HomeMy Public PortalAbout2007 - MRRL Auditors ReportTABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INDEPENDENT-AUDITORS' REPORT .............. ..........:................................. .. 1=2 MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION &ANALYSIS 3 - 9 " FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Statement.of Net Assets and Governmental Fund Balance -Sheet:: ........ lol. Statement of Activities and Governmental Fund Revenues; *Expenditures, , and Changes in Fund Balance ............................... .......................... l l � , Notes to the Financial- Statements........ :..:.:............................................... Y2 - 24 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Statement of Revenues, Expenditure"§ and Changes in Fund - Balance --Budget and Aetual - General -25,727 , Notes to the. Budgetary Comparison Information.. .......... ..I........ 28 Schedule of Funding Progress..... • ..... •, ....... . ................ ..... 29 Evers & Coin an CPA's L.-L.C. Certified Public Accountants and Consultants Elmer L. Evers Jerome L. Kauffman Richard E. Elliott Dale A. Siebeneck, Keith" L. Taylor Jo L: Moore INDEPENDENT.AUDITORS' REPORT To the. Board of Trustees of Missouri River Regional Library Jefferson City, Missouri: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities,. each major fund and discretely presented component unit of Missouri River Regional Library (the Library) as of and, for the year ended December.31, 2007, which collectively comprise the- Library's basic financial statements as listed in the .table of contents. These financial statements . are the -responsibility of the Library's management. Our responsibility is. to express opinions, on these financial statements based on bu' r audit. We conducted our audit in accordance -with ' auditing standards generally accepted in' the United States of America.. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about.. whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. 'An audit' includes examining; on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts 'and disclosures .in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the . accounting principles 'used and significant estimates made, by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. 'We believe that our audit provides. a reasonable basis for our. opinions. As discussed in -Note 10 to the. financial statements, :management has not recorded book inventory -, assets in governmental" activities and, accordingly; has not recorded depreciation expense on those assets. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. of America require that book: ' inventory assets be capitalized and depreciated, which would .increase the assets, net' assets,. and expenses of the governmental activities. The amount by which this departure would affect the assets, net assets; and expenses of the governmental- activities is not reasonably determinable. In our opinion, because: of the effects of the matter discussed in the: preceding paragraph, the ' financial statements referred -to above do not 'present fairly, in conformity with accounting principles- generally accepted in the United States of America, --the financial position of .the' governmental activities of the Missouri River. Regional Library as of December 31, 2007, and the changes in financial position thereof for the year, then ended. -. 520 Dix Road • ,Jefferson City, Missouri 65109 • 573/635-0227 FAX 573/634-3764 ; :Village.Green Shopping Center • 1021 W. Buchanan. Street, Ste. _10 • California, Missouri 65018 573/796-3210 • .FAX -573/796-3452 = 4571 Hwy. 54; Suite A •, Osage Beach, Missouri 65065 • _573/348-4141 FAX'5t/348-0989 MemberalGNAfiliated Offices Worldwide In addition, in our opinion, the financial statements referred'to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of each major fund and discretely presented component unit, of the Missouri River. Regional Library, as of December 31,,2007' and.the respective changes in financial. position for the : year then ended in conformity' with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America: The accompanying management'. s discussion. and analysis, budgetary comparison information and ; schedule of funding .progress are, not a required part of the basic financial statements, but-_ are supplementary information required by- accounting- principles: generally ;accepted in. the United . States of America. We. have applied certain limited procedures, which: consisted_ -principally 'of inquiries of management- regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information_ and -express no opinion on EVERS & COMPANY, CPA's, L.L.C. Jefferson City, Missouri, July 9, 2008 .. 2 - MISSOURI RIVER,REGIONAL LIBRARY . Jefferson City, Missouri MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION-& ANALYSIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER"31, 2007 , The discussion and , analysis "of the. Missouri River Regional Library's (the- "Library") financial performance provides an overall review of the Library's --financial activities. for the .calendar year ended December 31, 2007. -The intent of this discussion and analysis is to look at the Library's . \� financial' performance' as a whole; readers should also review the basic financial statements to enhance their understanding of the Library's: financial performance. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Key. financial highlights for 2007 are as follows: • The Library's liquid assets of cash and. investments of $1,174,632 decreased over the course of the year's operation; by $209,128 or 17.80 percent. • Renovations to the . main library were substantially completed, in .2007. Renovations included new ' carpeting, - repainting, 'enlarging the .children's department into space previously used for staff ' offices, opening a periodicals/quiet reading. room: in space' previously used by technical services staff; relocation of,the reference .desk; opening of a teen space in space previously occupied by staff, and the purchase of additional shelving . and furniture -for the main floor, public computer center, periodicals room and children's department. • 'Emphasis was given -to obtaining the opinions of library patrons and staff in developing a new long range . plan: The new plan was adopted , in November_ , i2007- by the Library Board of Trustees'and will guide budget planning.for-2.009. • The Missouri River Regional Library Foundation is included, -as a.component unit of the`. Library for financial reporting purposes in 2007. Overview of the Financial Statements This annual report consists- of a series of financial statements and- notes to -those statements. q - These statements are prepared and organized -so the reader can understand the Library as a I' financial.. whole or as an entire -operating .entity.., The statements then proceed to provide . an " increasingly detailed look -at the Libr-ary's.specific financial conditions: The Library, because it is., a special-purpose government engaged, in a single governmental Program, has. elected to. present the government -wide financial statements and the fund financial statements' combined. MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL; LIBRARY f.. Jefferson City, Missouri j� MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION &ANALYSIS FOR,THE CALENDAR YEAR ENDED. DECEMBER 31, 2007 Government -Wide -Financial Statements The government -wide. Statement. of -Net Assets and Statement of Activities provide information - i.,.. about te" activities of the: whole Library, presenting both , an aggregate view of the. Library's 1 finances and a, longer-term.view of those assets. These two statements, shown 'in, columnar format,` combined with the governmental funds reports consolidate, the -Library's net, -assets and the changes in those assets. This change in assets is important because it tells the reader -whether, -° for the Library as a whole; the. financial position of the Library has improved_ or diminished: ` However, .in evaluating the overall `position of the Library;,non-financial:inforrnati on such'as, f changes in the Library's tax base and the condition of Library, capital assets -will also, need; to.`be :.. evaluated. f Fund -Financial Statements: 1 " A fund is a grouping of -.related, accounts, that is used to maintain control over resources that have been "`segregated for -.specific. activities or objectives., ' -The Library, like- other state' -and local- --governments, ocal--governments, .uses fund" accouiiting fo ensure .and demonstrate -compliance with -finance related. legal_ requirements. The Library uses governmental funds _ - Govern`nental funds Governmental funds are used` to account for essentially. the- same- functions -reported as government :activities in the -government-wide .financial statements. However, unlike the government -wide financial statements, governmental fund financial- statements- focus `on near. -" term inflows and outflows ofs endable resources, p as well as on balances of spendable resources.,- . p . available at the end of the calendar* year., Such information may be" useful -in evaluating a., . 1 government's near-term financing requirements. Because: the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government -wide financial Olstatements, It is useful to; compare'the information presented for governmental funds with similar . information presented for governmental: activities = in the government -wide financial', statements. By doing„ so, readers may better .understand the long-term impact of the government's near-term J financing decisions. Both the governmental fund balance, sheet and the governmental fund statement of revenues, ;expenditures, and changes in- fund balances provide a. reconciliation .to facilitate this comparison between governmental funds and governmental activities: The Library maintains, ,.one governmental fund, the general fund, which is. considered a major fund.. Information is presented separately, in the .governmental fund balance sheet and in the, governmental fund statement of revenues; expenditures, and: -changes yin, fund balances for'4he' " general fund: The Library adopts an annual appropriated budget for its general fund. A budgetary comparison" statement has been provided _for, the general fund to demonstrate.compliarice with this budget. i. 4 - MISSOUR_ LRIVERREGIONAL"LIBRARY _ Jefferson City, Missouri MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS " FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR,ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 Missouri River Regional Library as a Whole (Cont'.d.) Salaries and , benefits. for library ' staffing and administration are by far the Library's largest , -expense at $1,749,159 and comprise 626/o of total expenditures. Library materials and maintenance, which includes the cost of periodicals, electronic resources, - material processing and database services is $377,619 or 13.35% ,of total expenses: Current year depreciation of the Library's capital assets is ; $1-50,668 -or '5.3%0 of total expenses. Total accumulated depreciation- increased to -$2;160,542 or 76.99%. of total depreciable capital assets.. Operations., and maintenance fora building and "equipment is $290,195 or '10.26% of total _ -operations. " b A total of $371,758 was capitalized from the operations expenditures. Budgetary. Highlights The Library adopts an annual operating budget for its general fund that is prepared according to Missouri State Statutes. The calendar year represented is: from January 1, 2007 through,,! December 31, 2007: r During the course of- the year, the library amended . its general fund budget. All _ recommendations for a budget change are presented by -the, Library's Administration , to the, Board. of Trustees: The general fund is monitored closely, looking for possible revenue shortfalls, or over spending by individual departments. Original budgeted revenues for the -general fund of $2;725;830 were adjusted by a total of $31.0,723 (including a transfer from reserves of $274,984), to account for gift'' receipts, additional . _ book .sale revenues and, unanticipated ,non-resident athlete. and entertainer .tax revenues. Final budget amount was. $2,798,575; acid the actual revenue was $2,7984575: The major factors - contributing to- actual 'revenues being less- than_.budgeted revenues were the budgeted transfer from"reserves, which offset the receipt of grant and interest revenue: above the amount budgeted. . -Oriinal bud eted ex enditures' for the general .fund of $2,725,830 were adJjusted b ,a total -of., $310,723, mainly to account for main- library, _renovation. ekpenses. Final budget amount was , .