation to Boy Scout Jamboree fund'. Teachers' reception. Girl Scout Fund.Drive sponsored. JC's took over Christmas treats but club helped with funds.. 1951 - Coffee fund started as emergency fund. Pie and coffee sale for Polio Dance. Refreshment sale at Merc Fashion Show. Flower show and garden party with plant exchange. Poster contest at school. Started develo'Dment of land dedicated by the McCalls "forever unto public use" which is now Art Roberts Park. Davis Park Public Beach beautified with tables and benches. Maps printed showing location of Pifblic beaches. Sions to Ponderosa Campgrnrindci 1952 - Helped sponsor Youth Center. • 1953 - Auction held to raise funds to repair Library floor and steps and new curtains. 1954 - Contribution to Payette Lakes Ski Club. Sponsored public meetings for proposed McCall Memorial Hospitals. New books purchased for Library. 1955 - Library Tea. �( Sent Girl Scout delegates to San Francisco. 1956 - Named 3 streets in Davis Beach District. X Hellped with Red Cross Bloodmobile. Savings Bonds cashed and earmarked for Hospital Fund. Auction held to raise money for hospital. $2500.00 raised. Sent 2 Girl Scouts to Michigan Round -up. Campaigned for town clean -up. 1957 - Fund raising for Girl Scouts. Autograph Tea3for Authoress Helen Miller. 1958 - Committee formed to collect and place historical material of the area in a Bile in the Library. Retaining wall constructed at Public Beach. Material and labor furnished by Brown's Tie & Lumber. Benches built for rest area in City Park. Worked with City Planning Board on zoning Supplied canteen for Blood Bank. Helped needy at Christmas. 1959 - Library repainted. Tea for Authoress Helen Miller for Library. Awnings for Park benches purchased. Street breakfast to raise money to send a Girl Scout to Colorado Round -Up. Village Christmas tree and Good Cheer baskets for needy. • 1960 - Spearheaded planting and caretaking of City Park. Tea for school Librarian given at Public Library. Vacuum cleaner purchased. "Forest Favorites" cookbook printed_.' Christmas baskets. _ 1.961 - Promoted landscaping of Park. Welcome committee organized for newcomers to McCall. 1962 - Sponsored 2 Girl Scouts to Vermont Round -up. 1963 - Landscaping of park area. Girl Scouts sponsored. 1964 - "Mountain Maoir -" rzzkhnnk puL iGhad I ren's chairs for Library purchased. Helped finance sprinkler system for Park. (Installed by Rotary) 1965 - Winter Carnival Sculpture and Float Sponsored Girl Scouts. Helped BPW with street signs for McCall. Mother of the Year Nominee sponsored, 1966 - Area map with historical landmarks prepared for Library Historical File. Flower barrel planed downtown. Handpainted decorations by Naomi Johnson. Canteen for Bloodmobile. Evergreen trees planted in barrels for winter. Compton's Encyclopedia purchased for Library. • Winter Carnival sculpture and float. r 1967 - 1st Prize for snow srulptuve. 2 picnic tables and 6 benches added to City Park. Trash barrel placed downtown. • Spruce trees planted in City Park. Watering trough placed at Police Station and planted. Pump added. Daffodils and tulips- planted in trough and by Park Motel corner. Christmas baskets. 1968 - Winter Carnival sculpture won 3rd prize. Scrapbook committee formed to preserve memorabilia. Paid man to rake up litter in gutters once a week. Purchased directional signs for Golf Course. Christmas baskets. 1969 - Sponsored 2= Mother of the Year nominees. 3rd prize for sculptures. Winter Street Decorations purchased. Skier and Snowflake custom designed. Fund raising included Flea Market and Old Car Raffle. Civic Committee asked Cite for litter baskets, bicycle rack and sidewalk for Art Roberts Park, 14 Junipers planted in Park. Permanent Christmas tree planted by State Park. Chili Feed and Ice Sculpture Demonstration for Winter Decoration Fund. 1970 - Published cookbook, "Payette Lake Treasures ". 9�- anne a s aping for proposed park by Golf Course. Flea Market for Winter Decoration Fund. Sponsored girl at Governor's Conference. Posters on Polling Places placed in Post Office. ,;- ,Contribution to Boise Children's Home. • Influenced City to place directional signs to dump area. Ice sculpture and Float for Winter Carnival. 1971 - Paid for Girl Scout Camperships (216 eamperships). Refreshments for Bloodmobile. Flea Market. A "ppointed a member to City Planning Committee. Tapes for Historical File purchased. Contribution to Boise Children's Home. "Sharlene" ice sculpture _ion 1st prize in organization entry. Float entry. 1972 - Revised Constitution and 3y -Laws. Winter Carnival Sculpture and Float. Flower barrels painted red, white and blue. Flea Market. Purchased 30 chairs for Library Seminar Room. 1973 - Winter Carnival Sculpture and Float. Tables and benche s in Park painted. Mini - Market (recycled Flea Market) to purchase books for State Park Library. .,Exterior paint for Roseberry Museum Building purchased. Plans for new flower containers for downtown. • 1974 - Winter Carnival Float and Sculpture. Ella Eld selected Idaho Mother of the Year. Sponsored by Progressive Club. • Reception for Idaho Mother of the Year, Lake Fork Grange Hall, March 17 and New York trip expenses provided by Club. w Contribution to assist Mike Dorris, Can -Am Skier, March Membership Tea. Resume of Club's activities since 1930 compiled. Contribution to Diane Dobbins for Scout Opportunity. Distribution of Clean -Up Week plans for Chamber of Commerce. Spring Clean -Up of Art Roberts Park. 6 new planters made, placed downtown. June luncheon honored past Presidents (including 1st Pres. Daisy Yriberry), Scout leaders and 1st Day Camp organizer Faye Wallace; Idaho Mother of the Year, honored speaker. July Flea Market.'Netted $601.00. Historical File Cabinet purchased for Library. Club minutes and Scrapbook placed in Library. Dedication of State Park Library and Bookcase and contribution for color slides Fall park clean -up and tree replacement in cooperation with Forest Service. Social and business stationery designed and ordered. 1.975 - Flag pole purchased for City Hallo Hosted Bill Chandler Lunch (Aramco). 1976 - "Gems of the Mountains" cookbook oublis_hed— Contribution to a livue Drill Team for Cherry Blossom Festival trip. 1st prize (organization) Winter Carnival Parade. Teton Dam disaster donation. Canteen for Blood Bank Drawing. • 1977 - $500 donation to Little Ski Hill. Winter Carnival Parade prize. Girl Scout Leaders Handbooks purchased. ,Shingles for Depot roof purchased with cookbook funds. 1978 - Winter Carnival Parade Entry. Finished Depot roof. 1979 - Purchased Depot carpet. Winter Carnival Sculpture (Prize). 1980 - 500 Anniversary celebrated. Snow sculpture built for Stein Dist. for $425.00 donation to Club, 2d prize in Class A. Winter Carnival Parade entry won prize trophy. $800 Donation for landscaping Old City Hall Park across from Denot. $800 Donation to Library for Rare Books Case and Record Cabinets. ,015 donation to Girl Scouts for First Gr_jde Grganizing Fund Cookbook committee provided snacks and sold cookbooks at Women's Inv. Golf Meet Fall planting at McCall City Park with Girl Scouts 1981 - By -laws amended to elect officers in May and install them at June luncheon. 4500 to Library in memory of Club's Presidents, 1930 -1980, first 5E years. Half barrel planters purchased and placed around town. • r • • 1981 - $25 donation to Girl` Scouts for organizational materials. Tables and blackboards for Depot meeting room purchased. $100 to Street Decoration Refurbishing Fund, $250 Christmas Present to Library. 1982 - Winter Carnival Sculpture. -U, AOU- Br. Woods Reports On Street Signing Project At Rotary Club Meeting Dr. Rachel Woods was guest speaker at the McCall Rotary Clubs Friday meeting and gave a report on the progress and problems of the street signing program. The project is a joint venture of the Business and Profess; :nal Wom- sn's Club s.nd the Pro;ressive Club. Dr. Wcods said part of the signs had been delivered and the others were in the process of construction. The main difficulties are finding rames for the un- named streets and locating some of the village lines by the given legal descriptions. Cliff Anderson was in charge of the program. Pa efiie I a�e .Stagy 01 ITY Two Speakers Address McCall rogress've Club Mrs. Helen Payne from the dis- rict forest office of Odgen, Utah ad- dressed the regular meeting of the Prognessdve club, Tuesday, April 8th. Her subject was soil conserrva tion and watersheds. Highlighting her talk was the film which was shown caled "Form the Bluebell to wool." Dr. O. 1 Hawkins was introduced by Mrs. Henry Hoff and spoke to the members on Cancer control. The petitions for the formation of a McCall cemetery district are now ready to present to the Val- ley county eommasioners for ap- proval at their next meeting. This is the result of conscien- tious effort on, the part of the Cemetery committee, Mrs. Ted Harwood, chairman. Progressive Club Honors Founders And Past Presidents At the end of the 18th year of the Payette Lakes .Progressive By way of other civic improve- !Club, over. 50 members and men.t, the club has prepares guests honored the founders and street signs to mark the village pa&t .presidents at a no- hostess streets. These await erection at ; luncheon Tuesday, June 8, in -tae the discretion of the Village home of 'Mrs. J. W. Kasper. Board. 'T social committees of the ,Mrs. B. T. Johnson, chairman club with Mrs. Kasper as cna.r- of the garden committee, an- man prepared and served the no that the "Garden Chats" luncheon. Other committee mem- now appearing in the Payette 'hers assisting were .Mrs. Don Lakes Star, are the work of the Numbers, Mrs. Charles Gripton, committee in an effort to furnish Mrs. Faye Johnson and Mrs. Ella pertinent information to local Weltz. gardening enthusiasts. As a con- Six past presidents were Ares- tinuation of the garden tours and jen-t. They were Mrs. Henry Ho,fi, flower shows which were annual.IMrs. Edd Luzadder, Mrs. Don affairs before the war, the com- ;Numbers, Mrs. S. W. Harw000, mi�ttee will sponsor a garden pie - Mrs. Glenn Burnside and Mrs. A. nic on the lawn and beach of the A. Storkman. Charter members j B. T. Johnson ;home in approxi- ! present were Mrs. Hoff, Mrs. mately two weeks. if -the mem- Harwood, Mrs. Carl Brown, Mrs. bens and guests will bring their B. T. Johnson and Mrs. Kasper. own -picnic lunch, the committee All honored guests were pre? -- will furnish the beverage. The ented with chic flower chapeaur, exact date will 'be announced in becoming to the individual and next week's :Star. indicative of her administration Orther sustained projects of the, or special interest. Mrs. A. A. club are the sponsoring of the Storkmau, chairman of the pro- annual Christmas tree and treats gram committee, and :her assis- and the preservation and in! - tants, Mrs. A. L. Legler and Mrs. provement of remaining park Percy Shelton, were responsible areas. for the military creations and - S'ince the regular business,, afternoon program. meeting was dispensed with, the club president, Mrs. Percy Shel -1 A musical program featured a ton, closed the •meeting with a piano number by Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and songs by Mrs. C. W. (Continued on Back .Page) . Holt, accompanied by Mrs: Don Numbers. The delightful littie dance team of Gretchen and Michael Hoff gave their elders a demonstration of how the Var- souviene is done. Each past president summed up the endecrors and -' acco•mplish- j meats of her administration, thus presenting a resume of the many existing community improve menus started by the club, as well 1 as several projects being spo•n- cored by the club at the present. (Outstanding among projects com- pleted was the beautification of Othe cemetery and the fostering jof t-he newly crenated cemetery district, now operating. One of the oldest and most successful projects of the club is the •public library. In the begin- ning the members rotated as li- I brarians in charge of a small col - lection of books. Now under club administration it is a village - supported concern with 2750 eir- koulating books and a regular li- �brarian, Mrs. Harold Vassar, c`ready to •serve the public three times a week. There is also a weekly Story Hour for the chil- dren during the summer. Other continuing projects in- elude the promotion of interest In civic imprAvemen,t, such as general clean-up and :garden de- velopment. , In connection with spring clean -up, Mrs. Carl Brown, A•airman of the civic committee, announced that someone ha. dumped trash and garbage in sev- eral places along the Sylvan Beach road. Although this has happened before and the com- mittee has been' responsible for cleanintg it up. --and will -do it once more future offenders will be liable to ,prosecution by the state._ * � � �� ��/��♦ �. ��ii..1 /. �i� • /� iI � �`r�J iil l., `, `.'� r 1976 PAYETTE LAKES PROGI;ESSIVE CLUU YEAR'LOOK 110TTO "No task is too great for those who are willing." MRS. JOHN ALLEN JR. VICE—PRESIDENT MRS. JACK SEETIN SECRETARY MRS. W. C. GULLIKSEN TREASURER MRS. L. ZBOROWSKI FLOtdER, . . . . . TrILLiUi1 COLORS . . . . . . . GPEEN u �,A 1ITE STANDING COMMITTEES CIVIC: PLEA MARKET: MARY JO.JJELSOf1 DOROThY REBER(',l — PAT LATTA VI'LMA SUOTZ,.IAKE;R BOBBIE SAUBERT ELMA PETERSON DOROTHY.REBERGER JEANETTE SEETTN MARJ EVA14S GARDEN: VE:L'�A SIiOEMAKER 14ABLL LLOYD MAUDE GULLIKSLN JACKIE ZBOROWSKI ZLLMA Al'. DERS01"I HISTORICAL: ALICE SPIELMAN BLTTY HARWOOD MARY `. HURSTON PEARL BOYDSTUN MABLE LLOYD MEMBERSHIP: DOROTITY REBER.GER BEA LUDINGTON ELMA PE.TE:RS0111 PROGRAM: PEGGY CLEMMER MARION COMPTON MARTHA JOYCE JEAN BIRRELL TEKLA ARMSTRONG MARTHA CHITWOOD PUBLICITY: JAN MC MAHAN SCRAPBOOK: MARJ EVANS SOCIAL: JAYNE BROWN MARJ EVANS KATE IIAYES WILLA KIRK BILLIE REMAKLUS BETTY STOKES BEULAH TIMM DOROTHY BEYERLE IiE1 :T1NCS 2 -11 -76 11C CALL RECPEATIOH - FI111 IiMf COOKE I1RS. [)AVE SPIELMAN, E10STCSS 3 -9 -7fj TRAVIL NELL TOLIAS MRS. JACK SEETIN, 110STESS 4 -13 -76 ANERICAH CANCER SOCIETY - FILH RUTH 0i;NNET`i' 11RS. WARP111 bRZ111, hOSTCSS 5 -11 -7G YEARBOOK: CARMA ELAM' CAKE DECORATING WILLA KIRK LINDA P RU Uf 1011HE SHIRLEY ALLEN 114PS. 0011 LUDINGT011, HOSTESS 6 -9 -76 GIRL SCOUT LLINCHEON -SHORE LOUG. CRAFTS & STI CHERY I1ARYJO SANUCRS 9 -14 -76 BOYDSTUN, PEARL. 634 -5517 TO BE ANNOUNCEU BREWSTER, ESTHER. 634 -2310 634 -6744 i-IRS. GEORGE REGERGEP, HOSTESS BROWNS ,JAYNE CAt1PG£LL, ALMA 634 -5337 10 -12 -76 CHITVIOOD, MARTHA 634-5202 PRE - ELECTION PROGRAM CL£1914ER, PEGGY 634 -.2927 t1RS. JOHN JOYCE, HOSTESS COMPTON, 11ARION 634 -57ti7 DANIELSON, PAT 11 -9 -76 ELAMj CAR11A 634 -•2456 TO UE ANNOU110ED EVANS, IIARJ 634 -5571 MRS. SHELLY Tltili, HOSTESS FREEMAI`t, MARGE 634 -5952 GIBBS, BLANCHE 634 -5255 12 -14 -76 GULLIKSENq MAUGE 634 -5137 CHRISTMAS PROGRAM HARWOOU, BETTY G34 -2944 MRS. ROBERT SCOLES, HOSTESS HASTINGS, ELSIE 634 -5565 HAYES, KATE 634 -266.0 1 -11 -77 HAIT, RUTH 634 -5118 ELECTION OF OFFICERS JOHNSON, MARION 634 -2971 MARY JO NELSON, HOSTESS JOHNSON, NAO11I 634 -5173 JOYCE, HARTHA 6�4 -2G89 MEMBERSHIP KIRK, WILLA 634 -5381 LATTA, PAT 634 -5466 ALLEN, SALLY 634 -5741 LLOYD, HAGLE 634 -5306 ALLEN, SHIRLEY 634 -2404 LUDINGTONs BEA 634 -2431 ANUERSOfl,''ZEt#A 6.34 -5572 HCHAHAt1, JAN 634 -2993 ARMSTRONG, TEKLA 634 -2373 NELSON, BEA 634 -5588 BAYOK, MARCELLA 634 -5659 NELSON, MARY JO 634 -2640 BEYERLL, DOROTHY 634 -5340 PETERSON, ALMA 634 -2642 6341-5996 BIRRELL, JEAN 634 -2359 REbERGER, DOROTHY PAST PRESIDENTS REMAKALUS, BILLIE .634 -5891 1930 -31 firs. Michael Zriberry SACKERMAN, ELLE1I 634 -2988 1931 -32 firs. Henry Joff SAUBERT, BOBBIE 634 -5386 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzie Harwrell SCOLES, KAY .634 -5426 1933 -35 firs. henry Joff SEETIN. JEANETTE 634 -5168 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder SE10T, BARBARA 634 -5713 1936 -42 Mrs. Ron 1Jumbers SHOEMAKER, VELHA 634 -5400 1942 -44.1 firs. S. W. Harwood SHEPHERD, INA 634 -5150. 1944 -45 !1rs. Otto lfarleskint SPIELlRAN, ALICE 634 -5249 1945 -46 firs. Glen^ Burnside STIDHAM, SUE 634 -5706 1946 -47 firs. A. A. Storkman STOCKTON, BETTY 634 -5970 1947 -48 11rs. Percy Shelton STOKES, BETTY 634 -5720 1948 -49: Mrs. Lloyd Hague SUITOR, HIL11A 634 -5194 1949 -50 firs. Don Numbers TAKALA, LET11A 634 -5412 1950 -51 firs . Warren Brown THURSTON, MARY 634 -5822 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson TIFFANY, JANE 634 -2338 1952 -53 f1rs. Shei_ly. Ticim TIMM,-BEULAH 634 -2303 1953 -54 firs. Frank Freeman TOBIAS, NELLE. 634 -2933 1954 -55 firs. Merrill Evans WALLACE, FAYE 634 -2901 1955 -56 firs. Ralph Paris WILLEY$ MARGE 634 -2901 1956 -57 firs. Wyman Zachary ZBOROWSKI, JACK'IE 634x2193 1957 -58 firs. nary Thurston 1958 -59 firs. L. ti. Johnson 1959 -GO tars. Jack Seetin 1960 -61 firs. Clair Armstrong 1961 -62 firs. Arthur Jellison 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1963 -64 firs. 4!i 11 i ar:1 Stokes 1963 -64 1964 -65 1965 -66 1966 -67 1967 -68 1968 -69 1969 -7G 1970.71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1973 -74 1974 -75 Hi r s . Mrs . ilrs-. Ctrs . Mrs . NIrs,. Ctrs . Mrs . Mi ss Mrs . Ili is Mrs. GeorUe Whitlock Jack Saubert Arleen Defler Dewey M. Rowland 'Deno Nelson Robert Scoles Bill Evans Douglas Tiffany Velma Shoemaker John Clemmer Velma Shoemaker Blanche Gibbs S+O-(' N 1125 ) � 1,�� rsol aI , `3,1-, ,,, S 179 � (-t '7 7 -THE STAR- NEWS— THURSDAY — JANUARY 13, 1977 Outgoing Progressive Club president Sally Allen passes the club gavel to "Butch" Lilley, while incoming secretary Maude Gulliksen and vice - president Jeanette Seetin look on during installation ceremonies Tuesday. Treasurer Jackie Zborowski was not present for the photo. 1978 PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB YEARBOOK MOTTO "No task is too great for who are willing. OFFICERS PRESIDENT 1 j MRS. W. C. GULLIKSEN VICE PRESIDENT MRS. MICHAEL COMPTON SECRETARY I MRS. SHELLY TIMM t TREASURER MRS. ROBERT SCOLES FLOWER . . . . . . .TRILLIUM COLORS . . . . . . .GREEN AND WHITE STANDING COMMITTEES CIVIC: Jeanette Seetin GARDEN: Velma Shoemaker HISTORICAL: Pearl Boydstun Betty Harwood MEMBERSHIP: Butch Lilley Sally Allen PROGRAM: MArA Evans Dorothy Beyerle Jeanette Seetin Kay Scoles Ann Eberle PUBLICITY: Mabel Llnyd SCRAPBOOK: Mary Thurston SOCIAL: MAry Jo Nelson Peggy Clemmer Doris Lord Naomi Farber Jackie Zborowski Ina Shepherd COOK BOOK: t F, t MEETINGS Meeting at 2:00 P.M., Second Tuesday of each month. Please check news - WILLA KIRK paper for program. CAFMA ELAM BUTCH LILLEY SALLY ALLEN 1978 MARJ. EVANS February 14 Maude Gulliksen JEAN SHANK March 14 Jeanette Seetin April 11 Mary Jo Nelson May 9 Mariane Compton June 13 Shore Lodge GIRL SCOUT LUNCHEON September 12 Blanche Gibbs October 10 Peggy Clemmer November 14 Kay Scoles December 12 Jayne Brown January 9, 1979 Beulah Timm MEMBERSHIP Allen, Sally 634 -5741 Miller, Heidi Anderson, Z elma 7344 Nelson, Mary Jo Beyerle, Dorothy 5340 Peterson, Elma Birrell, Jean 2359 Reberger, Dorothy Boydstun, Pearl 5517 Remaklus, Billie Brewster, Esther 2310 Riley, Mary Brown, Jayne 5744 Saubert, Bobbie Chitwood,. Martha 5202 Scoles, Kay C1emmer, Peggy 2927 Seetin, Jeanette Compton, Marian 5767 Shank, Jean Eberle, Ann 2092 Shepherd, Ina Elam, Carina 2456 Shoemaker, Velma Evans, Marj 5571 Spielman, Alice Farber, Naomi 5779 Stokes, Betty Gibbs, Blanche 5255 Thurston, Mary Gulliksen, Maude 5137 Tim, Beulah Hait, Ruth 5188 Tobias, Nelle Harwood, Betty 2944 Wallace, Faye Joyce, Martha 2689 Welsh, Jean Kirk,. Willa ', Willey, Marge LaForce,Hazel ,x`;5881 2375 Zborowski, Jackie Lilley, "Butch' 7483 Lloyd, Mabel 5306 Lord, Doris 2977 Mcllvain, Betty Jean 7293 McMahan, Jan 2993 634 -5588 2640 2642 2996 5891 2075 5386 5426 5168 5385 5150 5400 5249 5720 2449 2303 2933 2701 5758 5812 2193 1930 -31 1931 -32 1932 -33 1933 -35 1934 -35 1936 -42 1942 -44 1944 -45 1945 -46 1946 -47 1947 -48 1948 -49 1949 -50 1950 -51 1951 -52 1952 -53 1953 -54 1954 -55 1955 -56 1956 -57 1957 -58 1958 -59 1959 -60 1960 -61 1961 -62 1962 -63 1962 -64 PAST PRESIDENTS Mrs. Michael Zriberry Mrs. Henry jjoff. Mrs. Dezzie Harwell. Mrs. Henry Hoff Mrs. Helen Luzadder Mrs. Don Numbers Mrs. S. W. Harwood Mrs. Otto Harleskint Mrs. Glen Burnside Mrs. A. A. Storkman Mrs. Percy Shelton Mrs. Lloyd Hague,, Mrs. Don Numbers Mrs. Warren Brown Mrs. Kenneth Johnson Mrs. Shelly Timm Mrs. Frank Freeman Mrs. Merrill Evans Mrs. Ralph Paris Mrs. Wyman Zachary Mrs. Mary Thurston Mrs. L. M. Johnson Mrs. Jack Seetin Mrs. Blair Armstrong Mrs. Arthur Jellison Mrs. William Lancaster Mrs. William Stokes 1963 -64 MRS. George Whitlock 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1965 -66 Mrs. Arleen Defler 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1969 -1970 Mrs. Bill Evans 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1971 -72 Mrs. Velma Shoemaker 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanche Gibbs 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen Jr. 1976 -77 Mrs. J. R. Lilley Sfdr- /fie uv s ,ra h as 19 g ` New officers of the McCall Progressive club for 1981 are, from left, Jackie Zborowski, president; Anne Byars, vice - president; Velma Shoemaker, secretary and Ann Eberle, treasurer. 1981 PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB BOX 1446 YEARBOOK MOTTO "No task is too great for those who are willing." OFFICERS President - Jackie Zborowski Vice President - Anne Byars Secretary - Velma Shoemaker Treasurer - Anne Eberle Flower . . . . . Colors . . . . . . . .Trillium Gr; en & White MEETINGS - 1981 STANDING COMM.ITTEIs'S Unless otherwise noted, all meetings CIVIC Corki. Onweil /er are held at 2:00 PM on the second Chris Clements Tuesday of each month. GARDEN Peg Howington Harriett Jorgensen February 10 Anne B yarn "Health" - Becky Stone HISTORICAL Sophie Howard Hannah Willard March 10 Jayne Brown Pearl Boydston "A China Trip" Velma Shoemaker April 14 Virginia Geddes ME&IBERSHIP "Butch" Lilley "Stephie Lord's Exchange Year In South Africa" PROGRAM Anne Byars Jeanette Seetin May 12 Mary Riley Sally Allen "The Algiers Experience" - Sally Carlson - Bancroft Sue Coulter Sue Hart June lq (Luncheon) Shore Lodge Jan Kee "Crafts And Business In The Horne" PUBLICITY Velma Shoemaker 14arsha Gauss SCRAPBOOK Velma Shoemaker September 8 Dorothy Beyerle To Be Announced SOCIAL Aline Peirce Jayne Brown October-13 Evening at Byars Ellen holm Pot Luck Dinner With Husband or Jodell Barber Friend YLARBOOK "Butch" Lilley November 10 Chris Clements Anne Eberle To Be Announced Joan Perry December 8 Jeanette Seetin COOKBOOK Marj Evans Christmas Surprise Jean Shank January 12 Beulah Timm CALLING Marj Evans To Be Announced Robin Gmirkin February 9 "Butch" Lilley Joan Perry To Be Announced MELTINGS - 1981,(Cont'd) MEMBERSHIP March 9 _Depot Allen, Sally 634 -5741 To Be Announced Al.lgair, Eve 325 -8606 Armstrong, Tekla 634 -2373 April lit Peggy Iowington Barber, Jodell 634 -5583 To Be Announced Bennett, Ruth 325 -8583 May 11 Charlie's Garden Beyerle, Dorothy 634 -5340 To Be Announced Boydston, Pearl 634 -5517 Brown, Jayne 634 -5744 June ? (Luncheon) Shore Lodge Byars, Anne 634 -7216 To Be Announced Carlson- Bancroft, Sally 634 -5373 Chitwood, Martha 634 -5202 Clements, Chris 634 -7164 Clemmer, Peggy 634 -2927 Compton, Marianne 634-5767 Duncan, Pat 634 -5708 East, Ginny 634 -2575 Eberle, Anne 634 -2092 Edwards, Lydia 634 -8757 Evans, Marj 634 -5571 Farber, Naomi 634 -7676 Geddes, Virginia 634 -5115 Gibbs, Blanche 634 -5255 Gmirkin, Robin 634 -2439 Gulliksen, Maude 634 -5137 Hait, Ruth 634 -5120 Hart, Marty 634 -2604 Hart, Sue 634 -2518 Holm, Ellen 634 -2792 Horne, K. C. 634 -5676 Howard, Sophie 634 -2050 Howington, Peggy 634 -5340 Hurd, Jo 634 -2873 Jorgensen, Harriett 634 -5215 Joyce, Martha 634 -2689 Kee, Jan 634 -2660 MEMBER:511IP (Cont'd) PAST PRESIDENTS Kirk, Willa 634 -5881 Lilley, "Butch" 634 -7483 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zri.berry Lloyd, Mabel 634 -5306 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff Look, Linda 634 -5654 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzie Harwell Lord, Doris 634 -2977 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff. McMahan, Jan 634 -2993 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder Montgomery, Jerri Yellow Pine 1936 -42 ;tors. Don Numbers Nelson, Mary Jo 634 -2640 1.942 -44 Mrs. S. W. Harwood Olson, Sue 634-2897 1944 -45 Mrs. Otto Karleskint Onweil.,Xer, Corki 634 -7359 1945 -46 Mrs. Glen Burnside Peirce, Aline 634 -2084 1946 -47 Mrs. A. A. Storkman Perry, Joan 634 -2186 1947 -48 Mrs. Percy Shelton Pratt, Connie 634 -7778 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague Ralphs, Trudy 634 -5916 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers Reberger, Dorothy 634 -5996 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown Reddick, Mildred 634 -5187 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson Saubert, Bobbie 634 -5386 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm Sayles, Sheila 634 -5602 1953 -54 Mrs. Frank Freeman Scoles, Kay 634 -5426 1954 -55 Mrs. Merrill Evans Seetin, Jeanette 634 -5168 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris Shank, Jean 634 -5385 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary Shepherd, Ina 634 -5150 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston Shoemaker, Velma 634 -7780 1958 -59 Mrs. L. M. Johnson Sli.ngerland, Delores 634 - 5538 1959 -60 Mrs. Jack Seetin Spielman, Alice 634 -5249 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong Stokes, Betty 634 -5720 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison Timm, Beulah 634 -2303 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster Tobias, Nelle 634 -2933 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes Vail, Clara 634 -5222 Mrs. George Whitlock Wallace, Fay 634 -•2701 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert Willard, Hannah 634 -5856 1965 -66 Mrs. Arleen Defler Willey, Marge 634 -5812 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland Wise, Virginia 634 -2872 Young, Helen 634 -7889 Zborowski, Jackie 634 -2193 PAST PRESIDENTS (Cont'd) 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanche Gibbs 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, Jr. 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1977 -78 Mrs. W. C. Gulliksen 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle ARTICLE TWO OF OUR CONSTITUTION Objects of this club shall be: 1. Civic improvement & to promote public welfare. 2. For beautifying our village. 3. For promoting education, both physical and intellectual. 4. For research work for the edification of its members. 5. To assure that Girl Scouting remains active in McCall. ���� /b4od Women skiers to share experiences Patty Boydstun Hovdey and Alison Owen Kiesel will share their experiences as members of the U.S. Ski Team at the Winter Olympics with those attending the next meeting of the Payette Lakes Progressive Club. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the McCall home of Mrs. J.R. "Butch" Lilley. All area women are invited. Progressives dig, McCall stores bloom By Randall Brooks The Star -News According to Harriet Jorgensen, flowers seem to generate flowers and help to clean up the looks of McCall. To make sure those flowers continue to bloom, Jorgensen single - handedly masterminds the Mc- Call Progressive Club's garden projects each year. Like clockwork each spring, Jorgensen and her host of club helpers make the rounds of 54 wooden planter boxes that adorn the fronts of various McCall businesses. In each box is left a colorful array of petunias or pan- sies. This year, Jorgensen said businesses can expect the attrac- tive wooden whiskey barrels to magically bloom on June 6, which just happens to be the date Of the Christian Women's Plant Sale. Jorgensen coordinates the ef- forts as the two groups work hand -in -hand. Funding for the flowers comes from a cookbook written by McCall Progressive Club members. Club members have been plac- ing the flowers in downtown Mc- Call at least since 1972. The prac- tice began with a few metal oil barrels that were brightly painted. and planted with flowers. The barrels were put in prominent spots about the downtown area in honor of the late Ida Brown's ef- forts to help beautify McCall. Each year, the annual planting continued, and by 1979, Thelma Anderson spearheaded a project to build six additional wooden planters to decorate the grounds of McCall Public Library and McCall City Hall. Bill Evans, the mayor at the time, reportedly did the construction work. Jorgensen said city crews found the metal barrels cumber- some, so in 1981 the club bought an initial 16 wooden barrels and offered them to businesses to decorate their storefronts. Each year the club has tried to add at least 10 barrels, with this year's additions bringing the total up to 54. Only one of the former metal barrels remains, placed at the McCall Hotel at the head of Lake Street. Harriet Jorgenson on her springtime rounds. The Progressive Club's 80 -plus planters empty. Efforts starting members don't take sole respon- in 1981 to plant trees didn't work sibility for the flowers, Jorgensen out because the barrels don't pro - said. To receive a barrel and vide enough insulation, so club flowers, business owners must members now cut live evergreen promise to water and care for the trees each fall and place them in flowers throughout the summer. each barrel, she said. When they aren't cared for, it hurts the effect of the project, The idea is that we'd like to Jorgensen said. see businesses decorate them dur- "We're willing to give anyone ing the winter to add some color a barrel," she said. "But, by to the town," she said. damn, they'd better water them." This year, club members also have plans to add flowers to planter boxes at McCall's newest parksite, Mill Park. In addition, they have already completed a cleanup project at the McCall Community Park, located at the corner of Third and Lenora streets. The park was built and landscaped as another Progressive Club project to help beautify McCall. In the winter, Jorgensen doesn't like to see the barrel ndWy, July 14, 1 985 ; : Dal McMenemy, 83, of 808 N C „ is Road, Boise, died e >a ay, July, 10 1985, in a Bot* . rsing home of natural catise e Grayreslde services will be held at 11 r r onday, July 15, at 11 Clover morial Park. Rev. Williari� of St. ` Michael's Cathedr l' Wilt&ficiate, under the directiph of- Cloverdale Funeral Home.' Mrs. McMenemy, a former assistant in the Boise City Clerk's office, was born Sept. 23, 1901, at Dillon, Mont, a daughter of P,hygenia and Richard J. Roberts. She lived the first years of her life . in Dillon and Bozeman, Mont. She moved with her family to Cald- well in 1906. Daisy attended school in Caldwell and graduated from St. Margaret's School for gQirls in Boise. She. ettended the College of 'Ida( or:;two years, then attended Ic>s1Q State Normal School for one year';' where she graauated: with an Intermediate School Life Diploma. Daisy was a Phi Beta Sigma honorable educa- tional society member of the school. She worked at the post of- fice in McCall for eight summers while attending school and teach- ing. She taught school for six years in Emmett, Burley, at St. Margaret's,. and in McCall. She married Michel "Frenchy" Yri- berry of McCall on Aug. 12, 1927, qt Caldwell. They moved to Boise to 1932. He died in 1944 at Boise. Daisy worked in the advertising .department of Falk's ID and KGEM, and was an assistant in the city clerk's office in Boise for 12 years. She married James P. McMenemy of Boise on Nov. 5, 1955, at Pocatello. He died Dec. 24, 1966. She was a member of St. Mi- chael's Episcopal Cathedral and St. Hilda's Guild. Survivors °include a nephew, Everett R. Wood of West Covina, Calif.; a'grandpiece .,Linda Wood Van Horn of Ontario, Calif.;, two ggrandnephews, 'Larry Wood of an Jose, Calif.,' and William Wood of San Diego; and a cousin, Agnes Carter of Boise. Memorials may be made to St. Michael's Cathedral; the Moun- tain States Tumor Institute; or to a favorite charity. ��o Girl Scouts ����y $e 10 et' of o Gel s IVlou�� ot " fns progre s C C-Z sl ve ook 7 1976 ook "No Task is too Great for those who are willing. Library PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB P.O. Box 1446 McCaLL, Idaho 83638 YEARBOOK September 1986 - June 1987 MOTTO "No task is too greaL for those who are wi L LLng" 1. Civic improvement & to promote public welfare. 2. To enhance the beauty of our vMage. 3. To promote education, both physLcaL and LnteLLectuaL. 4. Research work for the edification of the members. S. To assure that Girl. Scouting remains active in McCaLL. FLower ..............TriLLLLRII CoLors ..............Green & Nhito Officers President Mary Mercer Vice President Sharon Crowley Secretary Barbara Knipe Treasurer Jo Bergstrom Standing Committees CIVIC HeLen Young GARDEN Harriet Jorgensen HISTORICAL Martha Chitwood MEMBERSHIP Jo Bergstrom Mary Mercer I PROGRAM Susan Lowman - Thomas Lori Gutowski MariLyn Krahn j Jayne Brown PUBLICITY Jeanette Jones SCRAPBOOK Dorothy Carter SOCIAL JoAnne Barnard Meryl, KantoLa Joan Norridin Joyce Schultz YEARBOOK Neva Michael, Ann MouLLen COOKBOOK Marge Evans Jean Shank CALLING Ginnie East Kay Schmidt Jerry EdeLen Kay DonneLLy MEET I NGS September 1986 - June 1987 ALL meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. on 2nd Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted. September 9 Warren & Jayne Brown 6 :30 p.m. Potluck Dinner October 14 Susan Lowman- Thomas VisuaL Gourmet Bring your favorite place setting November 11 Jeanette Seetin's Christmas Decorations by MariLyn Blattner December 9 Robin Gmirkin's Christmas Music Program by Meryl KantoLa January 13 McCaLL City Library GLoria CantreLL Susan Lowman- Thomas Library Program & Club History MEETINGS CONTINUED February 9 JoAnne BarnE A Touch of Romance by "Cup March 9 Jerry EdeLer Estate PLanning by Ken Eklund AprLL 13 Barbara Spring PLantingsKn�pe s May 11 VeLma Barrow's CoLor AnaLysis June 10 To be announced Luncheon "A Fantastic Journey" Come garbed as someone you've daydreamed of being JuLy 18 To be announced 2nd Annual, Wine Tasting Fund Raiser "1930 PAST PRESIDENTS -31 "1931 -32 Mrs. Michael Zriberry Mrs. Henry y Hoff 1933 -35 Mrs. Dezzie FlarweLL PAST PRESIDENTS CONTINUED 1935 -36 Mrs, Henry Mrs. 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1936 -42 HeLen Luzadder Mrs. 1965 -66 Mrs. ArLeen Defter 1942 -44 Don Numbers Mrs, 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1944 -45 S. W. Harwood Mrs. 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno NeLson 1945 -46 Otto KarLeskint Mrs. 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1946 -47 Glen Burnside Mrs. 1969 -70 Mrs. BILL Evans 1947 -48 A.A. Storkman Mrs. 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiff any 1948 -4g Perc y e Shlton Mrs, 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker .1949 -50 Lloyd Hague Mrs. 1972 -73 Mrs. John CLernmer 1950 -51 Don Numbers Mrs. 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1951 -52 Warren Brown Mrs, Kenneth 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1952 -53 Johnson Mrs. SheLl.y Timrn 1975 -76 Mrs. John ALLen, Jr. 1953 -54 Mrs. 