HomeMy Public PortalAbout2021-09 Amending Section 2-10 Advisory Boards of Chapter 2 of the Village Code of Ordinances relating to Advisory Board AdministO R D IN A N C E N O . 2 0 2 1 -0 9 A N O RD I N A N C E O F T H E V IL L A G E O F KE Y B IS C A Y N E , F L O RI D A , A M E N D IN G S E C T IO N 2 -10 , "A D V IS O R Y B O A RD S ," O F C H A P T E R 2 O F T H E V IL L A G E C O D E O F O RD IN A N C E S RE L A T IN G T O A D V IS O R Y B O A RD A D M IN I S T RA T I O N A N D B O A R D M E M B E R RE Q U IRE M E N T S ; P R O V ID IN G F O R S E V E RA B IL IT Y ; P R O V ID IN G F O R C O D IF IC A T I O N ; P R O V ID IN G F O R C O N F L I C T S ; A N D P R O V ID IN G F O R A N E F F E C T IV E D A T E . W H E RE A S , the Village Council of the Village of Key Biscayne ("Village") desires to standardize provisions relating to advisory board administration and board member requirements for all Village boards created pursuant to Section 2-10, "Advisory Boards" of the Village Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Village Council finds that adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interest and welfare of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS:1 Section 1. Recitals. The above-stated recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Amending Section 2-10, "Advisory Boards" of the Village Code. That Section 2-10, "Advisory Boards" of the Code of Key Biscayne, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 2 -ADMINISTRATION *** Article I. - IN GENERAL *** Section 2-10. - Advisory Boards. (a) Pursuant to Village Charter Section 4.12, the Village Council shall establish such advisory boards, committees, bodies (the "boards") as it may deem advisable. All boards so established shall serve only in an advisory capacity to the Village Council and report directly to the Village Council and ~ inform the Village Manager. Unless otherwise provided by law, appointees to all boards shall serve at the pleasure of the Village Council. Appointees may be removed from their appointive position upon motion of the Mayor or any member of the Village Council and upon vote of removal by a majority of the members of the Village Council. If directed by the Village Council, the Village Manager shall assign 1 Coding: Strikethrough words are deletions to the existing words. Underlined words are additions to the existing words. Changes between first an d second reading are indicated with !lotillle slFilrn tkrotigk and double underline a V ill a g e sta ff lia iso n to ea ch b o a rd to p ro v id e in fo rm a tio n , g u id an ce, an d su ch oth er a ssista n c e th a t m a y b e n e c e ssa ry fo r th e b o a rd . N o b o a rd or bo a rd m e m b er sh all direct or in te rfe re w ith a V ill a g e sta ff lia iso n 's fu ll -tim e em p lo y m e n t du tie s. (b ) P u rsu a n t to V ill a g e C h a rter S e c tio n 2 .0 2 (a ), th e M a y o r sh a ll ap p o in t m e m b ers of th e bo ard s w ith th e a p p ro v a l o f th e V ill a g e C o u n cil. P ur su a n t to S e ctio n 4 .0 2 (c ) o f th e V ill ag e C h arter, n o C o u n c ilm e m b e r sh a ll h o ld an y ap p o in tiv e offi c e on an y b o ard . H ow ev er, C o u n c ilm e m b e rs m a y se rv e o n su c h b o a rd o n ly as an ex offi c io , n o n -v o tin g m em ber if p ro v id e d b y th e o rd in a n ce estab lish in g th e b o a rd . F ur th er, it is rec o g n ized that th e re stric tio n s u p o n C o u n c ilm e m b e rs as d e sc rib e d ab o v e in th is p ara g ra p h (b ), are n ot a p p lic a b le to c o m m ittee s o f th e C o u n c il w h ic h are co m p o se d so lely of tw o or m ore m e m b e rs o f th e V ill a g e C o u n cil, sin ce S e ctio n 2 .0 2 (a ) of th e C h a rt e r au th o rizes th e M ayo r to n a m e c o mm itt ee s o f th e C o u n cil. (c ) P ur su a n t to S e c tio n 4 .0 3 (1 ) o f th e V ill a g e C h a rt er, b o a rd s sh a ll b e esta b lish ed , alt ered or a b o lis h e d b y o rd in a n ce a d o p te d b y th e V ill a g e C o u n cil. T h e ord in a n ce estab lish in g th e sp e c ifi c b o ar d m a y p ro v id e fo r th e b o a rd to se rv e fo r a p e etu a l or in d e fi n ite term or m ay p ro v id e fo r th e b o a rd to se rv e fo r a lim ited d ur a tio n an d ~ sh a ll in cl u d e an app ro p riate su