$3,036,553;,and the actual expenditures were $3,034,230. MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL -LIBRARY Jefferson City,, Missouri MANAGEMENT'S. DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 Capital Assets Table 3 shows a comparison.of Capital Assets at December 31, 2007 and 2006. Table 3' Capital Assets .. 2007 ". 2006 Land $ . 322,095 $. 322,095 r` Building .1,622,048 1,622,048 Construction in Progress 349,032 100,849 Automation 531,850 738,543' - Automobiles -252,110. 252,110.' Furniture and Equipment.' 558,434 492,943 Total Capital Assets 3,635,569 3;528,588 Total Accumulated Depreciation. 2,160,541 2,274,650 Net capital Assets-' $ -1,475,028 $1,253,938 As of December 31; 2007, the Library's investment in capital assets amounted to $`1.,475,028 (net .. :.of" accumulated: depreciation)... Before depreciation, there was a net, increase' of $371,758 or 10.6% during the fiscal =year. This: was 'due mainly to , the renovations to the main library and additions to automation equipment -and furniture. Debt Administration The Library had no outstanding indebtedness'during 2007. Economic Factors and Next Fiscal Year's Budget: •. Net. growth in assessed valuation (including new construction growth) for 2007 is approximately 3.1%o for :the City of Jefferson -Cole County Library District. The net growth in assessed ' valuation for the Osage County . Library District .for: 2007 is ' approximately 2.6%. e The'2008 budget was prepared using a tax rate of:$.19.13 per $.100 valuation for the City:" of Jefferson -Cole County Library District and -a rate. of $.1702 per $100 -valuation for the Osage County .Library District. 8 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY -Jefferson .City, Missouri MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS." FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 . Economic Factors and Next Fiscal' Year',s Budget: (Cont'd.) . • In early 2008 theemain library renovation will be completed. . • _ During 2008 special attention -will be, given to, expanding thecontent and number of programs. offered to. the public: Attention will also be' focused on creating venues for the community to offer their opinions. about what services the library"should be providing. • In 2008 the library will continue to focus on expanding and adapting our services to meet', _ the needs of our patrons. Contacting the-District's Financial Management This financial discussion. "and- report is designed, to provide a general'overview. of the Library's, finances for all those with ariinterest in the Library's. finances and to demonstrate .the Library's accountability for the money it receives. -Questions concerning any of the information"provided". in this report or requests for-additional financial information should be addressed to the Assistant Director, for' Business and Finance, -Missouri River Regional Library, P.O:" Box, 89,214 Adams St., Jefferson City- MO 651.02. 9 '-MISSOURI,RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY. Jefferson City, Missouri STATEMENT. OFNET ASSETS AND GOVERNMENTAL FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2007 = Statement of Net Assets " Adjustments . Primary : Component - General Fund (Note 2), ;' Government ' Unit -, ASSETS Cash, and Investments: $' 1,174;632 $' - $ 1,.174'6132 $' 9,339. Property Tax Receivable; net 2,365;903 - ' - -2,365,903 - - Interest Receivable. . 2,428. - 2,428..- - Other Assets 7,489 - Land and Construction in Progress " = - 671,127'671, -27 Other Capital Assets; -net of Accumulated Depreciation - 803,901 803,901 - Total Assets- $ " 3,550,452 A,475,028 51025,480 9,339 J ZIABIL=S Accounts Payable $ . ,.51,427 - 51,427- - Compensated Absences - 151,799 151,799 - Deferred Revenue 2,652,667_ (16-779) 2,635-,888', - Total -Liabilities 2,704,094, :135,020 2,839,114 - FUND BALANCES/NET ASSETS - Fund Balance:. Unreserved, Undesignated;- 846,358 (846;358) ,- Total Fund Balances 8463358 _' - -. (846,35,8) Total Liabilities and -Fund Balances $ 3;550;452. Net Assets: . - Invested in Capital Assets 1,4.75,028.. 1,475,028 - -- .Unrestricted_. 711.338 711,338 9339 " Total Net Assets - $ 2,186,3-66 . $ 2,186,366',' $ 9,339 The accompanying notes are an iritegral.parf of these,financial statements. 1.0 . MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND GOVERNMENTAL FUND REVENUES., EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE', -- For the year ended December 31,.2007 Statement;ofAetivities, - Adjustments= Primary Component General Fund - (Note 3) Government . " Unit EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES Library Services $ 2,652,956 $. 166,038 $ 2818,994.- $ - Capital Expenditures381,274 (371,757) 9,517 - Toundation Expenditures - - - - 4,663 Total Expenditures/Expen"ses 3,034,230- (205,719) 2,828,511 4,663 PROGRAM REVENUES: Charges for Services 83,472 - 83,472' -. - Donations and Grants 76,053 - 76;053 ' 4,965. Net Program Expense (2,668,986) 4,965 GENERAL REVENUES: Property Taxes 2,516,560 16,779 2,533,339 :. . Investment Income113,859 - 113;859 -"38 Miscellaneous " " 8,631 . - 8;631 216 Total General Revenues `2,639,050. 16,779 2,655,829 _. 254. Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures- (235,655) 235,655 Change in Net, Assets ' - . (13,157) •(13,157) 556 Fund Balance/Net Assets,_ Beginning of Year - ' 1,082,013 -1,117,510 2,199,523 8,784 _ Fund Balance/Net Assets, End of Year $ 8461,358 $ 1,340,008. $ 2,186,366. $ 9,339 The accompanying, notes ate an integral part of these financial statements. • 11 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL;LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri' NOTES TO THE. FINANCIAL, STATEMENTS For The Year Ended.December 31, 2007 NOTE 1 ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Oronization The ,Missouri River Regional Library. (the. Library). was 'created on April 1, 1994 under the authority of RSMo" 70.210 when the political subdivisions of the City of-Jefferson/Cole County Library District and the Osage County,Library District signed a joint contract., .The Library is headquartered in Jefferson City, Missouri, with a second Mi on in Linn, is' as. well as . additional coverage provided -by the Library's bookmobile. -The Library's purpose is . to plan,' develop, operate and 'provide a library system for `the use and benefit- of the residents of'the City of Jefferson/Cole County Library District and the Osage — County. Library District, and .to fulfill and provide- to the. extent 'possible those -facilities, programs, materials and services of a public library as are normally contemplated and authorized ' to be provided under the .laws of the State of Missouri. Financial Reporting:Entity The Library's -combined financial statements include the accounts of all Library operations. The criteria for, including organizations :as component units within the Library's. reporting entity, as set forth in Section 2100 'of GASB's _Codification of Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards,' include whether: * , the organization is legally separate (carr -sue and be. sued in"its.own name): * the Library holds the corporate powers- of the organization * the Libraryappoints a voting majority of the 6rgani2ati6n's board * the Library is able to impose its will on the organization. * the organization has the potential to imposea financial benefitiburden on the Library * there is fiscal dependency bythe organization of the Missouri River Regional Library. . Based on the aforementioned criteria; the Missouri River Regional .Library has one component unit. The Missouri River. Regional. Library Foundation- financial statements', (for. the. year ended December 31, 2007) are included as a discretely presented component unit because the economic resources received by the Foundation .are for the direct benefit of the Library. - MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL -LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri NOTES TO. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The -Year Ended December 3.1,-2007 NOTE 1 - ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT 'ACCOUNTING POLICIES:" (Cont'd.) Measurement Foeus, Basis of Accountine and Financial Statement Presentation (Cont'd-.) .- Under the modified ,accrual basis of accounting; revenues are recognized ' in the accounting Period in which they become both measurable and available. The term -available is defined as :- collectible within the, current period or expected to -be collected. -soon enough "thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the .current period. For the' Library; available means expected to be received within sixty days of year end. Expenditures are .generally" recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting, when the related fiind'hability is incurred. " The Library follows GASB Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial leporting for Non - Exchange Transactions .(GASB 33), which, establishes accounting and. financial reporting- T . standards for nonexchange transactions involving financial or capital resources. GASB 33 groups nonexchange transactions into the following four classes, based upon their. principal characteristics:' derived tax revenues, imposed nonexchange revenues, governmental mandated nonexchange transactions; and voluntary nonexchange transactions- The.Library recognizes assets from "imposed nonexchange revenue transactions in the period in - . which anenforceable :legal claim to the assets. arises'or-in Which the resources are received, whichever occurs '.first: Revenues are recognized in the period -in which ,the resources are required .to be used or the first .period that use is permitted. For example, for -property taxes, the period for which they are -levied. Resources received or recognized as receivable before the time requirements are met are reported as- deferred' revenues. The Library' s' budget is based on the previous year's .assessed :valuation ' and tax, levies. Recording deferred tax .revenue allows recognition of the revenue`in the period for which it was budgeted.. Intergovernmental revenues; representing grants, entitlements, donations and assistance received . _from other governmental units, are generally ,recognized as revenues in the period in which all eligibility requirements, ;as defined by GASB 33, have been met. Any resources received before eligibility.requiremeiits are met are reported as deferred revenues. Charges. for services; such: as fines, .book sale revenues and photocopy- revenues; in the - governmental funds; which are exchange transactions and are, -therefore not subject to the, provisions of GASB 33, are recognized asrevenues when received in cash because they, are - generally not measurable until actually received. 14 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City,.Missouri NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Year Ended December, 31, 2007 NOTE 1 —ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT- ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Cont'd) Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles -generally accepted in the United States . bf America ,requires management to:: make . estimates• ' and ' assumptions that affect certain ;reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. Cauital Assets The accounting treatment for property, plant and equipment,(capital' assets) depends on whether the assets are reported in the government -wide or fund financial -.statements. Government -wide Statements . In the government -wide ' fmancial statements capital assets_ are -valued -at historical cost, ` or estimated. historical cost. if actual is unavailable, except for donated capital assets,.whichare recorded at their estimated fair value at -the date of donation. Depreciation of all exhaustible., capital assets -is' recorded as an expense in the .Statement of, Activities, with 'accumulated depreciation reflected -in the Statement of Net Assets. Depreciation Js provided over the .assets' estimated useful lives using the.atraight-line method of depreciation. - The range•of estimated useful lives by type of assets is as follows: Building and Equipment- 20745 years Furniture -and Equipment- 5 - 20 years Automation . -3—10,years Vehicles 5 -15 years The minimum capitalization threshold is any item with a total cost greater than $250: The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do' not add value to -the. assets or materially extend the asset's life are not capitalized. The Library does not -possess any infrastructures. ' Fund Financial Statements �- In • the fund financial statements; capital assets used in governmental - fund operations, are accounted for as capital outlay expenditures of the governmental fund upon acquisition. 15 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -For, The.Year Ended December 31, 2007 NOTE -1 - ORGANIZATION' AND -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING - POLICIES: (Cont'd.) Compensated Absences Accumulated paid time off is accrued monthly., Employees =accrue twenty days per year during. the first "five years of service, increasing to a maximum of-twenty-eight,days after fifteen years of, employment. The maximum accrual allowed to be carried forward is 'six da ty�s. y All employees also receive six days per year catastrophic 'leave with unlimited accrual.'.' There is no payment' of accrued catastrophic leave upon termination; therefore an accrual. has not been made iri the financial statements. The liability for compensated absences is not recorded in -the fund financial statements since it is anticipated that the liability will not be liquidated with currently available .financial resources. Accrued Liabilities and Long -Term Obligations All payables, accrued liabilities and long-term obligations are reported in the government -wide financial statements. - - In general,' payable and accrued liabilities that will be paid.from governmental funds are reported . on the governmental fund financial statements regardless of whether they will.be liquidated with T. current financial resources., However,. special termination benefits that" will be paid from governmental funds are reported .as -a liability, in the fund financial statements only .to the extent that- they, will be paid with current, expendable, available financial, resources. In -general, liabilities that mature or come due, for payment=during the fiscal year are considered to have been made with current available financial resources. Other long-term obligations that will be paid from governmental funds are not recognized as a liability in the fund -financial statements until . T due. 16 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Year Ended December 31; 2007. NOTE, I = ORGANIZATION -AND SUMMARY.OFSIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES:, (Cont'd.) Net Assets Net assets represents the-4ifference between assets and liabilities. Net assets invested. in. capital, assets; net of related debt consists of capital assets, net,of Accumulated depreciation, -reduced by Y. the outstanding -balances of any -borrowings used for the acquisition, construction, improvbrilent of those. assets. Net assets are' reported as restricted when there are -lin-litAtions, imposed on their use'either through'the enabling legislation adopted by the Library . or through external, restrictions, imposed by creditors,- grantors or laws or regulations, of other- governments. All other'net Assets are reported as unrestricted. The Librafy'applies restricted resources first when an expense is incurred for purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted net -assets are available. NOTE .2 = RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE- STATEMENT OF NET ''ASSET S_: Total Fund Balance govern inental: funds.'$ 846;358 . . ............. ................ Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Assets are different because: Capital, assets used in governmental activities are not Financial resource's and therefore #enot reported in the flinds. The cost of the assets is -$3,635,569 and the, accumulated depreciation is $2,160,541 .................. .................... 1,475,028 Property taxes and other receivables will be' collected this year, but are not available to pay for current -period expenditures and therefore 'are deferred in 16,779 - Long -term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not.reported in'the funds. as follows: Compensated'absences. (151,799) NET ASSETS OF GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES .......... : .............. $2,186366 17 -MISSOURI' RIVER REGIONAL_: LIBRARY, Jefferson .City, Missouri; . -NOTES.TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS; - 007. For The Year'Ended December 31, 2 ' _NOTE 3 = : REGONCII;IATION OF : THE f STATEMENT' ° OF.,. REVENUES ,= EXPENDITURES AND `"CHANGES IN FUNDBALANCES: OF GOVERNMENTAL-'::,: EUIVDS TO THE' -STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES: -EXCESS OF REVENUES -OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES , TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUND,.BALANCES ..i:..:'.... $(235,655) ' ;._wil '. Amoufi&reported for governmental activities in the < - _ Statement. of Activities are different because ; Capital outlays`are reported as expenditures in the governmental funds.:; However, in the Statement"of Activities, .the cost of capital assets is all over their estimated useful -.lives as depreciation expenses the current period;: these amounts -are - Capital asset`s purchases: '374,758. `. ex - ,' De reeiation pense .:: ... _ . (150,66. - Total ' .221;090 y Revenues: in the'Statement of Activities that do not provide...'; current financial. resources are;not reported as revenues ,in the funds =deferred tax: revenue .:1:6;779 ' Some expenses reported m the Statement of Activities : .. do Hoff require the use of currenti'financial resources and therefore are'not reported as expenditures m I ' governmental. funds_' activities consist of: . ' inin- compensated.absences 15371 ' EXCESS OF REVENUES .OVER (UNDER); EXPENDITURES ' OF GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITI"ES . 13 157 _ s ,. , .. MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri, NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For. The Year Ended December 31, 2007 NOTE 4 — DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS: The Library's investments at December 31, 2007 consist of the following: Fair . Less Than, Investment Type • Value 'One Year Repurchase agreements $1,248,871 $1,249,871 . $1,248,871 1 248 871 Custodial Credit -Risk— For an investment, custodial. credit -tisk is_the risk that, in the event of the, failure of the counterparty, the organization will not bei able to recover -the -value of its investments or collateral .securities that are in the possession, of. an outside party.. Repurchase agreements had a bank balance of $1;248,871 at December 31, 2007' and are not covered by FDIC. All' of the organizations investments are held by the investment's" counterparty; not in the • ' — name of the organization. Investment Interest Rate Risk.— The Organization has no formal investment policy. that limits, investment maturities as a means of managing .its exposure to .fair value losses arising from. increasing interest. rates., Maturities of investments held at December 31, 2007 are less- than one year. - Investment Credit.Risk -The Library has no investment policy that limits its investment choices other than the, limitation of state law as follows: Missouri Statutes and legal opinions authorize the Library to invest in certain - types of investments including, but not' limited .to, collateralized public deposits (certificates of deposit), U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities; and repurchase agreements. Collateral is required for demand deposits and certificates of deposit. The market value of the -collateral must equal `at­least- 100% of deposits not covered by federal -.deposit insurance. Securities underlying a repurchase agreement must have a market value of at least -10-0% . of. the. cost of, the "repurchase agreement:: Obligations pledged to secure deposits are'deliwered'to the bank's joint -custody account at, the. Federal Reserve Bank. Concentration of Investment Credit Risk — The Library places no limit on the amount it may invest, in any one issuer. At December 31, 2007, all of the Library's investments were held at one financial institution. '19 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAIL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri NOTES TOTHE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, For The Year'Ended December 31,,2007 . NOTE 4-' DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS: (Cont'd.) Discretely Presented Component Unit.- At December 31, 2007) the Missouri. River Regional Library Foundation's investment and deposit balances were as follows: Deposits 9339 NOTE 5 _ PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AND RECEIVABLES: Property taxes. are levied by ,the Counties of .Cole and Osage each -March 1, based on property values assessed as of the previous January 1: Property taxes are considered, past due on January 1 following the levy date at which time the applicable; property is subject to lien and penalties and interest are 'assessed. Cole County and Osage County bill .and collect property taxes on behalf of . the Library. The property tax rates per, $100 assessed valuation for 2006 .for -each of the respective taxing , . districts were as follows: . Osage County 30.1702 -City of Jefferson/Cole County. $.0.1921 The assessed Valuation, for property upon which the fiscal 2006'levy was based was as follows: Osage County $ .167,950,902 City. of Jefferson/Cole County' 1,167,840,956 - .Tax revenue receivable at December 31, 200.7 on the fund financial statements consist of the. following: Taxes Receivable $ 2,419,520 - Less Allowance for Uncollectible (53,617 Total -.2.365.903 . NOTE 6 - LEASE: The .Library, .located.. in Linn, Missouri, entered into a month-to-month, lease with monthly rent. payments of $1,500 for facilities to, conduct operations.. The original lease expired in April 2005: The lease has been continued on a month-to-month, basis at the -agreement of both parties at the same rental rate. 20 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The -Year Ended December 3 L. 2007 NOTE 6 — LEASE: (Cont'd.) The Library.located in Jefferson City, "Missouri entered into., a lease agreement. with Weldon . Enterprises.of Jefferson City, Inc., -with monthly rent payments of $4,200 for facilities to conduct operations. - The Tease is. for the initial term of one year beginning September 1-, 2006 and ending August 31,-2007. "There is an,automatic.renewal .clause for four additional terms of one year. each. At. the end of,.the automatic renewal terms, the lease is renewable- for 'two additional one -'year periods. NOTE 7 — RETIREMENT PLANS: A. Plan Description The Missouri River Regional Library participates. "in the Missouri Local Government. Employees- Retirement ' System (LAGERS),, an agent multiple -employer public employee retirement, system, that acts as a common investment; and --administrative agent for local, government entities in Missouri. ` LAGERS is a, defined benefit pension plan which provides -retirement, "disability," and death benefits to -plan members_ and beneficiaries. LAGERS was created and, is governed by statute, section RSMo. ; 70.600 - 70.755. As such, ' it is the. system's responsibility to administer the law in accordance.with the expressedintent of the General Assembly: The plan is qualified under the Internal Revenue Code Section 401 a and it is tax exempt. The Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement".System issues a publicly; available _financial report that includes financial, statements and required supplementary information.. That report maybe obtained by writing t6 LAGERS, P.O. Box 1665, Jefferson ;City, MO 651026-r by calling 1-800-447-4334. B. Fundink Status The 'Missouri River, Regional- Library's full-time employees'do not contribute to.the_�pensi'on plan. The. political subdivision'is required to .contribute at an actuarially determined rate; the. current rate is'11.7%0 (general) of annual covered payroll.- .The contribution requirements of plan" members are "determined by the governing body of the political subdivision: The contribution provisions of the political subdivision are established by state statute.. 21 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri " NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Year Ended December 31, 2007 NOTE 7 -.RETIREMENT PLANS: (Cont'd.) C-. Annual Pension Cost For the 2007 plan year, the political subdivision's annual pension. cost of $122;878 was equal to. the required and actual contributions. The required contribution was determined as part of : the February 28, 2005 and/,or February 28, 2006 annual actuarial valuation using the,entry age actuarial' cost method'. The actuarial assumptions as of February'. 28, 2007_ included, (a) a, rate'" of return on the investment of present and future assets of 7.5% per year, compounded -- annually, (b) projected salary increases of 4.0% per year, compounded annually, attributable to inflation, (c). additional, projected salary increases ranging'. from 0.0% to -6.0%.per year, depending on age, attributable, to seniority/merit, and (d) pre -retirement mortality based on the RP -2000 "Combined Healthy Table set back 0 years- for men and .0 years for "women -and (e)"post-retirement mortality based on the 1971 Group, Annuity Mortality tableprojected to 2000 -,set back one year for men. and 7 years for women. .The actuarial value of assets was determined using" techniques that smooth. the effects of short-term'volatility inthe market value of :investments over •"a, five-year period. The unfended actuarial accrued liability is " being amortized as a -level percentage of projected payroll on' a .closed.. basis. The ' amortization period at February 28; 2007 was 25 years. Three -Year Trend Information Fiscal Annual Percentage-. Nei. Year Pension - . of APC . Pension Ending - Cost (ARC)Contributed Obli ation .06/30/05 112,887 100% -0- 06/30/06 123,022 100% a -0- 06/30/07 122,878 -100% -0- _ NOTE 8 RISK MANAGEMENT The Library is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to- and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; and natural disasters.. The Library purchases commercial insurance for all risks of loss. Settled claims have not exceeded commercial insurance coverage in any of the past three years. MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY . Jefferson City, Missouri - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Year Ended December, 31, 2007 MISSOURI.RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City; Missouri NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2007 NOTE 12 -. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: Property, plant and equipment and accumulated depreciation by major class are as"follows at December 31, 2007: _ Beginning Balance Increases Decreases Ending Balance Governmental -type activities: Capital.assets, not being depreciated: Land $ 322,095' $ ". - $ - $ ;. 322,095. Construction in Progress - 100,849' 248,183 - 349,032-,, Total capital assets, not being - depreciated 422,944 248,183 - 671,127 Capital assets, being depreciated: Building and Equipment . 1,622,048 - - 1;622,048 Automation 738,543 58,084 264,777 531,850 Furniture and Equipment 492,943 65;491 - 558,434 " Vehicles 252,110 - - 252,110 .. Total capital assets, being - . depreciated 3,105,644. 123,575 '264,777 2,964,442.. Less accumulated depreciation for - Building and Equipment 1,142,241 41,948 - 1,184,189 `Automation - 649,090 55,563264;777 4 39,876 . Furniture and Equipment 436,541, 17,539. - 454;080 Vehicles 46;778 35;618 - 82,396 Total accumulated depreciation 2,274,650 150,668 264,777 12,160,541 . " Total capital assets, being depreciated, net 830,994 (27;093). - 803,901` Governmental -type activities capital assets, net .. $ 11253,938. $ 221,090 $ - '.. $. 1,475,028 Total"depreciation.ezpense for 2007 was $150,668.42., .- 24 "MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL -GENERA_ L FUND • For the year ended December 31, 2007 25 _ Variance Original Final Favorable Budget Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES. Tax Revenue $ :- -2,537,288 $ 2,545,459 $' 2,516,560 $ (28,899) State Aid 35,042. 35;042 40,747 5,705 Investment Income , - 80,000 80,000 1,13,859 33,859 Fines .40,000 40,000 43,735 3,735 Grants _ _ 12,536. 12,536 Lost Books and'Cards .-.. - - - 8,655 8,655 Photocopy Revenue 12;500 - 12,500 12,406 (94) Book Sale.Revenue 13,000 18,000 , 18,616 676 Miscellaneous 8,000 8,000 8,631 631 .'Gift Receipts. - _ -. - 22,568 :22,770-' - : 202- Transfer from Reserves - 274,984 - (274,984) Total Revenues $ 2,725,830 3,036,553 2,798,575. (237,978) EXPENDITURES Personnel Related: • Administration 347;260 3471-260 328,453 18,807 ..Network. & Automation Services 90,263 00,263 89,936. 327 Childrens 143,502 .1431502 143,671 (169) - • Reference 212,528 ; 212,528 206,505. 6,023 " Circulation 221,598 ' "221,598 216,591 5,007 Outreach .88,443 88,443 88,443 _ - Technical Services 176,720 176,720 179,384 (2,664) Osage Branch 61,311 61,311 64,136 (2,825) " Employee Relations 4,250 " 4,250 2,788 1,462 Payroll Benefits-Emplr FICA 102,634 102,634 101;841 - 793 Payroll Benefits -Retirement 132,697 132,697 126,246. . 6,451 Payroll Benefits -Insurance 179,021 179,021 186,118 (7,097) Payroll Benefits -Accrued PTO- _ 14,135 (14,135) Unemployment -Expense 912 (912) Total PersonnelRelated 1,760,227- 1,760,227 1,749,159 11,068 25 MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL, LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri. STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL -GENERAL FUND For the year ended December 31., 2007 26' Variance :- , Original Final. ' ' Favorable Budget; Budget Actual (Unfavorable) EXPENDITURES "(Continued) _ Books "and Materials: Adult Books -Non Fiction 52,500 52,000 51,105 895 .Adult. Books -Fiction . 47,000 45,300 .44,606 694 ' Adult Books -Reference 40,529. 42,979 42,982 (3). Adult Non-Book-Period/News 23,000 23;00021,354 1,646 Adult Non -Book -Audio 30,000 137,000 37,518 (518) Adult Non=Book=Viddo - 21,000 21,000 22,822 (1,822) Adult Non -Book -Ref Online..' 30,000 27,550 -'25,449 2,101 - Adult Non-Book-Mircoforms 8,866 8,866 5,042 -3;824• Teen Books 7,000 7,500. 7;842 (342) Juvenile Book -Non Fiction 24,000 24,000 25,806: (1,806) Juvenile Book -Fiction 26,000 29,670 -28,043 1,627 Juvenile Book -Reference 2,000. 2,000- 1,936 64 JuvenileNon-Book-Periodical-• 1,100_ 1,100 892 208 Juvenile Non -Book -Media 16,000 16,000 .. 14,920'. 1,080 . Public Use Software 2,000. `2;000 639 1,361_ Filtering Software License - 500 500 480 20 Internet Access/Real Project 10,200: '10,200 9,746 454 MOBIUS Fees 8,000 8,000 " 9,082 (1,082) - . OCLC-Cataloging 22,635, 22,635 18,874 -3,76,1 Interlibrary Loan 1,737 1,737 1,733 4 Rebinding - 500 - 500 -, - 500 Collection Agency Fees 5,760 5,760 6,748. " (988)' Total Books.and Materials .. 380,327 ' 389,297 377,619 11,698 Library Departmental Overhead: Bookmobile: OPER-BM 8,000. 8,000 14,182 (6,182) - Library Automation Contracts 41,142 41,142 37,487_. 3,655 Library Supplies .. 25,554 29,954 50,274 (20,320) , Photocopy. •_ 10,000. - 10,000 10,174 (174) Programming -Adults 24,000 44,985 49,464 (4,479) Programming-Childrens' 13,550 13,550 14,042 (492) Programming -Osage 4,400, •4,400 4,042 .- 358.' Programming -Teen 21500. 23500.1-.2;567 (67) Public Information 30,000 30,000 29,995 5 Recruitment ; 2,000. 2,000 - 5,442 Travel &Associations 17,500. .. 17,500 18,242 (742) Volunteer Recognition. 200 200 162. 38 Total Library Deptarmental Overhead 178,846 204,231 236,073 (3,1,842) 26' MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri . STATEMENT'OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND -CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL -GENERAL FUND For the year ended December 31, 2007 "Variance . Original Final Favorable Budget Budget " Actual (Unfavorable) Overhead: Bank Charges 1',200 -1,200 11302 - (102) ' .Consultant -Building Fund. '.' - _ 458 (458)' Custodial Contract: Branch 4,000 4,000 3,761 239 " Custodial Supplies 5,000 5,000"- 4;244 756 Delivery Seryice _ 4,500 .4,500 4,535 (35) Insurance -Business 45;000 45,000" 38,593 6,407, Maintenance -Building & Equipment 27,000 . . 27,000 30,808 (3,808) Maintenance-Furniture''&Equip 11;800"- .11,800 11,166 634' . Office Automation Contracts 10,50.0 - 1.0,500 9,322: 1,178 - Office Supplies 10,500 10,500 7,786 2,714 '. Postage" 20,100 20,100 16,687 3,413 ' ; -Professional Services 8,500 8,500 ,. 4,468 4,032 ` . Rent -Osage 18,000 18,000 18,000, Rent* Weldon , 50;650 50,650 50,400 250 Telephone 12,500 '12,700 .14,008 (1,308) Utilities 69,000 69,000 703751 (1,751) Vehicle Opefation/Passenger 4,500 4,500 3,816 684 - Total Overhead302,750.. 302,950 290,105 12845 -1 Capital Expenditures: , Computer Equipment & Software 89,013 89;613 86200 3,413 Library Furniture & Equipment. " 11,667 39,052 46,642 (7,590) Office Furnifure'& Equipment"- - 2,000 2,000 249 .. 1,751 Main Library Renovation - 248,183 2.48,183 - Yehicles &Equipment 1,000 :1,000 -" 1,000 Total Capital Expenditures - 103,680 379,848 381-,274. (1•,426) Total Expenditures"_ 2,725,830 3,036,553 ' 3,034,230 2;323 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures " $ - $ -','(235,655) $ (235,655) Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,082;013 -Fund Balance, End of Year $ 846,358. 27• MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson City, Missouri NOTES TO THE REQUIRED, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION For The Y.ear.Ended December 31; 2007 NOTE 1— BUDGETARY BASIS OF ACCOUNTING: Annual budgets are.adopted on a basis consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of Ainerica for all governmental funds: All, annual appropriations lapse at fiscal. _ year end. Encumbrance accounting .is, employed in the governmental funds. Encumbrances "(e.g.; purchase orders, contracts) outstanding at year-end are reported as reservations of fund balances and do: not. constitute expenditures- or liabilities because the commitments will be re -appropriated and honored during the subsequent year. Budget amendments must be authorized by the Board of Trustees. The following procedures are .followed in establishing the budgetary data reflected in. the financial - statements: a) Budget work sessions are conducted by management. b) . A preliminary.budget is presented to the Finance Committee. c) Final changes to ,the budget .are made. ' = d) By -September 1, the tax .levy is set by the Board of Trustees and submitted to .the Missouri State Auditor for approval. e) Property, tax revenues are budgeted based upon the previous year's assessed valuations and , tax levies set by the Board -of Trustees. f) By October 15,the final budget proposal is, presented to the Board of Trustees. g) Budgetary control is. maintained at- the _expenditure category level. Transfers between categories as listed in the financial statements require Board approval. h) Budget amendments can be approved by the Board, of.,Trustees during the .year, on an as needed basis. .Budget amounts are as originally adopted; or as amended 'by the ' Board. Individual amendments were: not material in relation to the original appropriations -that were amended. Expenditures may -not- legally exceed budgeted appropriations at the fund -level. MISSOURI RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Jefferson 'City; Missouri' NOTES TO THE REQUIRED- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION For The Year. -Ended December 31, 2007 Schedule of Funding Progress The following required supplementary information -relates to the Missouri River Regional Library's, participation in Missouri LAGERS, an agent multiple -employer public retirement system.. Schedule of Fti nding Progress [(b-a)/c] (b) (6-a) UAL as a (a) Entry Age Unfunded. (c) Percentage Actuarial Actuarial ' Actuarial Accrued - (a/b) Annual of Valuation 'Value Accrued Liability Funded.' Covered Covered Date 'of Assets _ Liability (UAL) Ratio Payroll- Payroll 02/28/05 , - -.-284,521. 651,836. 367,315 44% 851,894. 43.% . 02/28/06 422,523. '884,943 462,420 48% '1,0 1. 3,040 4.6% 02/29/07 568,270 1,003,198 434,928 57% 1,006,338 43% Note:'- The .above assets and actuarial'acci ued liability do not -include the assets and present value of benefits _associated with the Benefit Reserve Fund and the Casualty Reserve Fund. The actuarial assumptions were changed in conjunction _with the February. 28, 2006, annual actuarial valuations. For a complete description of the actuarial assumptions used in the annual valuations, please contact the LAGERS office in Jefferson 29