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert ULLey 1954 -55 Frank Freeman Mrs. 1977 -78 Mrs. W.C. GuLLiksen 1955_56 MeriLL Evans Mrs' Ralph Paris 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1956 -57 Mrs. 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy BeyerLe 1957-58 Wyman Zachary Mrs. 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard 7._borowski 1958 -59 Mar Thurston Mrs, 1982 -83 Mrs. Anne Rush Byars 1959 -60 L.M. L�1 Johnson Mrs. 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol StandLey 1960 -61 Jack Seetin Mrs. BLair Mrs. ALine Pierce 1961 -62 Armstrong Mrs, 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles MouLLen 1962 -63 Arthur Jellison Mrs. 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard 1963 -64 WiLLiam Lancaster Mrs. Lori Gutowski WiLLiam Stokes Mrs. George WhitLock Sta n%� w s �, l , 5, I9.Y7 Wine - tasting to raise fund's for Progressive Club Residents and visitors to Mc- Call on Saturday will be able to sample fine wines and make a contribution to a good cause at the same time. The event is a wine- tasting sponsored by the Payette Lakes Progressive Club from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. The tasting will be held at the Payette Lake home of Barbara Knipe in the Sylvan Beach area. To reach the Knipe home, drive 3.8 miles on Warren Wagon Road from its intersection with Idaho 55. Arrival by boat also is permitted. Petros Winery near Boise will serve a large selection of wines, and suitable treats to accompany the wines will be provided. Tickets are $5 and are available from any Progressive Club member or at the door. This is the second year the wine- tasting has been held by the Progressive Club, a McCall social and service organization, event coordinator JoAnne Bernard said. "These moneys will help children in the McCall area, will provide additional equipment and supplies for the McCall Public Library, and will help us continue our planting and clean- up activities in McCall," Bernard said. W ine- tasters enjoy themselves during last year's event. Payette Lakes Progressive Club P.O. Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 Club Motto: No task is too great for those who are willing. V(ave you noticed spring flowers in the city park as you enter McCall _(from the south? Residents and visitors enjoy petunias cascading from containers along the sidewalks in the summer ,and lighted street decorations of skiers and snowflakes during the winter. Then you have seen a few projects our organization has sponsored. Beginning community services by the Payette Lakes Progressive Club were: helping to organize the Cemetery Foundation and helping to establish the library (the first library being a few shelves in an abandoned ladies' restroom within a garage). Later we helped to sponsor McCall Memorial Hospital. We joined in the activities of the first McCall Winter Carnivals, building floats and ice sculptures -even winning a prize now and then. When the McCall- Donnelly High School Band needed new uniforms, Progressive Club helped. One of our major ongoing services is supporting local Giri Scouting by funding new troops and summer camperships, and regionally the Silver Sage Council of Girl Scouting. We also provide scholarships, both academic and vo -tech to graduating seniors in the McCall- Donnelly and New Meadows High Schools. Recent community needs we have also met are: Special Olympics, Boy Sc,,uts, Library Fund, Red Cross and Snowdon Wildlife Refuge, to name a few. CVO O we a Le and tlOhat we do t Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. is a non - profit, phil- anthropic organization with over one hundred members. Our obiectives are: r Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare, Beautification of McCall; W Supporting Girl Scouting in McCall; Promoting education, both physical and intellectual; Research work for the edification of our members. 0 ur operating expenses are met by annual dues from members. All fundraising proceeds are returned to the community. Periodically, since 1940, the major fundraisers have been the Progressive Club cookbooks which are collections of recipes from members and friends, our most recent cookbook being Payette Lakes Bounty. We have also published two small specialty cookbooks: Soups On in the Mountains and Just Cookies. Our annual summer Winetasting/Silent Auction event specifically funds our scholarship program. We welcome contributions from friends of McCall who are interested in our continuing philanthropic endeavors. McCall is a pleasant, friendly place for "home folios" and visitors alike because of the efforts of Payette Lakes Progressive Club. The Payette Lakes Progressive Club organized 1930 1990 - 1991 McCall, Idaho OFFICERS President . . . . . Mardi B. Keen Vice President . . Sarah Moosman Secretary . . . . . . . Joan Perry Treasurer . . . . . . Ferne Krumm PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB P. 0. Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 YEARBOOK September 1990 - June 1991 MOTTO "No task is too great for those who are willing" 1. Civic improvement and to promote public welfare. 2. To enhance the beauty of our village. 3. To promote education_, both physical and intellectual. 4. Research work for the edification of the members. 5. To assure that Girl Scouting remains active in McCall. FLOWER . . . . . . . . TRILLIUM COLORS . . . . . GREEN AND WHITE DUES . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 - STANDING COMMITTEES CALLING Barbara Smith, CH. Jinny Bailey PROGRAM Velma Barrow Catherine Breckenridge Marilyn Conley Nathelle Equals PUBLICITY Marvel Friend Carolyn Johnson SCRAPBOOK Gladys Johnson_ Barbara Knipe SOCIAL Marge Roberts CIVIC Sylvia Brisbane, . CH. Penny Gibson COOKBOOK Marge Evans, CH. GARDEN Helen Young, CH. 1991 Marvel Friend WINE TASTING Jean Hart FUND RAISER Ferne Krumm HISTORICAL Martha Chitwood, CH. Catherine Breckenridge Nelle Tobias STANDING COMMITTEES - continued MEMBERSHIP Joyce Shultz, CH. Sarah Moosman PROGRAM Jo Bergstrom, CH. Sandy Cottrell Bobby Schoonover Bev Ingraham PUBLICITY Carolyn Johnson, CH. Mary Mercer ' SCRAPBOOK Mary Mercer, CH. Dorothy Carter SOCIAL Sally Allen, CH. Marge Evans Carol Dederick YEARBOOK Dorothy Carter, CH. Gladys Johnson 1991 WINE TASTING Ferne Krumm, CH. FUND RAISER MEETINGS - continued MEETINGS FEBRUARY 12 BARBARA SMITH'S September, 1990 - June, 1991 National Forest Archaeology All meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. on �� Larry Kingsbury Chinese Treasures" the SECOND TUESDAY of each month, un- less otherwise noted. MARCH 12 GLADYS JOHNSON'S SEPTEMBER. 12 BARBARA KNIPE'S Nelle Tobias, Bev Ingraham, Wednesday Potluck Luncheon �� Jinny Bailey �� The Roseberry Museum Noon_ Dolores Dugan: "Why Me ?" Bring Guests APRIL 9 THE McCALL LIBRARY OCTOBER 9 HARRIET JORGENSEN'S Gloria Cantrell Linda Holden "Summertime - and the "I Think I Need a Hug!" Reading's Easy" NOVEMBER 13 MARDI KEEN'S MAY 14 SYLVIA BRISBA.NE'S The S crapbook Committee Garden Committee "The Club Goes "Ti Toe Throu h the p Hysterical" Petunias!g DECEMBER. 11 JAYNE BROWN'S JUNE 12 KIMBERLAND MEADOWS Christmas for Everyone Installation of Officers and Joan. Lee Honoring Girl Scouts & Leaders "Bye, Bye Centennial" G STYLE SHOW LUNCHEON �� Fashions for You by Panuche JANUARY 8 SMOKE JUMPERS MEETING JULY 20 "WINE TASTING PARTY" ROOM Sandy Cottrell 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. "Sliding with Sandy Place to be Announced Around the World" PAST PRESIDENTS PAST PRESIDENTS - continued 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zriberry 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff Mrs. George Whitlock 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzie Harwell 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1965 -66 Mrs. Arleen Defler 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1936 -42 Mrs. Don Numbers 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1942 -44 Mrs. S. W. Harwood 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1944 -45 Mrs. Otto Karleskint 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1945 -46 Mrs. Glen Burnside 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1946 -47 Mrs. A. A. Storkman 1971 -72 Miss Velma Schoemaker 1947 -48 Mrs. Percy Shelton 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague 1973 -74 Miss Velma Schoemaker 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, Jr. 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm 1977 -78 Mrs. W. C. Gulliksen 1953 -54 Mrs. Frank Freeman 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1954 -55 Mrs. Merill Evans 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard Bzorowski 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary 1982 -83 Mrs. Ann Rush Byars 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol Standley 1958 -59 Mrs. L. M. Johnson Mrs. Aline Peirce 1959 -60 Mrs. Jack Seetin 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles Moullen 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison. Mrs. Wayne Gutowski 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1986 -88 Mrs. Andrew Mercer 1988 -89 Barbara Knipe 1989 -90 Mrs. John Allen 0 "No task is too great -- for those tho are willing" She's new, but who? She's moved, but where? Her phone's not that, but. what? ............ so, write it here To have it there! ME iAy£77£ LAKES i2OgRESSI V£ CLUB o2ganized - 1930 sr' 1991 - 1992 1IcCaU, Idaho OFFICERS PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB P. 0. Box 1446 President . . . . . Carolyn Johnson McCall, Idaho 83638 Vice President . . . Sarah Moosman YEARBOOK Secretary . . . . . . . Joan Perry September 1991 - June 1992 Treasurer . . . . Bobbie Schoonover MOTTO "No Bask is too great for those who are willing" 1. Civic improvement and to promote PLEDGE public welfare. 2. To enhance the beauty of our floeding my mem ,ezzhip in the l ayEiie community. Lake,3 Pzogzehzi.ve Ceug, Inc. , az 3. To promote education, both zome-thing zaczed and wo2-�hy of my physical and intellectual. un.aieing toyae4 , I wiee zurtai.n k. Research work for the edifica- .the Ceue in i-t.6 good wo2k and guaad tion of the members. i.tz izzpata.tjon ah eong a,6 1 am a 5. To assure that Girl Scouting remains active in McCall. mem9,ea FLOWER . . . TRILLIUM COLORS . . . GREEN AND WHITE DUES . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 MEETINGS - continued FEBRUARY 11 ANITA WINKEL'S MEETINGS Speaker on September, 1991 - 1992 "Pros & Cons of Val Bois" All meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. on MARCH 10 LEE CRAWFORD'S the SECOND TUESDAY of each month, un- Speaker less otherwise noted. on SEPTEMBER 10 HIGH MOUNTAIN "Forest Service" noon LLAMA RANCH APRIL 14 BARBARA SMITH'S "Box Social" Fred Norman from Boise OCTOBER 8 PEGGY CLEMMER'S on Speaker "Drugs" on "One Per Cent Tax" MAY 12 MILDRED REDDICK'S NOVEMBER 12 LAURIE BRAUN'S Speaker Florist Talk on on on "Christmas Decor" ,TUNE 9 NORTH OF CANCUN DECEMBER 12 JAYNE BROWN'S Spring Luncheon "Christmas Program" "Installation of New Officers" JANUARY 14 FRANCES ROSS'S Speaker on "Planning & Zoning" PAST PRESIDENTS PAST PRESIDENTS - continued 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zriberry 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1965 -66 Mrs. Arleen Defler 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzie Harwell 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1936 -42 Mrs. Don Numbers 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1942 -44 Mrs. S. W. Harwood 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1944 -45 tors. Otto Karleskint 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1945 -46 Mrs. Glen Burnside 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1946 -47 Mrs. A. A. Storkman 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1947 -48 Mrs. Percy Shelton 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, Jr. 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown 1977 -78 Mrs. W. C. Gulliksen 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle 1953 -54 Mrs. Frank Freeman 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard Bzorowski 1954 -55 Mrs. Merill Evans 1982 -83 Mrs. Ann Rush Byars 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol Standley 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary Mrs. Aline Peirce 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles Moullen 1958 -59 Mrs. L. M. Johnson 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard 1959 -60 Mrs. Jack Seetin Mrs. Wayne Gutowski 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong 1986 -88 Mrs. Andrew Mercer 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison 1988 -89 Barbara Knipe 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1989 -90 Mrs. John Allen 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes 1990 -91 Mrs. Herbert Keen Mrs. George Whitlock T She's new, but who? She's moved, but where? Her phone's not that, but what? ............ so write it here To have it there! "No task is too great for those who are willing" S�06j�° Progressives s The Payette Lake Progressive Club will hold a luncheon at Camp Alice Pittenger in McCall on Tuesday to draw attention to the pressing needs facing the Girl Scout camp. The brown -bag luncheon will start at noon at the camp, which is located along Pilgrim Cove Road off Lick Creek Road in the east arm of Payette Lake. Speaker for the day will be Sheila Gibson, director of the Silver Sage Girl Scout Council. Guests and prospective members are invited potlight camp to attend. Camp Pittenger is faced with up- grading its water system to comply with new federal drinking -water standards, and much work is needed on the camp's living quarters, sup- porters of the camp said. More than 500 girls from throughout southern Idaho use the camp each year. Support for the Girl Scouts is re- quired in the Progressive Club's constitution, and the club makes regular donations to support local troops. For information on Tuesday's luncheon, call 634 -5304. 17l/d11 q,jjjZ 7KC PAyC77C LAKES i i20Gi2CSSZVC CLLL13 o,zganized - 1930 1993 - 1994 McCa", Idaho OFFICEKS President . . . . . . .Dorothy Mott Vice President. . . . Janet Simmons Secretary . . . . . Tina McChrystal Treasurer . . . . Bobbie Schoonover l PL£DG£ floid-ing my ,i t .the Payette L.ak" l)2og zee .6.ivc C.&&, Inc., a.6 .6ome- th-ing .6aclted and woAth y o/ my unlaiting ioyatP y, I w i-U zuz&,in - he. C&t in .i is good work and gua/zd it� itepu. & -ion a6 .bony az I am a mem&e-1t. PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB P. O. Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 YEARBOOK September 1993 - June 1994 MOTTO "No task is too great for those who are willing" 1. Civic improvement and to promote public welfare. 2. To enhance the beauty of our community. 3. To promote education, both physical and intellectual. 4. Research work for the edification of the members. 5. To assure that Girl Scouting remains active in McCall. FLOWER . . . . . . . . . . . TRILLIUM 00LORS . . . . . . . . GREEN and WHITE DUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 STANDING COMMITTEF,S STANDING COMMITI I."3 - conLi►iued CALLING JOAN PERRY ) GARDEN (cont'd) Minerva Halvorson HELEN YOUNG ) CO-CH. Barbara Knipe Marjorie E:rlebach Skipper McKellor Joan di �7 Evans Charlot e Pat Gore Mildred Redd.ick Jennifer Ingals Lea Linville HISTORICAL MARTHA CHITfnI00D, CH. Tina McChrystal Nelle Tobias Sarah Moosman Ann Potter MEMBERSHIP MARION KALBUS, G:-I. Barbara Knipe CIVIC BARBARA SMITH PROGRAM: CAROLYN JOHNSON, CH. COOKBOOK MARJ EVANS ) CO -CH' Jerry Corbett JANET SIMMONS ) Sarah Moosman Sally Allen Ginny East PUBLICITY: MARILYN ARP Coleen Hall Marion Kalbus SCRAPBOOK SALLY ALLEN Skipper McKellor Dorothy Mott SOCIAL JUDY SLATON, CH. Bev Pickering Fran Brost Maggie Crum GARDEN JOYCE SCHULTZ, CH. Janet Simmons Marti Brooks Dorothy Carter YEARBOOK DOROTHY CARTER, CH. Marvel Friend Maj Evans Joyce Schultz MEETINGS MEETINGS - continued September, 1993 - June, 1994 FEBRUARY 8 BARBARA SMITH'S All meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. on ��Speaker: Peter Johnson the SECOND TUESDAY of each month, unless Payette Lake Water otherwise noted. Quality Study" SEPTEMBER 14 NORTH FORK LODGE MARCH 8 JANET SIMMONS' 12:00 noon Speaker: Bill Krumm Speaker: Linda Comstock luncheon "Idaho Chit of Doors" "Decorating " OCTOBER 12 SKIPPER McKELLOR'S APRIL 12 RUTH BENNETT'S Speaker: Mindy Harm Speakers: Janet Simmons "Idaho Conservation League" Marsha Gauss "Two 'Sassy' Ladies" NOVEMBER 9 TINA McCHRYSTAL'S Speaker: Sally Allen MAY 10 DOROTHY MOTT 'S "Presents Her Doll Collection" Speaker: Patty White "Community Art Movement DECKER 14 in Rural America" "Christmas for the Children" (To Be Announced) JUNE 16 SHORE LODGE Spring Luncheon JANUARY 11 JUDY SLATON'S Hostessed by the Speaker: Sandy Cottrell Social Committee "Around the World in Forty Minutes" PAST PRESIDENTS - continued PAST PRFSTDENTS 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zriberry 1965 -66 Mrs. Arleen Defler 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzie Harwell 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1935 -36 Mrs. uelen Luzadder 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1936 -42 Mrs. Don Numbers 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1942 -44 Mrs. S. W. Harwood 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1944 -45 Mrs. Otto Karleskint 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1945 -46 Mrs. Glen Burnside 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1946 -47 Mrs. A. A. Storkman 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1947 -48 Mrs. Percy Shelton 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, Jr. 