HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210913 - Planning Board - Meeting MinutesHopkinton Planning Board Monday, September 13, 2021 7:00 P.M. REMOTE MEETING Minutes Members Present:Gary Trendel (Chair), Mary Larson-Marlowe (Vice chair), Robert Benson, Deborah Fein-Brug, Jane Moran, David Paul, Shahidul Mannan, Sundar Sivaraman Members Absent:Fran DeYoung Present:John Gelcich, Principal Planner; Stephanie Pemberton, administrative assistant; Phil Paradis, BETA Group _____________________________________________________________________ Mr. Trendel called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM Mr. Trendel called the name of each Planning Board member, and each member that was present responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear him. Mr. Trendel then called the names of staff members; Mr. Gelcich, Ms. Pemberton, and Mr. Paradis who responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear. Mr. Trendel stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with the legislature approved June 16, 2021 allowing the continuation of the Executive Order that allows public bodies to meet remotely as long as the public body makes provisions through adequate, alternative means to ensure that interested members of the public are provided reasonable access to the deliberations of the meeting. He noted that for this meeting the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom App as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and attendees are participating by video conference. Mr. Trendel stated that all supporting materials that have been provided to the Board are available on the Town website via the web meeting calendar, unless otherwise noted. Mr. Trendel noted that Ms. Fein-Brug had submitted her resignation effective September 28, 2021. Ms. Fein-Brug stated it has been a pleasure working with everyone and is on to other adventures. Ms. Larson-Marlowe moved to open the public hearings, Mr. Sivaraman seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. 1. Continued Public Hearing - Turkey Ridge Estates (formerly known as Deer Ridge Estates) - Definitive OSLPD Subdivision - Courtney Derderian/CS2K Hopkinton LLC The Applicant had requested a continuation to September 27, 2021. Ms. Larson-Marlowe moved to continue the public hearing for Turkey Ridge Estates (formerly known as Deer Ridge Estates) - Definitive OSLPD Subdivision to September 27, 2021, Mr. Mannan seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. 1 2. Administrative Items a. Vote to Execute Exhibit B/Certificate of Release of Performance Guarantee for Hayden Woods (aka Davenport Village) to confirm vote of May 13, 2019 Mr. Gelcich noted that in 2019 the Board voted to release the performance guarantee funds for Hayden Woods (aka Davenport Village). This is a formality, voting to execute Exhibit B as someone is looking to buy in Hayden Woods. Ms. Larson-Marlowe moved to Execute Exhibit B for Hayden Woods (aka Davenport Village) to confirm the release of the performance guarantee vote on May 13, 2019, Mr. Sivaraman seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. Mr. Gelcich noted that this needs to be signed by five Board members. b. Extension of Solar Special Permit for Wood Street The Applicant has requested an extension to the Solar Special Permit, approved in 2019, due to “...extended electrical grid interconnection issues that are beyond our control which has delayed construction…” The Applicant has requested a one-year extension, to December 27, 2022. Brandon Smith of Borrego Solar Systems noted there have been delays in the processing of their connections application. Can’t finance a project that has the large outstanding unknown. Anticipate closure by the end of this year and begin construction next year. Ms. Larson-Marlowe moved to approve the extension of the Solar Special Permit for 0 Wood St/ 5 Mechanic St to December 27, 2022, Mr. Paul seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. 3. New Public Hearing - 17 Main St. - Minor Site Plan Review - Tom Carey dba Maine & Church Realty Tom Carey, owner; Scott Richardson,Gorman Richardson Lewis Architects ; Dave Marquedant, J.D. Marquedant and Associates were present. Mr. Carey noted he’s owned 17 Main St. for many years. He noted there was an unfortunate fire which did significant damage about a year ago. Mr. Marquedant noted there are three existing buildings on the site, just under 20,000 sq ft mostly developed, and three driveways. He noted they have proposed a 4,000 sq ft addition over the existing garage, with no alterations proposed to 6 Church St. They proposed moving the driveway further from the property line, one way in and proceeding to opposite 17 Main St. Also proposed: update trash with base and screening, replace panels of walkway, add handicap parking, and drainage to tie into Main Street. The intended use is office space with three apartments. It was noted that previously there was one apartment and office space. The Applicant showed the proposed building. 2 Mr. Gelcich noted it was a minor site plan review. He added that the Planning Board generally requires that the Applicant appear before the Design Review Board for their review. The next DRB meeting is scheduled for September 21st. He also asked to confirm whether the building will be sprinklered as per discussions with the Hopkinton Fire Department. He then went through the comments received by other town offices. Fire Chief William Miller was present and noted that what Mr. Gelcich stated was inline with their comments at the time. Chief Miller stated that a Swept Path Analysis is based on their longest truck, and shows in the event of an emergency their longest piece of equipment can be accessed. Mr. Trendel reviewed the decision criteria and noted that the Board must determine if the proposed application conforms to the Site Plan Standards as contained in Section 210-136.1 of the Zoning Bylaw. Mr. Trendel also noted that BETA’s review is only regarding the Stormwater Management for this application. Mr. Paul asked for a site walk. Mr. Trendel asked if the Board and Applicant would be amenable to a site walk on Saturday, September 25th at 9:30 AM to which they agreed. Mr. Marquedant noted that they will be providing sprinklers for the building. It was also noted that there was a conversation with Chuck Joseph regarding the lot lines and that Mr. Joseph and Mr. Carey are working together to find plantings for the length of the common line. Ms. Larson-Marlowe asked for an extensive conversation on Stormwater Management. Mr. Trendel noted that he would next speak on emergency access. He asked the Applicant if they had worked on the Swept Path Analysis. Mr. Marquedant stated they previously discussed with Chief Slaman and Miller regarding the 30’ ambulance, but not the ladder truck, and it worked. Chief Miller asked if they could move the handicap parking space over and also noted that with the Swept Path analysis, should the vehicle not be pulled all the way forward in the parking space the ambulance would not make it. Mr. Paul asked if they could swap the parking spaces. Mr. Richardson noted having to back into the space on a one-way roadway, but that they would do some research into moving the handicap space. Mr. Marquedant noted that van-accessible spaces need to be 8x20 ft. and move the curbline on the opposite side of the building to increase the dimension. Mr. Trendel asked the Applicant for more detail on the parking situation and noted concern with adding two apartments and decreasing parking spaces. Mr. Richardson noted they are anticipating needing reserved spaces for apartments and counting on the additional public parking spaces next door. He believed there should be adequate parking. Mr. Carey noted that there will be no usage change and the previous tenants will be coming back. Mr. Paul asked if there would be stairs between the public parking and the building. Mr. Carey noted that he and Mr. Joseph are looking into that. Mr. Trendel asked the number of spots required. Mr. Richardson 3 referenced their parking spaces, proposing 15 parking spaces. Mr. Trendel asked Mr. Gelcich if the 50% reduction applies to residential housing. Mr. Trendel asked if the spaces were different if there were retail spaces in comparison. It was noted that the 50% reduction in Downtown is for non-residential use. They need fourteen spaces for housing. If looking for retail uses they could be deficient in parking. Previously used for medical office use and the intended use. Ms. Fein-Brug asked about accommodation. Mr. Gelcich allows for parking space reduction via Special Permit through the Planning Board. Ms. Fein-Brug noted it would add better access for emergencies and noted that Downtown would be more accessible by foot. Ms. Moran noted the occasion could have a shared parking partnership between Mr. Carey and Mr. Joseph. Mr. Gelcich noted it would be with the Town as it would be Town-owned. Mr. Carey noted in Ashland he has a reciprocal parking lot. Mr. Trendel noted a lot of good things about this, but noted frustration with a lack of parking per the Board. Not sure it is an option to go below the number of parking spaces as there is no Special Permit before the Board. Mr. Gelcich noted he is unsure if there will be lined spaces on the street, which could be claimed. Mr. Trendel suggested the Applicant review parking options. Ms. Larson-Marlowe moved to continue the public hearing to September 27, 2021, Ms. Fein-Brug seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. 4. Administrative Items, continued a. Discussion re: In-person Meetings for Planning Board Mr. Trendel asked the Board at what point do they go back to face-to-face meetings? He noted, due to uncertainty, to continue with remote set up and touch base in November to re-evaluate with the goal to return to in-person in January. Mr. Paul noted his stipulation is to be able to return without masks. Ms. Larson-Marlowe noted she agrees with January or waiting until end of flu season and waiting until comfortable returning without masks. Mr. Sivaraman noted he felt safe with the January date, but also to the point that masks could be more productive without muffling. Ms. Larson-Marlowe also noted that members of the public want the option to be able to remain remote, and to consider if this is workable. Mr. Trendel noted that remoteness affords some flexibility when he and other members return