HomeMy Public PortalAbout2002/05/16 MAY 16, 2002 The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of COUNCIL {4EETING Carteret was called to order by Mayor James A. Failace approximately 6:10 P.M. on Thursday, May 16, 2002, Municipal Court/Police Facility, 230 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon individual roll call, the following were noted present: ROLL CALL Councilmember Frank Parisi " Daniel Reiman " Ronald Rios " Janet Santoro " Brian Sosnowski Also noted present was Borough Attorney, Robert J. Bergen, Esq. Noted absent were Mayor James A. Failace and Councilmember NOTED ABSENT Buddy Sohayda. The meeting was opened with a moment of Silent Prayer and The PRAYER ~ PLEDGE Pledge of Allegiance led by Council President Janet Santoro. OF ALLEGIANCE At approximately 6:11 P.M. Mayor James A. Failace was noted NOTED PRESENT present. Mayor Failace apologized for being late, he said he was performing a marriage ceremony. The Clerk stated that on May 10, 2002, in full compliance with the STATE[lENT OF Open Public Meetings Act, a notice of tonight's meeting was sent to [,IEETING NOTICE The Home News Tribune, The Star-Ledger and posted on the bulletin board. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios and unanimous APPROVAL OF MINUTES -- affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the minutes of May 2, 2002 were approved as transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk. MAY 16, 2002 ORDINANCE ~02-11 ORDINANCE #02-11 was introduced and adopted on First Reading AMENDING ARTICLE and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public I, STREET Hearing to be held on June 6, 2002, upon MMS&C, by EXCAVATION OF Councilmembers Reiman and Rios. Upon individual roll call vote, CHAPTER 222 OF Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted THE CODE, RE: in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. STREETS AND SIDEI~ALKS ORDINANCE #02-11 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I, STREET EXCAVATION, OF CHAPTER 222 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, ENTITLED STREETS & SIDEWALKS" ORDINANCE ~02-12 ORDINANCE #02-12 was introduced and adopted on First Reading AMENDING & and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public SUPPLEMENTING Hearing to be held on June 6, 2002, upon MMS&C, by CHAPTER I98 OF Councilmembers Reiman and Rios. Upon individual roll call vote, THE CODE, RE: Councilmembers Parisi, Reirnan, Rios, Santom and Sosnowski voted PROPERTY in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE #02-12 "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT CHAPTER 198, ENTITLED, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET" [lOTION MADE Councilmember Rios made a motion to change the amount on the Ordinance f~om $11.00 to $10.00 per hour. MOTION MADE Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Santoro and unanimous AND CARRIED affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, a motion was made to amend Ordinance #02-13 to read $10.00-$14.00/hour. MAY 16, 2002 ORDINANCE #02-13 was introduced and adopted as amended on ORDINANCE #02-13 First Reading and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same AMENDING SALARY for Public Hearing to be held on June 6, 2002, upon MMS&C, by ORDINANCE #71-9, Councilmembers Rios and Sosnowski. Upon individual roll call vote, RE: EMERGENCY Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted MEDICAL TECHNICIAN in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. ORDINANCE #02-13 "AN ORDINANCE FIX1NG THE SALARIES AND WAGES OF VARIOUS EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF MiDDLESEX AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY" ORDINANCE #02-14 was introduced and adopted on First Reading ORDINANCE ~02-14 and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public AMENDING CODE, Hearing to be held on June 6, 2002, upon MMS&C, by CHAPTER 254, Councilmembers Reiman and Rios. Upon individual roll call vote, ARTICLE I, TRAFFIC AND PARKING Councilmembers Parisi, Rciraan, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted REGULATIONS in the aiT~rmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. __ ORDINANCE #02-14 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS; TRAFFIC AND PARKING REGULATIONS, OF CHAPTER 254 ENTITLED 'VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC' OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET' A copy of each Resolution was placed on the table for public review MEETING OPENED prior to the meeting in accordance with the Rules of Council and upon PUBLIC INPUT ON MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Sosnowski and unanimous ALL RESOLUTIONS affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was opened for public input on all Resolutions. -- There being no comments or objections to the Resolutions, the Mayor MEETING CLOSED declared the Public Hearing to be closed, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Sosnowski and unanimous affucmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present. 3 MAY 16, 2002 CONSENT AGENDA The Borough Clerk asked if any Councilmembers wanted any Resolutions to be taken offthe Block Vote and asked for a motion. Councilmember Rios asked for clarification on Resolution #02-217. COMMENTS Councilmember Reiman said this would allow them to spend thc __ funds. He said this would be for Rural/Metro and other emergency medical services. Councilmember Rios asked what the time fi'amc was on this. Borough Clerk Barney said she did not speak to Patrick so she did not know the time frame. Borough Attorney Bergen said there is probably no line item to pay Rural/Metro. He said when the budget was drafted it might not have been included but to pay Rural/Metro this has to be done. Mayor Failace said this was not an addition to the budget. He suggested the Council approve this since he did not see a problem with this. Borough Attorney Bergen suggested the Council approve this pending appropriate explanation from the Chief Financial Officer. He said there has to be a line item to pay someone. Councilmember Rios said his concern was that there was no additional __ money for this. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, Resolutions #02-216 to #02-230 were approved. RESOLUTION {02-216 RESOLUTION #02-216 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to DIRECTING THE the Council for action. ISSUANCE OF VARIOUS RAFFLE LICENSES Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-216 "DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF RAFFLE LICENSES TO -- ROTARY CLUB OF CARTERET AND ST. ANTHONY H.S.A." ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. 4 MAY I6~ 2002 RESOLUTION #02-217 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-217 the Council for action. AMENDMENT TO 2002 TEMPORARY BUDGET Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-217 "AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE 2002 TEMPORARY BUDGET" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, ADOPTED Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absem. RESOLUTION #02-218 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-218 the Council for action. REFUND OF TAX AND/OR SEWER USER FEE OVERPAYMENTS Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-218 "AUTHORIZING REFUND OF TAX AND/OR SEWER OVERPAYMENT" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, ADOPTED Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-219 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-219 the Council for action. CREATING flAI~IC~PI~ PARKING SPACE- 9 KUBALA AVENUE Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-219 "CREATING HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE FOR 9 KUBALA AVENUE" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. ADOPTED Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. MAY 16, 2002 RESOLUTION #02-220 RESOLUTION #02-220 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to AUTHORIZING the Council for action. EXECUTION OF 2002 MUNICIPAL ALLIANCE CONTRACT Upon MM$&C, by Councilmembcrs Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-220 "AUTHORIZING YEAR 2002 ALLIANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET AND THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX" ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-221 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-221 the Council for action. PROFESS IONAL SERVICES- JOSEPH SPAGNOLI, ESQ. RE: PTL. Upon MMS&C, by Cotmcilmembers Reiman and Rios ~AYNE HHNDERMANN RESOLUTION #02-22 l "APPROVING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT- PTL. WAYNE HUNDEMANN" ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Cotmcilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-222 RESOLUTION #02-222 as imroduced by the Mayor and referred to APPOINTING the Council for action. GEORGE C. SIMMS PLUMBING SUB-CODE OFFICIAL Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-222 "APPOINTING GEORGE C. SIMMS PLUMBING SUB-CODE/I-IHS INSPECTOR" ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absem. 6 MAY 16, 2002 RESOLUTION #02-223 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-223 the Council for action. PROFESSIONAL SERVlCES-G~NOVA~ BI]RNS & vE~qOIA, NOT ~ EXc~'~J $35,0(0).00, Upon MMS&C, by Cotmcilmembers Reiman and Rios RE: SPI~I.T~"I~ ~ RESOLUTION #02-223 "APPROVING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT- GENOVA BURNS & VERNOIA" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, ADOPTED Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-224 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-224 the Council for action. A}/ARD OF (llglltACr- Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios Cl.~a/tlNG AND 'l*l ~rlSI~ RESOLUTION #02-224 "AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2002 SANITARY SEWER CLEAN1NG AND TELEVISING/BOROUGH OF CARTERET ANNUAL SEWER SYSTEM" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, ADOPTED Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-225 as imroduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-225 the Council for action. ~kRD OF ~- Mgl .I(X-TOLLy & ASSOC--, P.C., RE: Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios 14III. DISTRICT RESOLUTION #02-225 "AWARDING CONTRACT FOR HILL DISTRICT STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT/SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, ADOPTED Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda ~ noted absent. MAY 16, 2002 RESOLUTION #02-226 RESOLUTION #02-226 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to AUTHORIZING the Council for action. EXECUTION OF URBAN&RURAL Cl~I]mS UNSAFE Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rciman and Rios DEMI2LI.'I'I.~N LO~ ~ RESOLUTION #02-226 "AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE URBAN AND RURAL CENTERS UNSAFE BUILDING DEMOLITION LOAN AGREEMENT" ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Pafisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmati~. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absem. RESOLUTION #02-227 RESOLUTION #02-227 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to ~I,/ARD OF {llqlllACr TO the Council for action. t.t~y/~ Ci~II~t Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-227 "APPROVING CONTRACT TO REPAIR THE ROOF AT THE CARTERET LIBRARY/SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER" ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-228 RESOLUTION #02-228 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to APPOIiYrli~G the Council for action. R0~! J~. I~'IKIPPIS- TII~ORARY ~ Ca.FRK Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-228 "APPOINTING ROSALIE DE FLIPPIS TEMPORARY PART-TIME PERMIT CLERK" ADOPTED was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the afftrmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absem. MAY 16~ 2002 RESOLUTION #02-229 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-229 fiPPO~ 2002 the Council for action. RB2RF. ATIC~I Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios RESOLUTION #02-229 "APPOINTING TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES FOR 2002 SUMMER SOCCER AND BASKETBALL PROGRAM" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. ADOPTED Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. RESOLUTION #02-230 as introduced by the Mayor and referred to RESOLUTION #02-230 the Council for action. ~ APPLICaiTICI~I Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Reiman and Rios &ID ~ ~ R.I RESOLUTION #02-230 "APPROVING APPLICATION TO THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION FOR AID UNDER THE NEW JERSEY TRANSPORTATION TRUST FUND AUTHORITY ACT" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, ADOPTED Reiman, Rios, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absem. The Clerk stmed that she was in receipt of a Communication from EcolSciences, Inc.