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers 1977 -78 Mrs. W. C. Gulliksen 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard Bzorowski 1953 -54 Mrs. Frank Freeman 1954 -55 Mrs. Merill Evans 1982 -83 Mrs. Ann Rush Byars 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol Standley 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary Mrs. Aline Peirce 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles Moullen 1958 -59 Mrs. L. M. Johnson 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard 1959 -60 Mrs. Jack Seetin Mrs. Wayne Gutowski 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong 1986 -88 Pairs. Andrew Mercer 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison 1988 -89 Barbara Knipe 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1989 -90 Mrs. John Allen 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes 1990 -91 Mrs. Herbert Keen Mrs. George Whitlock 1991 -93 Mrs. Peter Johnson She's new, but who? She's moved, but where? Her phone's not that, but what? .......... so write it here To have it there! "No task is too great -- for those who are willing" 1993- 199¢ CLUB OFFICERS President ................. Dorothy .Mott Vice President ............. Janet Simnwns Secretan ............... Tina McChnstal Treasure ............... Bobbie Schoonover Payette Lakes Progressive Club P.O. Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 (208) 634 -5304 Club Motto: "No task is too great for those who are willing." 12.W PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. Established 1930 Incorporated 1989 Have you noticed spring flowers in the city park as you enter McCall from the south; petunias cascading from the containers along sidewalks during the summer; and lighted street decorations of skiers and snow flakes during the winter? Then you have seen a few projects our organization has sponsored. Beginning projects by the Payette Lakes Progressive Club were: helping to organize the Cemetery Foundation and helping to establish the library (the first library being a few shelves in an abandoned ladies restroom within a garage). Later, we helped to sponsor McCall Memorial Hospital. We joined in the activities of the first McCall Winter Carnivals, building floats and snow sculptures -- even winning a prize now and then. When the McCall- Donnelly High School Band needed new uniforms, Progressive Club helped, and we give to the local Girl Scouts for their needs and camperships. In 1992, the Silver Sage Council received $1,500 from Payette Lakes Progressive Club as we reached beyond the McCall troops to help other scouts. WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. is a non-profit, philanthropic organization with over one hundred members. Our objectives are: Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare; Beautification of McCall; Supporting Girl Scouting in McCall; Promoting education, both physical and intellectual; Research work for the edification of our members. Our operating expenses are met by annual dues from members; all funds raised for Progressive Club by members are returned to the community. Periodically, since 1940, the major fund - raisers have been the Progressive Club Cookbooks which are collections of recipes from club members and friends. Recently, we have published two specialty cookbooks: Soup's On In the Mountains and Just Cookies. We are now compiling our sixth new cookbook which will be published in the spring of 1994. We welcome contributions from Friends of McCall who are interested in our continuing philanthropic endeavors. McCall is a pleasant, friendly place for "home folks" and visitors alike because of the efforts of the Payette Lakes Progressive Club. ,C GitGl Y q /(Pq ee*I X0007 0 New cookie cookbook out in time for holidays MCCALL — "Just Cookies," the Payette Lakes Progressive Clubs newest mini- cookbook, is available now in area stores. Priced at only $7, the book is loaded with cookie recipes, many of them just right for the holidays. As an added bonus, those in tlae stores now include a cookie cutter tied with a festive bow. "Just Cookies" makes a great hostess gift as well and may be pur- chased at K & L Jewelry, Krahn's Home Furnishings, May Hardware. McCall Drug, Mountain Monkey Business, Paul's Market. Sassy and Shaver's Market. Funds from the sale of cookbooks are used in civic and service pro- jects which benefit the entire community. You are also reminded to get tickets before Dec. 12 for the deco- rated Christmas tree worth $700, which will be raffled off to benefit the Club in its support of youth activities. The tree is on display at the Spring Mountain Ranch office in Market Square. Tickets sell for $2 each or 3 for $5 and may be purchased from Progressive Club members as well as Market Square shops. The draw- ing will be held Dec. 12, and you do not have to be present to win. For more information, please call 634 -7018. Locals' cookie cookbook now on shelves MCCALL — "Just Cookies," the Payette Lakes Progressive Club's newest mini - cookbook, is available now in area stores. Priced at only $7, the book is loaded with cookie recipes, many of them just right for the holidays. As an added bonus, those in the stores now include a cookie cutter tied with a festive bow. "Just Cookies" makes a great hostess gift as well and may be pur- chased at K & L Jewelry, Krahn's Home Furnishings, May Hardware, McCall Drug, Mountain Monkey Business, Paul's Market, Sassy and Shaver's Market. Funds from the sale of cookbooks are used in civic and service projects which benefit the entire community. Photo by Tom Grote Progressives publish new cookbook Members of the Payette Lakes Progressive Club dis- play newly released copies of "Payette Lakes Bounty," the new sixth edition cookbook published by the club and on sale in businesses throughout McCall. The first edition of the cookbook was printed 1941 and since then has been the major fund- raiser for the Progressive Club. Holding the books, from left, are Judy Abbett, cookbook coordinator; Marj Evans, cookbook chair; Dorothy Mott, club president; and Margi McDaniel, cookbook coordinator. The booktra- ditionally has been a collector's item. To order by mail, send $14.95 to the Payette Lakes Progressive Club Inc., Box 1446, McCall, ID 83638. The price includes tax, postage and handling. The nonprofit club will use the proceeds to support local Girl Scouts, Special Olym- pics, the McCall Public Library and other needs. T/a,tpsman— A- uqC-1st-31 / ?1 � Payette Lakes cookbook shows I think that almost everyone who ever has been to Payette Lake has fallen in love with that glorious place. I know I did a long time ago. To tell you the truth, I have a bare - bottomed picture of myself sunning up there at the age of a few months. Obviously, my memories are flooding back. What triggered them is a wonderful new cook- book published by the Payette Lakes Progressive Club. That is a non - profit group established in 1930 to do all sorts of wonderful things for the area, too many to list here and still give you rec- ipes. "Payette Lakes Bounty" is the title of the latest. Other books have been published in the past, all collector's items now. This one has attractive section divid- ers with photos of the area and descriptions. There is a chapter on huckleberries that even in- cludes instructions on how to pick them. After mosquitoes and scratches, you will appreciate this one a lot. The wild game and wild fowl chapter will appeal to many, along with a section on outdoor and Dutch oven cookery. Of course, there are lots of other more conventional sections — all with terrific recipes from res- Romaine Galey Hon idents. The book is available in Boise at the Book Shop on Main Street and in McCall at many businesses for only $12. You can get it by mail by sending $14.95 (including tax, postage and han- dling) to: Payette Lakes Pro- gressive Club, P.O. Box 1446, McCall, ID 83638. Here is a sample, guaranteed to be terrific. It is a microwave recipe but can be adjusted for a conventional oven. off the area broken in pieces 1 teaspoon brandy 1 pound peeled shrimp or scallops Pinch of thyme, crushed Dash of salt and white pepper In microwave, melt 2 tablespoons butter; stir in flour. Cook for 11/2 minutes on high or until mixture bubbles. Add cream to mixture a little at a time. Stir until smooth. Add Gruyere; stir. Cook on high, stirring occasionally, until thickened, about 6 minutes. Add brandy. Saute shrimp and thyme in remaining 1 tablespoon butter until pink. Add to sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve over rice or pasta. Sally Hamilton has been looking for a recipe for flour tortilla appetizers, so here is one from the Payette Lakes cookbook. Pete Abbett's Shrimp or Nancy Grove's Flour Scallop Mornay Tortilla Roll -Ups 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 21/2 cups cream or canned milk 4 ounces Gruyere cheese, 2 packages chopped spinach, cooked and squeezed dry 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup sour cream 6 to 8 green onions, chopped 1 cup bacon bits 12 -inch flour tortillas Mix all ingredients and spread approximately 1/3 cup on each tortilla. Roll up, ending with seam side down. Cover with plastic wrap. Chill. Slice before serving. Should be made a day ahead. OT A! Payette Lakes Progressive Club Yearbook PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. P.O. Box 1446 OFFICERS McCall, Idaho 83638 fi President ....................... Bobbi Schoonover Vice President ..................... Janet Simmons Secretary ............................ Lea Linville Treasurer ...................... Skipper McKellar September 1994 -June 1995 MOTTO "No task is too great for those who are willing" PLEDGE GOALS Holding my membership in the Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc., as sacred and Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare. worthy of my unfailing loyalty, 1 will Beautification of our community. sustain the Club in its good work and guard Promotion of education, physically and intellectually. its reputation as long as I am a member. Supporting the activities of Girl Scouting. Flower . ............................... Trillium Colors ......................... Green and White Dues.... ............................... $5.00 STANDING COMMITTEES Cook Book ..................... Mad Evans, Ch. Program ...................... Geri Corbet, Ch. Bev Pickering Ruth Bennett Marvel Friend Sharon Wolfe Barbara Knipe Publicity y " " " " " " " "" ina McCh stal, Ch. Marion Kalbus Judy Slaton Yearbook ..................... Judy Abbett, Ch. Dorothy Mott Garden ...................... Dorothy Mott, Ch. Calling ..................... Helen Young Co -Ch. Mildred Reddick ............................. Joan Perry Co -Ch. Minerva Halverson Marjorie Erlebach Frances Bacalski Sarah Moosman Joyce Shultz Minerva Halverson Jennifer Ingles Civic ....................... Barbara Smith, Ch. Coleen Hall Mardi Keen Nancy Grove Bea Kopp Special Request ��'���������� Janet Simmons, Ch. Joan Nordin Skipper McKellar Fran Ross Hospitality .................... Judy Slaton, Ch. Sarah Moosman Sarah Moosman Bea Kopp Pat Gore Joan Perry Skipper McKellar Barbara Knipe Jo Bergstrom Historical ................. Martha Chitwood, Ch. Membership P ................. Marion Kalbus Ch. Nelle Tobias Coleen Hall Ginny East Nathelle Equals Scrap Book ..................... Mardi Keen, Ch. Jo Bergstrom MEETING SCHEDULE September 1994 - June 1995 Meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted. September 13 NOON Home of Bobbi Schoonover PotluckBring a Friend Self -Help ............ Candy Anderson October 11 2:00 p.m. Home of Skipper McKellar Bits and Pieces /Fun with Quilting ................... Joyce Alexander November 8 2:00 p.m. Home of Judy Slaton Cookie Exchange - Bring your favorite cookie and recipe! Creative Christmas ........ Deb Yensen December 13 2:00 p.m. at Shore Lodge Holiday Music January 10 Home of Mardi Keen "Cooking with Kay Henderson" February 14 Home of Jeanette Seetin "Legal Aspects of Managing Wealth" ..................... Greg Pittenger March 14 Home of Jayne Brown "Investments and Women" .. Mark Daley April 11 Home of Fran Ross "Books, Books, Books" ...... Mardi Keen May 9 Home of Judy Abbett "Lightside of Landscaping and Gardening" ....................... Julie Grove June 13 Noon at Shore Lodge "Fashions with Mountain MonkeyBusiness" PAST PRESIDENTS 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zriberry 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff' 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzie Harwell 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder 1936 -42 Mrs. Don Numbers 1942 -44 Mrs. S. W. Harwood 1944 -45 Mrs. Otto Karleskint 1945 -46 Mrs. Glen Burnside 1946 -47 Mrs. A.A. Storkman 1947 -48 Mrs. Percy Shelton 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm 1953 -54 Mrs. Frank Freeman 1954 -55 Mrs. Merill Evans 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston 1958 -59 Mrs. L.M. Johnson 1959 -60 Mrs. Jack Seetin 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes 1993 -94 Mrs. George Whitlock 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1965 -66 Mrs. Arlene Defler 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, Jr. 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1977 -78 Mrs. W.C. Gulliksen 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard Bzorowski 1982 -83 Mrs. Ann Rush Byars 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol Standley Mrs. Aline Peirce 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles Moullen 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard Mrs. Wayne Gutowski 1986 -88 Mrs. Andrew Mercer 1988 -89 Barbara Knipe 1989 -90 Mrs. John Allen 1990 -91 Mrs. Herbert Keen 1991 -93 Mrs. Peter Johnson 1993 -94 Mrs. Richard Mott S- d h f(e(A)s June 151 199 Progressives set wine - tasting The Pa me Lake P t y s mgreasive Club will present a Wine Tasting Fund Raiser on Saturday, June 24, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The wine tasting will be held at the home of Janet and Gary Simmons at 1424 Eagle Drive, just off the 1 lth hole of the McCall Golf Course. The Help Canyon Winery will be featuring several wines: Retriever Red, Bird Dog White, Reserve Chardonnay and Barrel Fermented Chardonnay. Tickets for this event are a $10 donation and are available from any Progressive Club member, Sassy's, Mountain Monkey Business, Ec•lec•tic and Harvest Moon. All money raised will benefit the community through the Community School Fund, Silver Sage Girl Scouts, the Planter Beautification, McCall Public Library and others. This benefit features not only the excellent wines of the Hells Canyon Winery but also hor d'oeuvres created by members of the Payette Lakes Pro- gressive Club. -77tP S-Y�ar - /Ypw -.; - 2 / 9s' Star -News Photo by Shari Hambletor Laurie Braun, Janet Simmons invite you to Saturday's wine - tasting. Wine- tasting set for Saturday to support Progressive Club The Payette Lakes Progressive Club will present a Wine Tasting Fund Raiser on Saturday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The wine tasting will be held at the home of Janet and Gary Simmons at 1424 Eagle Drive, just off the 11th hole of the McCall Golf Course. The Hells Canyon Winery will be featuring several wines: Retriever Red, Bird Dog White, Reserve Chardonnay and Barrel Fermented Chardonnay. Tickets for this event are a $10 donation and are available from an} Progressive Club member, Sassy's, Mountain Monkey Business, Ec•lec•tic and Harvest Moon. All money raised will benefit the community through the Community School Fund, Silver Sage Girl Scouts, the Planter Beautification project, McCall Public Library and other ac- tivities. This benefit features not only the excellent wines of the Hells Canyon Winery but also hor d'oeuvres created by members of the Progressive Club. T7%, Stir Npw Progressives make $5,575 in donations The Payette Lakes Progressive Club donated $5,575 to local orga- nizations and charities at its annual luncheon last week. Through the sale of its cook- book, "Payette Lakes Bounty," the club was able to contribute to the Girl Scout Council, McCall Special Olympics fund, McCall Public Li- brary, Community Children's Medi- cal Fund, McCall Childrens Park, the local Red Cross drive, Central Idaho Interpretive Museum and Visitors Center, and the McCall Memorial Hospital. The club is also responsible for planting petunias in 80 barrels in McCall. The Payette Lakes Progressive Club is non - profit philanthropic or- ganization and all funds raised by the club are returned to the commu- nity. Their objective are civic im- provement and promotion of public welfare, beautification of the com- munity, promotion of education, and supporting Girl Scouting. The club meets September through May on the second Tues- day of the month in members' homes. Those interested in mem- bership can call Joan Perry at 634- 2186 for more information. F 7 A tower of flowers Twenty members of the Payette Lakes Progressive Club graced the community with flowers last week during the club's annual planting of flowers in planters at 44 area businesses. Pictured, from left are: Janet Simmonds, McCall, outgoing president; Marvel Friend, McCall, garden committee member; Skipper McKellar, McCall, incoming president; and Myrna VanCour, Donnelly, garden committee chair. The Progressive Club will hold its annual meeting on Monday starting at noon at Shore Lodge. To make reservations, call Lucia Revello at 634 -2997. Star -News photo by Roger Phillips -IUL_� a7,8 1 ��0 THE STAR -NEWS - THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1996 Star -News Photo by Tom Grote Progressive Club wine tasting buys scholarships Graduating seniors at McCall - Donnelly and Meadows Valley high schools will benefit from the Presi- dents' Wine Tasting Garden Party scheduled for Saturday in McCall. The wine tasting will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday at the home of Janet and Gary Simmons, 1424 Eagle Drive. The event is sponsored by the Pay- ette Lakes Progressive Club, which uses the proceeds to grant a scholar- ship to agraduating senior. This year's recipient was Katy Moss, daughter of Dick and Susan Moss of Donnelly, who will enroll this fall at the Univer- sity of Idaho. For a $10 donation, those attend- ing the wine- tasting will be able to sample elegant wines as well as hors d'oeuvres and olive oil. Tickets are now on sale at Sassy, Mountain Mon- key Business and Krahn's Home Fur- nishings, and also will be available at the door. Co -chair Mardi Keen will greet guests at Saturday's wine tasting. ��v (CI "96-"97 Payette Lakes Progressive Club Yearbook OFFICERS "ESIDENT ............................. SKIPPER HcKP.LLAR VICE PRESIDENT ........................ BETTY HARTIR SECRETARY............................. FRANCES BACAL:K1 TREASURER............................. PAT CORE PLE12G Holding my membership in the Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc., as sacred and worthy of my unfailing loyalty, 1 will sustain the Club In Its good work and guard Its reputation as long as 1 am a member. P.O. BOX 1446 McCAL1, ID 83639 SEPTEMBER 1996 - JUNE 1997 "NO TASK IS TOO GREAT FOR TIIOSE WHO ARE WILLING Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare. Beautification of our community. Promotion of education, physically and Intellectually. Supporting the activities of Girl Scouting. Colors ....»».»....»...».»... ......._».»..�....w.........,,G reenwWWWte --------- �--- -- $SAO STANDING COMMITTEES COOKBOOK.... ........................'Robin Gmirkin, Ch. Marilyn Perry Francis Bacalski Marvel Friend Judy Slaton Beatrice Kopp CALLING.............................. Sarah Moosman, Ch. Minerva Halvorson Dorothy Hampton Gloria Cantrell HOSPITALITY .......................... MEMBERSHIP........................... Joan Perry, Ch. SCRAPBOOK.. .......................... Mardi Keen, Ch. PROGRAM.............................. Carolyn Johnson, Ch. PUBLICITY............................ YEARBOOK............................. Joan Perry Skipper McKellar. Betty Martin Francis Bacalski Pat Gore GARDEN Mildred Reddick Joyce Schultz Barbara Knipe Dorothy Mott Ferne Krumm Skipper McKellar CIVIC. ............................... Barbara Smith,Ch. SPECIAL REQUEST ...................... Betty Martin, Ch. Joan Perry Sarah Moosman Dorothy Hampton Barbara Knipe HISTORICAL ........................... Nelle Tobias, Ch. Nathelle Equals Martha Chitwood Gloria Cantrell SCHOLARSHIP FUND ..................... Fran Ross, Ch. Janet Simmons Joyce Schultz Louise Stubblefield WINE TASTING ......................... MEETING SCHEDULE September 1995 - June 1997 Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m., the second Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise advised. September 10 - Meadowcreek, New Meadows No Host Luncheon 11 :30 What's Happening - Follow -up by Melodie Lamm October 8 - tome of Skipper McKellar Heartland Gallery with Liz Cook November 12 -.tome of Judy Slaton Students: Improvisation Demo, Judi Anderson December 10 - Spring Mountain Ranch House Sweet Pea Mountain Skivvies, by Leslie Clark January 14 - Home of Jane Brown Artistry in Design by Cale Nehrig February 11 - McCall Memorial Hospital, Boulder & Granite Rooms Decorators Delight - An Irish Theme, by Lea Linville. Come see our Brickl March 11 - Home of Betty Martin About Town I, by Marilyn Arp April 8 - home of Janet Simmons Pumping Up for Summer, by Randi Albrechtsen May 13 - home of Dorothy Mott About Town II, by Kathy Showers June 11 - Noon -.Luncheon Installation of Officers 1930.31 1931 -32 1932 -33 1933 -35 1935 -36 1936 -42 1942 -44 1944 -45 1945 -S6 1946 -47 1947 -48 1948 -49 1949.50 1950-51 1951 -S2 1952 -S3 1953 -54 1954 -SS 19SS -S6 1956 -57 1957 -58 1958 -S9 1959.60 1960.61 1961.62 1962 -63 1963.64 1964.65 PAST PREStnrNTS Mrs. Michael Zriberry Mrs. Henry Hoff Mrs. Dezzle Harwell Mrs. henry Hoff Mrs. Helen Luzadder Mn. Don Numbers Mrs. S.W. Harwood Mn. Otto Karleskint Mrs. Glen Burnside Mrs. A.A. Storkman Mrs. Percy Shelton Mn. Uoyd Hague Mrs. Don Numbers Mn. Warren Brown Mrs. Kenneth Johnson ?4m Shelly Timm Mrs. Frank Freeman Mn. Merill Evans Mn. Ralph Paris mss. Wyman Zachary Mrs. Mary Thurston Mrs. L.M. Johnson Mrs. Jack Seetln Mrs. Blair Armstrong Mn. Arthur Jellison Mrs. William Lancaster Mrs. William Stokes Mrs. George Whitlock Mrs. Jack Saubert 1965 -66 1966 -67 1967 -68 1968 -69 1969 -70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 1980 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -88 1988 -89 1989 -90 1990 -91 1991 -93 1993 -94 1994 -95 Mrs. Arlene Defler Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland Mrs. Deno Nelson Mrs. Robert Scoles Mrs. Bill Evans Mrs. Douglas Tiffany Mrs. Velma Shoemaker Mrs. John Clemmer Mrs. Velma Shoemaker Mrs. Blanch Gibbs Mrs. John Allen, Jr. Mrs. J. Robert Lllley Mrs. W. C. GuWksen Mrs. Robert L. Farber Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle Mrs. Leonard Zbborowski Mrs. Ann Rush asyars Mrs. Carol Standiey Mrs. Aline Peirce Mrs. Charles Moullen Mrs. JoAnne Barnard Mrs. Wayne Gutowski Mrs. Andrew Mercer Barbara Knipe Mrs. John Allen Mrs. Herbert Keen Mrs. Peter Johnson Mrs, Richard Mott Mrs. Richard Schoonover 1995 -96 Mrs. Janet Simmons -7AF star 1len s 7)/g r 5- /'V Progressive Club wine - tasting Photo byTorrGrote Sunny skies and a lakefront view greeted participants winery. Above, club member Barbara Knipe, right, on Saturday to the benefit wine - tasting staged by the serves wine with Jack Cortabitarte, president of Payette Lakes Progressive Club. The home of Jack Chapelle USA. Proceeds from the event will be used to and Jeanette Seetin in McCall was the site of the wine- support the various civic projects conducted by the tasting, which featured selections from Ste. Chapelle Progressive Club throughout the year. `tl Star - /Y &r✓ c -- 71 _1,,1/ 97 Wine tasting to benefit McCall's Progressive Club The Payette Lakes Progressive Club in McCall will hold its annual Wine Tasting and Auction on Satur- day to raise money for its scholarship fund. The event is set for 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Spring Mountain Ranch Clubhouse. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Krahn's Home Furnishings, Sassy's, Mountain Monkey Business, orby calling Event Chair Dorothy Hampton at 634 -8562. A silent auction will include a lake cruise, including wine and dinner, as well as a painting of the former Pay- ette Lake sawmill by Pat Kuper and tied flies for hats made by Ferne Krumm of McCall. Other items include four golf passes at MeadowCreek Golf Course, a stay at the Highland Inn in Carmel, Calif., and items donated by Mountain Mon- key Business. For more information, call 634 -8562. Star -News Photo by Roger Phillips Dorothy Mott, Dorothy Hampton and Dottie Moore enjoy a Payette Lake outing. A boat cruise and dinner will be among the silent auction items at Saturday's wine tasting. 1997 - 98 Zce ,zs President ........... Myrna rancour Vice President....... Betty Martin Secretary ........... Joan Perry Treasurer ........... Pat Gore Pa,Tecte Lakes Progressive Ciu'tj P.O. Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 (208) 325 -8277 �l«6 ' 11(otto: No task is too great for those who are willing REVISED 1130198 ave you noticed spring flowers in (�4the city park as you enter McCall from the soutn? Residents and visitors enjoy petunias cascading from containers along the sidewalks in the summer and lighted street decorations of skiers and snowflakes during the winter. Then you have seen a few projects our organization has sponsored. Beginning community services by the Payette Lakes Progressive Club were: helping to organize the Cemetery Foundation and helping to establish the library (the first library being a few shelves in an abandoned ladies' restroom within a garage). Later we helped to sponsor McCall Memorial . Hospital. We joined in the activities of the first McCall Winter Carnivals, building floats and ice sculptures -even winning a prize now and then. When the McCall- Donnelly High School Band needed new uniforms, Progressive Club helped. One of our major ongoing services is supporting local Girl Scouting by funding new troops and summer camperships, and regionally the Silver Sage Council of Girl Scouting. We also provide scholarships, both academic and vo-tech to graduating seniors in the McCall- Donnelly and New Meadows High Schools. Recent community needs we have also met are: Special Olympics, Boy Scouts, Library Fund, Red Cross and Snowdon Wildlife Refuge, to name a few. CAV AO we ate and CA."hat we do r Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. is a non - profit, pbil- antbropic organization with over one hundred members. Our objectives are: re Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare; Beautification of McCall; 'ie Supporting Girl Scouting in McCall; r Promoting education, both physical and intellectual; r Research work for the edification of our members. ur operating expenses are met by annual dues from members. All fundraising proceeds are returned to the community. Periodically, since 1940, the major fundraisers have been the Progressive Club cookbooks which are collections of recipes from members and friends, our most recent cookbook being Payette Lakes Bounty. We have also published two small specialty cookbooks: Soups On in the Mountains and just Cookies. Our annual summer Winetasting /Silent Auction event specifically funds our scholarship program. We welcome contributions from friends of McCall who are interested in our continuing philanthropic endeavors. McCall is a pleasant, friendly place for "home folks" and visitors alike because of the efforts of Payette Lakes Progressive Club. OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Myrna VanCour Betty Martin Joan Perry Pat Gore PLEDGE Holding my membership in the Payette Lakes Progressive Club as sacred and worthy of my unfailing loyalty, I will sustain the Club in its good works and guard its reputation as long as I am a member. 3aiyette Ya1e4 A "44Lvp, (6144 Jwc. PO Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 SEPTEMBER 1997 -JUNE 1998 MOTTO "No task is too greatfor those who are willing." GOALS Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare; Beautification of our community; Promotion of education, physically and intellectually; Supporting the activities of Girl Scouting. Flower Trillium Colors Green and white Dues $ 5.00 2 3 STANDING COMMITTEES CHAIRMEN jIleeting Y>r�llwd A September 1997 - June 1998 Membership Joan Perry Meetings are held at 1:00pm on the Calling Sarah Moosman SECOND TUESDAY of each month, unless otherwise noted. Yearbook Joan Perry September 9 MEADOWCREEK, NEW MEADOWS Hospitality Joyce Schultz No-Host Luncheon, 11:30 October 14 HOME OF JAYNE BROWN Program Dottie Moore Slides from the Browns' travels in foreign lands �ni1a,-,J. e -- November 11 HOME OIAKAREN BURDEN Publicity Barbara Knipe Karen, of "Beyond the Trees," will show us how to make a Christmas swag Scrapbook Mardi Keen December 9 SHORE LODGE Refreshments and Ray Venable at the piano Garden Lucia Revello January 13 HOME OF BARBARA SMITH Monica of Heartland Travel: Winter Vacation Spots Civic Barbara Smith February 10 HOME OF JUDY SLATON Jenny Keiser - Ruemele, Director of the McCall Arts Historical Martha Chitwood & Humanities Council March 12 HOME OF JEANETTE SEETIN Cookbook Robin Gmirkin Tyler Vance and students from his Idaho Academy of Music Special Request Betty Martin April 14 HOME OF FRAN ROSS Gardening in McCall, by Dawn Moudy Scholarship Fund Fran Ross May 12 HOME OF SKIPPER McKELLAR "Old McCall," by Bill Kirk Wine Tasting Dorothy Hampton June 3 Luncheon - Shore Lodge - 12 noon Installation of Officers 4 5 Jow Jptaiiwe" 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zriberry 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1967 -68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzle Harwell 1968 -69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1936 -42 Mrs. Don Numbers 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1942 -44 Mrs. S.W. Harwood 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 1944 -45 Mrs. Otto Karleskint 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1945 -56 Mrs. Glen Burnside 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1946 -47 Mrs. A.A. Storkman 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, jr. 194748 Mrs. Percy Shelton 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague 1977 -78 Mrs. W.C. Gulliksen 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown 1979 -80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard Zborowski 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm 1982 -83 Mrs. Ann Rush Byars 1953-54 Mrs. Frank Freeman 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol Standley 1954 -55 MRs. Merill Evans Mrs. Aline Pierce 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles Moullen 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston Mrs. Wayne Gutowski 1958 -59 Mrs. L.M. Johnson 1986 -88 Mrs. Andrew Mercer 1959-60 Mrs. Jack Seetin 1988 -89 Mrs. Barbara Knipe 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong 1989 -90 Mrs. John Allen 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison 1990 -91 Mrs. Herbert Keen 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1991 -93 Mrs. Peter Johnson 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes 1993 -94 Mrs. Richard Mott Mrs. George Whitlock 1994 -95 Mrs. Richard Schoonover 1964.65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1995 -96 Mrs. Gary Simmons 1965 -66 Mrs. Arlene Defier 1996 -97 Mrs. Ray McKellar 9 I Y a /v 11 �') y n z -f,eS1 j-Q vi L #e 310 Payette lakes Progressive Golub presents Idaho .academy of music {j Spring recital featuring students of Tyler Vance, piano and Jim Goockey, violin Sonatina - Allegro Op. 39, no. I Frank Lynes (1853 -1913) The John Dunbar Theme John Barry- -Gooates from Dances With Wolves Betsy Keafer, piano Three Short pieces: Those Goreepy Crawly Things Goarol Klose on the G` ellar Floor 5randmother's Lace Goarol Klose 5oofy 5adget Phillip Keveren Krista Van Velaen, piano Jeanie with the Stephen C. Foster -- Perlman Light Brown Hair (1826 -1864) Jayne Goornell, violin `Tyler 'fiance, piano My (Dog Spike Traditional - "Hot Goross Buns" Party Goat Phillip Keveren Pachael mall & `Tyler `fiance, piano Beauty and the Beast .Alan Menken-- .{arranged from Walt Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" FrOhlicher fandmann, Pobert Schumann von der Arbeit Zuruckkehrend (1810 -1856) from .fllbuin for the Young, Opus 68, no. /O Tara 'fan Velzen, piano Pomance, op. 14Q, no. I I Anton (Diabelli - -Kern 0 781 -1858) Michaelah Busse CT Tyler Vance, piano Tire Pcn u g in cJ Mina Pruitt '011chaelah Busse, piano Fur Elise Ludwig van Beethoven--Adapted ( 1770-182 7 ) Krista Van Velzen, piano Main Theme John Williams -- .adapted f r o m Jurassic -dark Star Quest Phillip Keveren Bret Van Velzen, piano Bourree Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Scott Fereday, violin Tyler 'fiance, piano j c & — c 4.-V9 0 10 W/A � ffploffi WWI PLEASE SEND YOUR DUES TO: PROGRESSIVE CLUB P.O. BOX 1446 MCCALL, ID 83538 OFFICERS President Dottie Moore Vice President Dorothy Hampton Secretary Joan Perry Treasurer Pat Gore PLEDGE Holding my membership in the Payette Lakes Progressive Club as sacred and worthy of my unfailing loyalty, I will sustain the Club in its good works and guard its reputation as long as I am a member. F. PO Box 1446 McCall, Idaho 83638 SEPTEMBER 1998 -JUNE 1999 MOTTO "No task is too great for those who are willing." GOALS Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare; Beautification of our community; Promotion of education, physically and intellectually; Supporting the activities of Girl Scouting. Flower Trillium Colors Green and white Dues $ 5.00 3 STANDING COMMITTEES CHAIRMEN Afe&&izacfcXeW&k September 1998 - June 1999 Membership Joan Perry Meetings are held at 1:00pm on the Calling Sarah Moosman SECOND TUESDAY of each month, unless othenvise noted. Yearbook Joan Perry Hospitality Joyce Schultz September 8 MEADOWCREEK, NEW MEADOWS No-Host Luncheon, 11:30 Myrna VanCour Program pt' Lea Linville October 13 HOME OF JAYNE BROWN Tyler Vance and students from Idaho Music Academy Publicity Barbara Knipe November 10 HOME OF MARDI KEEN Scrapbook Mardi Keen Karen Burton - "Make a Christmas Swag" December 8 SHORE LODGE Garden Bobbie Schoonover Ray Venable playing Christmas music January 12 HOME OF DOTTIE MOORE Civic Barbara Smith Sue McCauley talks about the Peace Corps February 9 HOME OF JUDY SLATON Historical Martha Chitwood To be announced March 9 HOME OF JANET SIMMONS Cookbook Robin Gmirkin Dr. and Mrs. Hershgold - "Relationships" April 13 HOME OF SKIPPER McKELLAR Special Request Dorothy Hampton Marcia Gauss - slides on Ukraine May 11 HOME OF JEANETTE SEETIN Scholarship Fund Fran Ross Jayne Brown - slides on China June 3 Luncheon - Shore Lodge - 12 noon Wine Tasting Marlene Bailey Installation of Officers Sue McCauley 4 5 E: A' A� 1930 -31 Mrs. Michael Zriberry 1967.68 Mrs. Deno Nelson 1931 -32 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1968.69 Mrs. Robert Scoles 1932 -33 Mrs. Dezzle Harwell 1969 -70 Mrs. Bill Evans 1933 -35 Mrs. Henry Hoff 1970 -71 Mrs. Douglas Tiffany 1935 -36 Mrs. Helen Luzadder 1971 -72 Miss Velma Shoemaker 1936 -42 Mrs. Don Numbers 1972 -73 Mrs. John Clemmer 194244 Mrs. S.W. Harwood 1973 -74 Miss Velma Shoemaker 194445 Mrs. Otto Karleskint 1974 -75 Mrs. Blanch Gibbs 1945 -56 Mrs. Glen Burnside 1975 -76 Mrs. John Allen, jr. 194647 Mrs. A.A. Storkman 1976 -77 Mrs. J. Robert Lilley 1947 -48 Mrs. Percy Shelton 1977 -78 Mrs. W.C. Gulliksen 1948 -49 Mrs. Lloyd Hague 1978 -79 Mrs. Robert L. Farber 1949 -50 Mrs. Don Numbers 1979-80 Mrs. Dorothy Beyerle 1950 -51 Mrs. Warren Brown 1980 -82 Mrs. Leonard . Zborowski 1951 -52 Mrs. Kenneth Johnson 1982 -83 Mrs. Ann Rush Byars 1952 -53 Mrs. Shelly Timm 1983 -84 Mrs. Carol Standley 1953 -54 Mrs. Frank Freeman Mrs. Aline Pierce 1954 -55 MRs. Merill Evans 1984 -85 Mrs. Charles Moullen 1955 -56 Mrs. Ralph Paris 1985 -86 Mrs. JoAnne Barnard 1956 -57 Mrs. Wyman Zachary Mrs. Wayne Gutowski 1957 -58 Mrs. Mary Thurston 1986 -88 Mrs. Andrew Mercer 1958 -59 Mrs. L.M. Johnson 1988 -89 Mrs. Barbara Knipe 1959.60 Mrs. Jack Seetin 1989 -90 Mrs. John Allen 1960 -61 Mrs. Blair Armstrong 1990 -91 Mrs. Herbert Keen 1961 -62 Mrs. Arthur Jellison 1991 -93 Mrs. Peter Johnson 1962 -63 Mrs. William Lancaster 1993 -94 Mrs. Richard Mott 1963 -64 Mrs. William Stokes 1994 -95 Mrs. Richard Schoonover Mrs. George Whitlock 1995 -96 Mrs. Gary Simmons 1964 -65 Mrs. Jack Saubert 1996 -97 Mrs. Ray McKellar 1965 -66 Mrs. Arlene Defter 1997 -98 Mrs. Wayne VanCour 1966 -67 Mrs. Dewey H. Rowland 9 dt ZPayete &,w, & 4, ? mad SA uKg Zceoc4cc f 7&"twg & 70,11 I e" z&&z 7aUdacy, � is , 2000 W&o &free' Cjoq eaazt ,ff��uuK� 57,od Scouts ' �?U7 �ze ttatir�h PWWW e d %Ktzod (CaM o� &e rdueKtd zoze ZUa y-rry, 1 /lGd S� tout �oo�r /dusataz, guest Matte I` Ta/w, 2" 2G00 -2601 Sc4o&�rjklt Rec, #eor4. atfe Z�.alcK, q64 `j ztecta, .ea"Md 7veeweK""', %K�t o� 7'jecu Cs�l� Dcvu�tluy Matt, ..?/{ce �zeaide�tt �6" Porte fat �47e... / LeGidG{2Q2 j -'ece decsi ".� 6�,2iKy &aH uestt & Dooz DTow Zaaelf caK ; Z u-c, "d rz e� Ea& �tzt �ttc. ecKte lweea 6-we 4-4, V, Za eeffum & Sm �u u�t�ia�etateKt actci ,��rocstatcoK � �ct�Qi�; {w�a�ce; �eaut�{dccatio�t o� o.uc coHttstuarctry; j�2oKtotCON o� ed�CC!{iGGl2:�+GydLCae & ictt('���;C'- [titc[G; J�t�la4t � tf2e �17� Sr:O%�L(�g tr.�zdctta:t. ve club steps A planting rs of planting petu- 31 businesses have -nd for the Payette •essive Club. vice club has an- nounced that plantings in wooden barrels at local busi- nesses will cease. Club members voted to find new ways to beautify the city of McCall by joining the America in Bloom program. McCall appears in the AIB Community spotlight on the organization's Web site, www. americainbloom.org. The group decided to review its beautification goals because other service groups have increased the level of planting throughout the city, club secre- tary Connie Heinzmann said. Businesses have the option of disposing of the barrels or planting them with their own flowers, Heinzmann said. -Payette takes Progressive Club Vst Annual Luncheon tqnd Fund Raiser Shore Lodge June 7q, 2077 Boutique and Silent Ruction Lunch Fashion Show Scholarship Recipients President's Report Installation of OFf7cers For 2077-2072 Menu Cornucopia Salad romaine and red leaF lettuce with apples, dried Fruit, almonds, mandarin oranges, (eta cheese, scallions, avocado, champagne honey vinaigrette Topped with Grilled Chicken Breast Assorted Rolls and Butter Key Lime Tartlets CoFFee, Tea No host bar available Fashion Show moderated by .John Watkins and Judy McGuire Featuring Fashions From: Mountain Monkey Business Nome Town Sports Mountain Regatta Thanks to our Boutique Vendors: Brandi Egnatz/Recap with Brandi Sandi Herold, 58l-1 Creations Bev Cooper Carolyn Beckwith Noreen Shanafelt Fallon Fereday /Flora Carolyn Jacobsen /Mountain House Judy Kirkland, Sue Foster, Betsy Woods, Kelsie Baldwinl44 North Gerrie Ruiz Cindy Leavitt /McCall Pottery Center Thanks to our silent auction donors: ArtiZen Blue Moon Outfitters McCall Aviation Pro -Build Rudy's Gym Note/ McCall Dr- Brian Charles Dr- P. V. Hakes McCall Golf Course Shore Lodge McCall Drug Star News Mountain Monkey Business Stacey Kucy /Stacey Cakes And our wonderful Progressive Club members and their friends. Payette Lake Progressive Club Established 1930, Incorporated 1989, Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. is a non-prorit, philan- thropic organization serving the communities of Long Valley and Meadows Valley, Idaho. Our Motto is: No task is too great For those who are willing. Our Goals are: Civic improvement and promotion of public welfare; Beautification of our community; Promotion of education, physically and intellectually; Supporting the activities of 6irl Scouting Flower: Trillium -r Colors: Green and white Ongoing projects of the Club include Scholarships For girls graduating New Meadows and McCall Nigh Schools, planting flower gardens in public areas of McCall, sponsoring 6irl Scout activities and sup- porting the St- Andrews summer reading program. Past activities have included helping to organize the McCall Cemetery Foundation, McCall Library, and McCall Memorial Nospital, helping to buy uni- forms for the McCall- Donnelly Nigh School Band, planting hanging baskets and barrels in downtown McCall, and donating to Special Olympics, Red Cross, and Snowdon WildliFe Refuge. 2010 -2011 OFf cers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Shelley Mathews Linda Pool Connie Neinzmann Diane Dobson 2011 -2012 Slate of OFFiicers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Linda Pool /Marietta Romero Connie Neinzmann Diane Dobson Thanks to the Fund Raising /Program Committee: Linda Nallock, Chair Committee /Members: Linda Corder, Kathy Blackmon, Evelyn Kam, Marilyn Krahn, Marlene Bailey, Sally Allen, and Jayne Robinson The Star News Groups Page Page 1 of 1 ProgrPSSicP c huh m di ,cuss summer reading The Payette Lakes Progressive Club will meet at noon Tuesday, April 10, for a potluck at the McCall Community Congregational Church in the downstairs Fellowship Hall. The speaker will be Judi Woods who will talk about the Summer Reading Camp that she supervises for elementary school children in need of assistance with reading. Nonmembers interested in attending should call Linda Pool at 6343418. http:// wow. mccallstarnews .com /pages /groups _page.php 3/22/2012 The Star News Groups Page Page 1 of 1 Progressive Cl- nnfpe $1.000 f -r mammogram dpvice The Payette Lakes Progressive Club has donated $1.000 toward the purchase of the new St. Luke's McCall Hospital digital mammogram machine. The donation was made in honor of six deceased members - Bobbie Schoonover, Joan Perry, Ruth Bennett, Jean Hart, Robin Gmirkin, and Lucia Revello. "Nothing speaks more personally to the health of women than the possibility of developing breast cancer," club president Linda Pool said. "Our club is delighted to be able to help promote this type of quality health screening for the women of our community," Pool said. The Payette Lakes Progressive Club is a McCall woman's organization founded in 1930. The club supports college scholarships for graduating senior women from local high schools, McCall beauty cation, PLCA for Kids after school program, Girl Scouts, and other worthy causes. http://www.mccallstarnews.com/pages/groups_page.php 3/21/2013 The Star News Groups Page ro.n y awnerod AO)RNER OF COLOR -The Pavette Lakes Rrogessn'e Qub tent teamed with Rick Fnedac dice Hardware for weediµg audplamuig of the r wed beds on Idaho 55 m fnmt of the harchcatr store as pact of the annual McCall In Bloom program Plants were pmrbased from McCall Cau�rg.�h0" Church Plant Sale From left are Lmda HaEock. Feredn-. Lmda Pod. Ihwe Dobson. Tom Corcoran Lath% Blackmon and Lmda Cader Page 1 of 1 http : / /www.mccallstamews.com/pages /groups _page.php 6/20/2013 Prep Sports Page The StarNews Oft .r r vem N o". u.cn �! NEiC INS77tlT[EN12t • t�[embe,s of tlr IbuueEy Elementms School dw•d -g-ade mum elms nud auchixloU• il.Vmuebddngnartvu ulelesmadwt lxbiud n ue<e �tiio}il,aue. 7W fushwueuts uety j most y>fm,ded by a 0,53.5 donation from the � Pmrtte Likes PtvgirssreQub. i Page 1 of 1 http:// www. mccallstamews .com/pages /prep_schools _page.php 4/10/2014 The Star News Groups Page t.aotw e, „_. MOUNTAIN GLAMOR - Jo Conn of McCall models an outfit from Mountain Monkey Business during "Lavender & Lace ; this years theme of the annual fashion show and luncheon held at Shore Lodge in McCall by the Payette Ickes Progressive Club. About too people attended and about $3,500 was raised for college scholarships for graduating senior women from McCa6- Ibnnelly and Meadows Valley high schools. Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstarnews .com/pages /groups _page.php 6/19/2014 The Star News Groups Page BEAUTY PROJECT - Members of the Pawn Ickes Progressive Club gathered last week to beautify the planters in front of Paul's Market in McCall in a collaborative effort between the dub and the market. From left are Kathv Blackmon, Toni Corcoran, Judy Baker, Sue Clements, Linda Corder, Carol Whiteman, Linda HaBock, Jayne Robinson, and Sandy Harris. Not pictured is Marlene Bailey. Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /groups _page.php 6/26/2014 The Star News Groups Page ABOUT TOWN TASTE TEST -Anna Torti pours for Don McCurley of McCall during a wine tasting fundraiser held last week at Rupert's in McCall. More than §2,000 was faised for the Payette lakes Progressive Club for its -unity service projects and scholarships. Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /groups _page.php 12/11/2014 Star -News News Groups Page —fa The S. N— bGE- WE DIG GARDENING - Unda Pool and Diane Dobson of the Payette lakes Progressive Club get their hands dirty last week while planting the flower beds at the comer of North Third and Park Streets in downtown McCall. Club members beautified the comer to dress up the downtown for the enjoyment of visitors and residents alike. Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /groups _page.php 6/11/2015 Star -News News Groups Page !v l� WALK WITH CAUTION - Matt Staffer of Boise and McCall gets some laughs with his pedestrian outfit, complete with one of the city of McCall's iconic green cmn,ralk flags, that he modeled during the Payette lakes Progressive Club's High Mountain Tea last week at Rupert's. About 95 People attended the event, which was a fundraiser for the club's public service programs. Page 1 of 1 http : / /www.mccallstamews.com/pages /groups _page.php 7/2/2015 Star -News News Groups Page Page 1 of 1 Progressive club receives $5,000 grant for scholarships The Payette Lakes Progressive Club has received a $5,000 grant from the Roy and Ida Eagle Foundation to help local women go on to higher education. The dub has supported education for area women since the 1930s and awarded four $1,000 scholarships last year. The club also has donated to the AWeSOMe! sports program for people with disabilities, the Yellow Couch Teen Center, after - school programs and McCall beautification, http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /groups _page.php 2/4/2016 Star -News News Outdoors Page climbing. Phoa fu the Sm -Neva b Gr ivaa AN AWESOME DONATION -The Pavette Lakes Ptgtessive Qub made a St,000 donation last —kend to Adaptive Wilderness Sports of McCall (AWeSOMe) to support the group's programs to make skiing and kayaking available to the disabled. From left are Ingrid Burica of AWeSOMe and Jet Johnson, Judi, Siebecker and Sue Clements from the Progressive Club. Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /outdoors _page.php 3/17/2016 Star -News News Groups Page .i 1 , {ido by l.vd. Wllo� A BEAUTIFUL ADDITION - Members of the Payette Lakes Progressive Club planted Bowers last week at the -met of North Third Street (Idaho 5g) and Park Street as part of a beautification project in association with Mav Hardware. From left are Cassidy Winter and Fallon Fereday of May Hardware and Carol Whiteman, Linda Hallock, Sue Clements and Jayne Robinson of the Progr -aw Club. Not pictured is club member Monica Hellman Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /groups _page.php 6/9/2016 Star -News News Groups Page Pharos TheSa --M mvrr THE PERFECT LOOK - Brandi Bolli- Humphrey of McCall enjoys the role of fashion model during the Payette Lakes Progressive Club's "Rendezvous witb Summer" annual luncheon and fashion show held at Shore Lodge. Mountain Monkey Burnes teams up with ArtiZen Gallery to present a selection of summer fashions to about 140 people. The fashions were described as "perfect for a day on the beach, a hike m the mountains, or attending a McCall evening event" About $4,000 was mired for the Progressive Club's community service. projects. Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.mccallstamews .com/pages /groups _page.php 6/16/2016 PAYETTE LAKES P:30GRESSIVE CLUB Pledge: :folding my membership in the Payette Lakes Progressive Club as something sacred and worthy of_ my unfailing loyalty, I will sustain the Club in its good work and guard its reputation as long as I am a member. CONSTITUTION Art;nl.2.. Name: This Club shall be known as the Payette Lakes progressive Club. Article 1.1. Objects: The objects of this Club shall be: 1. Civic improvement and to promote public welfare. 2. For beautifying our village. 3. For promoting education, both physical and intellectual. Q. For research work for the edification of its members. 5. To assure that Girl Scouting remains active in McCall. Article e L.. Membership: The members of this Club shall consist of wQ, az*n who are residents of McCall and vicinity, who wish to abide by its pledge and support its constitution. Dues: mazes of one dollar (?1.00) per member shall be paid one year in advance and only paid up members are entitled- to vote. Arti(-Ip Officers: The officers of this club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This Club shall elect officers at its meeting in December of each year, and install them in January of the following year; said officers will serve for a term of one year. Art.;nlp V_. Meetings: Regular meetings of this Club shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month, excepting July and August. rt' - VI. knendnents: This constitution may be amended at any regular meetf'.ng b.� a vote of the majority of the entire membership or if the ammendment wa-s submitted at a previous meeting it may be ammended by a two — thirds vote of those voting, a quorum being present. PA`IETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB By —Lows ARTICLE 1. Sent,; on I, Duties of Officers: The President shall preside at meetings of the Club; she shall see that the By —Laws are enforced, and perform such other duties as may naturally appertain to her office. Si�ntinn 2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the 'resident, assume her duties. S , 1, The recording Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings, execute the orders of the President, collect all money due the Club and receive all dues, keeping a record of same. She shall keep the names and addresses of all members, past and present of the Club, and shall prepare an amended list of the same each year. She shall keep a file of the yearly reports of the chairmen of all committees and take care of the correspondence. Ser-ton 4. The Treasurer shall receive all dues and fees from the Secretary. She shall keep account of all moneys of the Club, and pay by order of the Club, all bills. She shall make a full written report. of the finances of the Club at the last meeting in December. ARTICLE II STANDING COI•24ITTEES Standing committees shall be social, program, civic, membership, garden, publicity, yearbook, historical, and scrapbook. ATL 1TDLE III DUTIES OF STX,,DING CONMTTEES Semi on 1. The social committee shall have charge of any entertainment th e Club fit to put on. They shall also introduce new members and visitors to the Presi- dent and other members. By —Latas Sn.,ion 2. The -,a-ogram Cnnittce shall arrange the programs for the year and a member of this committee shall preside during the program and introduce each number on the program. Section 3. The (CLvic Csomr;Attee shall cooperate with the City Council in the general welfare of the City and shall assist in such educational and chari- table work as the Club suggests taking up. Snet,i on 4. The Itembership Committee shall contact old members and other women to make up the roll for the ensuing year. Spnti nn a. The Q;arden Committee shall promote garden improve*oent and shall schedule .flower and garden shows. Sies'.+inn s. The Eistorical Committee shall collect facts, pictures, articles, or any data pertaining to local history, and shall place it in a file to be used only in the confines of the 11cCal1 Public Library. Spntion Z. The Yearbook Committee shall prepare a record for the coming year in a booklet form. It shall contain the Club Motto, the officers, the standing com- mittees, dates and places of meetings, a membership list, and a list of past presidents. SPr,t.inn a. The Publicity committee shall submit to the local newspaper, interest- ing activities of the Club and advertisements of coming events. Snn,ion g. The Scrapbook Committee shall collect clippings, pictures, articles) and memorabilia pertaining to the 1lub and place it in a scrapbook, said book to be kept in the possession of the S rapbook chairman and available to viewing at club meetings. Sea +.Lo IQ. The Welcome Committees shall make an effort to contact new women residents of the area and invite I. an to the Club as potential members. ARTICLE, N I;�ETII GS 02 CLUB Section 1. The regular mecti.ng of the Club shall be held the second Tuesday of each month e.rceptinr July and Aunust. Special meetings may be c^11cd nt ^ny time by the President. ARL`1"I CLE V ELECTION 02 07- ICERS 5-eat-L= 1. No member shall hold more than one elective office at one time. SpCtion 2. the term of office of all officers shall be one year. Snc t; nr Notice of the election of officers shall be given by the President at the regular meeting in November at which time she shall appoint three active members to serve as a corimittee on election to take charge of the follot•ring annual election. ,Sn-r+ nn L. All ballots shall be secret. ARTICLE VII S,esp,tjon 1.. These articles may be ar!mended, added to, or repealed at any regular meeting by a two— thirds vote of the members present provided such proposed am- mendments, additions or repeals shall have been given at the previous regular meeting. ARTICLE VIII Suer:-ior 1. There shall be an executive committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and one other member to be chosen b,;, these officers. AA,TICLE IX n„ 1 The motto shall be: "No task is too great for those who are willing." Sf,cti cn ?. The "lower shall be: The Trillium. SPC ±,; nn 3. The colors shall be: Green and White. f 0 THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. BY -LAWS (Revised November 14, 1989) ARTICLE I SECTION I. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The President shall preside at meetings of the Club. He or she shall see that the By -Laws are enforced, and per- form such other duties as may naturally appertain to his or her office. SECTICN II. The Vice- President shall, in the al Bence of the President, as- sume his or her duties. SECTION III. The Recording Secretary shall keep th< records of all meetings, execute the orders of the Pres den'., He---err ,ihe s-h&K keep the names and addresses of all members, past and present, of the Club, and shall keep a file of the yearly r(:)orts of the chair- men of all committees and take care of the c)rrespondence. SECTION IV. The Treasurer shall receive a.11 moneys from cues and fees. He or she shall keep ac<ount of all moneys of trie Club and pay by order mf the Club, a. l bills. She or he shall make a full writ -, ten report of the finances of the "lub at the last meeting in YAy, at which time the Treasurer's books will be ready for auditing. ARTICLE II STANDING COMMITTEES SECTION I. Standing Committees shall be Social, Program, Civic, Membership, Garden, Publicity, Yearbook, Historical, Calling, and Scrapbook. ARTICLE III, DUTIES OF STANDING CCMTIITPEES SECTICN I. The Social Committee shall have charge of any entertainment the Club sees fit to put on. They :hall also introduce new members and visitors '.o the Preside -it and other members. SECTION II. The Program Committee shad arrange the pzogram,',for the year and a member of this committee shall preside during the program and introduce each number on the program. SECTION III. The Civic Committee shall cooperate with the City Council in the general welfare of the City and shall assi3t in such educational and charitable work as the Club suggests:.taking up. SECTION IV. The Membership Committee sha 1 contact old members and other women or men to make up the roll for tre ensuing year. A list of all new members shall belpaassed along to the President, Secretary, and the Treasurer. Any membership due: shall be given to the Treasurer. continued Page 2 By -Laws, Article III, cont'd. SECTION V. The Carden Come ittee shall pr.>r; >te civic garden improvement and shall schedule flower and garden shows. SECTION VI. The Historical Committee shall collet facts, pictures, articles, or any data pertaining to local history, and shall place it in a file to be used orly in the confines of the McCall P ublic Library. SECTION VII. The Yearbook C(mmittee shall prepare a record for,:the coming year in a booklet form. It shall contain the Club motto, the officers, the standing committees, dates and places of meetings, a member- ship list, and a list of past presidents. SECTION VIII. The Publicity (omn.ittee shall submit to the local newspaper, in- terestin-- activities of the Club and advertisements of coming events. SECTION IX. The Scrapbook Committee shall collect clip;irgs, pictures, articles of memorabelia pertaining to the Club and l_ce them in a scrap- book, said book to be kept in the possession of the scrapbook chair- man and available to viewing at Club meetings. SECTION X. The Calling Committee shall aemind members by telephone of all meetings and all unsc eduled activities. Ah "'ICLE IV 11.LET; NGS OF CLUD SECTICN I. The regular mee tins )f the Club shall be held t}.e second 'Tuesday of each month, exe,pt July and .August. Special meetings may be called by the Pres .dc it. PTICLE V ELEC'ION CF OFFICERS bLC'TICN 1. No member shall hold more than one elective o'ff'ice at any one time. SECTION II. The term of offic( of all officers shall be one year. SECTION III. Notice of tree election of officers shell be given by the President at the regular meeting in April, at which time the President shall appoint three acti— members to serve as a nominating committee to present the slate )f proposed officers at the May meeting. At that meeting there may be nominations from the floor. SECTICN IV. All ballots shall be secret. ARTICLE Vl .SECTION I. These Articles may be amended, added to, or repealed at any regular meeting by a. two- thirds vote of the members present, provided such proposed amendments, additions, or repeals shall -lave been given at the previous regular meeting. continued ' Page 3 BY—Laws, Article VII, cont'd AhTICL; VII SECTION I. There sha.il be an L;xecutive Committ e consisting of the President, Vice - President, Secretary, Treasure , and one other member to be chosen by these officers. ARTICLE VIII SECTION I The Motto shall be; "No task is to( rent for those who are willing. g. SECTION II. The f owe:, shall be: The Trillium. SECTION Ili. The cc ors shall be Green and White. 0 " ie Revised Bylaws Presented to Membership: 4 -12 -94 Approved by Membership: 5 -10 -94 Revision: 1-09-96 BYLAWS of PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. ARTICLE I. Name and Address A. The name of this organization is Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. B. The address for the transaction of business of this organization is Box 1446, McCall, Idaho 83638. ARTICLE II. Purpose and Policies A. 1. The purpose of this organization shall be as stated in the Articles of Incorporation; to carry on programs of philanthropic work in the community: a. civic improvement and promotion of public welfare; b. beautification of our community; C. promotion of education, physically and intellectually; d. support the activities of Girl Scouting. B. This organization is a tax- exempt, charitable organization and shall be non- profit, non - sectarian and non - political in its policies and activities. ARTICLE III. Membership and Obliyations A. Membership in this organization is open to all persons of McCall and vicinity. B. Dues shall be $5.00 (five dollars) annually per member and shall be due one year in advance at the annual meeting in June and delinquent after the September meeting. C. Members in good standing are eligible to vote. D. Payment is required for annual meeting luncheon reservations or reservations for other events regardless of attendance. ARTICLE IV. Governinp-Bod A. The governing body of this organization shall be the elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. B. The elected officers shall have the responsibility for the general management of the organization. C. The elected officers shall hold office for a term of one year. D. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and one other member chosen by these officers. They shall have the power to act for the organization between regular meetings of the membership. The Executive Committee shall prepare the budget and the Treasurer shall submit it to the membership for approval at the September meeting. ARTICLE V. Nominations and Elections A. • Notice of the election of officers shall be given by the President at the regular meeting in March at which time three members shall be appointed by the president to serve as the Nominating Committee. They shall present the slate of proposed officers at the April meeting. Election of officers will take place at the May meeting at which time nominations may be made from the floor by members in good standing. B. No member shall hold more than one elective office at any one time. C. Elections shall be by voice vote, except when a nomination is made from the floor, in which event the vote for the contested office shall be by ballot. ARTICLE VI. Officers and Their Duties A. The President: 1. shall preside as chief executive officer of the Corporation; 2. shall see that bylaws are enforced; 3. may appoint special committees; 4. shall present an annual report to the membership at the annual meeting; 5. may attend committee meetings ex officio; 6. shall assist with preparation of yearbook. B. The Vice President: 1. shall assist with presidential duties and assume such other duties as may be assigned by the President; 2. in the absence of the President, shall assume the duties of the office; 3. shall be Chairman of Special Requests Committee; 4. shall act as welcoming hostess to new members. . C. The Recording Secretary: 1. shall record minutes of regular meetings, special meetings as called by the President, and executive meetings and shall provide copies to officers; 2. shall execute orders of the President; 3. shall record attendance of meetings; 4. shall keep a file of committee reports; 5. shall be responsible for correspondence as authorized by the President. D. The Treasurer: 1. shall be chief financial officer of the corporation receiving, depositing and disbursing monies in accordance with the approved budget; 2. shall keep the accounts of the organization; 3. shall present monthly financial reports to the membership and present a written financial report at the May meeting; 4. shall present the Treasurer's books for audit; 5. shall file required tax forms; 6. shall be a member of the Special Requests Committee. ARTICLE VII. Standing Committees and Their Duties A. Chairmen (and Co- Chairmen, if necessary) shall be appointed by the President. B. Members of each committee shall be appointed by the chairman of said committee unless otherwise provided in these bylaws. C. For an extended absence, committee chairman shall appoint a substitute. 2 D. Special Requests Committee: • 1. shall review written requests for contributions and make recommendations to the membership for vote; 2. Vice President shall be chairman of this committee; 3. Treasurer shall be a member of this committee. E. Garden Committee: 1. shall be responsible for obtaining bids at the discretion of the committee during the first quarter of the calendar year for container flowers. The bids shall be awarded following review by the executive committee; 2. shall coordinate the container planting. F. Civic Committee: shall keep the membership informed of the activities and needs of the community. G. Cookbook Committee: 1. shall be responsible for compilation and marketing of the cookbook; 2. shall give monies from cookbook sales to the Treasurer for deposit. H. Yearbook Committee: 1. shall prepare the schedule for the coming year in booklet form for the September meeting with the assistance of the President, Program Chairman, Membership Chairman and Hospitality Chairman. 2. Yearbook shall contain the Pledge, Motto, officers, standing committees, dates and places of meetings, programs, membership list and a list of past Presidents. I. Membership Committee: 1. shall be responsible for maintaining the membership file of current and • new members; 2. shall collect and record dues and turn monies over to the Treasurer for • deposit; 3. shall notify members of delinquent dues; 4. shall notify monthly the Calling Committee of new members and their telephone numbers; 5. Chairman shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. J. Calling Committee: 1. shall remind members by telephone of meetings, unscheduled events, and other information as directed by the President; 2. shall inform the Hospitality Committee of approximate number of attendees for upcoming meeting. K. Publicity Committee: shall submit to the local newspaper(s) notices of upcoming meetings and other newsworthy activities of the organization. L. Program Committee: 1. shall schedule the programs for the coming year and introduce program speakers at meetings; 2. shall assist the Hospitality Chairman with arrangements for the annual meeting; 3. Chairman shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. 3 M. Hospitality Committee: • 1. shall arrange for hostesses and refreshments for meetings; 2. Chairman shall give the approximate number of attendees to upcoming hostess; 3. make arrangements, with the assistance of the program chairman, for the annual meeting; 4. Chairman shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. N. Historical Committee: shall collect facts, pictures, articles, or any data pertaining to local history and shall place such data on file to be used only in confines of McCall Public Library. O. Scrapbook Committee: shall collect articles and pictures pertaining to the organization in a scrapbook to be made available at meetings. ARTICLE VIII. Regular and Special Meetings A. Regular meetings shall be the second Tuesday of each month, September through June. B. Special meetings may be called by the President. C. The regular meeting in May shall be known as the election meeting and the regular meeting in June shall be know as the annual meeting. D. The annual meeting in June may be changed from the second Tuesday to accommodate luncheon arrangements. F. Twenty members in good standing shall constitute a quorum. G. There shall be no vote by proxy. ARTICLE IX. Fiscal and Financial Policies A. The fiscal year of this organization shall be from June 1 through May 31. B. This organization shall maintain a sound financial position and shall have an audit review of its books annually. An auditing committee of three members shall be appointed by the President at the April meeting whose duty it shall be to audit the Treasurer's accounts at the close of the fiscal year. C. This organization shall not act as a fund raising agent for individuals or other organizations. D. This organization shall be conducted without financial benefit to any members of the corporation. ARTICLE X. Amendments These bylaws may be amended, repealed, or revised and adopted at any regular meeting or any meeting called for that purpose by a two- thirds majority vote, a quorum being present, provided such proposed amendment, repeal or revision shall have been submitted at the previous regular meeting. ARTICLE XI. Parliamentary, Authority The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall be the authority on all questions of parliamentary law, unless in conflict with these bylaws or with laws of the State of Idaho. 4 ARTICLE X. Pledge, Motto, Flower, Colors • A. Pledge: Holding my membership in Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc., as sacred and worthy of my unfailing loyalty, I will sustain the organization in its good works and guard its reputation as long as I am a member. B. Motto: "No task is too great for those who are willing." C. Flower: The Trillium D. Colors: Green and White • • 5 BYLAWS OF PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. 0 AS AMENDED AND RESTATED - 1998 ARTICLE I NAME AND ADDRESS A. The name of this organization is Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. B. The address for the transaction of business of this organization is P.O. Box 1446, McCall, Idaho 83638. ARTICLE II PURPOSE AND POLICIES A. The purpose of this organization shall be as stated in the Articles of Incorporation; to carry on programs of philanthropic work in the community: 1. civic improvement and promotion of public welfare, 2. beautification of our community; 3. promotion of education, physically and intellectually; 4. support the activities of Girl Scouting. B. This is a tax - exempt, charitable organization and shall be non - profit, non- sectarian and non- political in its policies and activities. ARTICLE 11! MEMBERSHIP AND OBLIGATIONS A. Membership in this organization is open to all persons of McCall and vicinity. B. Dues shall be $5.00 annually per member and shall be due one year in advance at the annual meeting in June and delinquent after the September meeting. C. Members in good standing are eligible to vote. D. Payment is required for annual meeting luncheon reservations or reservations for other events regardless of attendance. ARTICLE IV GOVERNING BODY A. The governing body of this organization shall be the elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. B. The elected officers shall have the responsibility for the general management of the organization. C. Should a vacancy in the governing body occur it may be filled by the affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining officers. D. The elected officers shall hold office for a term of one year. E. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice . President, Secretary, Treasurer and one other member chosen by these officers. They shall have the power to act for the organization between regular BYLAWS OF THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. - Page 1 meetings of the membership. The Executive Committee shall prepare the budget and the Treasurer shall submit it to the membership for approval at the September meeting. F. All expenditures, other than routine operating expenditures, must be approved by the Executive Committee. Any expenditure in excess of $500 for an item not budgeted for must be approved by a vote of the membership. ARTICLE V NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS A. Notice of the election of officers shall be given by the President at the regular meeting in March at which time three members shall be appointed by the president to serve as the Nominating Committee. They shall present the slate of proposed officers at the April meeting. Election of officers will take place at the May meeting at which time nominations may be made from the floor by members in good standing. Installation of officers will take place at the June meeting. B. No member shall hold more than one elective office at any one time. C. Elections shall be by voice vote, except when a nomination is made from the floor, in which event the vote for the contested office shall be by ballot. ARTICLE VI OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES • A. The President: 1. shall preside as chief executive officer of the Corporation; 2. shall see that bylaws are enforced-, 3. may appoint special committees; 4. shall present an annual report to the membership at the annual meeting; 5. may attend committee meetings ex officio; 6. shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. B. The Vice President: 1. shall assist with presidential duties and assume such other duties as may be assigned by the President; 2. in the absence of the President, shall assume the duties of the office; 3. shall be Chairman of Special Requests Committee; 4. shall act as welcoming hostess to new members. C. The Secretary: 1. shall record minutes of regular meetings, special meetings as called by the President, and executive meetings and shall provide copies to officers; 2. shall execute orders of the President; 3. shall record attendance of meetings; 4. shall keep a file of committee reports; 5. shall be responsible for correspondence as authorized by the President. D. The Treasurer: 1. shall be chief financial officer of the Corporation receiving, depositing and • disbursing monies in accordance with the approved budget; BYLAWS OF THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. - Page 2 2. shall keep the accounts of the organization; 3. shall present monthly financial reports to the membership and present a written financial report at the May meeting, 4. shall present the Treasurer's books for audit; 5. shall file required tax forms; 6. shall be a member of the Special Requests Committee. BYLAWS OF THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. - Page 3 ARTICLE VII STANDING COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES Chairmen shall be appointed by the President. Members of each committee shall be appointed by the chairman of said committee unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws. For an extended absence, committee chairman shall appoint a substitute. A. Special Requests Committee: 1. shall review written requests for contributions and make recommendations to the membership for vote; 2. Vice President shall be chairman of this committee; 3. Treasurer shall be a member of this committee. B. Garden Committee: 1. shall be responsible for obtaining bids at the discretion of the committee during the first quarter of the calendar year for container flowers, the bids shall be awarded following review by the Executive Committee; 2. shall coordinate the container planting. C. Civic Committee: • 1. shall keep the membership informed of the activities and needs of the community. D. Cookbook Committee: 1. shall be responsible for compilation and marketing of the cookbook; 2. shall give monies from cookbook sales to the Treasurer for deposit. E. Yearbook Committee: 1. shall prepare the schedule for the coming year in booklet form for the September meeting with the assistance of the President, Program, Membership and Hospitality Chairmen. 2. Yearbook shall contain the Pledge, Motto, officers, standing committees, dates and places of meetings, programs, membership list and a list of past presidents. F. Membership Committee: 1. shall be responsible for maintaining the membership file of current and new members; 2. shall collect and record dues and turn monies over to the Treasurer for deposit; 3. shall notify members of delinquent dues; 4. shall notify monthly the Calling Committee of new members and their telephone numbers; 5. Chairman shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. G. Calling Committee: • 1. shall remind members by telephone of meetings, unscheduled events, and other information as directed by the President. BYLAWS OF THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. - Page 3 H. Publicity Committee: 1. shall submit to the local newspaper(s) notices of upcoming meetings and , other newsworthy activities of the organization. 1. Program Committee: • 1. shall schedule the programs for the coming year and introduce program speakers at meetings; 2. shall assist the Hospitality Chairman with arrangements for the annual meeting; 3. Chairman shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. J. Hospitality Committee: 1. shall arrange for hostesses and refreshments for meetings, 2. make arrangements, with the assistance of the Program Chairman, for the annual meeting; 3. Chairman shall assist with the preparation of the yearbook. K. Historical Committee: 1. shall collect facts, pictures, articles, or any data pertaining to local history and shall place such data on file to be used only in confines of McCall Public Library. L. Scrapbook Committee: 1. shall collect articles and pictures pertaining to the organization in a scrapbook to be made available at meetings. M. Scholarship Committee: 1. shall consist of five (5) members including the Chairman; 2. shall determine qualifications and requirements for the award; 3. Chairman shall contact high schools regarding Progressive Club's • requirements for the award; 4. award shall be presented by a committee member. N. Wine Tasting Committee: 1. this is a fund raiser and shall be held annually; 2. shall coordinate preparation and activities of wine tasting event, 3. shall give monies from wine tasting event to Treasurer for deposit. ARTICLE VIII REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS A. Regular meetings shall be the second Tuesday of each month, September through June. B. Special meetings may be called by the President. C. The regular meeting in May shall be known as the election meeting and the regular meeting in June shall be known as the annual meeting. D. The annual meeting in June may be changed from the second Tuesday to accommodate luncheon arrangements. E. Ten members in good standing shall constitute a quorum. F. There shall be no vote by proxy. ARTICLE IX FISCAL AND FINANCIAL POLICIES • A. The fiscal year of this organization shall be from June 1 through May 31. BYLAWS OF THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESIVE CLUB, INC. - Page 4 B. This organization shall maintain a sound financial position and shall have an audit review of its books annually. An auditing committee of three members shall be appointed by the President at the April meeting whose duty it shall be • to audit the Treasurer's accounts at the close of the fiscal year. C. This organization shall not act as a fund raising agent for individuals or other organizations. D. This organization shall be conducted without financial benefit to any members of the Corporation. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended, repealed or revised and adopted at any regular meeting or any meeting called for that purpose by a two- thirds majority vote, a quorum being present, provided such proposed amendment, repeal or revision shall have been submitted at the previous regular meeting. ARTICLE XI PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall be the authority on all questions of parliamentary law, unless in conflict with these Bylaws or with laws of the State of Idaho. ARTICLE XII • PLEDGE MOTTO, FLOWER, COLORS A. Pledge: Holding my membership in Payette Lakes Progressive Club as sacred and worthy of my unfailing loyalty, I will sustain the organization in its good works and guard its reputation as long as I am a member. B. Motto: No task is too great for those who are willing. C. Flower: The Trillium D. Colors: Green and White RATIFIED THIS —DAY OF 1998. y Payette Lakes Progressive Club, Inc. Myrna VanCour, President Attest: an Perry, Secretary BYLAWS OF THE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. - Page 5 0 0 JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIiIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIiIIiIIIIIL INNN ANN CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF PAYETTE LAKES PRnr .- -(;TVF. CT.TTR , TNC _ I, PETE T. CENARRUSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that duplicate originals of Articles of Incorporation for the incorporation of VA.WETTE LAKES PROGP.E—$fiIyE CLAW ING. -, duly signed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Nonprofit Corporation Act, have been received in this office and are found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Incorporation and attach hereto a duplicate original of the Articles of Incorporation. Dated Juno- 29 19 89 . PE SECRETARY OF STATE Corporati Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l E CINP 779 " ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION RisCElVE���� OF SEC. OF STATE PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, Iii. JUN 26 AM 10 14 A NON- PROFIT CORPORATION The undersigned acting as incorporators of a corporation hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation" under the provisions of the Idaho Non- profit Corporation Act, adopt the following Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE I. NAME The name of the corporation is PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC., which corporation is a non - profit corporation. ARTICLE II. PERIOD OF DURATION The period of duration of the corporation is perpetual. ARTICLE III. PURPOSES AND POWERS x: PURPOSES: The purpose of this corporation is to carry out the objects of the Payette Lakes Progressive Club, an unincorporated membership association first established in 1930 in McCall, Valley County, Idaho and its objects shall be: a) Civic improvement and to promote public welfare, b) For beautifying the Village of McCall, c) For promoting education, both physical and intellectual, d) For research work for the edification of the members. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - Page i " 2. EXEMPT STATUS: The corporation is constituted so as to attract substantial support from contributions, directly or indirectly, from a representative number of persons in the community in which it operates and has not been formed for pecuniary profit or financial gain, and no part of the assets, income, or profit of the corporation is distributable to, or inures to the benefit of, its directors, or officers except to the extent permitted under the Not - for - Profit Corporation Law. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervent in (including the publishing or distribution of " statements) any political campaign on behalf of any n U candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this certificate, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - Page 2 " 3. To engage in any lawful act or activiity for which corporations may be organized under the laws of the State of Idaho. 4. To have the capacity to act possessed by natural persons in the performance of such acts as are necessary or proper to accomplish its purposes and which are not repugnant to law, including the right to accept, hold, invest and reinvest, and administer any donations, gifts, bequests, trust benefits, and the like, so long as same are ultimately used, disbursed or donated for the purposes of the corporation. 5. To appoint such officers, employees and agents as the activities of the corporation may require and to make " bylaws not inconsistent with any existing law for the management of its activities and the regulation and conduct of its affairs; to do all acts permitted by the laws of the State of Idaho, and all such other acts as are necessary and expedient to accomplish its stated purposes except as limited by the laws of the State of Idaho. 0 5. The foregoing clauses shall be construed both as Purposes and Powers, and it is hereby expressly provided that the foregoing enumberation of specific powers shall not be held to limit or restrict in any manner the powers of the corporation, save as set forth. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - Page 3 I 0 ARTICLE IV. BYLAWS The corporation shall be governed by the provisions set forth in the corporation's bylaws, to be adopted by its membership. ARTICLE V. MEMBERSHIP The membership of the corporation shall be governed by the provisions set forth in the corporation bylaws. ARTICLE VI. REGISTERED AGENT The street address of the coporations initial registered office and the name of its initial registered • agent at such address are as follows: Street Address: 200 E. Park Street McCall, Idaho 83638 Registered Agent: William M. Killen Mailing Address: P. 0. Box A. 0., McCall, ID 83638 ARTICLE VII. DATA RESPECTING INITIAL DIRECTORS /INCORPORATORS There shall be four (4) directors initially. The names and post office address of each of the initial directors/ incorporators who will serve until their successors are selected and qualified are: is ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - Page 4 " AE ADDRESS Sally Allen P. 0. Box 721, McCall, ID 83638 Joyce Schultz P. 0. Box 115, Lakefork, ID 83635 Marge Evans P. 0. Box 188, McCall, ID 83638 Ferne Krumm P. 0. Box 86, Lakefork, ID 83635 ARTICLE VIII. DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution, all the remaining assets and property of the corporation shall, after necessary expenses thereof, be exclusively distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. EXECUTED this c_-L!day of June, 1989. SAIL A��L-LVN 0 E 'CHULTZ MARGk. E NS ERNE KRUMM ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - Page 5 " No. 89731 PAYETTE LAKES PROGRESSIVE CLUB, INC. Articles of Incorporation Perpetual a -c.s.: Non- profit STATE OF IDAHO Department of State Boise, Idaho Approved, filed and admitted to the corporation records of the State of Idaho Date __ June 26 8 Time 10;40 a m FEES PAID $ 20, 00 Pete T. Cenarrusa SECRETARY OF STATE By: Invoice # 89882 CCR # 37410 Filing Party Killen Pittenger & Kerrick, P.A. 200 East Park St. P.O. Box A.O. McCall, Idaho 83638 Registered Agent: William M. Killen 200 E. Park St. P.O. Box A.O. McCall, Idaho 83638 " Payette Lakes Progressive Club History This Women's Service Club was founded in McCall by a group of friends, who met in the Hotel Lakeview on October 24, 1930. They were: Martha Peabody, Ida Brown, Minta Kyser, Helga Cook, Grace Hoff, Frances Dorsey, Anne Farrell, Nora Blake, Mary Fulton, Stella Johnson, Gertrude McCheyne, Lucy Carr. Daisy Yriberry, and Blanche Darkwood. The club continues to this day with the same goals of supporting a rich quality of life in McCall. Early civic improvements were to establish the Cemetery Foundation which planned the McCall Cemetery on land donated by the Brown family, to establish the Library beginning with a few shelves in an abandoned lady's restroom of a garage, and to participate in the early McCall Winter Carnivals, building floats for the parade, making ice sculptures and timing races. In the springtime, they cleaned away debris and planted flowers in parks and in barrels along the main streets. During the Depression, the group petitioned the Village Council to have water rates reduced and, in turn, the Council asked the group to sponsor a recreational park. In 1937, they began to sponsor a Girl Scout troop and to support improvements at Camp Alice Pitttenger. Scholarships have been given each year to make sure that all local Girl Scouts who wish to do so can attend Camp Alice Pittenger. In 1941, the first Progressive Club Cookbook, "Payette Lakes Bounty ", was compiled from members' recipes as a fund raiser. "Mountain Magic" followed in 1964. In 1970, "Payette Treasures" was published. In 1976, came "Gem of the Mountains ", followed in 1993, by "Just Cookies ", all to be sold in local stores. The Club was among the earliest supporters of the proposed McCall Memorial Hospital (now St. Luke's McCall) in 1956, as Savings bonds were cashed, and auctions and dances were held to help bring it into existence. In 1958, a Committee was formed to collect historical material of the area for the Library. This collection continues to be maintained. Wine tastings have provided funds for competitive academic scholarships which were first given in 1996 to several students graduating from McCall- Donnelly, Meadows Valley and Heartland High Schools. These annual scholarships continue to be awarded. In 2014, there began the continuing support of Music programs in all of the McCall- Donnelly schools. All in all, much progress has been accomplished.