HomeMy Public PortalAboutComprehensive Water Planning -- 2010-03-08 Minutes\o\\\\\a\\~uuuttl+~i+uirrruu,~/i `~~~\04 ~RE W ~~~'~///moo U m~~ N J ///~~%~ a e R~ 9 p+e0 0~ \\~~~\\\\ /////1IIIl1IlNlII fI111111111~\1\\\\ Town Of Brewster 2198 Main Street Brewster, Massachusetts 02631-1898 (508) 896-3701 ext. 133 FAX (508) 896-8089 Comprehensive Water Planning Committee Date Approved with modifications: April 26, 2010; Vote: 5-0-2 (Lipman and Bennett abstain) TOWN OF BREWSTER MINUTES OF COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLANNING COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 8, 2010 at 4:30 P.M. Brewster Town Office Building Pat Hughes convened the Comprehensive Water Planning Committee meeting at 4:35 pm in the Brewster Town Office Building with members Joanne Hughes, Amy Usowski, Elizabeth Taylor, Dave Michniewicz and Jane Johnson. Also Present: Sue Leven, Chris Miller, Bob Bersin and Peter Johnson 1. Update meeting with Integrated Water Resource Management Plan consultant, Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM). Present from CDM: Dave Young, Project Manager Mary Barry, Public Participation Coordinator Rob Musci, P.E, Project Engineer Hughes: Opened the floor to CDM Young: Provided a status report 1. Overview: Rob provided an update on the meetings with the Department Heads Musci: Handed out a memo on the compilation of the data that they had collected. Musci would like the committee to review the draft email and gather the committee's input. This is step 1 -maximize the existing data on hand in order to move forward. Met with all the department heads; Planning, Health, Water, DPW, Recreation, Assessors -all departments interviewed and the information they received were listed on the memo. One really good piece of information they received from the Cape Cod Commission was a map that showed the 80+ ponds in Brewster. Hughes: Asked if the Water Department information was connected to the Assessor's database? Musci: had not gotten to analyze this information yet. Musci pointed out that you wanted to make sure that you know wla~t you are king at the data for and understand what you are trying to get out of the information. .-_, ; f'Pl Musci: would lil~$;'to ain th~~ecords of wells in town ,~:: r~.:~ 3-08-]0 ~,,-~7~ www.TOWN.BREWSTER.MA.US Page 1 of4 ~-Tdr' Bersin: that information is available Musci: They can put together summaries and this information is going to help move the project forward. Asked the Committee if there was any other information that might be relevant and should be reviewed. J. Hughes: Silent Spring has a preliminary a-mail stating that information would be coming out soon. Monitoring wells are at Brewster Sand & Gravel and the Antonelli's land. Musci: is looking through the information and deciding what is important in order to move forward. In the end Section 5-1 will be a full list of what has been obtained and where it may fall in the analysis. Michniewicz: At some point are you collecting all the various department regulations. For example, BOH and Planning regulations....do we have adequate coverage with the existing regulations and are there overlaps? Musci: Has received the NRPD, the water protection bylaw. Young: They weren't planning on going through all the town's regulations. It was not their intent. If they find things that might have holes in them then they will bring that to the Committee's attention. STEP 2: Young: they are weeding through all the information and finding holes. Also they will review and develop a map that shows the defined watersheds. CDM will look at areas that have not been defined and attempt to define. Taylor: a complete ditch system has been prepared with the SEA report. She has a copy and there are 7-8 other areas that she knows about. Requested that the pond map include the pond names? Mosquito Control has a lot of old historic maps that are good to show drains and ponds but you have to go there and make the copies. Young: will look at the information and then see where they go over the next month. STEP 3: Phosphorus Data -Blue Water Satellite Inc. (BWSI) Young: they have used BWSI on a couple of small projects and found the information useful. Need to find an 8 day period to determine how well the information reconciles. It looks like pond sampling information was available for Sept., 01 - 17, 2001 and the next one Aug. 03, 2002 -the data is older but they feel it would give them a good read on the calibration of the data. The cost for the data is $3,000. CDM has used this information for another specific project and found out where phosphourus was coming from. This seems like a cost effective way to find out this information. Might find out different things depending on the size of the pond. The cost is for information that they have on hand and not for future information. CDM wants to validate the information. J. Hughes: why are you paying to validate their information? We have all this information and the satellite will just validate. Young: we might be able to have them use this as a case study and they just started using this last year. A lot of theory here -the vendor seems confident but CDM wants to verify. J. Hughes: Willing to pay for the information but not willing to pay to validate the data. Michniewicz: Not sure if CDM should be the negotiator -perhaps Chris Miller would be the right person. Brewster would be willing to pay for the information but it has to be valid. 3-08-10 www.TOWN.BREWSTER.MA.US Page 2 of4 Miller: how are we going to use this information -what are we doing, information from 10 years ago what would you do with that now? Bersin: are we saying that we validate information from 5 years ago then all information is valid moving forward? It could establish some confidence and develop some consistency. Brewster does not have information on all the ponds and this could help. Musci: the hurdle is do we trust the data? This is a planning tool. P. Hughes: doesn't think they have to decide this tonight -would like to review the information and discuss. J. Hughes: Asked Ms. Leven to keep a packet for the 2 members who were absent and send the information to them to review. STEP 4 -Future meeting dates An updated schedule was provided. The schedule showed dates for meetings with the committee and for the outreach meetings. Young was looking for input from the committee. Tonight CDM hoped to discuss the community meeting dates. Is Saturday a desirable day? One of the meetings should be Saturday but not all of them. Also, they should avoid Saturday in the summer. In Harwich they have them on Thursday around 6 pm- with attendance at about 40-50 which seems like a good turnout. Would like to have it live so that you could show it on cable. Usowski: requested the opportunity for the committee to review any information CDM prepared prior to the meeting. What are they rolling out to the public? The session would be a general layout of the committee and CDM; the development process; how to keep the public informed; overview of the plan and the schedule; and ways to keep them informed. CDM would do all the set up and work through Sue - CWPC will be informed and review everything. March 27th would be the introduction date but if it doesn't need to be on Saturday. They could change the date. Town Meeting would also be a good time to help get the word out. Barry: CDM would handle the press release, posters, announcements and flyers. They would develop an image that would help people to identify the look. Need to determine who would handle fielding the questions. Johnson: Brewster gets the Cape Codder and the Cape Cod Times -these publications would be appropriate for releases. WQRC and NPR will announce on air. Johnson: commented on the character/logo used in Barnstable -she loves what they are using would like to apply that to our information. Barry: their creative people are working on the "look" and would like to come back to the committee with 3-4 options. P. Hughes: Could the Community Meeting be changed to March 25? Ms. Leven would verify that the room is available and that it could be recorded. Non resident tax payers should be informed. Barry: the meeting would be recorded and could be rerun over the cable channel. People who should be there: CDM, the committee, department heads from Conservation/Natural Resource, DPW, Health, Water and the Selectmen. Individual Board members could be invited. Young: will draft a preliminary agenda. Other items: 3-08-10 www.TOWN.BREWSTER.MA.US Page 3 of4 Young: regional studies: doesn't show that Brewster is all that far behind other towns USGS -new sampling - is that something Brewster should be involved with? Yes, we don't need to share in the cost but it is believed that Brewster will get the data when it is done. This is something that is done by USGS for any project. Pending Items for the Committee: 1. Follow-up on Satellite 2. Confirm the outreach date 3. Be ready to review the information for the outreach meeting Regional meetings: Be sure to invite all the neighboring towns: Harwich, Dennis Other Questions/comments: none Minutes to be reviewed at next meeting Next CWPC Meeting is Monday, March 22. Taylor: Motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Michniewicz. Vote: All Aye. fitted, Dave Administrative Clerk 3-08-10 www.TOWN.BREWSTER.MA.US Page 4 of4