HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2004-09-21-LRALYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 The Lynwood Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:45 p.m. Chairman Byrd presiding. Members Pedroza, Rodriguez , Santillan, Vasquez, and Byrd answered the roll call. Also present were Interim Executive Director Wang, City Attorney Beltran, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the Agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) Sylvia Ortiz spoke in favor of item 8, Approval of an amended DDA with Hermilo Franco for the Fernwood Estate Housing project. She would like to see the development go through; the residents would love to see a neighborhood. For the past thirty-years that lot has been vacant. Michael Hyatt spoke on item 10, Approval of ENA with Pasco Manufacturing and Specialty Inc. to explore facility expansion opportunities. Would like to negotiate with the City of Lynwood and pay out of his own pocket the design and build a pocket park next to his business at no expanse to the City of Lynwood. Sylvia Herron spoke on item 8, Approval of an Amended DDA with Hermilo Franco for the Fernwood Estate Housing Project. Stated the units went up from thirty to forty- two how many of these are going to be low-income units? Lorene Reed spoke on item 6, Amendments to FY 2004/05 Operating Budget. Wanted clarification on the budget regarding the deleted position versus the positions that are on hold for six months. Also for the past three years the housing department has been understaffed and there is a backlog of paper work regarding the housing rehabilitation program. She checked with other cities and housing is funded by federal fund and not out of the general fund. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ida Castro discussed concerns regarding the way the housing department is being handled. The City has great programs in line. But it is hard to get them going when the city hires outside consultant. What the city needs to do is to provide that department with proper staff to help run the programs. Lorene Reed asked Mayor Byrd for thirty additional seconds and stated that the consultant is paid out of Federal funds and that is confusing for her. If the city can pay consultants out of federal funds why can't the city pay the employees out of those funds. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Item #1: ,MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was moved, by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Member Pedroza to approve the following min~ites. Regular Meeting of July 20, 2004 Special Meeting of July 27, 2004 ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #2: WARRANT REGISTER It was moved by Member Pedroza seconded by Vice-Chairperson Vasquez and carried to adopt the following Resolution. RESOLUTION N0.2004.032 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE PUBLIC HEARING Item #3: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A DDA WITH CASA GRANDE DEVELOPMENT AND THE SALE OF LAND FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. It was moved by Member Rodriguez seconded by Member Pedroza to open public Hearing. Mayor Byrd announced that the public hearing is now open and anyone whising to speak can do so now on this item. Bill Martinez a representative from Casa Grande stated he had a very productive meeting with the city staff. They're where seven topics and out of those seven, five where approved. The first two points that staff could not agree on had to deal with the DDA, and feels that it is not a staff issue but a policy issue that should be addressed by City Council. Also feels that Casa Grande has done everything they can to secure that the City of Lynwood will be paid $1.2 million dollars. Second the Environmental issue, Casa Grande feels that it is a simple issue that the property owner is going to be held liable for the clean up. Currently the City of Lynwood does not own the property they are talking about. That party according by state law is required to clean up the property before sale. Casa Grande is sure that the Redevelopment Attorney and the Redevelopment Director will put the proper language in transaction of escrow, so when the City of Lynwood purchases the property it is purchase clean. Chairman Byrd asked Agency Counsel Ronald Wilson if he would like to respond Agency Counsel Ronald Wilson stated that it was his understanding that this public hearing was to be postponed. The item was open and that is fine, however he feels that the hearing should be continued. Would like to further discuses the issue in closed session this way Agency Counsel can receive directions from Agency Members. Ida Castro stated she is a licensed Real Estate Agent for the State of California. She continued to state that under California Real Estate rule the owner of the property is the one charged to clean it up. It would come out of the proceeds of the transaction. She would have to disagree with the Agency Attorney why would you be committing to something and getting yourself into any financial trouble you are going to be covered by the owner. There is absolutely no reason to postpone. The City is in great need of housing. Ralph Gonzalez spoke in favor of the Casa Grande Project Irene Garcia stated the city has a mandate to built 960 homes by the end of 2005 so far the City has built only 300. The only concerns that she and her neighbors have is that ~' they do not want a Nickerson garden type atmosphere moving in. Also how many ~ residents would be employed by the city and not outsiders. What percentage of the sales of the properties is the city going to receive. Mark Flores spoke in favor of the Casa Grande project. Dale Jones spoke in favor of the Casa Grande project. Katherine Jones spoke in favor of the Casa Grande Project. Mark Kudler from Bulletin Displays spoke in favor of the Casa Grande project. The only thing that he is asking for is to keep a reservation for two of the outdoor advertising sights open would be on the outside of the wall of this development. He also stated he is not asking for the Agency to approve those particular locations, all he is asking for is that the Agency reserve the right in that particular DDA. It was moved Member Santillan seconded by Member Pedroza to close the public hearing. Chairmen Byrd stated that Agency Counsel requested that this particular item be brought to Closed Session and would keep the public hearing open. r==te It was agreed upon General Consent. ~, It was moved by Member Santillan seconded by Member Pedroza and carried to rearrange the Agenda to go to Closed Session. Agency recessed to closed Session 7:55 p.m. Agency Reconvened at 8:45 p.m. The Agency received its presentation from the staff and after the end of discussion the Agency reached a consciences and unanimously provided further instructions relative to approval of the DDA subject to a couple of conditions that the negotiators will communicate to the developer. Those will be presented as early as tomorrow by way of Agency Attorney Ronald Wilson. Item #4: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A DDA WITH EMIGDIO RODRIGUEZ AND THE SALE OF LAND FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT.. Director of Redevelopment Louis Morales stated before the Agency opens the public hearing that staff requests to continue this item. There are some issues with the agreement. It was moved by Member Rodriguez seconded by Chairman Byrd and carried to continue this item. Item #5: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A DDA WITH JAIME GUTIERREZ AND THE SALE OF LAND FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. Director of Redevelopment Louis Morales stated before the Agency open the public hearing that staff request to continue this item. There are some issues with the agreement. It was moved by Councilman Rodriguez seconded by Mayor Byrd and carried to continue this item. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar will be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to voting unless members of the Agency or staff request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Member Santillan pulled item #8, Vice- Chairperson Vasquez pulled item #7, 9, 10 Director of Redevelopment Louis Morales stated item # 10 would like to change the wording to a concept and not ENA. When everything is settled then they will ask for and ENA at a later date. Item #6: AMENDMENTS TO FY 2004/ OS-OPERATING BUDGET. It was moved by Member Rodriguez seconded by Chairman Byrd to receive and file and adopt the following Resolution. RESOLUTION N0.2004.033 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENCY'S OPERATING BUDGET FOR FY 2004/ OS" ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #7: APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH PARAGON PARTNERS FOR RELOCATION CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE ATLANTIC CARLIN PROJECT. Vice-Chairperson Vasquez stated she would like to know who the other Consultants are that would provided relocation services. Deputy Director of Redevelopment John Perfit stated there where four bids received (1) Amber Clear (2) D.R.A Del Richardson Access. (3) Paragon Partners (4) Overland Pacific and Cutler and bids where for the relocation only. Vice- Chairperson Vasquez questioned if the developers can be responsible for the cost of relocation, rather than the City paying for consultants. Deputy Director of Redevelopment John Perfit responded that it is a shared cost. Member Santillan stated that she would like for the Agency to ask Universal to bid since they hired Universal for the Ham Park Project. Deputy Director of Redevelopment John Perfit responded that he would contact them and ask for a bid proposal. Member Pedroza stated he would like staff to have an update for the next meeting on the Relocation regarding the Ham Park Project. It was moved by Member Rodriguez seconded by Member Pedroza and carried to continue this until the staff has a formal RFP process on this matter. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #8: APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED DDA WITH HERMILO FRANCO FOR THE FERNWOOD ESTATE HOUSING PROJECT. Member Santillan questioned if originally there were five low income homes to be built and Director of Redevelopment Morales said no, can you explain why the answer is no? Director of Redevelopment Morales responded they have been providing certain years of allocation to that project from our home funds, the HUD money and it has been designated for the project. His total number still remains at five. Vice -Chairperson Vasquez stated that in closed session a month ago they did not discuses the Billboard Easeman and it is her understanding that at that time the Agency did not agree that this would be part of the deal. Member Pedroza stated that the Billboard Easeman mentioned here is an option for the Redevelopment Agency Members to consider, Leaving them in order or dealing with a law suits with one of the other Billboard Company that they are going to discuss in Closed Session. Therefore the Agency should reserve it in order to decide in the Agency negotiations weather we want to include it into the negotiations with this other company that they are going to talk about in Closed Session. It was moved by Member Pedroza seconded Member Santillan and carried to approve the amended DDA with Hermilio Franco and attached resolution entitled. RESOLUTION NO. 2004.034 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE HERMILIO FRANCO DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT". ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, BYRD NOES: MEMBER VASQUEZ ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #9: APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH MICHAEL J. WAGNER ASSOCIATES 1NC. FOR REDEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5-YEAR UPDATE. Vice -Chairperson Vasquez stated she knows that this is a housing issue and a memo was put out by the finance department and wanted to know if they are supervising this '~ housing plan. Deputy Director of Redevelopment John Perfit responded that THIS implantation plan is a five-year update that does include a housing component, it also examines projects that help elevate blight in the Redevelopment Project areas. The Redevelopment staff will be supervising the process. It was moved by Vice-Chairperson seconded by Chairman Byrd and carried to approve the Contract with Michael J. Wagner Associates Inc. for redevelopment consulting services. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #10: APPROVAL OF ENA WITH PASACO MANUFACTURING AND SPECIALTY INC. TO EXPLORE FACILITY ESPANSION OPPORTUNITES. Vice -Chairperson Vasquez stated she had met with the Michel Hyte and was very impressed with the facility it is very clean. The city needs to support responsible business owners. It was moved by Member Pedroaza seconded by Member Santillan and carried to approve the ENA with Pasco Manufacturing and Specialty Inc. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Interim Executive Director Joseph Wang stated he would like one closed session item be heard in open session in regards to item 14 all of the criteria of the sites that the city wants to rank them and present to Council it is a short presentation. Chairman Byrd responded that their recommendation is a good one and the Agency can accept or reject it. The Agency can take the first last or the last first, but it is a good guideline to go by. The agency was selected to make these decisions. Interim executive Director Joseph Wang responded that staff presents recommendations but the Agency has the final decision. Deputy Director of Redevelopment John Perfit gave a brief presentation on Prioritization analysis for current proposed redevelopment and housing projects. It was moved by general consent and carried to receive and file this presentation It was moved by Member Pedroza seconded by Chairman Byrd and carried to recess to Closed Session. Agency Reconvened at 11:40 p.m. CLOSED SESSION Item #11: CONFERENCE WITH,REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: Atlantic/Carlin Housing Development Project -Identified by assessors Parcel Numbers Below: APNs 6186-O11-083 6186-012-005 6186-012-007 6186-012-023 6186-012-024 6186-012-027 6186-012-032 6186-012-033 6186-012-034 6186-012-037 6186-012-038 6186-012-006 Item #12: Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Counsel including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson. Negotiating Parties: Agency & Selac Under Negotiations: Price and Terms WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 54956.8 Property: Alameda Triangle Housing Development Project - Identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers below: APNs 6169-001-001 6169-001-002 6169-001-008 6169-002-904 CALTANS DD 058165-01-01 CALTANS DD 058166-O1-01 Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Counsel including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson Negotiating Parties: Casa Grande (proposed developer) Under Negotiation: DDA terms and conditions Item #13: WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO SESCTION 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIORS Property: SELAC Senior Housing Development Project -Identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers below: APNs 6194-0220-029 Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Council including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson Negotiating Parties: SELAC (developer) Under Negotiation: Project status/ Agency financial interest Item #14: WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION pursuant to section 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIORS REVIEW OF STAFF'S PRIORITIZATION ANALYSIS FOR CURRENT PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING PROJECTS. PROPERTY: Various properties in Lynwood Redevelopment Project Areas including all property on the west side of Long Beach Blvd. between Imperial Highway and Pluma Street; all properties on the east side of Long Beach Blvd. between Imperial Highway and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.: all Properties bounded by Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. to the North, Wright Road to the West, I-710 Freeway southbound to the East, and the I-105 Freeway Westbound to the south; all properties bounded by Imperial Highway to the North, Fernwood Road to the South, and State Street to ~ the East; all properties on the east side of Long Beach Blvd. -~-~ between the I-105 Eastbound onramp and Josephine Street; all properties bounded by Imperial Highway to the North, I- 107 onramp to the East, Los Flores Blvd. to the South, and Atlantic Avenue to the West; all properties on the West side of Long Beach Blvd. Between the I-105 Freeway Eastbound off ramp and Louise Street. Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Counsel including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson Negotiator Parties: Property owners of record, Abel Helou, and developers to be determined Under Negotiation: Property acquisitions, possible terms and conditions City Attorney Beltran stated that the Council met on the aforementioned matters and reported on: Item #11: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: Atlantic/Carlin Housing Development Project -Identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers Below: APNs 6186-O11-083 6186-012-005 6186-012-007 6186-012-023 6186-012-024 6186-012-027 6186-012-032 6186-012-033 6186-012-034 6186-012-037 6186-012-038 6186-012-006 Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Counsel including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson. ~} Negotiating Parties: Agency & Selac Under Negotiations: Price and Terms Staff provided a report but no action was Item #12: WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 54956.8 Property: Alameda Triangle Housing Development Project -Identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers below: APNs ~ 6169-001-001 6169-001-002 i 6169-001-008 6169-002-904 CALTANS DD 058165-01-01 CALTANS DD 058166-01-01 Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Counsel including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson Negotiating Parties: Casa Grande (proposed developer) Under Negotiation: DDA terms and conditions The Agency received its presentation from the staff and after the end of discussion the Agency reached a consciences and unanimously and provided further instructions relative approval of the DDA subject to a couple of conditions that the negotiators will communicate to the developer. And those will be presented as early as tomorrow by way of Agency Attorney Ronald Wilson. Item #13: WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO SESCTION 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIORS Property: SELAC Senior Housing Development Project -Identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers below: APNs 6194-0220-029 Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Council including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson Negotiating Parties: SELAC (developer) Under Negotiation: Project status/ Agency financial interest This item was not taken up in closed session. Item #14: WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION pursuant to section 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIORS REVIEW OF STAFF'S PRIORITIZATION ANALYSIS FOR CURRENT PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING PROJECTS. PROPERTY: Various properties in Lynwood Redevelopment Project Areas including all property on the west side of Long Beach Blvd. between Imperial Highway and Pluma Street; all properties on the east side of Long Beach Blvd. between Imperial Highway and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.: all Properties bounded by Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. to the North, Wright Road to the West, I-710 Freeway southbound to the East, and the I-105 Freeway Westbound to the south; all properties bounded by Imperial Highway to the North, Fernwood Road to the South, and State Street to the East; all properties on the east side of Long Beach Blvd. between the I-105 Eastbound onramp and Josephine Street; all properties bounded by Imperial Highway to the North, I- 107 onramp to the East, Los Flores Blvd. to the South, and Atlantic Avenue to the West; all properties on the West side of Long Beach Blvd. Between the I-105 Freeway Eastbound off ramp and Louise Street. Agency Negotiator: Agency, Agency Staff and Agency Counsel including but not limited to Louis Morales and Ronald Wilson Negotiator Parties: Property owners of record, Abel Helou, and developers to be determined Under Negotiation: Property acquisitions, possible terms and conditions This matter was address in open session ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Pedroza, seconded by Chairman Byrd and carried to adjourn the Regular Lynwood Redevelopment Agency Meeting at 12:20 a.m. in the memory of Mrs. Bartfiled L uis Byrd, Chai an ~i~h~ Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary ~l J