HomeMy Public PortalAboutBrewster School Committee -- 2012-12-20 Minutes Brewster School Committee APPIAVED December 20, 2012 Brewster Town Hall Present for the Committee: Chair Telman, Donna Kalinick, Brenda Cazeault, and Mara Liebling Present for the Administration: Dr. Hoffmann, Dr. Gifford, Dr. Caretti, Ms.Venditti, Ms. Lavoine, Principal Gauley and Principal Fronius Others: Chief Richard Koch, Brewster Police Department Call to Order Chair Telman called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Discussion on School Safety Superintendent Hoffmann reviewed safety and security procedures and plans,as well as the District's response to the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut that included; a School Reach call to parents, an email sent to parents noting resources which was also posted on the website, an email to parents relative to what would happen on Monday morning and how the District would move forward helping students feel safe in school, school staffs came in early and stayed late to be briefed on how to help students throughout the day, Superintendent Richard Hoffmann and Director of Student Services,Ann Caretti,visited every school. The Superintendent was also in contact with the Police Chiefs in all towns and will meet to review safety procedures and security in all schools. Focus areas include: Prevention, Security,and Preparedness. Chief Richard Koch addressed the committee indicating that the Police Chiefs will meet and take a regional approach to comprehensive and simple plans for security in our schools. He also indicated that he would bring in a professional to look at the buildings and make recommendations for security. He indicated the first step would be to have a door security system. Motion: On a motion by Donna Kalinick, seconded by Brenda Cazeault,it was voted unanimously to turn authority for security of the schools to Chief Koch to work in conjunction with Administration on security measures and the security plan. Discussion was held regarding police at school and Chief Koch indicated the police will assist the schools in any way they can but does not feel it is necessary to have police at school all day. Chief Koch noted that police officers ride through and stop to check for unlocked doors during the school day. The police and the schools have a very good relationship and will continue to foster that relationship. Trish Hill, President of the PTO voiced her concerns regarding safety at the Brewster Schools and asked that a buzzer system be put in place. Chief Koch indicated he would look at all of the safety and security measures with professionals. A security system will be discussed in Executive Session at the next meeting. r Dr. Hoffmann and Dr. Caretti will continue to work on violence prevention initiatives in the schools. CITIZENS SPEAK Trish Hill, PTO President,used the televised forum to ask for volunteers for the PTO. They are in need of a volunteer coordinator and a hospitality coordinator. The next PTO meeting is January 17th at 6:00 p.m. at the Brewster Town Hall. Christine Seager, NYA, addressed the committee asking that the after school program be part of the security discussion and part of the Crisis Plan. Administrators' Reports Written reports were submitted but oral reports were not given due to the budget presentations. FY.3 Budget Update Giovanna Venditti reviewed the monthly expenditure and variance reports of Stony Brook Elementary with the Committee noting changes since last month in account 5060, special needs salaries educational assistants,homeless transportation (unanticipated expense $4,673), special needs transportation will be overspent, as will custodial salaries (.4 custodian to full time). Eddy School monthly expenditure and variance report was reviewed noting an increase in special needs transportation costs and an increase in custodial salaries (added additional hours for part time custodial staff). It was noted that Super Storm Sandy caused damaged to the solar panels and Ms.Venditti indicated she would bring information to the committee as soon as she receives it. . FY14 Budget Superintendent Hoffmann presented an overview of what was included in the FY14 budget book. Ms, Kalinick requested the Superintendent to let the committee know the health insurance percentage as soon as possible. Dr. Hoffmann was asked to explain the budget process for parents noting the budget timeline and what the committee will be doing at the next several meetings. He indicated the Central Office Budget will be reviewed by the subcommittee and will be voted at the Joint School Committee meeting on January 31St. He noted that the Central Office budget is apportioned to each town based on the October 1 enrollment figure. He also indicated that the Preschool is not really a regional program,but the region is the fiscal agent. The assessment is based on a 3-year average and only children with special needs are included in the assessment formula. Principal Fronius reviewed her line item budget and justifications with the Committee answering questions throughout the presentation regarding various line items. It was noted Ms.Venditti would confer with Lisa Souve regarding the use of Building Use revenues. Dr.Caretti addressed the committee regarding the Preschool Program indicating there is one program in Brewster that is an extended day program. Fees of$180 per month for the extended day program and $160 per month for the regular day program were discussed and Dr. Caretti is analyzing if the cost for the program to see if it was increased too much. Wellfleet added staff to t their preschool due to two students with substantial needs and this is only being charged to Wellfleet. Principal Gauley indicated the centerpieces were given to the committee compliments of the Community Service Club. Principal Gauley reviewed the Eddy Elementary School line item budget and justifications. Ms. Kalinick requested that at some point the committee be given an update on the POS system and participation in the food service program. Principal Gauley reviewed the highlights in the budget noting salaries were increased in the custodial line due to an increase in hours and a significant reduction in utilities. School Committee members were invited to a holiday concert on December 21st at 9:00 a.m. Superintendent Hoffmann indicated at the January meeting the Committee will look at possible reductions with recommendations from the principals. It was also noted that there is an out of district placement in the amount of$60,000 and it was asked if this should be in the general operating budget or an extraordinary expense. FY14 Capital Plan Superintendent Hoffmann noted updates in the Capital Plan since November. Barbara Lavoine answered questions relating to technology in the Brewster Schools. An RFP is being sent out for an architectural and engineering study for the Eddy School roof. Mr. Sumner suggested this be delegated to the Town of Brewster Building Needs Assessment Subcommittee. Motion: On a motion by Donna Kalinick, seconded by Mara Liebling, it was voted unanimously to delegate authority to engage architectural and engineering service to the town of Brewster and authorize Dr. Hoffmann to submit the SOI to the Massachusetts School Building Authority. Ms, Kalinick requested the Business Manager to give a report on what has been spent to date on the HVAC,plumbing, and roof at the Eddy School. First Tee Program Chair Telman was pleased to announce that the Women's 9 Hole Association donated $250 for the First Tee Program and that the program has now been fully funded through donations. Motion: On a motion by Donna Kalinick, seconded by Brenda Cazeault, it was voted unanimously to accept the gift of$250 for the First Tee Program, with gratitude. Superintendent Hoffmann reported to the Committee that the Bible Alliance Church group has been using Stony Brook Elementary School and that they will charge a nominal fee for use to offset costs of electricity, etc. He noted the church is very grateful for the use of the facility. REPORTS AND INFORMATION Cape Cod Collaborative- no report Transportation Subcommittee- Donna Kalinick indicated the subcommittee has not met and are waiting for the new ridership study. Ms.Venditti indicated that First Student contract has been renewed for one year and next year we will be soliciting bids for bus transportation. Playground Subcommittee-the subcommittee had to cancel their meeting and it was rescheduled in January. They have submitted Community Preservation Grant application. Policy Subcommittee- no report Preschool Enrollment- Dr. Caretti projects 34 students by the end of the year. Presently the Preschool has 29 students. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Donna Kalinick, seconded by Brenda Cazeault, it was voted to approve the minutes of the November 15, 2012 meeting. (1 abstention, Mara Liebling) On a motion by Donna Kalinick,seconded by Brenda Cazeault, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:51 p.m., subject to payment of bills. Respectfully submitted, Ann M.Tefft RREWSTE'4 CLERK '13 MAR2212:1