HomeMy Public PortalAbout20150316 - Board of Health - Meeting Minutes BOH March 16, 2015 Minutes Page 1 Approved on April 6, 2015 BOARD OF HEALTH Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts 18 Main Street, 2rd Floor Meeting Room #211 Monday, March 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Members present: Paul Winshman, Chairman; Jennifer Belesi BOH Staff Present: Edward Wirtanen, Public Health Administrator Absent: Nasiba Mannan Late Arrival: The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm. by Chairman Winshman. Acceptance of Minutes Chairman Winshman recommended that the March 2, 2015 meeting minutes be placed on the Board’s April 6th meeting for approval due to Ms. Mannan’s absence tonight and his absence on March 2, 2015. Ms. Belesi agreed with Chairman Winshman’s recommendation. Open Session Steven Zieff, Eden Management, Inc./Crossroads Redevelopment Partners LLC Present: Finley Perry, Jr. Mr. Zieff informed the Board that if the zoning for this project is approved at the annual town meeting in May of 2015 the following will be their options for this development in regards to the water source: Crossroads Redevelopment Partners will utilize any existing water source available or they will permit, finance and create their own private water supply. They will also utilize any existing wastewater treatment capacity available or permit, finance and create their own sewer district and waste water treatment plant He said that there is enough water to feed this development and this is stated in the Weston & Sampson water report conducted in 2014; which states that that the town’s pumping yield is nearly twice the Town’s Water Management Act permit of 1.23 MGD. Mr. Zieff said that this development will encompass a sense of community where you will live, play and work. He offered information on a development he worked on in Salem, MA, -The Village at Vinnin Square (attached). Mr. Perry noted that he has asked the appropriate people in charge of the water availability for the town and has received several different answers. Mr. John Coutinho, Hopkinton resident, stated that he is concerned with the water and sewer aspect of the project since water is an issue for the town and at some point how much water and sewer will this development need. BOH March 16, 2015 Minutes Page 2 Approved on April 6, 2015 Mr. Perry noted that the responsibility of the municipal water and sewer concerns for this project lays with the Water and Sewer Commissioners not the Board of Health. Chairman Winshman thanked Mr. Zieff and Mr. Perry for their presentation and voiced the Board’s appreciation of them coming forward and updating the Board of their plans. He noted that the next step is town meeting and that the Board is not in a position to render a vote at this point of the project. If the project moves forward then the health portion will come before them in the future. Request for a Building Permit Plan Review Application Approval/8 McNeil Circle- Deerfield Estates/Mark & Ellen Factor Mr. & Mrs. Factor are requesting that the Board approve their building permit application to finish their basement and build an office area. Their home is an existing 2 bedroom, 7 room condominium built in 2010. Mr. Factor said that prior to purchasing the home he and his wife researched if there were any outstanding issues and was told by the Building Department that there were none and that renovating the basement would not present a problem. He indicated that the Building Department had no knowledge of the Board of Health issue. Mr. & Mrs. Factor explained that they are before the Board because the Health Agent denied their request due to the pending required final information and an “as built” plan of the sewage disposal system from the developer. All of the work has been inspected and has passed. They said that they feel this action is unfair and should not hinder their request of finishing their basement. Mr. Factor stated that he and his wife has informed the transition team of the Condominium Association and has also spoken with the developer regarding the issue. Mrs. Factor said that through an email from the Health Agent the developer has reached out to the department and is trying to resolve the issue. Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the issue is the outstanding paperwork not the usual request of the Board regarding room count. The department has been waiting for these final documents since 2011 and that the department has notified the developer and the building department of the outstanding materials. The developer has assured the department that the materials will arrive by April 1, 2015. Mr. Wirtanen also informed the Board that the Health Agent has completed all his “sign off” inspections on the collection and leaching system. A complete history of this project is included in the Boards packets written by the Health Agent on March 5, 2015 for their review. After a brief discussing the Board voted the following: Ms. Belesi motioned to approve the building permit plan review application for Mr. & Mrs. Factor of 8 McNeil Circle to finish their basement as requested. Chairman Winshman seconded. Ms. Belesi and Chairman Winshman in favor. Mr. Winshman signed the Building Permit Review Application on behalf of the Board. BOH March 16, 2015 Minutes Page 3 Approved on April 6, 2015 Town Manager’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the 2016 Fiscal Year budget has been revised with the Town Manager’s recommendation, approvals, and justification for any increases or decreases. The postage line item has been taken out and placed in a postage pool fund where all of the departments may fund their postage from instead of having an individual line item in their budget. Mr. Wirtanen also said that the Town Manger’s recommended budget that was approved by the Selectmen and forwarded to the Appropriations Committee shows lower funding for the new administrative position in the Department. The contractual Health Agent and Food Inspector were funded. He also said that the Public Health Administrator’s job advertisement, once again, has been delayed due to the job description being changed again by the Human Resources Department and not establishing a salary wage. Mr. Wirtanen said that he has invited the Human Resources Director Maria Casey to come before the Board at their April 6th meeting to discuss the job description, salary and posting of this position. Building Permit Plan Review Application Update of Status Mr. Wirtanen presented the following update regarding the pending building permit plan review applications that was brought before the Board at their December 8, 2014 meeting. Ms. Belesi requested a status update at the Board’s meeting of March 2, 2015:  3 McKay Road-Was not built  18 Roosevelt Lane-Was approved in 12/17/09 with only 9 rooms  3 Summit Way-Since 3/5/2009 fee and water quality report not provided  234 Lumber St-Since 7/4/11 deed restriction has not been recorded  32 West Elm St-Since 9/8/11 deed restriction has not been recorded-This project is has not been completed as of yet  11 Pendulum Pass-Required removal of garbage grinder-This has not been done (also pending at the building department). Informational Documents: Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board of the following informational documents for their review:  Ashland Nursing Program-Mr. Wirtanen said that the Town Manger has questioned the department’s nursing line item on the budget and that he is looking into other alternatives to continue the usage of these funds in the department. This is the Town of Ashland nursing program for their review.  Notice of MEPA Consultation-Mr. Wirtanen said that the MEPA notice is for the Chapter 40B Mews project which has proposed 375 residential units  Tobacco Compliance Check Results (March 7, 2015)-Mr. Wirtanen said that all sellers of tobacco vendors passed and informed the Board that Collella’s and Cornell’s Pub will no longer be selling tobacco. BOH March 16, 2015 Minutes Page 4 Approved on April 6, 2015  BOH Expenses for February 2015-Mr. Wirtanen said that he may need to access the fiscal year 2014 encumbered money to fund the contractual personnel (Health Agent & Food Inspector) for the remainder of this fiscal year. Future Meeting Schedule Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board of their upcoming meeting dates: ≈ Monday, April, 6, 2015 ≈ Monday, April 27, 2015 ≈ Monday, May 11, 2015 Payroll Request Mr. Wirtanen requested that the following payroll for him be signed by the Board.  March 23-28, 2015  March 30-April 4, 2015 Chairman Winshman signed the payroll request as presented for Mr. Wirtanen. Mileage Authorization Request Mr. Wirtanen requested that the following mileage be approved by the Board. He informed the Board that the mileage incurred was for the delivery of the water samples to Microbac in Worcester Massachusetts in regards to the odor complaints at the corner of Clinton Street and Legacy Farms development. Chairman Winshman signed the mileage authorization request for Mr. Wirtanen in the amount of $12.65. ADJOURN: Ms. Belesi motioned to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Chairman Winshman seconded. Ms. Belesi and Chairman Winshman in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Nidia LaRoche Administrative Assistant, LUPP