n se t p ro v isio n . ( d ) T h e o rd in a n ce w h ic h e sta b li sh es th e sp e c ifi c b o a rd sh a ll p ro v id e fo r th e n u m ber an d q u a lifi c a tio n o f b o a rd m e m b e rs, th e p ro c e d u re fo r n o m in a tin g bo ard m e m b ers, th e len gth of te rm o f o ffi c e o f b o a rd m e m b e rs, ru le s o f p ro c e d u re fo r th e b o a rd , an d th e d uties an d re sp o n sib ilitie s o f th e b o a rd , a n d su ch oth e r m a tte rs d eterm in ed to b e ap p ro p riate by th e V ill a g e C o u n cil. N o tw ith sta n d in g th e fo reg o in g , in n o ev en t sh a ll : (i) th e m em b ersh ip of a n y b o a rd e x ce e d se v e n m e m b e rs; an d (ii) b o a rd m em b e rs be ap p o in te d fo r a term of offi ce g re a te r th a n tw o y e a rs. H o w ev e r, b o a rd m em b e rs m a y b e rea p p o in te d to a d d itio n al term s of o ffi c e b y th e M a y o r fo r a m a x im u m o f eig h t y e a rs, su bje ct to V ill ag e C o u n cil app ro v al. E x istin g b o a rd m e m b e rs th a t h a v e se rv ed eig h t co n se c u tiv e ye a rs a s o f D ecem b er 7, 202 1, m a y b e re a p p o in ted fo r o n e ad d itio n a l tw o y e a r term . T h e m e m b e rsh ip re q u irem en t sh all ap p ly re tro a ctiv e ly to a ll b o a rd s, w ith th e eJw e p tio n of th e 20 4 0 S trat eg ic V ision P lan B o a rd . A .ft e r th e m {p irat io n o f term s fo r th e in itia l m e m b e rs of th e 2 0 4 0 S trat eg ic V isio n P la n B o ar d , th e b o ar d sh a ll co n sist o f n o m o re th a n se v en m e m b e rs. (e ) U n le s s o th e rw ise p ro v id e d b y th e ord in a n c e w h ic h esta b li sh es a sp ec ifi c bo ard , bo ard re p o rt s w h ic h are p re se n ted to th e C o u n cil sh a ll in cl u d e th e fo ll o w in g co m p o n en ts: (1 ) Nam e. The name of the board making the report, a listing of officers, an attendance table including members and any other person(s) who attended the meetings, all agendas, minutes, staff reports, and any other documents that were reviewed by the board. This information may be complied in a separate document. (2) Methodolo gy . The report shall include a description of the way in which the board undertook its charge. (3) Facts found. The report shall include the facts uncovered or information obtained. (4) Recom m endations. The report shall include the recommendations of the board, preferably in a form suitable for framing of a motion for the Village Council to consider. (5) Tim ing of rep ort. Boards shall submit an annual progress report to the Village Council at the first Council meeting in December of each year. The annual progress report shall include a listing of the boards' work program for the following calendar year. The boards' work program shall be subject to approval by the Village Council. Those boards of limited duration which have completed their work prior to the December timeframe set forth above, shall earlier present their report to the Council once their assigned work has been completed. In addition, the Ghaif Chairperson or designated member(s) of each board shall provide a quarterly verbal report to the Village Council which addresses the progress that the board has made in completing the board's work program. The quarterly progress reports shall be presented at the first Village Council meeting in each of the following months: March, June and September. The annual progress report in December shall serve as the progress report for that quarter. As background information for the quarterly reports of the board, Village staff shall provide the Village Council with an attendance chart of the board, board agendas, board minutes, the yearly work program of the board, and a list of the accomplishm ents that the board has achieved during the prior quarter. (6) Signatures. All members of the board who concur with the report must sign the report. The ehair Chairperson may sign the report only if a majority of the members of the board approve the report and authorize the Chairman Chairperson to sign. Those members who do not concur with the report shall be listed as dissenting members. The dissenting members may submit their own report(s) in the same format as presented above. (7) Resolution. The board's report may include a proposed resolution for consideration by the Village Coun cil as a vehicle fo r adopting the recommendations of the board. (f) The public and board members shall be given notice at least 48 hours prior to any special board meetings. Generally, at least tmoo seven days notice shall be given to the public and board members of regular board meetings. The public shall be notified of board meetings by posting at Village Hall. The public notice shall advise of the potential for attendance of one or more Village Council members at the meeting of the board. Village staff shall notify board members of board meetings by telephone or mail or fax or email or hand delivery. A written agenda shall be prepared and distributed by assigned Village staff liaison for each board meeting. Special board meetings may be called by the Chairman Chairperson or by a majority of the board members. All board proceedings shall comply with F.S. § 286.011 (the "Sunshine Law"). Written minutes shall be promptly prepared and kept of all board meetings and shall be submitted to the Village Clerk who shall be responsible for the preservation of such minutes. The Village staff liaison, or in the absence of a Village staff liaison, the board Secretary, that is assigned to a board is shall be responsible for preparing and forwarding the minutes to the Village Clerk. (g) Unless otherwise provided by the ordinance which created the board, members of boards who are absent from three regularly scheduled meetings of the board in any one calendar year shall be automatically removed from the board. Each board shall determine which meetings are considered as the "regularly scheduled meetings". Board members who are removed thr ough this process may be reappointed by the Mayor subject to approval of the Vill age Council. (h) U nless pro hibited by Article II, Section 5(a) of the Florida Constitution (the dual offi ce holding pro hibition), a person Board m em bers m ust be residents of the V illage and may only serve on m ore than one boar d. (i) A board has no pow er to discipline its m em bers fo r im pro per conduct related to its pro ceedings. A ny such incident of m isconduct shall m ay be reported to the V ill age Clerk, w ho shall report the incident to the V ill age Council. This shall not diminish the authority of the board Chairm an Chairperson to m aintain order at m eetings. (j ) U nless otherw ise pro vided in the ordinance which established the board, a m ajority of the board m em bers shall constitute a quoru m . N o business shall be conducted unless a quoru m is present, other than by a com m ittee of the whole process w hich may be invoked w hen a quoru m fails to attend a regular m eeting. Any vote by the com m ittee of the w hole shall be prelim inary and non-binding and shall be subject to subsequent ratification by a quoru m of the board at a duly held m eeting. (k) A board m ay adopt ru les of pro cedur e govern ing its conduct w hich do not conflict w ith either the fu ndam ental parliam entary pro cedures of Roberts Rules of Order or w ith this section. Each board shall appoint a Chairp erson, V ice Chairperson and Secretary who may engage in discussions, m ake m otions and vote on item s befo re the board in the sam e m ann er as other board m em bers. This section shall prevail over any conflicting provision of Roberts Rules of Order. ill The V ill age Clerk shall keep curr ent records of board m em bership, including records of each board m em ber's term , contact info rmation, and resum e, if applicable. The V ill age C lerk shall notify the V ill age Council w hen a board vacancy is created and w hen ninety days rem ain on a board m em ber's term . Upon a board m em ber resigning, the board m em ber shall imm ediately info rm the V illage Clerk of their resignation. (m ) N s perssn that is a relative sf a Cstm eilm em ber m ay be ap psinted ts a bsard. A ny @Histing bsar d m em ber serving sn a bsard that is a relative sf a Csttneilm em ber shall be perm itted ts serve ttnt il the e;;:piratisn sf their term , bttt may nst be reap psint ed there after. Fsr pttrpsses sf this sttbseetisn, the tem1 "relative" means an individttal whs is re lated ts the C sttneilm em ber as father, m sther, ssn, dattghter, brsther, sister, ttnele, attnt, :first esttsin, nephew , nieee, httsband, w ifu , fat her in law , m sther in law , ssn in la:w, da:tt ghter in law , brn ther in lav.r, sister in la'w, stepfather, stepmsther, stepssn, stepda:tt ghter, stepsrnther, stepsister, half srn ther, sr half sister. (n) N s perssn shall serve sn a bsar d w hs is registered as a lsbbyist in the V illage sr vllrn is a:n swner, sf:ti eer, m direetsr sf a sttsiness entity that is in a esnt raetttal relatisnship 1.vith the V illage. Section 3. Severability. That the pro visions of this Ordinance are declared to be severa ble and if any section, sentence, clause or phr ase of this Ordinance shall fo r any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the rem aining sections, sentences, clauses, and phr ases of this Ordinance but they shall rem ain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notw ithstanding the invalidity of any part . Section 4. Codification. That it is the intention of the V ill age Council and it is hereby ordained that the pro visions of this Ordinance shall becom e and be m ade a part of the Village's Code of Ordinances, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions, and that the word Ordinance shall be changed to Section or other appropriate word. Section S. Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, resolutions or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith, are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final adoption on second reading. PASSED on first reading on the 16th day of N~ov e=m=b"--e=r-~, 2021. PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading on the 7th day of December , 2021. ATT EST: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: WEISS SEROTA HELFMAN COLE & BIERM AN, P.L. VILLAGE ATTORNE Y M IA M I D A ILY B U S IN E S S R E V IE W Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared GUILLERMO GARCIA, who on oath says that he or she is the DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of VILLA.GE OF KEY BISC.A.Y!\!E - ORDINANCE - DEC. 7, 2021 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/26/2021 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami-Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami-Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami-Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said ~~~Ji[~ 2 d o O BER, -'.\.D. 2021 GUILLERMO GARCIA personally known to me ---:.f~•:~1/if?:c:_ 0 CHRISTINA LYNN RAVIX !). ,fs,."\~ Commission# GG 21m1 ~1;.~~~i Expires November 19, 2022 --.~f.f.~•··· Bonded Thru Troy Fain Insurance 800-385-7019 VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE CLERK PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following ordinance will be considered on Second Reading by the Village Council of the Village of Key Biscayne at a 1meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, located at 560 Crandon Boulevard, Key Biscayne, Florida: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2-10, "ADVISORY BOARDS,• OF CHAPTER 2 I OF THE ViLLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO ADVISORY BOARD ADMINISTRATION AND BOARD MEMBER REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public at the Office of the Village Clerk. Interested parties may appear at the Public Hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed Ordinance. Any person wishing to address the Village Council on any item at this Public Hearing is asked to register with the Village Clerk prior to that item being heard. Or any person wishing to address the Village Council on any item at this Public Hearing may call (305) 365-7569, Zoom Meeting-ID: 231 627 8415 and be heard with respect to the proposed Ordinance. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this proceeding because of that disability should contact the Office of the Village Clerk, 88 West McIntyre Street, Suite 220, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149, telephone number (305) 365-5506, not later than two business days prior to such proceeding. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Village Council with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). . . Comments of any interested party relative to this matter may be submitted in writing via email to oubliccomments@keybiscayne.fl.gov or presented in person at the public hearing. · 11/26 Jocelyn 8. Koch Village Clerk 21-97 /0000564852M