HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2007-10-02-LRALYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 2, 2007 The Lynwood Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a special meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 2:30 p.m. .Chairman Byrd presiding. Members Johnson, Pedroza and Byrd were present. t Member Vasquez arrived late and Member Santillan was absent. Also present were City Manager Haley, City Attorney Willoughby, Secretary Hooper, and City Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the Agenda had been duly posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE DISCUSSION ITEMS _ Item #1 CONSIDERATION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AND RESTATED EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ANGELES FIELD Lorry Hempe, Assistant City Manager, introduced .this item. Regarding the second amendment, the material changes and terms do not alter the scope of work. The first amendment has not been executed by the Agency or signed by the developer. Staff is recommending, as a policy recommendation, that the Agency defer this matter to the incoming Agency Members. Dr. Hannan stated that the point of this project has always been to increase jobs and income for the city. The second amendment contains terms that should have been in the original agreement. She encouraged the agency to continue on and to go forward with this project. Nancy Landa spoke on behalf of Assemblyman, Hector De La Torre. She was accompanied by Luis Marquez from Senator, Alan Lowenthal's office. She stated that she was attendingthe meeting in response to their constituents. Regarding the state law and pertaining to the nature of the discussion items included in this special meeting, she wanted to reminded the Lynwood City Council of a law passed effective January 1, 2007, Assembly Bill 2753. She proceeded to read Assembly Bill 2753 Section 1 { Section 3603.5 of the Government Code to the Agency. Carlos Delgado wanted to know why the Agency was permitting the Angeles Fields Project to continue. He feels that it is unfair for the Agency to make Lynwood residents sell their homes. As representatives of the people, the Agency should side with. the people and not the business brokers. Zelda Hutchinson stated that there were inconsistencies between the Assembly Bill and the letter from the County Register Recorders Office. She is not in agreement with all aspects of the Angeles Fields Project but she does not see an alternate project presented that would help the City over come the financial difficulties. Lorna Hawkins stated that the citizens of Lynwood do not appreciate Hector De La Torre speaking on their behalf. Bishop Gillory did not agree with government involvement in city politics. He feels that racism is apart of this issue. He encouraged the Mayor. to ask the City Attorney to request that the United States Justice Department -Civil Rights Division view this situation. The recalled council has a right to an appeal before the new council is sworn in. He feels that there were illegal actions taken in the gathering of the recall signatures. He believes that the Latinos in the community are creating racial division in the city. Alex Landeros stated that the recall was not about racism but about diversity. It was about the community voting for their beliefs. Evelia Hernandez stated that nothing illegal was done in the collection of signatures for the recall election. The recall was certified by the County. The community continues to fight because they do not want to loose more than one thousand homes and schools. Frank Calderon stated that regarding history, African American slaves escaped to Mexico for refuge. COUNCIL ORALS Council Member Johnson stated that regarding Angeles Field, his strategy for supporting the project was to bring more revenue to the city. This project was put in place so that the city would be able to sustain itself. The City must bring in more revenues then expenses if it' is to survive. There needs to be economic development in the city. The city needs to partner with the developer. If the City does not work with the developer, the city will loose money. He does not believe that the government should be involved with city politics. Council Member Pedroza thanked Lynwood citizens for supporting him for the past seven years of progress. The City of Lynwood has gone through many changes. Many projects have been completed such as, shopping centers, parks, schools and street improvement. Instead of fighting each other lets work together. The Angeles Field Project could secure city jobs for the next thirty years, which would provide union and apprentice jobs for~the community. Many lies have been spread about this project but the truth will prevail. The project could generate revenue to pay for police salaries'. It could convert the City of Lynwood from a "Bedroom Community" to becoming an "Economic Engine" in the region. He asked if there were any other proposals on the table that could bring revenue in to the city. The citizens of Lynwood need to work together as a multicultural city. Mayor Byrd stated that he has served as school principal for eighteen years in the City of Lynwood. He has devoted most of his life to this city. Over a time period, He has seen a cultural change in the City of Lynwood. When he worked for the Lynwood Unified School District, he did not discriminate against minorities. He hired people of different nationalities because he hired for ability and not ethnicity. He gave opportunities to minorities, which allowed them to flourish in the school district. When he left the School District, He attributed the multicultural staff to his willingness to give minorities a chance to prove themselves on the work force. He stated that there needs to be change in the city. He does not want to see the City of Lynwood become like Detroit were the people are heavily taxed because they do not have the necessary industry to support the city. The Angeles Field project could make the city prosperous. If the utility users tax is voted down in November, the City will owe seven million dollars. He has served the City of Lynwood to the best of his ability and he leaves the City Council with a heavy heart. Council Member Johnson stated that the City Council is not breaking the law by holding tonight's meeting. According to the County Code, the exiting Council has four Fridays from the certification date and three days to contest the election, which contradicts the letter that was sent to Council from the County Clerk, Register Recorders Office asking the Council to immediately swear in the new Council Members. City Attorney, Willoughby clarified that the period of time to contest the election is from October 3, 2007 to October 10, 2007 which is actually seven days to contest the ~ election. ~ It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza, to adopt the resolution. City Attorney, Willoughby stated that in reference AB 2753, if a portion of City funds are expended in this exclusive negotiating agreement it could become problematic. Attorney, Royce Jones stated that City funds will not be expended for item one and item two. RESOLUTION NO. 2007.043 ENTITLED: APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AND RESTATED EXLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEM-ENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND ANGELES FIELD PARTNERS, LLC. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBERS JOHNSON, PEDROZA, AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ~~ l ABSENT: SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ Item #2 CONSIDERATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SOLIE GRACIE, LLC It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza, to adopt the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 2007.044 ENTITLED: APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SOLIE GRACIE, LLC ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBERS JOHNSON, PEDROZA, AND BYRD NOES: VASQUEZ ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: SANTILLAN ~ ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Chairman Byrd, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza, and carried to adjourn the Special Lynwood Redevelopment Agency meeting at 3:45 p.m. Louis Byrd., Ch r~ ~ Andrea L. Hooper, City Clerk