HomeMy Public PortalAbout2017-05-23-Town Auditor Review_201705191009112915Town of Watertown Town Council Committee on Personnel and Town Organization Report of the Meeting of May 8, 2017 A meeting of the Personnel and Town Organization committee was held in the Town Council Conference room on Monday, May 8, 2017 at 7:15pm. The purpose of the meeting was to review the compensation of the Watertown Town Auditor for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017. Additionally, the committee met to interview Steven Aylward for possible reappointment to the Licensing Board for a term that expires on February 15, 2020. Members in Attendance: Councilor Susan Falkoff, Chair; Councilor Michael Dattoli, Vice -Chair. Also in attendance was Council President Mark Sideris. Councilor Kounelis, Secretary was not present during the meeting. Discussions took place around the Management Performance Evaluation form (attachment A), along with Auditor Tom Tracy's current stipend for service as the Assistant Town Manager. President Sideris told the committee that there was some time sensitivity around the FY 2016 compensation and he recommends that Mr. Tracy get a 2% raise for that year to be in line with all of the other employees. Councilor Dattoli made a motion to accept the use of the current draft Management Performance Evaluation as written for the Town Auditor's 2017 evaluation. Councilor Falkoff seconded and the motion carried 2-0. Councilor Falkoff motioned that the Council Clerk send the evaluation tool to the full Town Council as soon as possible with a return date of two weeks from that time. Councilor Dattoli seconded and the motion carried 2-0. The consideration of Mr. Aylward's reappointment to the Licensing Board was postponed due to his non- attendance at the meeting. Councilor Dattoli made a motion to adjourn at 7:45pm, and Councilor Falkoff seconded. The motion carried 2-0. Minutes prepared by Vice -Chair Dattoli. Town Auditor: Management Performance Evaluation Watertown, MA Date: Evaluator: Rating Scale 5 Excellent 4 Very good/superior 3 Good/Above average 2 Satisfactory 1 Needs improvement N/A Do not have sufficient information to assess 5 4 3 2 1 N/A Leadership Consider leadership effectiveness including roles in working with Council and its Subcommittees on financial and budgeting issues, decision -making, and developing and managing the department Quality of Work and Service to Town Assess depth and completeness of the Town Auditor's knowledge of work to be done as it relates to the overall Town financial and budget needs and the established standards and policy guidelines. Assess ability to handle issues and resolve problems efficiently and effective) . Productivity Consider the contributions of the Auditor's department to the Town as a whole; and the Town Auditor's role in assisting the department and overall Town staff in working more efficiently and productively. Initiative and Creativity Consider willingness to carry out unanticipated tasks. Also consider record of developing and implementing successful new ideas, new solutions, new procedures, or new programs designed to meet Town needs. Consider willingness to go "above and beyond" effort on behalf of the Town. Adaptability Consider flexibility in responding to changes in Town's priorities, and ability to maintain effective performance under changing conditions. Evaluate ability to oversee multiple responsibilities and activities. Communication Evaluate personal interaction with Council and its subcommittees, other Town staff, supervisor, other Town departments. Consider ability to convey ideas persuasively, either informally or in a prepared presentation. Assess timeliness, appropriateness and clarity of communication with Council. Cooperation Consider overall working relationships with Council and its Subcommittees. Evaluate cooperation and support offered to the Council. Additional comments (Use reverse if necessary): Goals for the coming year: