HomeMy Public PortalAboutR1858ÁÁ Ã*ÔR E S O L U T I O N NO. 1858•ƒ WHEREAS, the Four Hundred and Thirty©six Million Dollar ($436,000,000) Capital Improvement Surcharge to finance the construction of certain sewage treatment facilities and other capital improvements required by the Federal and State Clean Water laws to remove pollutants from wastewater discharged to the Mississippi, Missouri and Meramec Rivers was overwhelmingly approved by voters on August 2, 1988, and WHEREAS, this appro©val, which contributes to the general well©being of the metropolitan St. Louis area, could only have been obta#ned through an understanding, well©informed electorate and through the spirited support of a host of civicªminded individuals and organizations, and WHEREAS, this function of bringing the full and proper information to the voters and the lending of whole©hearted support was so outstandingly provided by all media in the St. Louis area, by political organizations, by civic groups, civic and governmental leaders, organizations of virtually every type and description, and by many volunteers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT that the Board of Trustees thank the voters, the media in the St. Louis area, the elected officials, political organizations, civic groups, civic leaders, and the organizations of virtually every type and description on behalf of all the citizens of our area as well asÜhÜ for future generations who will benefit from this unified effort for clean water. The foregoing Resolution was adopted August 10, 1988.