HomeMy Public PortalAboutSite Plan Review Minutes 2011-10-05 ORLEANS TOIIN CLERK 'I 1 NOV 2 1 ��7AM SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE October 5,2011 -Minutes A meeting of the Site Plan Review Committee was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Skaket Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Departments Present: George Meservey(Planning); Mark Budnick (Highway);Bob Canning(Health);Robert Felt(Fire);Brian Harrison (Building);Todd Bunzick (Water);. Absent: John Jannell(Conservation). INFORMAL REVIEW: Cape Tradewinds Classic Candies(c%Debra McCarty),8 Canal Road Debra and Jessica McCarty described a proposal to use the candy store retail food permit to serve prepackaged quality ice cream through new take-out windows. McCarty stated that fudge will still be made on-site. McCarty explained that the sink and grease trap with dip wells will be installed with only water going into the septic system. Paper products will be used so minimal washing will be required. Comments: Fire: No modifications to the site will be required by the Fire Department. Bollards are recommended for traffic safety. Building: This is not considered a change of use. All exterior lighting must conform to the Orleans Lighting bylaw(shielded and pointed downward)and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan.Take- out ice cream windows must meet all Americans with Disability Act standards. This proposal will require Architectural Review Committee review and approval. Water: There are no Water Department comments. Health: Scooping ice cream falls under the food service category,not retail. This is considered a change of use which would require an upgraded septic system. This proposal would require an external grease trap. The property is not exempt from the Nutrient Management Regulations. Any increase in flow for the Tradewinds store to accommodate the scooping of ice cream would have to result in the reduction of flow at the restaurant next door,which would mean a reduction in the number of seats. The property cannot result in any increase in flow and must follow all Title 5 regulations. Applicant can apply to the Board of Health for a variance. Highway: No Highway Department comments. Planning: Parking spaces that fall within the road layout of Canal Road may have to be removed if improvements are made to Canal Road. MOTION: On a motion by Brian Harrison, seconded by Bob Felt,the Committee voted to accept the Informal Site Plan for the addition of an ice cream component of the Cape Tradewinds Classic Candies business located at 8 Canal Road and waive the Formal Site Plan. VOTE: 6-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—October 5, 2011 Page 1 of 2 Bob Felt recused himself from the meeting as an abutter to the next applicant. FORMAL REVIEW(Amended): Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital,65 Old Colony Way Stephanie Sequin(Ryder&Wilcox),Todd Thayer, and Duane Landreth were present for the application review for Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital to be located at 65 Old Colony Way. Sequin presented an explanation of the changes to the Site Plan from comments made at the last Site Plan Review Committee meeting. Harrison expressed concerns with the parking calculations and questioned whether they should be determined as a medical use,rather than an office use. Sequin stated that her calculations are based on nine exam rooms as noted in a letter from Deborah Downey,CRC,PTA(Orleans Site Manager, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital),currently located at 21 Old Colony Way. Sequin noted that based on her calculations,nine exam room times 3.5 parking spaces would result in a parking requirement of 32 parking spaces(39 spaces have been provided on-site). Sequin stated that based on Fire Chief William Quinn's request regarding an adequate turning radius for fire equipment,the entrance on Old Colony Way has been increased from 24'to 28'. Sequin noted that the catch basin on the southwest corner of the property has been relocated onto the site. Site Plan Review Committee members agreed to a request from the Building Commissioner to meet with the Planning Board to determine if the number of parking spaces is adequate within the zoning bylaws. MOTION: On a motion by Mark Budnick,seconded by Bob Canning,the Committee voted to approve the amended Formal Site Plan for Spaulding Rehabilitation to be located at 65 Old Colony Way, subject to Planning Board review of parking and the submittal of a final"as built". VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 21,2011 MOTION: On a motion by Brian Harrison, seconded by Bob Felt,the Committee voted to approve the minutes of September 21,2011. VOTE: 6-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:37 a.m. Respectfully submitted: C � Karen C. Sharpless Recording Secretary Site Plan Review Committee Minutes—October 5, 2011 Page 2 of 2