HomeMy Public PortalAbout1-13-2015 PS Minutes Nov Dec_201501021112300874MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Meeting: November 18, 2014, 6:3o PM & December 2, 2014, 6:00 PM The chair called the November 18 meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present were committee chair Councilor Susan Falkoff, vice -chair Councilor Vincent Piccirilli, and secretary Councilor Kenneth Woodland. The first item on the agenda was to interview Mr. John Airasian for re- appointment to the Traffic Commission. Mr. Airasian discussed his many years of experience on this committee and the various projects they have addressed over the past few years. The committee discussed the possibility of updating the traffic commission's rules and policies, especially as it relates to signage and parking regulations. Councilor Woodland then made the motion to recommend to the Town Council the reappointment of Mr. Airasian to the Traffic Commission, seconded by Councilor Piccirilli, approved unanimously by the committee. Next on the agenda was a discussion about the Secure Communities Act. Several residents and town officials, including police chief Edward Deveau, joined the committee for this part of the meeting. Under this federal act, when someone has been arrested and then cleared for release, the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) can ask a police department to detain that person for up to 48 hours for a suspected immigration violation. The feeling of the committee was that we don't want the WPD to be detaining residents for this reason alone, holding someone for Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) when the WPD has determined that this person is ready to be released (for whatever reason). The Police Chief was unable to provide specific data on Watertown's experience with ICE detainer requests but did note dealings with ICE are rare and limited. The Committee thus has no specific knowledge of whether this is currently happening in Watertown but believes it prudent to protect against this type of occurrence happening in the future. Many residents spoke out in favor of enacting a type of "Trust Act." Many folks spoke of the fear some immigrants have of police officers because of experiences in their home countries and because of the potential for deportation. Boston, Cambridge and Somerville have passed ordinances and/or resolutions asking the local police not to enforce detainer requests under these circumstances. Residents believe that passing a similar act in Watertown will not completely dispel these fears but it will send a message that will make residents feel more welcome and will be more likely to cooperate with the Police Department. The committee felt that a Resolution would be the best way to implement this policy. Councilor Piccirilli offered to draft a resolution for the next meeting, He made a motion to that effect that was seconded by Councilor Woodland, and approved unanimously. Councilor Woodland made a motion to adjourn at 7:45PM, seconded by Councilor Piccirilli, and voted unanimously. The Committee met again on December 2, 2014. The chair called the meeting to order at 6:OOPM on Tuesday December 2, 2014. Present were committee chair Councilor Susan Falkoff, vice -chair Councilor Vincent Piccirilli, and secretary Councilor Kenneth Woodland. Also in attendance was Town Council President Sideris. Councilor Piccirilli had drafted a resolution, with input from Chief Deveau, Attachment A, that was modeled on similar acts from Somerville and Cambridge. The committee noted that the fate of the Secure Communities Act is in question after last week when the President announced the administration's intent to stop the program. The Committee felt it was still important to move forward with this Resolution The Committee also wants to acknowledge Councilor Piccirilli and Chief Deveau for their hard work in putting this together. Councilor Woodland made a motion to recommend to the full Town Council the adoption of the proposed resolution as presented, seconded by Councilor Falkoff, and approved unanimously. Councilor Woodland made a motion to adjourn at 6:15PM, seconded by Councilor Piccirilli and voted on unanimously. Minutes respectfully prepared by Councilor Woodland. Proposed Resolution For Public Safety Committee Discussion December 2, 2014: Resolution # R -14 - Watertown Policy for Responding to ICE Detainer Requests Whereas, The Town of Watertown has a long, vibrant history that has been built upon and enriched by successive generations of immigrants; and Whereas, The federal Secure Communities program is currently being used to identify undocumented immigrants in the custody of local police agencies; and Whereas, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is part of the United States Department of Homeland Security, and ICE issues "detainer requests" pursuant to Title 8 U.S.C. Sections 1226 and 1357(d), which asks local authorities to hold individuals, who have been ordered released from police custody, for up to 48 additional hours so they can be taken into federal custody; and Whereas, Other Massachusetts communities including Boston, Cambridge and Somerville have issued policy directives asking their police to exercise discretion when considering whether to honor ICE detainer requests; and Whereas, When local law enforcement officials indiscriminately honor all ICE civil immigration detainer requests, including those that target non -criminal aliens, immigrant residents can become fearful and less likely to cooperate with law enforcement, and public trust is eroded, hindering the effectiveness of the local police force; and Whereas, The Watertown Police Department has developed and maintains a strong partnership with the community, and is committed to Community Policing as an effective tool to build relationships with residents to make the community safer. Now therefore be it resolved that the Town Manager shall work with the Watertown Police Department to insure that only in the following cases will Watertown Police comply with ICE detainer requests: 1) ICE has a criminal warrant. 2) Watertown officials have a law enforcement or public safety purpose that is not related to the enforcement of civil immigration law. 3) The individual has ever been convicted of: a) A serious violent felony as defined in Massachusetts General Laws. b) A felony punishable by imprisonment in a state prison. 4) The individual is arrested and taken before a magistrate on a charge involving: a) A serious or violent felony as defined in Massachusetts General Laws. b) A felony punishable by imprisonment in a state prison and the magistrate finds probable cause to believe the individual is guilty of a violent felony. 5) The individual is a currently on the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry. Be it further resolved that the Town Manager is instructed to implement this policy immediately upon passage. Council Member I hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Town Council for which a quorum was present, the above Resolution was adopted by a vote of for, against and present on , 2014. Valerie Papas Mark S, Sideris Clerk of the Council Council President