HomeMy Public PortalAbout1996-01-04 Town of Truckee REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 1996 6:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 1 ! 570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA MINUTES CALL TO ORDER. Mayor McCormack called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. ROLL CALL. Community Development Director Lashbrook called the roll with Council Members Carpenter, Cross, Drake, and Mayor McCormack being present. Community Development Director Lashbrook informed Council that Councilmember Eagan is excused from tonight's meeting. Also present were Town Attorney Dennis Crabb, Public Works Director Jon Lander, Finance Director Jill Fox, Police Chief Jack Bayer, Street Superintendent Eric Schafer, Animal Control Officer Dan Olsen and Executive Secretary Barbara Johnson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Barbara Green. PUBLIC COMMENT. None CONSENT CALENDAR (One simple motion approves all of the following actions.) 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Minutes of November 14, 1995 Special Meeting. Pulled from Agenda Minutes of November 16, 1995 Regular Meeting. Approved Minutes of November 21, 1995 Special Meeting. Approved Minutes of November 28, 1995 Special Meeting. Approved Notice of Completion - West River Street. Approved Collection of Outstanding Parking Citations. Approved MOU Resolution Opposing Measure F. Pulled for discussion Set hearing for AB1600 review. Hearing set for February 15, 1996 At this time Mayor McCormack asked if there were any items to be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Community Development Director Lashbrook asked that Council remove item 5.1 from the Agenda, Director Lashbrook further explained that item 5.2 has undergone significant modifications which have been provided to Council, items 5.3 and 5.4 have undergone a number of changes/corrections and staff recommends approval of items 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 with those modifications. Councilmember Drake asked that item 5.7 be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councihnember Cross stated that he would abstain from voting on item 5.8. It was moved by Councilmember Drake and seconded by Councilmember Carpenter Town Council Minutes Page I to approve the Consent Calendar removing item 5.1 from the agenda and pulling item 5.7 for discussion. Said motion carded unanimously with Councilmember Eagan being absent. 5.7 Resolution Opposing Measure F Councilmember Drake stated that he pulled this item simply to clarify that although he voted against the concept of the Resolution opposing Measure F at the last regular Council meeting, upon reviewing the proposed Resolution he is in complete support of its content. He originally thought that the Resolution may be detrimental to the Town's future efforts to repair the roads. Councilmember Drake further stated that he is very pleased with the language in the resolution. It was moved by Councilmember Drake and seconded by Councilmember Carpenter to approve Resolution #96-01, A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Truckee stating its Opposition to Measure F on the March, 1996 Ballot and Urging the Citizens of Truckee to Inform Themselves as to the Content and Consequences of Measure F. Said motion passed unanimously with Councilmember Eagan being absent. Mayor McCormack stated that the resolution adopted authorizes the Mayor to add his name to any ballot argument against the measure and that he has participated in the creation of such an argument as well as a draft rebuttal. 6. COUNCIL IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 6.1 Resolution adopting Injury and Illness Program Finance Director Jill Fox executed a draft Injury and Illness Program which was prepared by both herself and Public Works Superintendent Eric Schafer. Much of the program was actually already in place and is currently being used however it had not been formally adopted by Town Council. Staff time to implement the program should be minimal. Each Department representative for the Safety Committee will be attending monthly meetings in the beginning which should taper off into quarterly meetings depending upon the need. Time consumed by the Safety Officer could be substantial. This position would need to keep abreast of new information/regulations, and will be in charge of noticing and running the Safety Committee meetings. Finance Director Fox further explained that there would be an initial cost of about $800 - 1,000 in order to receive Cal OSHA regulations and subscribe to Cal OSHA compliance advisor; Safety items such as videos and forms will also need to be purchased. Some of the funds needed to implement the program are already in the 1995/96 Finance budget. (Items included are training videos and literature) Finance Director Fox further stated that Councilmember Drake had some suggested Town Council Minutes Page 2 modifications to page 5 which were recommended to be added, Director Fox directed Council to page 7 under the heading "Fire Preventior~ Program": wording change suggestion, second sentence: In addition, the Town invites the local Fire Department to survey ..... Is recommended to read :"In addition, the Town annually requests the local Fire Department to survey ..... Which is currently being done for the Town Corporation Yard. At this time Councilmember Carpenter inquired as to why Fire Prevention Program is listed under III. Emergencies. Upon deliberation, it was consensus of Council and staff to delete the heading III. Emergencies and place Fire Prevention Program under the heading of B. Monitoring and Correcting Identified Potential Safe _ty and Health Hazards as item number 4. Discussion took place regarding items contained in the sample Injury and Illness Programs which may be included in this document at a later date. Said items would be added at the appropriate time. Councilmember Cross asked if the Fire and Prevention Program heading may not be more suitable under A. Identification of Workplace Hazards number 6. This change was considered and adopted. Director Fox directed Council to page 10 to consider a change under Safety Meetings "Safety meetings will be conducted regularly "- change suggested would be "quarterly or more often if needed". Discussion took place regarding the mandated frequency of Safety Meetings. Councilmember Cross inquired about the notification of employees, particularly new employees of the safety policy and other related information. Finance Director Fox stated that the information is provided to the employees and is also posted on bulletin boards. Councilmember Cross inquired as to the availability of Cai OSHA documents through the League of California Cities and informational material which may be less expensive and more comprehensive. Director Fox stated that staff will certainly look into obtaining the necessary information at the least cost to the Town. Councilmember Carpenter stated that he does not like the phrase used in the second paragraph under #3 (top of page), on page number 3. The phrase "lowest level" is not a complimentary description of those employees on the front line. He suggests that staff reword this paragraph. Mayor McCormack stated that he had some concerns with language contained on page 5. In page 5 it states