-Applicmion ~rLe~eroflmerpret~io~ Re: Ox~rd COMMUNICATIONS: ECOLSCIENCES, INC. Instrumems. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of a Communication from PSE&G-Applying to NJ DEP for Freshwater Wetlands Statewide NJ DEP General Permit for repair, replacement and maintenance of existing electrical distribution facilities as well as new installation of underground electrical distribution facilities. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of a Communication from NJ NJ TRANSIT TRANSIT-Public Hearings, May 30, June 3 and June 10 at Various Locations, Re: Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act. ~A¥ 16~ 2002 Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Reiman and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present all Communications were ordered to be received and placed on file. PAYMENT OF BILLS Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Reiman all bills appearing on the prepared list properly audited and signed were ordered to be paid. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Parisi, Reiman, Santoro and Sosnowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Rios abstained on Conrail and voted yes on all other items. Councilmember Sohayda was noted absent. The Clerk stated that she was in receipt of the following reports: REPORTS DEPARTMENT 1. Inspection of Buildings-April 2002 2. Social Services-March & April 2002 Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Reiman and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, all reports were ordered to be received and placed on file. STANDING BUILDiNGS & GROUNDS: Committee Chairperson Sosnowski said COMMITTEES Borough Hall has recently been painted. He spoke about the old Recreation Building repairs. He said they were doing the groundwork around the buildings. He said the lights in the park were replaced and the flags will be illuminated. He spoke about the generator test and the results. He spoke about relocating the sprinklers and the HVAC upgrades that would be needed. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION: Committee Chairperson Reiman spoke about the refunding issue and the money it would be saving the Borough. He said it would be two cents off a nine-cent tax increase. He said the Construction Department has taken in roughly $250 million dollars in inspection fees this year. He said the Council would be having a joint meeting concerning the school budget. FIRE: Councilmember Rios in the absence of Committee Chairperson Sohayda reported progress. 10 MAY 16, 2002 PARKS & RECREATION: Committee Chairperson Rios said they are STANDING COMMITTEE accepting applications for the Smnmer Work Program in the Clerk's Office for fourteen and fiflcen year olds. Hc said the progran~ starts July 8th and runs for six wcaks. He spoke about the problem with the fountain in the lake at Carteret Park wberc thc turtle was stuck. He said the Parks Department hung fllty American flags on Carteret Avenue. He spoke about the details of the Memorial Day Services that would be held on May 26th. He spoke about how the Parks Department was refurbishing the monument area. He said they planted flowers and shrubs to dress up the area. He said they would be putting new speakers in for the Memorial Day Services. He reported continued progress. Mayor Failace asked if the Knights of Columbus donated the flags on Carteret Avenue. Councilmember Rios said the money came from the Parks Department budget. POLICE: Committee Chairperson Santoro said there was a Police Committee Meeting. She said they were looking for additional UEZ Funds to have additional officers in the Chrome area since the grant is running out. She said two police cars have video cameras in them. She said they wanted to put four Police Officers into the Academy in July. She said they would start the screening process. She said she wanted to do a commendation for Jimmy Hart who completed a bicycle run to Washington DC for the World Trade Center Victims. She reported progress. PUBLIC WORKS: Committee Chairperson Parisi said the 2002 Road Program Field Survey has been completed. He said the 2002 County Overlay Program Design Phase work is complete and the project has rd been advertised for bids, which will be received on May 23 . He said the Harrison Avenue Pump Station has installed a wet well and the Roosevelt Avenue Pump Station construction will begin next week. He said Double Edge Construction Company that is demolishing the Sewer Treatment Plant is stepping up their efforts to get done on time. He spoke about the Hill District Storm Sewer Project. He said the County has placed signs in school areas. BOARD OF EDUCATION: Committee Chairperson Parisi said there would be a Special Meeting after tonight's meeting to discuss the School Budget. 