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A 1.,• .p lo. f , .ft ; * , ::. . • 114i:1 i 4 a - r r . . ......._ ARK . 4 siv I 1 t p 1 I A SPoiliTs ON PAYEttt wfbeTe ii - — LAKE It. ..A4 CALL IDAHO is ; i r: .. ,f - , ,, `(�ep //`cr/ia c5-/afe5rnan _ a7/7/�� GALLERY: My Best Shot ' Satellite sled:Taken two ' days before Christmas • 1998,all of Sarah '4. - a. .'.. , Hubbard's grandchildren " came to their ranch in New Meadows to get their Christmas trees,as r `,Ik they do every year. I33,', Sarah sent the picture to i; t�; -� ' - ! °• show us that a satellite � ti '.. �s '' dish can be used for � 1, something somethin else —a t sled! It will fit eight d ` children,and while some r also ride on innertubes, they all take turns in the "dish,"Hubbard wrote. Star-News News Page_Lead Story Page 1 of 2 Ski areas do the best they can to get by with skimpy snow It's not just getting by,it's good skiing."—Ed Roper BY CARISSA SINDON and DAN GALLAGHER li for The Star-News Ed Roper picked up a shovel and began shoveling snow to fill in thin places underneath trees and sunny spots on the trails at Bear Basin Nordic Area west of McCall. Roper and other operators of ski areas in the area are working hard to keep their facilities in good condition despite the lack of snow so far this winter. Cold weather has helped trails at Bear Basin and Ponderosa State Park Nordic areas stay firm. Meanwhile,Brundage Mountain and Tamarack resorts - • • continue to welcome skiers despite the skimpy snow. Poob(or The AsNeva by Cmaaa Sodee The Little Ski Hill west of McCall opened for skiing on Ed Roper,manager of sear sa911 Nordte Area west of McCall,gowns some trails ustug a mowmobile Tuesday. wttlt attachments The area has not used tts hdl- stze groomer}et this season because of the lack of "It's not just getting by,it's good skiing,"Roper said. snow Bear Basin has about 20 kilometers of trails,of which 95 percent are open,he said. Helping is the fact Bear Basin is 400 feet higher than McCall. PONDEROSA STATE PARK Nordic trails at Ponderosa State Park did not open until Dec.31,which is about three weeks later than normal,park manager Richard Taplin said The late opening affects the park's short-term revenue from people who would have bought a day use pass,Taplin said. "We probably lost two or three weeks worth of weekend traffic from Boise and we lost part of our Christmas vacation crowd,which is fairly significant numbers,"Taplin said. About half of the park's 25km of trails are open,mainly those that run along paved roads and bicycle paths,he said. The competition trails that go off-road still do not have enough snow,he said. The late opening has allowed employees to take some extra time off work and has allowed the park to catch up on projects that sometimes get put off due to lack of time,Taplin said. TAMARACK RESORT Tamarack Resort reports that skiing activity is up from last year,thanks to the area's ability to make snow The ski area,operated by the Tamarack Municipal Association,has enjoyed a 15 percent increase over the same time last winter,attracting about 1,500 skiers and boarders per day through the holidays. Helping is the fact Bogus Basin Ski Area near Boise still has not opened. "Hopefully,everything will turn around for all resorts in Idaho,"said Tim Flaherty,TMA executive director."We'll continue to focus on what we do best and that's to offer the highest quality skiing experience in the west-central mountains." The resort is employing 100 seasonal employees who are working on the ski hill and 50 to 60 workers in food and beverage services. Snowmaking efforts are focused below mid-mountain on the Discovery,Serenity,Showtime and Bliss runs. "If any thin spots begin to develop we blow out a nice layer of snow and groom out some corduroy," Flaherty said. BRUNDAGE MOUNTAIN Brundage Mountain lost between 20 percent and 25 percent of its projected annual revenues by not being able to open until Dec.30,resort spokesperson April Russell said. How the resort will fare the rest of the season depends on how much snow falls,Russell said. "We are grateful for the loyal visitors who have and will continue to support us with their visitation for the remainder of this season,"she said. The entire 1,500-acre mountain is now open for skiing,and 188 winter employee are on the job. It was unclear how the financial setback will affect planned improvements this summer,Russell said. http://www.mccallstarnews.com/pages/lead page.php 1/12/2012 Star-News News Page_Lead Story Page 2 of 2 "We normally do not make capital decisions until the season is over,"she said. The fact Bogus Basin has not opened has created"a bit of a bump°in ticket sales,she said. THE ACTIVITY BARN The lift-served tubing hill at The Activity Barn near McCall has not been able to open,costing the business 60 percent of its projected revenues so far,owner Mike DeBoer said. "We spent a lot of money this summer getting the hill and equipment ready based on a strong La Nina snow year,"DeBoer said. The 13-year-old area normally has 16 employees working during the winter,he said. it http://www.mccallstarnews.com/pages/lead_page.php 1/12/2012