HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 00:060 00-60 l),m o[ Adl,pflm, Fetmmry 10: 20(0) llESOLUTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION WIIEREAS, Section S oflhe Open Public Meetings AcI. Chapler231 P.L. 1975, pemfits {he exclusio, office public flora a meeti,g in cerlain cilcunlshulces; ami WlIEREAS, 1his public body is oFthe opinio, thai such circumstances p~esently exists; NOW, TIIEREFOI/E, Big IT ilESOLVISI) by the Mayor and Council of the Borough oF Carleret, County oF Middlesex, Slate of New Jersey, as lbllows: I. The public shall be excluded fi'om attending, discussing or padicipatlng in tl~e hereinafter specified subject matters. 2. The gene~ al nalure of Ihe subject maHe~ to be discussed is as follows: ~rsomel mtters~ lit~ation ~ mn~t ~ 3. It is a,ficipated at this lime that the above staled subject matter will be made public: u~n ~mlmion of 4. This :esolulion shall lake eFFect in,nedialelyl RECOIH) ()lr COUNCIl, VOTIC ....... ...... _O _'~RIEN SO~AYDA X - Imlicatc Vote All - Al+scl. NV - N<)t Vuling XOR - Indic.les Vole Ad{,l,cd al a mecli,g ol'lhe Municipal Cmmcil ~ Fekuar~ 10, 2000 CL.~/ ,