HomeMy Public PortalAbout05-18-21 Regular Council Meeting.pdfM IN U T E S RE G U LA R C O UN C IL M EET ING K EY B ISC A YN E , FL O RI D A TU E SD A Y , M A Y 18, 2021 C O UN C IL C H A M BE R 560 C RA N D O N B O U LE Y A RD 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The m eeting was called to order by the M ayor at 6:03 p.m . Present w ere C ouncilm em bers Fra nk lin H. C aplan, Luis Laur edo, A ll ison M cC orm ick, B rett G . M oss, Ignacio Seguro la, V ice M ayor Edw ard London (arrived 6:06 p.m .) and M ayor M ichael W . D avey. A lso present w ere V illage M anager Steven C. W illiam son, V ill age C lerk Jo celyn B . K och and V ill age A ttorn ey C had Friedm an. 2. INVOCATION: Father An drzej Folty n w ith St. A gnes C atholic C hur ch gave an invocation . 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: M ayor D avey led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. BRIEF COMMENTS BY COUNCIL: M ayor D avey w elc om ed the public to the m eeting thank in g them fo r their patience and recognized this being the first tim e this C ouncil has sat all together on the dais since the beginn ing of the pandem ic, also w ished Director of B ill B aggs State Park A rt Y erian a speedy recovery fr om a recent incident; C ouncilm em ber M cCorm ick addressed the public w ishin g B u ilding, Plann ing, Z oning and Public W orks Director Ja ke Ozy m an a H appy B irthday and C ouncilm em ber C aplan addressed the C ouncil ann ouncing he w ill recuse him self on the votin g of Item 1 0A due to a confl ict of interest and that he w ill need to take a short break at 7:00 p.m . and w ill then shortly return to the m eeting. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The fo llow ing residents addressed the C ouncil: N ina W allin, 270 H am pton Lane; K aren B eber, 798 C ra ndon Boulevard; M onica Deane, 200 Ocean Lane Drive; V iviana G oris, 20 1 C ra ndon B oulevard; M aggie D iaz, 201 C ra ndon B oulevard; Julio Diaz, 201 C ra ndon B ou levard; Steve Sim on, 335 H arbor Lane; Susan Jo ck, 430 Gra nd B ay Drive; A lana May 18, 2021 Festa, 695 H arbor L ane; A lejandro Serr ano, 784 R idgew ood R oad; Ann Taintor, 170 Ocean Lane D ri ve and M ichelle E stevez, 425 G ra petree D rive. 6. AGENDA: C ouncilm em ber Seguro la requested the deletion of Item s 12B 2 and 12B3; C ouncilm em ber M cC orm ick requested the addition of a discussion regarding a tem pora ry skate park as It em 12 B 5 and C ouncilm em ber Laur edo requested to m ove Item 12B 6 up to be Item 12B l. T he agenda, as am ended, w as appro ved by a 7-0 voice vote. The vote w as as fo llow s: C ouncilm em bers C aplan, Laur edo, M cC orm ick, M oss, Seguro la, V ice M ayor London and M ayor D avey votin g Y es. 7. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: A presentation w as given by M iam i-D ade C ounty C om m ission er R aquel R egalado and M iam i-D ade C ounty Libra ry Director Ray Barker on the latest developm ents regarding the K ey B iscayne Bra nch Libra ry . There w as extensive discussion fr om C ouncil regarding the above presentation. C ouncilm em ber L aur edo m ade a m otion to support M iam i-D ade C ounty's project fo r a new K ey B iscayn e L ibra ry . C ouncilm em ber M oss requested to be able to give fe edback to D irector Baker regarding the libra ry design . There w as no objection to the request. The Laur ed o m otion w as seconded by M ayor D avey and appro ved by a 5-1 voice vote. The vote w as as fo ll ow s: C ouncilm em bers L aur edo, M cC orm ick, M oss, V ice M ayor London and M ayor D avey votin g Y es. C ouncilm em ber Seguro la voting N o. Councilm em ber C aplan w as out of the ro om at the tim e the vote w as taken. The A tt orn ey addressed the C ouncil regarding the above m otion. It w as the con sen sus of C ouncil to direct the A ttorn ey to bring a resolution back to Council in regard to the above m otion at the next R egular C ouncil M eeting. A t this tim e, the M ayor addressed the C ouncil requesting to add a presentation regarding a skate park by Santiago D illon. T here w as no objection to the agenda addition. A presentation w as given by Santiago D illon regarding a skate park. . T here w as extensive discussion fr om C ouncil regarding the above presentation. It w as the con sensus of C ouncil to direct the M anager and the Parks and Recreation D irector Todd H offerbert h to present options fo r a skate park location at the next R egular Council M eeting. C ouncilm em ber Lauredo addressed the C ouncil regarding 530 C ra ndon Park not being an option fo r a skate park. 2of 6 May 18, 2021 8. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Caplan made a motion to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey. Councilmembers Caplan and Lauredo requested to amend the minutes of May 6th, 2021. The Clerk requested to defer the minutes of May 6th, 2021 to the next Regular Council Meeting. There was no objection to the request. The minutes of the April 29th, 2021 Workshop. The consent agenda, as amended, was approved by a 7-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Lauredo, McCormick, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. At this time, Councilmember Caplan recused himself and excited the Chamber. 9. ORDINANCES: There were no ordinances considered by Council. 10. RESOLUTIONS: The Clerk read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, SELECTING VARIOUS CONSULTANTS PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. 2021-08 FOR CONTINUING ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilmember Moss made a motion to approve the resolution. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey. There was extensive discussion from Council regarding the above resolution. Director Ozyman addressed the Council regarding the above resolution. The resolution was approved by a 6-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Lauredo, McCormick, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. The Clerk read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY REQUIRING FACIAL COVERINGS AND SOCIAL DISTANCING CONSISTENT WITH THE CDC GUIDELINES, AS AMENDED, WHILE INDOORS ON VILLAGE PROPERTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Davey made a motion to approve the resolution. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor London. 3 o/6 May 18, 2021 The Attorney addressed the Council regarding the Manager has updated the administration's policy subsequent to the CDC guidelines and the resolution in the back up has not been updated, a motion will have to be as amended to match the updated administrative policy. Mayor Davey made a motion to amend the resolution to reflect the administration's updated policy. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor London. The Manager addressed the Council regarding the updated administrative policy. The Attorney addressed the Council regarding the updated administrative policy, the above resolution and the emergency orders. The Attorney addressed the Council regarding the administrative policy and the policy going forward to July 1, 2021. At this time, Item 12B4 was heard. There was extensive discussion from Council regarding the above resolution and the Manager's ability to put in future protective measures regarding Covid19 within Village government buildings and the Community Center reopening. The Manager addressed the Council reporting that the administration wants to get back to normal but in a deliberate manner. The Manager also reported 50% of the country is vaccinated, 70-75% of the Village residents are vaccinated and the administration's policies regarding Covid19 will be evaluated step by step and the administration's goal is to have everything back to normal if there is not another Covid19 spike in the summer and to slowly take the steps to keep opening up while keeping public safety in mind. Director Hofferberth addressed the Council regarding a three-step phased approach for · expanding the opening of the Community Center. There was extensive discussion from Council regarding the Community Center, and the Center's reservations and memberships. Councilmember Segurola addressed the Council clarifying that if someone shows up not wearing a mask, they will not be turned away. The Manager addressed the Council reiterating the policy will be to strongly encourage wearing masks and to social distance. The Manager also reported on available space, resident demand, public safety and needed staffing regarding the Community Center. The resolution, as amended, was approved by a 7-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Segurola, McCormick, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. 4 o/6 May 18, 2021 Mayor Davey addressed the public reminding them that kids 12 years old and under do not have access to the vaccine so if a resident chooses not to wear their mask in the Community Center, you are potentially putting our kids at risk. At this time, the Manager's report was heard. The Manager addressed the Council reporting on the administration's plan to fully open the Chamber to the public by the June 15, 2021 Regular Council Meeting and improving the Chamber's communications system, pending equipment availability. Director Ozyman addressed the Council reporting on the status of the septic tank conversion and provided an update regarding landscaping providers and the signage at the entry block. 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The following persons addressed the Council: Lucas Boccheciampe, 201 Sunrise Drive; Carlos Rivero, 141 Crandon Boulevard, Xavier Cortadellas, Hallandale Beach and Ceci Sanchez, 260 Cypress Drive. 12. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The following items were discussed: Village Manager. The Manager's report was heard earlier in the evening. Mayor and Councilmembers. Councilmember Lauredo addressed the Council regarding kite surfing and safety concerns for the public on the beach. There was extensive discussion by Council regarding the above item. Councilmember Lauredo made a motion to direct the Manager to work with kite surfers and concerned residents on the issue of water safety specifically regarding kite surfing on the beach. The motion was seconded by Mayor Davey and approved by a 7-0 voice vote. The vote was as follows: Councilmembers Caplan, Segurola, McCorm ick, Moss, Segurola, Vice Mayor London and Mayor Davey voting Yes. Councilmember Segurola addressed the Council regarding the golf cart ordinance. There was 'extensive discussion from Council regarding the above item. Chief of Police Charles R. Press addressed the Council regarding golf cart enforcement and safety. Councilmember Segurola made a motion to amend the ordinance to eliminate golf carts from traveling down Crandon Boulevard. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor London. Councilmember Segurola withdrew his motion. 5 o/6 May 18, 2021 It was the consensus of Council to direct the Attorney to review the golf cart ordinance and report back to Council at the next Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Moss addressed the Council regarding the process of implementing the Crandon Boulevard Pedestrian Safety Master Plan. It was the consensus of Council to direct the Manager to review the plan and to come back to Council with suggestions and a plan of implementation. Village Attorney. The Attorney did not submit a report. Village Clerk. The Clerk did not submit a report. 13. OTH..l!.:R HlJSlNESS/G-ENERAL DlSClJSSlON: There was no further business discussed. 14. SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS: A schedule of future meetings and events was presented to the Council. 15. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: s~~~wn -~ Village Clerk Approved this 15th day of June ~"~ Michael W. Davey Mayor 2021: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT A MEETING OR HEARING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 6 of6