HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2003-05-20-LRALYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING MAY 20, 2003 The Lynwood Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:55 p.m. Chairman Pedroza presiding. Members Byrd, Reyes, Richards, Rodriguez and Pedroza answered the roll call. Also present were Executive Director Hempe, Agency Counsel Casso, Secretary Hooper, ~i and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) Irene Garcia, 2737 E. 111th Street -Item #2 (Warrant Register) questioned how would staff s trip benefit the economy of Lynwood. Also questioned the Wilson Group payment and stated their contract should be terminated as they have not accomplished any business for the City. Item #3 (Access Community Housing) stated she hasn't seen anything yet regarding affordable housing for the community. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION Item #1: MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: It was moved by Vice Chairman Rodriguez, seconded by Chairman Pedroza to approve the following Minutes: • Regular Meeting of April 1, 2003 ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBERS BYRD, REYES, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, AND PEDROZA NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #2: WARRANT REGISTER It was moved by Member Richards, seconded by Member Byrd to adopt the resolution, with the exception of WR# 6350 for legal services. It was moved by Member Reyes, seconded by Vice Chairman Rodriguez to adopt the resolution "as is". Agency Counsel Casso suggested that Member Reyes considered withdraw his motion, as ~~ it is not a substitute motion. Member Reyes stated he was aware of his motion and i moved to approve the Warrant Register "as is". Member Richards stated he is concerned that the Agency is repeatedly being charged by same individual which doesn't believe the work performed amounts to thousands of dollars. Chairman Pedroza questioned why the Agency is still receiving invoices from this particular individual. Executive Director Hempe explained that the particular payment in question is for previous months owed, and the prepaid check has already been released to Julia Sylva, but staff has contacted Ms. Sylva regarding the overpayment. Member Reyes stated all members have the opportunity to review the agenda the Thursday prior to Tuesday's meeting and should be able to request any back up documents for review prior to the meeting. Member Richards stated the Agency has been excessively billed for services that it may not be related to the City of Lynwood, but for special interest. After further discussion, Chairman Pedroza requested Roll Call. RESOLUTION NO. 2003.018 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE" ROLL CALL ON SUBSTITUTE MOTION: AYES: MEMBERS REYES AND RODRIGUEZ NOES: MEMBERS BYRD, RICHARDS, AND PEDROZA ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Motion failed. ROLL CALL ON ORIGINAL MOTION: AYES: MEMBERS BYRD, RICHARDS, AND PEDROZA NOES: MEMBERS REYES AND RODRIGUEZ ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Motion passed. Member Richards commented on Ms. Garcia comments and stated the Wilson Group did assist in processing a Bill that was taken to the Senate and Assembly, but the Governor vetoed it. REGULAR ITEMS `~ Item #3: APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND ACCES COMMUNITY HOUSING, INC., REGARDING THE COMMITMENT OF FY 2001 HOME PROGRAM FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING It was moved by Member Richards, seconded by Member Byrd to adopt the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 2003.019 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING A HOME FUND RESERVATION AND COMMITMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ACCESS COMMUNITY HOUSING, INC., PURSUANT TO TITLE 24 CFR, PART 92.2 TO CARRY OUT CERTAIN HOUSING RELATED ACTIVITIES PURSUANT TO HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND TO COMMIT THE CITY OF LYNWOOD 2001 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ALLOCATION" ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBERS BYRD, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ AND PEDROZA NOES: MEMBER REYES ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #4: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING AGREEMENT CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Shirley Wolfe, Redevelopment Project Manager -Explained the Agency approve an agreement to proceed with certain environmental investigation work and to put together a clean up program in system, for the proposed Lynwood Springs development site on Long Beach Boulevard. As the environmental work has progressed some of the tasks have had to be modified and completely changed because of date being collected along the way. Additionally, there have been test were more expensive than initially planned. Stated the project has faced many issues such as with EPA additional costs, data not available from property owner, and weather rescheduling, etc. Chairman Pedroza stated the contractor should adhere to the agreement and bid costs. Member Byrd stated that the contractors always come back and request additional money; feels that the Agency should not buy the property and should also receive the money back. After further discussion, it was moved by Member Richards, seconded by Vice Chairman Rodriguez to continue this item for further review. Item #5: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT REVIEW Executive Director Hempe stated staff received an unsolicited proposal from the Developer to develop a retail project approximately 25,000 square foot site at the southeast and southwest corners of Imperial Highway and Duncan Avenue. Art Gestelum, Partner with Jacobsen Family Housing -Introduced himself and stated he is requesting approval to negotiate with the Agency to see what the community would like at this site. After discussion, it was moved by Member Reyes, seconded by Vice Chairman Rodriguez to approve the development concept submitted by Affiliated Jacobsen Family Housing 1, LLC and direct staff to initiate the owner participation process and upon completion of this process prepare an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement to be brought back to the Agency along with a defined developer generated site plan for consideration. Chairman Pedroza questioned Mr. Gestelum whether Oscar De LaJoya was involved with this project. Mr. Gestelum responded that Mr. De LaJoya is part of the development team. ~~ ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBERS BYRD, REYES, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, AND PEDROZA NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE PUBLIC HEARING NONE INFORMATION ITEM NONE CLOSED SESSION NONE ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Vice Chairman Rodriguez, seconded by Member Richards and carried to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting at 7:20 p.m. ~' O~ ~~~-a~ Fernando Pedroza, Chairman v Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary