HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 96:296 N.. 96-296 I).lc u[ Adlqfllo"_ ~,~II~r ~ 1996 _ DIRECTING TIlE ISSUANCF, OF BINGO LICENSES TO CARrr~tE'r .JlS~ (l~qlJ~_'tY CEI~L'Im KlXlD WIIEREAS, application has been prope~ ly made to tile Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carte et, New Jelsey by Carteret Jff, aish Commmity C~nter and St. Joseph Church of tile Borough of Cal tm el; and WIIEREAS. it al>peats that lite apl)licaut (s) is/me qualified to be licensed and that tile members designated to comluct BINGO (JAM[iS and lo assist a~e bona fide members t)[' the applicatd (s); and WIIEREAS, the al~plicam (s) has/have signitied that the games will be played in ncco~dance with Rules 6, 7 aud 8 of lite Legalized Games of Chance Commission's - Regulations. NOW, TilEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS IIEREBY RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council off the Boxough o[ Cm ret el, that Ihe Mtmicipal Cle~ k is hereby authorized and directed to execute the m~doisement oFthe Mayor and Council by issui.g, upon proper p~esentation of application and Fees, a BINGO 1ACENSE to the applicant (s); BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be sent forthwith to the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission, P. O. Box 46000, Newaxk, New Jersey 07102. ' CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this I~,esolution is a true copy of the original adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, at tile Council Meeting held on __ DATEl):_31mr~mber 8. 19~16 14ATIILEF~N M BARNEY Certified Municipal Clerk IHi;C()F,I) OF ki{)UNCIL, VL}Tlr- FAlL&CE / -~ ...... O' BRIEN X __ __ X - Indicate Vote All Abscm NV - Not V.tl.g XOR - I.dic,tes Vole lo Ove.ule Veto Adopted .I a mecti.g o[ Ihe Municilml Cmmcil . ~ ~7;