that Public Works is one of the key areas of concern and concentration, he would like to see that Building Inspection is added to this page recognizing that there is exposure with Building Inspection employees. He further Town Council Minutes Page 3 suggests that mention of anyone driving vehicles while on duty should also be mentioned. Discussion took place regarding proper training of employees. Finance Director Fox stated that she anticipated the Safety Committee to come up with a check list of training to be completed by employees and turned into the Safety Officer. It was moved by Councilmember Carpenter and seconded by Councilmember Cross to adopt Resolution #96-02, A Resolution of the Town of Truckee Authorizing the Adoption of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program and adopt the Injury and Illness Prevention Program as amended at this meeting. Said motion passed unanimously with Councilmember Eagan being absent. STAFF REPORTS 7.1 Proposed Contract providing for Animal Control Services to Sierra County and City of Loyalton Community Development Director Lashbrook stated that Animal Control Services to Sierra County and the City of Loyalton have been provided informally to these agencies in the past. Over the last six months both the Sierra County and the City of Loyalton have been discussing with Director Lashbrook and Animal Control Officer Dan Olsen about formally coming to an agreement for these services. Animal Control Officer Olsen and Finance Director Jill Fox have reviewed all costs incurred in providing said services including hourly wages, benefits, phone call billing, administrative time, etc., in an attempt to capture all costs. Director Lashbrook further stated that the Town is not making a profit however, it is building a good relationship with other govermnents which may bring about future enhancements. A part time employee is being used to cover time lost in Truckee. Councilmember Drake commended the Animal Control Department for coming up with an excellent idea. He suggested one correction to the Sierra County Agreement - under 2.9 it should say "Sierra County_ Sheriff' not just "Sheriff'. Discussion took place regarding procedures for responding to requests for Animal Control Services from the City of Loyalton or Sierra County. Animal Control Officer Olsen explained to Council that they do not respond to individual phone calls. If an individual calls the Truckee office in need of animal control services, the Truckee office refers the caller to the Sierra County Sheriff's Office or the Mayor of Loyalton. The Town of Truckee only responds to calls received from the Sierra County Sheriff's Department or the Mayor of Loyalton's Office. Discussion ensued. It was moved by Councilmember Cross and seconded by Councilmember Drake to Town Council Minutes Page 4 7.2 authorize the Town Manager to sign the agreements with Sierra County and the City of Loyalton for the provision of Animal Control Services as amended. Said motion passed with Councilmember Eagan being absent. Selection of Council Committees Community Development Director Lashbrook informed Council that it was brought to his attention that the Air Quality Committee (Carpenter designated as the representative) was left offthe list provided. A memo from Councilmember Eagan stated that she wished to remain the representative for TRWBG; LAFCO, where she currently serves as the Chairperson; the Railroad Bypass Committee, where she noted that Councilmember Cross is a vital member of this Committee; and the Library Committee, although it is not a formal Town Committee. Councilmember Eagan further stated in her memo that she is a representative on the Downtown Specific Plan however she would see value in having another Councilmember serve on this Committee. Mayor McCormack stated that there are other Committees which are not listed on the list provided. These Committees are the Visitors Services Committee, a community Committee which deals with drug use in the high schools, and a new advisory Committee which is being formed to provide input on school curriculum although the last Committee is not one that the Council is a part of. Councilmember Cross stated that the Chamber of Commerce should be added reflecting that he is the Town liaison. Councilmember Carpenter stated that he is a member of the Housing, Community and Economic Development Policy Committee for the League of California Cities. Mayor McCormack stated that the Solid Waste Committee will soon become a Commission. Discussion ensued regarding current and future happenings with the Downtown Specific Plan Committee. Upon further discussion it was agreed upon by Councilmember Carpenter and Councilmember Cross that Councilmember Carpenter will be a representative on the Downtown Specific Plan Committee and Councilmember Cross will take Councilmember Carpenter's place on the Road Committee. Council discussed the League of California Cities Division Representative position. This position has been held by Councilmember Eagan in the past and Councilmember Carpenter stated that he would discuss the position with Councilmember Eagan since he already has to attend the meetings for the Policy Committee he would be willing to serve as Division Representative as well. Council consensus was reached regarding the Committee assignments listed above. At this time Police Chief Bayer was exiting the room and Councilmember Drake Town Council Minutes Page 5 stated that he wanted to compliment the Police Chief for the staff report received for Consent item regarding the collection of outstanding parking citations. 8. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO COUNCIL MEMBERS 8.1 Truckee River Water Basin Group Mayor McCormack stated that this item would be deferred to the next regular meeting. Councilmember Carpenter stated that on behalf of the Road Committee he would like to report that the Committee is proposing a Public Forum on February 6, 1996 as an outreach to the public. The Road Committee is also planning to meet with an expert regarding ballot measures and how to successfully present the measures to the public. In addition, the Road Committee will be meeting with Dan Landon of the Nevada County Transportation Commission regarding Truckee road issues. Councilmember Drake stated that the public forum tentatively scheduled for February 6, 1996 will be at 6:00 p.m. to receive any suggestions, questions and comments people may have. Town Attorney Crabb stated that South Lake Tahoe went through similar process in discussing ballot measures with experts. He further suggested that the Town staff contact Kerry Miller at South Lake Tahoe to receive information on the experts which they considered utilizing. Upon discussing the proposed February 6, 1996 public forum it was consensus of Town Council to agendize the matter for the next regular session. Councilmember Carpenter requested that staff agendize a Closed Session for the next regular meeting for the Performance Evaluation of the Town Manager with said Closed Session scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Council was in consensus regarding this request. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCormack adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Town Clerk Passed this 18th day of January, 1996. Town Council Minutes Page 6