11 MAY 16, 2002 MAYOR FAILACE Mayor Failace said one of the regulars at the meetings; Leo was in the hospital. He spoke about Jack Engel and his work with Big Brothers and Sisters of Middlesex County. He urged everyone to get involved and felt it was a worthwhile endeavor. PUBLIC Upon M/VIS&C, by Councilmembers Rios and Santoro and unanimous DISCUSSION affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was opened to the public for discussion. COMMENTS Suzanne Loutfy, President of the Carteret Board of Education said this meeting was made without confirmation of the Board of Education and read a statement explaining this, which was the reason the members of the Board of Education were not present. She said it was the fault of the Council's unwillingness to cooperate with the Board of Education members. Councilmember Rios said as a member of the Council he did not consider himself unwilling to work with the Board of Education, he was in favor of having the meeting tonight instead of the twentieth. He said he felt the twentieth would not give them enough time to make a decision and meet on the defeated budget. He said he was always willing to work with the Board of Education. He said as far as other members of the Board not attending tonight because they have other commitments within the School District he understood. He said he did not understand why there was not a member of the Administration here tonight. Mrs. Loutfy said she did not know what the committee that was present at the last meeting had informed the rest of the Council of but the Business Administrator and the Superintendent had prior engagements. She did not feel anyone should answer questions on the budget except the Business Administrator who knew the budget and put it together. Councilmember Rios asked what the Superintendent of Schools' salary Was. Mrs. Loutfy said one hundred and twenty three thousand dollars. Councilmember Rios said for one hundred and twenty three thousand dollars he should have the ability to know what the budget is. Mrs. Loutfy said he knows as much as possible, they were trying to put the budget together and accommodate auditors and district attorneys. She said the Superintendent does not have the time that is why the Business Administrator is working on the budget. She said they work for the same town and for the same children. 12 MAY 16, 2002 Mayor Failace said it was true, they met on the sixth and thirteenth he COMMENTS said they reviewed the budget for the first time on the sixth and the numbers were high. He said they asked the Board of Education to bring the numbers back to the administration for answers. He said on the thirteenth they got some answers and the next day the Auditors sent their questions to the Board Office, some questions were answered and some were not answered. He said they were having a meeting of the Mayor and Council where they invited the Board of Education and they did not have to do that and felt it was too bad that some members were unable to attend. He said they have a decision to make and they are under the gun. He said the numbers were difficult for the Auditors and was sure they would like another month to go over them He said Monday was the deadline and the Council felt they wanted to meet with the Board. Mrs. Loutfy asked the Mayor and Council to discuss this and not to make a £mal decision tonight. She said the Board deserves a chance to answer. She said they could still have a meeting on the twentieth to discuss this. Councilmember Rios said they hired professionals for various situations because the Council are "Laymen" and they rely to some degree on what the professionals suggest. Mrs. Loutfy asked they keep the meeting on the twentieth. Councilmember Santoro explained the decision as a Council to meet tonight. She said the Councilmembers present at the meeting reported back to the Council what happened at the meeting. She said they thought they were cutting it too close on the twentieth and explained why they chose the date they did. She said they have not talked to the Auditors and they are not sure all the questions are answered. She said the Council does take this seriously and they are very concerned with the children of Carteret. She said the Superintendent of Schools who is in charge of a forty million dollar budget is in Atlantic City which is two hours away and felt it was inexcusable for him not to be here or to send a representative. She said while she was on the School Board she skipped things for her children and dropped everything to be there because that was how important she felt it was. Mrs. Loutfy asked that her Administration not be criticized which would leave the Council's Administration open for criticism. Councilmember Santom explained that the Councilmembers that head different committees usually question members of their departments. Mrs. Loutfy said it is up to the Board what happens and she can not choose the Borough's lawyer and they could not choose the Board of Education's Superintendent. She said the Board decides who is where and when. Councilmember Santoro asked Mrs. Loutfy if she felt it was more important for the Superintendent to be in Atlantic City than at the meeting tonight. 13 MAY 16, 2002 Mrs. Loutfy said the Superintendent was not one hundred percent PUBLIC DISCUSSION involved in the budget and she felt he was not the person who was qualified to answer the Council's questions. She said the Business Administrator should answer the questions. She said the reason the Business Administrator could not m~ke the meeting was that she scheduled a doctor's appointment. John Sudia said the Superintendent of Schools, the Police Chief, etc. are Public Servants and felt their first obligation was to the Borough of Carteret. He said there are conventions in Atlantic City and other Public Servants have traveled more than two hours to come back into Carteret as he and many other Public Servants have done in the past. He said they are getting one hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year and he felt they should be qualified to know every aspect of the budget. He spoke very strongly about how he felt the School Board members should have been at the meeting tonight. There being no further business or discussion, upon MMS&C, by ADJOURNED Councilmembers Reiman and Rios and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, KATHLEEN M. Municipal Clerk KMB/cp 14