to traveling for work. Mr. Gelcich noted logistically that it is doable, but needs to look further into it. Ms. Moran suggested putting it off into the future is best, many may not feel comfortable meeting indoors yet. Mr. Mannan held off as long as possible for the majority to be comfortable. Mr. Trendel noted in agreement that it's too early, re-evaluate mid-november. He noted caution with hybrid options. Mr. Benson noted he has unvaccinated kids, which adds to the dynamic and noted he feels there has been a regression. d. Upper Charles Trail Committee Presentation/Vote Jane Moran presented that the Upper Charles Trail Committee has been working hard. She noted they have proposed the Campus School Connector. Asking the Planning Board to review segment 6 where the Marathon School Building is. Tonight advising the 4 Planning Board that the committee has moved to work forward and to ask for a grant for the 7th section. Felt wise to come before any interested parties where previously, would add weight to grant to get a positive nod for the conceptual plan going forward. Without the grant they cannot get the engineering studies done. If the grants are received they will be moving forward in July 2022. Ms. Moran noted that the Select Board has the final stamp of approval, but currently they do not have enough information to present to them. Mr. Paul asked if there has been any negative feedback. Ms. Moran noted she has heard from concerned residents regarding traffic. She noted there is a prepared statement from VHB, and also noted they plan to hold an informational public meeting. It is believed the residents are concerned with the volume of traffic on Route 85 and the safety of those crossing. Ms. Larson-Marlowe noted the importance of having a crossing and also noted there will always be traffic. Peter LaGoy, 21 Hayden Rowe, chair of the Trail Coordination Committee, was not opposed to using the buffer zone, but does have concerns that the UCTC needs to do public outreach with plans for the entire trail before anyone endorses any part of this trail. He believed there are better and safer routes. Charles Dauchy, 25 Sanctuary Lane, member of Trail Coordination Committee. Important that this be evaluated by TCMC and hold public discussions. Mr. Trendel asked that the Board support a trail consideration of a trail within the buffer zone of any property under consideration. Mr. Gelcich noted the Planning Board in support of a statement that they are in support of the consideration of a trail within a buffer zone. Mr. Trendel asked the Applicant to go back to the engineers if that language is sufficient and can vote at the next meeting. He noted this project is complex. e. Minutes of July 26, 2021 Ms. Fein-Brug moved to approve the minutes of July 26, 2021, Ms. Larson-Marlowe seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. Mr. Benson moved to adjourn, Ms. Fein-Brug seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. Adjourned: 9:17 PM Submitted by: Stephanie Pemberton Approved: November 1, 2021 Documents used at the meeting: ●Agenda and Meeting Materials for Planning Board meeting, September 13, 2021 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Minor Site Plan Review Application, dated 08/13/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Civil Drawings, dated 08/12/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Architectural Drawings, dated 08/11/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Stormwater Report (Parts 1 and 2), dated 08/11/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, In-ground Lighting, dated 08/11/21 5 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Recessed Lighting, dated 08/11/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Lighting Plan, dated 08/11/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Generic Modern Wall Mount, dated 08/03/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Hopkinton Fire Department Comments, dated 08/19/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Board of Health Comments, dated 08/17/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Hopkinton Police Department Comments, dated 08/18/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, DPW Comments, dated 08/16/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, General Site Plan with Color Overlay, dated 08/24/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, BETA Stormwater Review, dated 08/27/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Town Engineer Comments, dated 09/07/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Applicant Responses to BETA Comments, dated 09/07/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, Revised Site Plans, dated 09/07/21 ●17 Main Street Site Plan, BETA Stormwater Review, dated 09/08/21 ●Fein-Brug Resignation, dated 9/09/21 ●Hayden Woods_Davenport Village Exhibit B - Certificate of Release, 9/08/21 ●Planning Board minutes 8/08/2016 ●Planning Board draft minutes July 26, 2021 ●UCTC- VHB Map Campus Connector Segment 5 and 6 red text, 9/07/21 ●Wood Street Solar - Extension Request Letter, 9/02/21 ●Wood Street Solar - Interconnection Application, 9/08/21 ●Wood Street Solar - Risk of Islanding and Transient Overvoltage Study, 9/08/21 6